I GOT YOUNIVERSE | hogwarts a...

By ladystardust394

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Jikook Harry Potter au Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin are starting their first year at Hogwarts- both from extr... More



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By ladystardust394

Jungkook's pov

February came soon enough yet the weather stayed bitter. Jungkook however, did not let this stop him from going out in every second of his spare time to practice for the upcoming match against Slytherin.

Since the last match against the house, Jungkook had played against both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, successfully beating both teams. He had only now to beat Park Jimin before he could really earn the title of the school's best seeker.

Since their discussion in detention back in January, Jungkook had only practised even harder, his desire to beat the small Slytherin growing stronger by the day as the match drew nearer.

He awoke on February 13th with a sick feeling in his stomach.

Today was it.

His last chance before the semi finals began.

And so really his last chance to prove himself to both his team and Jimin.

Rolling out of his four poster, Jungkook pushed back the crimson hangings and stepped out of bed, his bare feet touching the cold wooden floor.

His dorm mates were all still asleep as it was still early. Jungkook had had a restless night, not being able to think about anything except the match with both fear and determination eating away at his mind as he attempted sleep.

Now, Jungkook padded softly towards the bathrooms in the Gryffindor dorms before taking a shower and pulling on his scarlet and gold robes.

Looking in the mirror and fixing his hair, he noticed how tired he looked. He had barely slept last night and it was making him more anxious than ever about the match. What if he was too tired to fly to the best of his ability?

Shaking the thought from his head, Jungkook pulled on the brown leather boots he wore as part of his Quidditch robes and grabbed his Firebolt from under his bed before heading out to the grounds for some early morning practice.

He had ignored his team mates orders not to practice before matches, all of them saying that it would only tire him out before the game, but Jungkook was used to playing and practising for hours on end without stopping so this wouldn't faze him. Besides, he needed to do something to distract himself from the thoughts eating his mind. He was growing more and more obsessed at the prospect of winning and didn't disagree with Seokjin when he had said that it was seriously getting out of hand.

But nothing could stop him today.

Not even Park Jimin.

As soon as he reached the Quidditch pitch, Jungkook kicked off from the ground, ignoring the cool February wind biting at his fingers and cheeks as he soared into the air, gripping tightly onto his broom.

He'd win today. He was sure of it.


After eating a pathetic excuse for a breakfast, Jungkook made his way back onto the grounds with his teammates.

The crowd roared as soon as the Gryffindors stepped onto the pitch holding their brooms, their brightly coloured robes flapping in the wind as they marched to the centre to greet their opposing team.

Jungkook watched as his team captain, Jackson, reached out his hand to shake it with Yoongi who stood with his own team opposite them.

Jungkook felt a surge of butterflies when he noticed Jimin standing beside the small captain, his silver hair matching the silver on his Slytherin robes being pushed back by the wind, revealing his dark eyes that locked with Jungkook's as they stood facing one another.

As soon as Jackson and and Yoongi had let go, Madam Hooch opened the chest containing the four balls ready for the match.

As soon as the bludgers were set free and the snitch released, Seokjin's voice rang out through the pitch.

"And the snitch has been released.... The Quaffle is up and-"

Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the fourteen players kicked off from the ground as Jackson lunged for the brightly coloured Quaffle.

The game had began.

Trying to ignore the sound of his abnormally loud heartbeat in his ears, Jungkook rose into the air, immediately scouting the snitch.

No playing around this time with waiting for his team to get a safe amount of scores, he was going straight for the snitch as soon as he caught sight of it.

Since Christmas, Jungkook had been getting used to the feel and the speed of the Firebolt. His old broom was no match for the new and envied broom which he now possessed and he was determined that with his new acquired speed and agility he would be able to best the small Slytherin on the opposing team.

Rising high in the air, Jungkook scanned the field for any sign of the tiny flutter of wings, hoping for a glint of gold to catch his eye whilst checking back every couple of seconds to see if Jimin was any closer than he was to finding the golden ball.

It was then that he saw it.

Barely five minutes into the match and yet there it was. Hovering only metres away from him, tempting him.

Jungkook dived, not even checking to see if Jimin had also noticed it. Nothing could stop him now.

Except maybe one thing.

Just as his fingers were about to close around the snitch, out of the corner of his eye, Jungkook watched as a bludger was pelted in Jimin's direction.

Jimin, who had of course noticed Jungkook's sudden and obvious dive, had immediately raced across the pitch towards the Gryffindor and had not noticed the bludger come plummeting towards him.

Jungkook watched in horror as the bludger hit Jimin's side with a loud smack as Jimin toppled off, falling to the floor.

The crowd gasped as one of the professor's stood up to wave their wand, ensuring that Jimin was given a safe landing as he fell from his broom, unconscious at having been hit so hard.

Jungkook, watching all this, was unable to move and hadn't even noticed that he was holding the snitch until he heard Seokjin let out a loud:

"If Slytherin's seeker is down then surely the match can't- oH BUT JEON HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WIN!"

The crowd was silent for a split second before erupting into applause as the players flew back down to the ground, patting Jungkook on the back.

But Jungkook didn't feel like a winner. Having watched Jimin fall unconscious to the ground like that, a small blur of silver and green as his fingers left the handle of his broom, despite doing nothing wrong, the only thing the Gryffindor could feel was guilt.


Jimin's pov

Before Jimin opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was an unfamiliar smell. A mix of antiseptic and funny medicine fumes. He then realised that he was lying down in a rather comfortable bed and could hear the sounds of frantic whispers in voices that he recognised.

Opening his eyes slowly, Jimin realised that he was in the hospital wing.

"OmigodJiminareyouokay?" Came a frantic voice above him as soon as his eyes opened as he sat up.

"Seokjin, let him breath." Came the calm voice of Namjoon and Jimin saw his friends crowded around his bed with anxious looking faces.

Tae and Yoongi were on either sides of him whilst Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin stood clustered by their sides surrounding the hospital wing bed.

They all watched him anxiously, clearly waiting for him to speak.

It was Yoongi he spoke to first.

"We lost, didn't we?" He asked in a quiet voice.

Yoongi bit his lip, not quite meeting his eyes.

"Yah! Jimin is that all you care about? You literally fell a hundred feet from the air after being hit by a bludger and the only thing you care about is the outcome of the match?" Seokjin asked him incredulously.

Namjoon put a hand on the Gryffindor's arm to calm him before asking carefully: "How are you feeling Jiminie?"

Jimin nodded, feeling a sudden pain in his side where the bludger must have hit as he winced a little in pain.

"I'm okay." He answered after a long pause.

"Really?" Hoseok asked. "You don't look okay, that was quiet a fall you had there."

Jimin just nodded with a grimace and he felt Taehyung take his hand beside him and squeeze it comfortingly, his face full of worry for the Slytherin.

"You so could have beat them if it wasn't for that bludger." He said darkly, trying to comfort Jimin.

"So they did win then?" Jimin asked expectantly.

"Jungkook caught the snitch literally the second the bludger hit your broom." Yoongi said quietly beside him. "It was a completely fair match."

Jimin hesitated before nodding, his mind going immediately to the Gryffindor seeker who he imagined was extremely satisfied after his long awaited win.

At that moment, Madam Pomfrey came rushing towards them.

"Is he awake? Oh goodness, all of you stop crowding round him like that, give him some space!" She fussed as she quickly busied herself with a foul smelling potion that she was pouring into a goblet on Jimin's bedside table.

"Drink this sweetie, it'll stop the pain and heal you quicker." She said, handing him the goblet which was letting off a powerful stench of something ghastly that Jimin couldn't quite out his finger on.

He wrinkled his nose in distaste as he took the goblet from her and held it to his lips.

"It'll make you very drowsy quite quickly by the way." She warned him as Jimin gulped down the thick purple concoction.

As soon as he had swallowed the liquid, Jimin felt his eyelids begin to droop again as he rested his head against the crisp white hospital wing pillow before falling almost instantly into a dreamless sleep.


It was around midnight when Jimin awoke again. The hospital wing was empty bar himself and was cloaked entirely in darkness.

The pitch black of the unfamiliar room however was not what made Jimin's heart race as he sat up in bed, suddenly wide awake. It was the sound of somebody else breathing.

Reaching for his wand that was on his bedside table, Jimin held his breath as he felt the breathing figure near towards him.

"Lumos!" He muttered, igniting the tip of his wand with light as he brought it up in front of him.

He almost screamed when the light he provided was instantly met with a face, but being too scared the only thing that managed to come out was a terrified yelp.

"Sshh!" Hushed the person standing in front of him.

"Jungkook?" Jimin asked, lowering his wand and quickly turning on the lamp by the side of his bed.

Indeed, the Gryffindor stood in front of him, his usually perfect dark hair slightly tousled and robes wrapped around what was most likely a pair of pajamas.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered angrily, annoyed at Jungkook for giving him such a fright. "You scared the shit out of me!" He punched Jungkook on the arm.

Jungkook smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, I just couldn't find a light and didn't want to wake you."

Jimin looked up at the large clock on the wall on the opposite side of the hospital wing. Midnight.

"Why are you here anyway?" He asked again, looking up at the Gryffindor's face which was coated in the warm glow of the golden lamp beside them.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep and I just had to see you." Jungkook confessed, sitting down on the edge of Jimin's bed and looking down at his fingers.

Jimin visibly relaxed. "Why?" He asked softly. "Shouldn't you be celebrating your win with your teammates?" He questioned. "Isn't this what you wanted? You won didn't you?"

Jungkook looked up at Jimin and sighed before he nodded. "It doesn't feel like winning though." He confessed.

"What do you mean? It was a fair match was it not?" Jimin pressed.

"Yeah I guess, but after all the training I went through to beat you, it doesn't feel fair. It just feels like I grabbed the snitch before you even had a chance. You were knocked off your broom for goodness sake!"

Jimin chuckled. "That's how Quidditch works. I thought you of all people would know that."

Jungkook sighed again. "I know. But after all the hours of practice I did just to win, it doesn't really feel like I got the prize I wanted." He said earnestly, looking Jimin in the eyes.

"Then what prize was it that you wanted?" Jimin asked softly, his eyes not leaving the Gryffindor's.

"I think it was a someone rather than a golden ball with wings." He muttered. "And it doesn't feel like I got that. Much less deserved it."

"Why not, Kookie?" Jimin asked as he reached his hand out to place it on top of the younger's.

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Kookie?" He asked in question at the new nickname.

Jimin smiled. *You won the match, Kookie. We're friends now, right? Am I not the prize you wanted?"

Jungkook blushed and his face broke into a shy smile. "I guess." He said with a grin.

Jimin grinned back, his eyes disappearing as he heard Jungkook laugh awkwardly.

"Say it again." He said suddenly.

"What?" Jimin asked, confused.

"That nickname. Say it again." Jungkook urged.

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Kookie." He said as Jungkook smiled.

"I like it." He whispered as he laid his head down beside Jimin's on the large bed before taking the small hand that was still resting on his and squeezing it gently.

"That's good." Jimin whispered back. "Because I'm using it from now on."


Jungkook's pov

As soon as Jimin fell asleep again, Jungkook reluctantly left the Slytherin's side before tiptoeing his way back to Gryffindor common room. He wasn't sure what had compelled him to go down to the hospital wing, but since the match, he hadn't been able to think of anything but the small seeker and not wanting to visit him whilst his friends were there, Jungkook waited patiently for Seokjin's return to Gryffindor tower.

As soon as the older boy arrived back, Jungkook had bombarded him with questions, only to be told that Jimin had just gone to sleep and it was best not to disturb him.

He had lain awake, once again unable to sleep because of a certain Slytherin and so got up. He just had to see Jimin. Even if he was asleep when he got down to the hospital wing.

Now after visiting Jimin, Jungkook re-entered the common room. Despite it being past midnight there were still a couple of students hanging round by the fire, talking and laughing quietly. They didn't notice Jungkook as he came in, but Jungkook noticed them. The same people he tended to hang around with. He was about to go and join then before thinking better of it. He was tired after the restless night he had had the day before and since it was past midnight, he wanted more than anything to sink back into his bed up in his dorm and so resorted to walking past them soundlessly.

Until he caught on to what they were saying.

"I don't know why everyone even thinks so highly of him, I mean he's not even that good."

"And the way he fell off his broom from that bludger."



Jungkook turned slowly to face his fellow Gryffindors. Were they talking about Jimin?

A sudden surge of anger rose up inside him and he started towards the group of students.

"Hey!" The Gryffindors looked up at him. "What's he done to you? Stop talking shit about him behind his back!" He said angrily.

They all sat in silence for a second before one of the girls sitting on one of the armchairs stood up and clung onto his arm.

"Come on Kook, don't get so mad. He's your rival anyway isn't he?" She snickered.

Jungkook pushed her away. "What makes you think that? And even if he was that doesn't give you the right to ridicule him. He got hurt for goodness' sake!"

"Why are you defending him?" Asked one of the boys, getting up from lounging on the crimson sofa. "He's a Slytherin."

Jungkook stepped towards him, anger blazing in his eyes. "So what if he is? What's wrong with Slytherins? Besides, our houses don't define us." He said seethingly.

The boy took a step back.

"Well I don't like him. Him and his blue haired friend always get you into trouble anyway, Kook." Said the girl again.

Jungkook turned back to her. "You know very well that he did nothing to get me into trouble and it was my fault. He's given you no reason to hate him." He said, beginning to raise his voice.

The girl shrugged. "Why do you like him so much? You're supposed to be enemies." She reasoned.

Jungkook shook his head, thinking back to Hoseok and Yoongi and their relationship on and off the pitch. "Just because he's my Quidditch rival, doesn't make him my enemy and neither does it make him a bad person."

The girl shook her head. "Calm down Jungkookie, you're probably just worn out from the match." She said, taking his arm again.

"Don't call me that." Jungkook spat, shrugging her off once more. "You guys all go to bed. And if I hear you talking about Jimin like that again, I assure you that this won't be the end of it." He threatened, turning on his heel and walking angrily up to his dorms as the other Gryffindors watched him leave in silence.


Jimin's pov

Jimin awoke in the hospital wing bed the next morning, almost forgetting where he was until Madam Pomfrey hurried up to him with a different potion that smelt and tasted slightly better than the last one.

It was Sunday, and as Jimin pushed back the covers, the events of last night came rushing back to him.


When had he left? Jimin flushed with embarrassment as he realised that he had fallen asleep with the Gryffindor beside him and he groaned softly into his hands.

Tugging his Quidditch robe over the hospital wing gown, he hurried out of the room and down to Slytherin common room for a shower as he was taken straight to the hospital wing the day before.

After having showered and dressed in a large oversized sweater and fitted jeans, Jimin headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast and was immediately taken aback by the bright colours that he was met with.

Of course, it was Valentine's day.

Bright pink balloons were lined up along the walls of the Hall and vases of roses sat on the middles of the long house tables that ran down the length of the room.

Jimin went to join Seokjin and Namjoon who were both seated at the Ravenclaw table enjoying plates of pancakes and mugs of coffee.

"Morning." Jimin announced as he slid into the bench beside Seokjin.

"Jiminie!" The elder jumped at Jimin's presence. "Are you okay now?" He asked immediately as he poured Jimin a mug of hot coffee.

Jimin nodded, smiling at the Gryffindor's concern as he helped himself to a piece of toast.

"So are we doing anything interesting today?" Jimin asked as he buttered his toast.

Seokjin shrugged. "Like what, Hogsmeade or something?"

"How about revision?" We have OWLs coming up, Jinnie." Namjoon reminded him.

Seokjin groaned. "Joon it's a Sunday and it's Valentine's day."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows. "And?" He asked. "Who are you celebrating Valentine's day with?" He asked.

Seokjin sat forward in his seat opposite Namjoon and jokingly fluttered his eyelashes at the elder.

"You." He said, as he blew him a kiss.

Namjoon blushed and looked back down at his pancakes.

Jimin cleared his throat to remind the two that he was still there. "Not interrupting anything am I?" He asked with a grin.

The three were interrupted however when someone slid onto the bench beside Namjoon.

"Morning Jungkook." Namjoon said without looking up.

The Gryffindor smiled and Jimin instantly looked away, once again recalling last night as a blush rose in his cheeks.

"Morning." Jungkook answered. "Jimin, how are you feeling?"

Jimin was forced to meet Jungkook's gaze and he nodded awkwardly. "I'm okay thanks." He said with a small smile before quickly turning his attention back to the two older members.

"Hey where are Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung and Tae Tae?" He asked suddenly. Despite going back to the common room this morning, Jimin had seen no sign of Yoongi and was begining to wonder where he was.

Seokjin shrugged. "Tae was sending an owl to someone a couple minutes ago, he should be back soon and I have no idea where Yoongi and Hoseok are."

At that moment, the two Quidditch captains made their way into the hall, Yoongi's face visibly darkening at the bright pinks that decorated the room.

"Why does everyone dislike all the balloons?" Seokjin asked as the four of them watched the Slytherin and Hufflepuff make their way across the hall. "I like it. Pink's my favourite colour." He said, before taking another bite of his pancake.

Namjoon smiled as he watched his friend. "I know." He said softly just as Hoseok and Yoongi sat down at their table.

Hoseok immediately enveloped Jimin in a hug.

"Jiminie! You're feeling better, right?"

Jimin nodded as he melted into the Hufflepuff's hug as he sat beside him, a smile appearing on his face at the elder's infectious happiness.

It was another ten minutes before Taehyung finally arrived back at their table, squeezing himself in between Jimin and Hoseok and wrapping his arms round the Slytherin.

"Happy Valentine's everyone!" He said, a boxy grin on his face.

"Wanna go on a date Jiminie?" He asked, leaning back a little to face the smaller boy in his arms, failing to notice Jungkook as his face darkened the second he spoke.

Jimin laughed before pushing the blue haired Ravenclaw gently off him. "Sure." He joked with a wink as Taehyung laughed back, having no idea that the Gryffindor in front of them was watching with burning jealousy.

"Seriously guys, what should we do?" Namjoon cleared his throat, his eyes flickering anxiously towards Jungkook, being the only person aware of the younger's feelings for the small Slytherin.

Yoongi shrugged. "You're not revising?" He asked.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "I've already been told by Seokjin that I'm not allowed." He said as Jungkook smiled.

Taehyung seemed to only then notice that the Gryffindor was sitting with them.

"Why are you here?" He asked as the smile dropped from Jungkook's face.

"I-" Jungkook started.

"He's friends with us now." Jimin cut in before he could say anything.

Everyone turned to look at Jimin, surprised.

"Since when?" Taehyung asked, frowning in confusion.

"Since now." Jimin replied, deciding not to explain the details of last night's encounter to his friend.

Taehyung shrugged, not seeming to mind after since Jimin had only said good things about the Gryffindor over the events of the Christmas break.

"Let's just go to Hogsmeade to celebrate the seven of us rather than relationships." Hoseok suggested as they all nodded.

"Only the seven of us." Namjoon added.

Only seven.

a/n: sorry but i had to put Jackson in there somewhere even if he is just Gryffindor's team captain ;))ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ♡ ^__^

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