Bullying :'(

By TheFlump

179 15 14

I have been bullied and I can tell you it's awful. But you know what it is anti-bullying week and this is my... More

Bullying :'(

179 15 14
By TheFlump

That girl you called fat,

Well she's starving herself,

That boy you called loner,

His friend got cancer, he died,

Now he has no-one else,


That kid you just hit,

Well he gets abused,

That little boy's daddy,

He gave him that bruise,


That girl that you messaged,

You said she was ugly,

Well she is disabled,

Born with deformities,


That chick you called slag,

Did you know she got raped?

You see cuts on that child?

Those wounds, someone else made,


Those rumours you spread,

Do people know they are fake?

That poor child will suffer,

Their name's on the stake,


Those names that you call,

For a laugh or a joke,

Make some people cry,

Because of what you spoke,


If you were in their shoes,

Even just for a day,

would you think it was funny,

To make somebody else pay,


To make someone else cut,

To make someone else cry,

To make someone else hate,

To make someone else die.


Because these things happen,

Whether you like them or not,

So show your humanity,

And help make bullying stop.

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