The Pack (Assassins creed x R...

By Juniperlives43

69.9K 1.8K 766

A young girl has experienced almost everything the world has to offer from good to evil. The one thing keepin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
What do you think?
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
New Book

Chapter 21

1.4K 54 22
By Juniperlives43

I walked down the halls of the school, putting a small (f/c) clip in my hair to keep at least most of it out of my face. I let out a small yawn, looking over to find Jasper staring intently at a bulletin board with a sour look on his face. I stepped over to his side, trying to see what he was looking at, to find the listings of positions in a play on a small sheet of paper, listing people's names and their roles.

"What's wrong Jasper?" I question, looking over at him with a confused look.

"They gave that d*ck wad the protagonist while giving me the powerless, whiny, character." He complained, not looking away from the sheet of paper. "And that's not even the worst part!" He growled, crossing his arms.

I look back up at the paper, reading over the names, not really understanding the problem. Sure, Julian doesn't deserve to be the hero of the story, Jasper fits the roll much better, but other than that I don't see anything else. "You didn't even get a part!" Jasper added, gesturing to the board with his hand as he looked down at me.

Oh right, I auditioned for the play as well, Jasper recommended it saying it would be fun. Although it really isn't my cup of tea, being in front of a whole lot of people while trying to remember your lines at the same time ... seems stressful. "It's fine Jasper, acting isn't really my forte anyway. I would be surprised if I did end up in the play." I look up at him with a warm smile.

Jasper looked over at me, seeming to calm down as a soft smile formed along his lips. "It still would've been great though. We would've outshined everyone on the stage together with our fabulous looks."Jasper spoke in a smirk, sounding much calmer than before as he gestured to the both of us with his hand.

"Eh true, but then I would have to memorize so many things. Not to mention I'm not good in front of crowds." I say with a with a small chuckle. "I guess the judges noticed that when I was up there on stage."

"Oh please, they didn't pick you because of that ugly scar over your eye." I hear a snotty voice say behind me, causing me to roll my eyes. This is senior year and they are still pulling these types of things?

Jasper whirled around, glaring at the girl behind me. "Still pulling up the childish insults huh Lissa?" I question, most of my bullies moved away or grown out of their childish acts and some even apologized. However, Lissa was one of the few that stayed with her ... actions since middle school. Harassing me from the moment she saw me, making most of my life a living nightmare.

Her eyes narrowed in my direction while I just looked at her calmly, "Tch, whatever sl*t." She then slinked away, seeming to not know what else to say.

"When will people grow up?" I questioned, looking up at Jasper who was glaring in her direction, seeming to zone out for a moment. "Jasper?" I say, causing him to snap out of his daze, looking over towards me. "You ok?"

"Why do you just let her ... walk away!? Why don't you defend yourself?" Jasper questioned, sounding slightly agitated.

"Because it's not really worth my time, she just calls me names. Nothing more." I say with a small shrug. "Besides, if I rise against her, the whole school would be in an uproar. She is really popular."

"Not the whole school." Jasper grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Ok, most of the school." I looked up slightly as I heard the bell ring loudly, causing everyone to move, heading towards their classes. "C'mon lets head to class." I say, giving Jasper a small shove with my elbow as I started walking towards our class. "So how was that date with Lily? Did you guys kiss?"

"Oh shut it. Nothing like that happened." Jasper spoke, giving me a playful glare.


I shuffled through my drawers, where could have I put that darn thing. I shoved my drawer closed, before walking over to my bed, going down onto my hands and knees to look under the bed. I scanned around the area under my bed, to find nothing but a black space and a few unopened boxes.

I stood back up, before walking over to my desk, shuffling through the opened books, looking under them. "What are you looking for?" I jump slightly, turning around to find Altair leaning against the doorway, looking at me with a stoic expression with his arms crossed.

I held my hand over my heart while saying, "Geezus Altair, you nearly gave me a heart attack." I then walk over to my closet, opening it to as I stand on my tip toes, searching through the top shelf. "As for what I'm looking for, it's my book that had the Staff of Ra in it, along with a few other artifacts." I say as I let out a sigh, not seeing the book anywhere on the shelf.

"Well, we might need to hold on searching for that at the moment." Altair spoke, causing me to turn around with a raised brow. As if to answer my unspoken question, I hear something shatter downstairs.

I walk past Altair to make my way down the stairs to find Jax on the counter with a broken glass cup. Ezio trying to grab a hold of the German Shepard as he paced the counter, letting out small whines.

I let out a sigh, "What's going on?"

"Oh belle, how are you doing?" Ezio spoke with a nervous smile, scratching the back of his head.

I crossed my arms, raising a brow, "Ezio, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. Nothing is happening-"

"Get it!" I hear Arno shout, next thing I know I see a black and white blur run out of the hallway with Edward landing onto his stomach with his arms stretched out.

Jax backed away, going into a corner with his tail between his legs. Willow padded up to my side, wagging her tail happily, looking up at me with joy sparkling in her eyes. "Be careful, it will spray you." I hear Connor warn as Jacob ran past Edward heading in the direction on where the blur went.

I then look over at Altair who stood behind me, "Willow brought a skunk in the house." Altair answered my thoughts, I look down at Willow who looked up at me innocently.

I let out a small sigh, watching as the guys raced after Jacob, Edward pushing himself off the ground to catch up with the others. "I almost had him." I hear Edward grumble as he ran past the kitchen and into the foyer.

I then look back down at Willow who continued to look up at me innocently, wagging her tail as she panted. I turn around finding a small skunk waddling over towards us with its tail raised high, leaving a mass of assassins in its wake. I bend down, picking up the small creature, cuddling him close before glaring down at Willow who lowered her head. I pointed to the skunk, "What is this?" I questioned firmly, as she lowered her head even more, looking away as her tail stopped wagging, resting onto the floor.

"You caught it love!" Jacob exclaimed, seeming slightly out of breath as he shoved his way out of the pile.

"I didn't catch it, it came to me." I say, feeling the skunks nose sniffing my neck as it adjusted itself in my arms. "Now you." I say, looking down at Willow, "You are in big trouble young lady." A small whine escaped her, as she lowered herself to the ground. "This is the fifth time you stole Mrs. Margaret's skunk." I say.

"You mean, this is a pet?" I hear Connor question, walking over to my side, cautiously scratching the small skunks head.

"A rescue really. Mrs. Margaret rescued him when he was just a pup, raised him ever since. Willow has a tendency on stealing him away whenever she gets the chance." I say with a huff, looking over towards Jax. "I wouldn't really mind but Jax is terrified of skunks... for some reason." I say, still seeing Jax crouched down on the counter with his tail between his legs.

"What's the little buggers name?" Jacob questioned, walking up to my side to look down at the small black and white animal.

"Badger. Fitting name since he acts like one."

"Yeah ... we noticed." Malik spoke, rolling his shoulder.

"I can take him back. Where does Mrs. Margaret live?" Connor asked, taking the small furry creature out of my hands.

"Two houses down the road, you can take Willow with you." I say, glaring down at the Australian Shepard once more. "She must be running around frantic." I say as I crossed my arms. Connor grabbed onto Willow's leash before clipping it onto her collar, leading her out of the front door.

I then let out a shake of my head picking up the large shards of glass with Altair helping me while Arno grabbed a broom from the cupboard, using it to sweep up the rest of the glass. Ezio picked up Jax, putting him down on the ground gently.

Jax walked around cautiously seeming to expect the skunk to coming running out from behind the corner. I let out a small yawn, talking with the boys for a bit until going back to what I was doing before. I looked around the house for any signs of the book until I catch a glimpse of my jeep from the window.

"Oh right, I remember now." I walked out of the front door, heading over towards my jeep with the keys, unlocking the car before reaching for the door handle.

I jumped as I felt someone's arms wrapped around me tightly, I attempted to scream out, but my scream was muffled by a piece of cloth, breathing something in that wasn't oxygen. "I finally found you." A voice whispered in my ear, before everything went black.

??? POV

I feel her go limp in my arms, a triumphant smile spreading across my lips. I slip the napkin into my pocket, before picking her up bridal style. I carried her over to my brown car, opening the passenger side door, before placing her gently in the backseat.

I made sure she stayed up right, buckling her seat belt, making her look natural as if she was just taking a nap.

I push back a few strands of hair that was covering the scar over her eye gently, "Don't worry, you will be home soon." I say softly, a warm smile spreading across my lips as a soft look took hold of my features. "Then you can be safe from this harsh world and the monsters that live in it." I say coldly, as I slammed the door shut before going around into the drivers side, driving away from the house.

"I'll make sure of it."

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