The Unfortunates | COMPLETED

By ayeohfee

3.4M 117K 11.7K

Mates are found before you turn 22 - that's the rule. If you don't, you are branded. Being branded as an Unf... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80 - Epilogue
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
Bonus Chapter #3
Bonus Chapter #4
FAQs, Updates!

Part 57

33.6K 1K 166
By ayeohfee

Avery secures her hair into a tight braid and then laces up her boots.

"You look like you're going into a war," Lilith comments, sitting up slightly from the bed.

Kali nods in agreement, eating some of the popcorn out of their shared bowl.

"I would rather go into war than walk into this interrogation," Avery admits truthfully, sighing ruefully as she smooths down some flyaway hairs.

"It won't be that bad; you're being dramatic!" Lilith exclaims, getting off the bed and walking over to her friend.

Avery looks at her, and shakes her head, rolling her shoulders back and trying to relax a little.

"You're so tense," Kali observes, watching the two move around the room, Avery side-stepping away from Lilith, who appears to be trying to straighten the Alphas collar.

"You would be too, if Mama Bird was chasing you," Avery grumbles, eventually stopping and letting Lilith fidget with her clothes.

Lilith rights the collar, and she brushes some fluff off the black jumper Avery has on, scowling when she can't get it all off.

"You need to wash this," Lilith grunts, ripping a larger piece of fluff away from it.

Avery looks at her with a deathly serious expression on her face, her jaw stiff.

"I did, and this is what happened," she sighs, walking over to her jewellery box and retrieving some simple stud earrings.

Putting them in, she makes eye contact with Kali, who looks concerned.

"What's up?" Avery asks, moving to sit down beside her.

She rests a hand on Kali's shoulder, her brows furrowing in concern.

Well, at least we're not worried about our problems anymore, Sonya mutters, and Avery scoffs at her.

It's not like we're about to interview a serial murderer and maybe a psychopath, no, it's okay, Sonya drawls, and Avery can practically feel her rolling her eyes.

It's not like this man poisoned our brother and so many others that the Council has actually had to open an actual investigation, it's totally fine, let's not prepare for that interrogation, let us listen to a mated couples woes, she snaps, and Avery finally blocks her out.

"I'm nervous about going home because I could be in danger," Kali mumbles, and Sonya groans.

"You have to trust Scott when he says he has a handle on things," Avery tries to reassure her, not even believing her own words.

Lilith can hear the disbelieving note in Avery's voice and decides to intervene before Kali can spiral any further.

"Look, if Scott doesn't think it's safe, he's gonna make you stay here," Lilith reasons, trying not to roll her eyes.

"But I miss him," Kali whispers, and Lilith does roll her eyes this time.

Avery is totally spaced out, and when Lilith looks to her for help, she rolls her eyes and turns back to the girl in front of her.

"Okay, and he misses you too, but it isn't worth having to miss you forever," Lilith sighs, and Kali raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean forever?" She asks quietly, looking past Avery.

"If you die, he'll never have you again, simple," Lilith groans, standing up and walking around the room quickly, one hand on her bump and the other on her hip.

Avery snaps back to life when she hears the sound of her friend panting.

She leaps up from her seat and quickly shadows Lilith, hovering behind her until Lilith turns and snaps at her.

"What's happening, are you okay? Do I get a doctor?" Avery hurriedly asks, and Lilith glares at her.

"No, he's just kicking really hard. The little bastard is hammering my kidneys today; how kind of him," she snarls, "thank Goddess it isn't you who'll be a mother, you're so concerned over everything."

Avery stays quiet and rolls her eyes, staying near Lilith just in case.

"Kali, always use protection, nothing is worth this," Lilith groans, doubling over for a second and holding her bump.

Avery raises a brow, and her cheeks take on a pink tint as Lilith says that, which Kali immediately notices.

"Avery?" Kali asks as a question, dragging out her name.

"What did she do now?" Lilith whimpers, leaning against the wall.

"I'm getting the doctor," Avery says abruptly, grabbing her phone and dialling the pack obstetrician. 

"It's an Alpha baby, it's just strong," she grunts, hauling herself into the chair by the window.

Avery stares at her in concern, releasing a sigh of relief as the doctor answers.

"Hi, Luna Addison is having sharp pains shooting through her stomach. She says they're kicks, but I've seen a lot of pregnant women, and nobody I've ever seen has been in this type of pain," Avery sighs, nibbling her bottom lip as she waits for the doctor to respond.

"Okay, bring her over here. If it's really bad, we can send somebody to get her," the doctor replies calmly, and Avery observes her friend silently for a minute.

"I think that somebody should come here to get her, just to be safe. I don't want to try to move her," Avery finally notes, and Lilith scowls, giving her the middle finger.

"I'm fine, I'm not going to be the she-wolf who went to the doctor over my baby kicking me," she hisses, and Kali muffles a snort of laughter.

"It looks like you will be," she whisper-shouts across the room, laying back down on the bed.

Avery waves a hand at them to quiet them down, squinting at the wall in an attempt to focus on what the doctor is saying.

"Where are you right now?" The doctor asks, and she can hear typing on the other end.

"We're in the Alpha house by the lake. 19 Ridgegrove Way," Avery responds, keeping a watchful eye on Lilith, who seems to be cringing into herself every few minutes with the pain.

"Okay, somebody should be with you in five minutes, Alpha," the doctor announces after a second, and Avery releases a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, that's perfect," she grins, hanging up the phone and hurrying over to Lilith.

"Okay, somebody is coming to get you now, they're going to take you to the hospital just to be safe," Avery reassures, holding her hand gently.

Lilith shakes her off restlessly, shaking her hair back.

"Fine, whatever, don't tell Zephyr yet," she grumbles, closing her eyes and forcing her shoulders down.

"I won't, but if they keep you in after this evening, I will be," Avery warns her, and Lilith grimaces.

"He worries so much, and he has a lot to deal with, I don't want to put this onto his plate, too," she whispers, trying to regulate her breathing and blinking rapidly to try to stop herself from crying.

None of them verbally confirm what they're all thinking, but Sonya can read the room pretty easily.

What do you think will happen to the baby?, she asks, and Avery grimaces slightly.

I don't know, but Lilith is the priority. They'll run some tests, and then we should know what's going on, Avery sighs.

Do you think she'll lose it?, Sonya asks hesitantly, seeming to regret asking it immediately.

I don't know, I'm not a doctor, Avery responds, but it'll all be okay.

Avery glances at her phone for the time and curses out loud, standing to her feet as a knock sounds throughout the house.

"Okay, hopefully this is them," she murmurs, hurrying down the stairs and leaving the other two in her bedroom.

Kali helps Lilith to her feet and slowly walks her onto the hallway, leading her to the stairs at a snail's pace.

Avery flings the door open, and her hopeful smile drops immediately, being swapped for a dark scowl.

"Oh, you aren't the ambulance," she states the obvious, stepping back to allow him in.

"I don't look like a big vehicle, so I don't think I am. I have the paperwork, though," Hayden gruffly says, passing a stack of papers to her and standing across from her in the hallway.

"How did you get onto my lands without being captured or stopped?" She asks in confusion, and he shakes his head, looking slightly red.

"The guards didn't question it, which they probably should have. I said we had a meeting," he mumbles, and she raises an eyebrow.

"But we don't," she points out, and he closes his eyes.

"I know that," he sighs, "I just wanted to make sure that the plan is still going ahead."

Avery studies him carefully, keeping her face blank.

"Why wouldn't it be?" She asks, and he shrugs.

"You could have changed your mind," he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck and then scowling.

"You're going to be late if we don't leave, your pack takes ages to cross," he grunts, looking up the stairs.

His eyes land on Lilith and his eyes then immediately widen, quickly hurrying up to her and looping her arm around his shoulder.

"What's wrong with her?" He asks Kali, and she looks to Avery for the answers.

"We don't know; I have an ambulance on the way for her. I would have been on time if this hadn't have happened," Avery mutters, looking down the driveway to try and spot any vehicle or person.

After a moment of silence as Hayden basically picks Lilith up, Avery can see a vehicle moving in the distance.

"Lilith, are you okay, sweetheart?" She asks, walking over the where Hayden is cradling her.

"I feel like shit, and my son hates me," Lilith scowls, "I feel like a baby because of the way I'm being carried, but I feel like an elephant because I know I'm heavy."

"Do you want Hayden to put you down?" Avery sighs, and Lilith scowls more.

"Yes," she demands, and Hayden drops her with little grace.

She barely catches her footing as she reaches the floor, and she punches Hayden in the jaw when she gets back up.

"You're such a prick," she mutters, leaning against the wall.

Avery's phone rings and she quickly answers, pressing it to her ear and turning away from the three others in her hallway.

"What's up?" She asks, staring at the print she has hanging up.

It's so ugly, we should just get a mirror or something, Sonya comments, and Avery makes a mental note to do so.

"We're bringing Preston to the interrogation room now, he'll be there in five, ma'am," one of her generals barks, and Avery winces at his volume.

"That's fine, thank you, I'll be a little late, so make him as uncomfortable as possible," Avery orders, and then hangs up.

Her generals know what to do, and surely they can think of something creative amongst themselves.

Avery cracks her fingers and her neck, turning back to the others.

"Hayden and I need to go in a minute. I think the ambulance is there, Lilith," Avery nods, able to hear the sirens.

"Kali, you won't be able to go with her, so you can take the car in the garage or I can have somebody come and get you," Avery lists, and Kali nods.

"I'll drive myself," she decides, and Avery steps outside, Hayden nearby.

Avery presses the button on her keychain to open the gates, and the ambulance drives in.

Avery notes that she doesn't recognise the driver. Still, she recognises the paramedic who immediately climbs out, so she makes a mental note to revise the staff profiles of the hospital later.

"Where is she?" The lady asks, and Avery points to Lilith, who looks slightly grey now.

"How far along are you?" The lady asks, and Lilith furrows her brows.

"Five weeks today, I think," she nods, and Avery shrugs when the paramedic looks at her.

"We're going to take you in for scans," the lady nods and helps her into the back on the ambulance.

Avery throws a set of keys to Kali and points to the car key rail in the kitchen before she steps back outside.

"Call me if you need anything, but I can't answer for the next hour," Avery nods, and Kali sighs, biting her lip roughly.

"That's okay, I'll see you then," she responds, hurrying into the house to the garage.

Avery locks the front door and sets the window alarms, leading Hayden to her jeep.

"We need to hurry; we're going to be later than I thought," she mutters, starting the engine before she entirely sits down.

"I told you we would be," he reminds her, rolling his eyes and sitting in silence.

"Are you nervous?" She asks, trying to make conversation while she tunes the radio.

"No," he responds, staring ahead of himself.

"Right," Avery mutters, stepping on the gas and willing her car to go faster.

She takes on the corners with little caution, and more than once Hayden has to hold himself back from cursing as he grabs onto the handle above the window.

When she nearly smashes into a tree, Hayden has had enough, and grabs the steering wheel.

"You crazy bitch, are you trying to get us both killed?" He glares at her, and she slaps his hands off the wheel.

"I don't want to be any later than we have to be," she comments, not looking over at him.

Well, that got his attention, Sonya quips.

"Well, we'll be very late if we're dead," he fires back, "I happen to have something to live for, so slow the fuck down."

His snappy tone and his remark make her go quiet, and she feels slightly bad.

She lifts her foot off the gas a little, and takes the next corner at a gentler speed, shooting him a mild glare after she turns.

"Thank you," he mutters once the land back on a straight road.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for your little boy," she responds, slightly miffed by his horrified reaction to her fast driving.

"He probably would have asked you to go faster," he chuckles, and Avery raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, now you want to have a conversation?" She asks, and he rolls his eyes.

"Well, there's no problem with making some, unless you'd rather sit in silence for the whole drive," he shrugs, and she grits her teeth.

"Well, we're here now, so there's no need to try to make conversation anymore," she remarks, sliding out of her seat as soon as she parks.

He gets out and is slightly shocked at how well she parked due to her lack of concern on the roads.

"Where do we go now?" He asks, and she's already walking ahead of him.

"Just follow me," she sighs, walking into the prison's main doors.

She scans her eyes and fingerprints and enters another room, the guards stopping Hayden.

She doesn't blame them; he looks a little wild.

His black hair goes to his shoulders now that it's untied from its bun, and his figure is large and imposing.

He glares at the guards, and Avery waves them off, letting him follow behind her.

"You really have these guards under control," he mutters to her as they step into an elevator.

"I know, I pay them to do a job, and I pay them a lot to do it properly," she shrugs, staring ahead of her.

Hayden is taking deep breaths, his eyes widening as the elevator journey seems to go on forever.

"Where are we going?" He asks, and she sighs.

"Bottom level. Maybe six kilometres underground? It's where we keep our death row inmates," she responds, and he nods slowly.

"So he's already been sentenced?" He questions and she shakes her head.

"Not here. They did an arraignment in Moonstone, so we're carrying out their orders, and nobody can argue that we're not," she smirks slightly, and he feels somewhat intimidated by this willowy imp.

"Ah," he mutters, and her smirk widens slightly.

"There's no need to be so worried. It'll be fine. He can't go anywhere, there's nowhere to dig," she shrugs, and he scratches his neck.

"Has anybody tried to escape from here before?" He enquires, not entirely sure that he wants to know the answer, as they keep going downwards.

"Yes, and they all failed. Of the five that tried, three suffocated in the soil and two were recaptured," she responds, her tone factual and cold.

"Oh," he nods, "my old pack wasn't like this. We generally transferred prisoners out or put them on work service."

"That's why your old pack had such a high re-offending rate," Avery mutters, and Hayden turns slightly pink.

They stay silent until the escalator hits the bottom of the channel with a loud bang.

Once the doors open, Avery steps out, two armed guards standing either side of her with their machine guns drawn.

Hayden raises a brow, and an armed guard settles himself beside him, too.

"Protection. Nobody will attack, but you can never be too careful these days," she explains without looking at him, and the five quickly pace down the bright, almost blinding white corridor.

"What have you done so far?" She asks the guard to her left, and he nods to the one on her right.

"Ice water, mild electric shocking, and a touch of hypothermia. We didn't give him any coverings last night, and he hasn't had food or water since yesterday morning before he was transferred," the right guard lists, and Avery lets out a thoughtful hum.

"And he's in the room with the flickering lights and the viewing window?" She checks, and they both nod simultaneously.

"Guard, bring this man into the viewing room with the others. Do a headcount, and ensure that there are five people there," she instructs, and Hayden coughs to interrupt her gently.

"There are more than five," he mutters to her, and she raises an eyebrow.

"What?" She asks when he doesn't immediately elaborate.

"When word got out that we were here to see the man that poisoned our families, a lot of other rogues stepped forward wanting to join us," he sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Okay, how many?" She continues her questioning, stopping in her tracks to look at him.

"Maybe thirty. All contractors. More wanted to come, but we didn't want to overstep," he grits out.

I think they've already overstepped, Sonya grunts, and Avery has to hold back an irritated growl.

"Why didn't Byron tell me this?" She demands, turning around to face him, anger visible on her face.

"He hasn't spoken since we saw you yesterday, and nobody else was brave enough to walk onto your land without being guarded," he explains.

"Well, I'm glad my guards have a reputation for protecting the pack, then," she mumbles to herself.

"They were more afraid of you," he adds, looking away from her and staring at the wall.

"Wonderful, exactly what I needed today," she grumbles, rubbing her temple.

"Guard, put him in the viewing room and make sure they're all spaced out. Bring in five more guards to the room, on my orders," she instructs, and the guard nods, taking Hayden's arm.

He rips his arm out of the man's grip and in seconds has him against the wall.

"Hayden," she barks, "release him."

Hayden does as she says, looking slightly angry.

"You can't attack my guards," she snaps, and he rolls his eyes.

"Tell them not to touch me, and we won't have any problems," he hisses, walking himself into the room.

So he doesn't like to be touched. I wonder if he likes touching, Sonya muses, and Avery blocks her out.

She needs to be serious for this interview, and she can't do that if her wolf is spitting sexual nothings in her ear.

Once the viewing room's door closes, Avery closes her eyes and inhales slowly.

"Okay, stay in the corners," Avery orders, and then opens the door to the interrogation room.

The door swings open, and Avery strolls in, her shoulders back and chin in the air, her mouth in a slight frown.

She holds her files in her hands as she slides into the seat opposite the man accused of these crimes.

"Elijah Preston?" She asks, and the man nods, rolling his eyes.

"You've caused me a lot of trouble this month," she muses, and he bangs his chained hands on the metal table.

"That wasn't me, I'm innocent," he hisses, his eyes turning to slits as he glares at her.

"Of course you are, so how did your semen end up in one of my pack members and impregnate her? How did the Moonstone Mountain investigative team put together a case that led them to you?" She asks calmly, staring into his eyes.

"I've been framed," he barks at her, trying to stand up.

He manages to get to his feet, the chains holding him in place as he does.

"Sit down," Avery barks at him, her dominance forcing him into his seat.

He plants himself into the seat, his eyes never leaving hers as he glares at her.

"I want you to tell me the truth this time," she whispers breathily, "or I might have to get it out of you some other way, and trust me, that won't be fun for you."

She widens her eyes and rests her head on her hands as she gazes at him.

He twitches a little at the intensity of her stare and tries to get the guards to look at him for help.

They stare straight ahead of themselves, one in each corner.

Avery doesn't need them there, but it's a protocol to have more security than anybody actually ever needs present at any sort of meeting or interrogation there is.

"Why should I tell you the truth? I'm the one who has the answers," Preston drawls, tapping his fingers on the metal table.

"One truth for one answer," she shrugs, and he scowls in confusion.

"How is that fair?" He asks, and she gives him a sinister smile, all of her teeth showing.

"For each truth that you give me, I won't cut one of your fingers off," she beams, "you can't be a scientist with no fingers."

"So ten truths?" He asks, unable to hide the slight tremor in his voice. He's chained to a table with four guards surrounding them. The guards aren't going to help him.

It seems to have finally hit him that he needs to cooperate and that nobody is kidding around.

"Well, twenty. We can't forget your toes," she smirks, standing up, and walking over to the briefcase sitting on the plastic table in the corner.

"What are you doing?" He asks shakily, and she looks at him over her shoulder.

"Getting my knives, of course," she frowns, widening her eyes as she picks up a carving knife.

His eyes widen, and he sinks back into his seat, his chained hands pulling him forward again.

The onlookers in the viewing room are watching the scene like it's a horror movie, unable to look away.

"First question," Avery sing songs, walking towards Preston slowly, like a predator about to attack its prey.

He sinks back as far as he can, watching in horror as one of her hands lands on top of his, pinning it to the table.

"What's in the poison that you made?" She asks coldly, and he flinches.

"I know the answer to this one, so don't even think about lying to me," she hisses, bringing her face down to beside his.

"Wolfsbane, silver, and garlic," he blurts out, sweat building on his forehead.

"Correct answer. How do we get it out of people's systems?" She asks, and his eyes shoot open.

"You haven't figured that out yet?" He asks, and a smile begins to spread over his lips. It continues to spread until Avery chops off his pinkie finger mercilessly.

Rose gasps behind the window, and Byron grimaces.

Hayden doesn't even flinch.

Avery seems unphased by the blood now squirting everywhere, staring into Preston's eyes blankly.

"It's time for the answering, Pressie. I don't have time for your bullshit," she snarls, pulling his head back by his hair.

He's gasping in shock from his finger being cut off, and he's looking between her and his wound as much as he can, his mouth open and his eyes streaming.

"What the fuck, you crazy bitch," he yells, trying to wiggle out of her grasp.

She tightens her hold on him, a scowl on her face.

"I'll cut off more because trust me, I don't care how many I leave you with," she breathes into his ear.

She walks a few steps away and then turns around to look at him.

"I might let Freya come in and cut off your balls, and maybe the whole package while she's at it! You know, restitution and all that is an expensive business," Avery shrugs, widening her eyes and tapping her chin innocently.

"Don't do that, I'll tell you," he spits, and she turns around from where she had gotten to, right beside the door.

"Oh, that's a relief, I didn't want to disturb her today," Avery shrugs, turning and sitting back down in her chair.

"Can I get something to cover my finger with before I tell you?" He asks angrily, and Avery ponders this for a minute.

"I mean, I suppose," she sighs, nodding to one of the guards who walks over with a bandage in hand.

He wraps Preston's hand, and Avery raises a brow.

"Okay, now tell me how to get it out of somebodies system," she orders, sitting back in the seat.

"Blood transfusions," he shrugs, trying to seem casual.

It fails, and Avery sits forward.

"Already tried. You lose your points for today," she hisses, and puts the knife against the knuckle of another finger.

"I'll tell you something else," he cries out, and she stares at him, waiting for him to continue.

When he doesn't, she presses the knife against his finger harder, staring into his eyes.

"Just tell me if my family are being harmed," he shrieks, and she exhales heavily.

"I thought I told you this wasn't a place you got to ask any questions," she sighs, slicing half of his left index finger off without flinching.

Rose gags and tries to stop herself from vomiting. She fails, and retches into a bucket a guard passes her, Byron holding her hair back and Hayden rubbing her back while staring at the scene in front of them.

"Besides, which family are you asking about?" Avery asks, and Preston baulks.

"We know about Sam, so you can't hide that secret. He's proof you abused Freya, and trust me; you'll be punished for that, too. Child molesters don't do well in here," she snarls, leaning across the table and pinching his chin between her fingers.

"She was seventeen!" He cries out in a rage, and she pinches harder.

He tries to wiggle his face away from her, and she holds on tighter.

"Hence, a child," she hisses, "and they'll believe a bulletin I release more than the words you say."

"Alpha," a guard cautions, taking a step forward.

Avery rolls her eyes and lets go of Preston's face, flinging him backwards.

"So you don't deny the claim of rape?" She asks, opening one of her files, and wiping the blood off the cover page distastefully.

"I can't really, can I?" He mutters, and she slowly nods in satisfaction.

"Well, that's one problem done. We still have you on child abuse, poisoning, and distribution of a chemical weapon with intent to cause harm," she calmly continues, leafing through her files.

"Child abuse?" He gasps, and she smirks, crossing her legs over one another.

"Tobias Nakamura. He was four and a half when you poisoned him," she shrugs, leaning back and sliding the file across the table to him.

"That wasn't me; I didn't poison that boy!" He gapes, and she sits forward again, scowling at him.

"Every single person that gets hurt or injured by this poison will join your list of charges. You have a count of injury to an Alpha as well. You are never getting out of here alive," she snarls.

"Then, just kill me!" He blurts, and she raises an eyebrow.

"But that would be easy. And I don't like easy," she pouts, playing with the end of her braid.

Sonya is sitting near the surface, paying close attention to Elijah Preston's wolf.

The wolf is entirely silent. I can barely sense him, it's like he's drugged, Sonya informs Avery, and she bites the inside of her mouth in thought.

Has he been?, Avery asks, and Sonya releases a distressed sigh.

I don't know. He isn't responding to my orders, she mutters, I'm going to try again. Maybe he's just being blocked by Preston.

Avery shuts the link with her wolf promptly and then returns to face Preston.

"How do we remove the toxin from people's systems?" She asks again, and he fidgets with his chains.

"I'll cut the rest of your fingers off, and your hand, too," she warns, and he looks at her.

"I don't think you will," he taunts suddenly, and she raises an eyebrow.

Where did this confidence come from?, Sonya snorts.

Avery looks him dead in the eyes while she cleanly slices off the top halves of his remaining fingers on his left hand.

"I can keep going unless you want to give me some useful information?" She suggests, and his face turns a shade of ghostly white.

The perspiration on his face grows, and his mouth opens and shuts rapidly as his body begins to shake.

"Guard," Avery calls, standing up and walking over to his side.

She grabs him by the throat, and the guard inspects inside his mouth, shaking his head when he finds nothing.

"Get him to the infirmary. We're done for today," she orders, releasing Preston in disgust.

Two of the guards chain Preston up even more, restricting all of his movements as they begin carting him off to the hospital wing.

Avery sighs, and once he's gone, she flicks the viewing window to clear on both sides.

"We're done for today. He's gone into shock; I wouldn't have been able to get anything out of him. I apologise for what you all saw. I hope everybody is okay," Avery announces, her tone cold and detached as she walks out of the interrogation room, dropping her knife into the trash can and washing her hands in the sink outside.

Byron hurries out of the viewing room and appears by Avery's side, barely making it around the nearest guards.

"Are you okay?" He asks anxiously, and Avery stares at him blankly.

"I'm fine. Why would I not be?" She asks, drying her hands on a towel a guard supplies.

She begins walking, and Hayden and Rose pour out of the viewing room behind Byron.

"You just tortured a man," Rose whimpers, and Avery raises an eyebrow.

"That wasn't torture," she comments, and the four of them step into the elevator.

Rose is terrified, and Avery can smell her fear.

It's potent, and she scrunches up her nose, shooting the woman a dirty look.

Hayden stays silent, and Byron is buried in his own thoughts, staring at the glass walls of the elevator as they fly upwards.

Avery pulls out her phone and notices that she has eleven missed calls.

Her eyes widen slightly, and she realises they're from Kali.

She tries calling her back, but there's no signal so far underground.

"Shit," she mutters to herself, willing the elevator to speed up.

As soon as it gets back to the upper level, she gets out and dials Kali's cell.

The other girl picks up immediately, gasping for breath.

"Avery," Kali says tearfully, "I can't find Lilith."

Two updates in one day, and the second one is one of the longest chapters in the 'book'... I don't know where this energy appeared from, wow.

Enjoy it, there should be another one tomorrow. It just absolutely will not be this long!

I've noticed there's been a huge drop in likes on the newer chapters.. so do you guys prefer longer chapters?

- Aoife :) xx

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