Random PJO oneshots and headc...

By LoveRoses0908

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Random PJO oneshots about my favorite couples and trios. It may have some headcanons too. Warning! I have a... More

All is found
My crush is a vampire!?(My babysitter is a vampire AU)
Welcome back
Thaluke birthday headcanons
"Here, sleep" (Thaluke)
Why? (BiancaxEthan)(Bethanca?)
My hero(Thaluke)
I wanna hear you sing! (Percabeth)
I love my friends (Thaluke)
Thalia lives AU headcanons
I think I'm in love again(Thaluke AU)
Anger issue sessions
Gone(Thalia lives AU, but with a twist)
Gone pt.2(Thalia lives AU, but with a twist)
OTP Questions #1 - Thaluke
OTP Questions #1 -Percabeth
OTP Questions #1 - Bethanca
OTP Questions #2 - Thaluke
Thalia lives AU headcanons #2
Butterfly, fly away(Bianca x Ethan)

Gone pt.3(Thalia lives AU, but with a twist)

290 9 5
By LoveRoses0908

I am bored so have part 3 and later today some youtuber AU.
!TW! suicidal thoughts, swearing, mentions of blood

Thalia opened the door with a click. The apartment was dark and smelled foul. She went inside and Annabeth followed her. The two of them put down their bags and looked around.

It looked the same as ever. The pictures hanging on the walls, the rusty golden mirror, the cozy old couch, everything except them was the same.

Annabeth started opening the windows so the smell can get out.

"If you don't need me for anything, can I take a shower and go to bed? I don't feel so good." Thalia asked, her voice croaky, the same way it was for the last 3 days.

"O-of course. You don't need to ask."

Thalia nodded as she headed for the bathroom.

Everything in this apartment reminded her of him and she couldn't take it, not right now. She just wanted to sleep, if she had some luck she may never wake up too. The war, the kids, everything that happened was too much for her to take alone and now for the first time in 12 years she felt truly alone.

When she finished, she realized she didn't have a towel so she called for Annabeth to bring her one. The blonde came almost immediately and Thalia was thankful for that as she was freezing.

"Are you sure that you don't need anything? I may be tired but-

"Yeah, but can I go to Percy or can he come here?"

"Yeah, of course. Just don't get too rowdy." She winked at the daughter of Athena and entered the room.

Thalia looked around the room. There were some of his clothes on the bed, his books and glasses on the desk, the picture from their anniversary next to them.

She took the picture in her hands. Looking at his smiling face, at his handsome features, at his blue blue blue eyes that were sparkling with life and for the first time in years hope because they were engaged, because they had a place to call home, because it was finally working out for them and now it was gone in ashes just like him.

Her tears started dripping from her eyes without her permission and would have stained the photo if it wasn't for the frame.

She quickly brushed the tears from the glass, putting the photo down.

After drying herself and putting some clothes Thalia layed down on their, no, her bed. She was hugging some of Luke's clothes that still smelled like him, it made her feel as if he was still here and was just on a long quest.

She didn't realize when she started crying almost hysterical or when she fell asleep, but it certainly helped.


Annabeth's heart broke a little when she heard Thalia crying like that and she was more than thankful when she calmed down. It felt like she wasn't in such a pain when asleep.

After covering her and closing the door, she waited for Percy. Right now, the apartment felt way bigger and emptier than ever and she needed someone other than Thalia. Plus she didn't want to bother the older girl as she was going through a lot too.

After around 15 minutes Percy came, soup and blue cookies in hand.

"Mom said that you two may be hungry so she made these. Sorry it took so long though." he said as he was putting the food on one of the counters and opening the lids of the containers.

Annabeth just hugged him wordlessly.

"You are here now and that's all I need."

Percy wrapped his arms around her tight. Maybe more tight than needed but she couldn't careless right now. He was here, next to her.

"What do you wanna do, wise girl?

"Just let's stay here like this for a while."



Thalia looked at the framed pictures on the walls, at Luke's graduation paper framed next to hers and all of them pissed her off. All of them looking as if they actually had future where they are together, alive and well. Well, fuck it, she thought as she punched one of the pictures and then another, and another. Soon enough her hands were bloodied and she was leaning on the wall, crying, glass and pictures around her.

Luke's giant shirt being stained with her blood. Nor that it wasn't when he was alive. After all he always put her and Annabeth first, risking his life or taking care of them, no matter blood or sweat, he was there.

"I need you. I really need you." she whispered as she clutched one of the photos close to her chest.

Later that day Annabeth found her still sitting there, half asleep and crying her eyes out.

"Thalia, what are you doing there? Gods, get up!" Annabeth kneeled down next to her, taking her hands. "Look at your hands! Come on!" she pulled her up but Thalia refused to stand up.

"No, it's alright. Everything is alright." the black haired girl said as she looked at the photo again.

"No, it's not. Luke is gone and you are a mess that doesn't want to talk to other people so you isolate yourself."

"I don't want to bother you and make you feel unnecessarily sad. That would be just like our mortal families all over again. I don't want that. You don't need that."

"Yeah, but the thing is," Annabeth paused wrapping her arms around Thalia. "family is there for each other. Remember, if you laugh, we are laughing with you. If you cry we are crying with you. If YOU want to grieve about Luke, let me at least grieve with you."

Thalia broke down again, hugging Annabeth as if her life depends on her.


It was almost one month since the end of the war and both Thalia and Annabeth were doing better.

Now Annabeth's only problem was if Percy is gonna remember their one month anniversary and if yes, would Thalia let her go on a date. She probably would say yes, but would she be okay to be alone the whole day.

"What are you thinking about, little one?" The devil herself ruffled her hair as she came in the kitchen.

Her oversized white shirt was swaying a little and her hair was up in a bun. She was paler than usual and still had bandages around her hands but other than that the daughter of Zeus looked fine.

"Well, Percy and I have anniversary and-

"Yes, you can go to a date. Yes, I will be fine." she answered before Annabeth could, even explain. "Also, yes you are predictable about that."

The blonde just looked at Thalia as if she had grown 2 heads.

"Okay, not gonna ask. But are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Go. Enjoy yourselves. Again, don get too rowdy. I don't want any grandkids yet."


"Yes?" Thalia smirked as she saw Annabeth's red face.

"You are insufferable! Gods! "

Genuine laughter was heard in their apartment for the first time since Luke's death and Annabeth knew that everything would be okay in the end. They had each other, after all.


I dunno if I like the ending, but eh... Hope you enjoyed it though. Also, the scene with Thalia breaking the picture is inspired by "А Star is Born" (2018) Comment if you saw any mistakes. I was tired while proofreading and it may have some mistakes.

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