One dayπŸ–€/ I like me better w...

By missbellaax

679 6 3

The story is based on the song "one day" by Tate McRae and i like me better by lauv Alexis beer the shy girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

37 0 0
By missbellaax

Alexis pov

I've been here for the past 2 weeks hanging out with the gang.... so much fun... I'm now in the plane back to la... the gang is coming soon to la for vacation so I'm pretty excited for that... after a few I landed and I saw my dad... "can you take everything with you I wanna visit the hype house now.." he laughed and nodded and drove me there I was wearing this

I hopped out of the car giving my dad a kiss on the cheek... and waving bye I had my phone with me and knocked on the door and it opened and I waved at the boy "uhm hi do I know you?" And then I saw this girl and she ran up to me... "OMG UR HERE!!" I smiled.. we walked in the house and I met allot of people... we all talked and Ryland and me got close talking we decided to make pictures for our instagram


@ Rylandstorms we had fun!!

Girl the way he looks at you he is a stayer
- johnnyorlando
That's what I said!!

Oehhhhh and who's this?
- it's Ryland duh



Y'all cute

And Jaden?
- anthonyreeves

Sorry ant but I SHIP!

I laughed at all the comments, Ryland posted this one of us

Ryland storms

@ alexisbeer we look adorable


Groupschat now.

We look cute who made this picture?
-avani did
- avani
Sorry bb

I find the pictures sooooooo cute!!! It was adorable and he ran up to me and said "heyyyoooo those pics of us are so cute it even seems like we're together" i smiled, he grabbed his phone and let me read what the boys say in the chat

ThA bOyS🤨

Yo Ryland that's not cool

Added avani and Alexis

What's dis?

Girl you do be shipping them

It was a cute moment thing

I honestly ship them more then Jaden and her btw doesn't Jaden has mads?

Who's that?

Isn't it his girlfriend? Cause they go on and off

Lol so I can just go out with whoever I want



Y'all- oh shit y'all know Jaden is reading this

Alright cool HI JADEN don't talk to me thank u


I honestly ship Ryland and Alexis they do be cute

Yes sir!!

Honestly same


Just kidding I wouldn't do that

Lol they are cute but Jaden and her are also cute so-



Shut up Jaden you messed up first and that's why Ryland is better


He is now sad but he was kissing mads yesterday- oop-



Not true she kissed me by accident, she fell and I catched her and then her lips met mine.


Okay this is getting boring

So ur back in la?

Yea but I'm probs going back to New York soon


Miss my friends yscaiywt


Wha- I don't understand what Alexis just said


Ryland and I laughed and he then said "okay so I wanna ask you something but don't say no." I smiled and nodded "wanna go out tomorrow?" I smiled and nodded... he immediately hugged me and said "this will be so much fun!! Just dress casual nothing fancy just cute." I laughed and nodded... he smiled and went to his room and avani yelled

Alexis just got a date

Wait hold up?

I just saw this.... I ship her with Ryland!

I already love you Lev!


Avani dude

Lol with who?

Probs with nick

AHAHAH dude stfu I ship her with Ryland

I wouldn't think he had the balls to ask her

Well he has balls cause he asked me

And you said yes?

Duh look at him, HANDSOME


Y'all sweet


Noah ( beck )
I ship honestly

I laughed and my dad texted me he was coming "okay guys so I'm going home, sad life..." everyone laughed and hugged me and then avani said "sleepover at ur house together so Madison won't do something?" I laughed and nodded and avani fast packed her stuff... my dad was here and avani was done so wen went into the car "hey vani!" My dad said and she smiled and waved back... we got to Mac Donald's and ordered and got home... "ohhh I missed it here a little.... uhm dad?" I said soft.. he looked at me "I wanted to go back to New York for a week soon with Ryland and probs avani ..." he smiled and said "yea ur aunt told me that you loved it there" I smiled and nodded and we walked into the house and avani was holding me... when we got into the house it was silent.... we walked into the living room and saw that the squad was here and sway Boys watching a horror movie and when they saw us they all screamed... "chill dudes it's just the kid who went to Paris.." I said what made avani laugh... lev immediately ran to me and hugged me "dude ur going on a date with Ryland storms.." he whispered... I playfully pushed him off and nodded... everyone hugged me accept Madison and Jaden... and Anthony but he soon walked over so me and hugged me and avani... and whispered "kinda ship you and Ryland.." avani and me laughed pretty hard.. "YOU DO AHAHAHAH" we said together... and after laughing... avani and me went to my room and changed into pjs...we eat our Mac and we searched a cute outfit for my date tomorrow.. we were just talking and everything and then someone knocked on the door "COME IN" I said little loud and the squad walked in and I smiled and they all took place on my soft floor were avani and me were sitting and we all just talked while I was texting with Ryland about tomorrow

So what time exactly?

Uhm let's do 3 o'clock!!

Okay yea sure ! What are we doing ?

Surprise ;)

Cute! I'm pretty excited

We're totally gonna make cute pictures... are you even ready for a relationship?

I would always be ready if it was one with you..

Me too..

Well I gotta go I'm about to get my beauty sleep AHHA

AHAH okay okay goodnight x

Goodnight x

"OMG THAT WAS SO CUTE!!" Avani yelled and before we knew the sway boys walked in and said "what was cute?" Avani looked a me "nothing.." she said fast and I laughed... we all just sat and talked I talked to Jentzen and sophie about there relationship... I was first attracted to Jentzen but then to Jaden but now I'm totally into Ryland it's just a feeling... everyone left my room to go home avani stayed and lev and the squad were having a sleepover in his room... "so you really like Ryland?" Avani asked and I nodded "so cute!! But what about Jaden?" I looked away "he told me if he finds love while I'm on vacation we will never get back and he did find it he told me it was me but I wouldn't believe it and now that I found likenesses in someone.. I won't give that up for Jaden... he has mads... so I wish him the best... I just wanna focus on Ryland and if we won't work out... that's okay I'm just waiting for my soulmate to come Along.... it's deeper then I say it is I just hope we all have our happily ever after... after all... what happened with josh and me was a moment thing that can happen.... it was a really moment thing... I'm happy I found you guys as friends it's just hard to face the fact that I was alone before this... trying to hold down the pain but it never worked even tried.... tried suicide... I didn't try but i was thinking about it... Madison made my life like hell... along with Addison but I don't blame Addison it was Madison who made her like a little slave after all.... it's something I can't explain... she turned everyone on me and then left to live with Addison in la and never saw her again since the age of like 10 but everyone still hated me for no reason just because Madison said so... never had a friend... never knew who I could trust..." I said and then I saw that avani was recording every word I just said and then I got a notification...

*demo 5 minutes*


But it was so emotional and everyone need to hear it...

I laughed at avani she's pretty smart... we fell asleep ignoring all the notifications...

I woke up with knocks on the door I stumbled out of my bed... and opened the door "wha-" I looked and saw the sway boys and they immediately all walked in "wow so no privacy... cool" and they all sat on my bed "what are you guys doing here it's so early.." they laughed "girl it's 12 pm" Anthony said and I chocked I jumped on avani "WAKe up its already 1 AND WE ONLY HAVE 2 HOURS!!" Avani shot up "GO IN THE SHOWER NOW I BRING A OUTFIT ILL SET UR MAKE UP DONE AND EVERYTHING" I smiled at her "what would I do without you.." I said looking at her "GO GO GO!!!" She yelled at me and I stood up and lev came in and handed me a towel and my face cream... "you used-" he laughed and said "GO ILL MAKE BREAKFAST GO GO GO!!" He yelled and I ran to the bathroom... I heard knock after showering and avani handed me my clothes and wore this>>>

She then did my make up and it took a hour but I was eating my breakfast while she was doing my make up... lev was doing my hair he kinda has a talent for that...

I find my hair really pretty... just normal and casual... then Amelie came in doing my nails that took allot of time too... avani was doing the finishing touches while lev was searching for my shoes and searching for cute accessories.... he came back after a while and putted everything on me and finishend the finishing thing for my hair and my nails looked like this...

They even gave me yogurt for if I would get a bellyache and fast drank it an my Amelie changed my phone case... and my make up

I really love my natural make up look

We were done and about 5 minutes he texted me saying he would be here.... I grabbed my phone and was like "HE IS HERE IN 4 MINUTES AND 12 SECONDS!!" They all smiled at how I looked they all left the bathroom while I was nervous.... "HE IS HERE" I heard avani yell... I grabbed my phone and opened the door and walked from the steps and everyone looked at me and I just had a soft smile on my face... the last step avani said "you look hot!" I smiled and I hugged my dad fast and run to the door saying "I'll be back in- very soon I guess!!! BYE" I said and saw his car and ran to the car and hopped in and he looked at me and smiled really bright "you look amazing.." he said and I smiled "you look cute" I said and he smiled and he took me to.... " a fair?" I smiled and he laughed "well I wanted to have fun with you so a fair!!" I smiled and we got out of the car and a man wanted to take pictures of us.... it was pretty cold out here so he gave me his hoodie... and we made pictures while having to much fun.... it was so much fun... "this is so much fun!!" He smiled looking at me and then out of nowhere he smashed his lips on mine and pulled away and I smiled at him... after being here we got our pictures and got into his car... we sang karaoke songs and laughed and even filmed it while having fun.... we drove to Burger King... we came there and he said "wait 2 minutes I'll be back!!" I smiled and nodded.... I waited a little and he came back but people were filming and he was holding something.... and professionally people were filming and he got unto his knees... I was pretty confused "I like you like allot and I wanted to share this moment with you at one of your favorite places to eat and I just wanted to ask you.... would you like to be my girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded and everyone clapped and we hugged and he putted a necklace on my neck and he pecked me quick.... we brought our orders home but we first went to learn me skate boarding so cute pictures came out of it and after he dropped me off and he pecked me and said "We will confirm?" I laughed "when I officially come to the hype house tomorrow and if the sway boys are there.." he nodded and smiled and drove off and then it hit me I was still wearing his hoodie... I walked in the house and I heard someone screaming "SHES HOME" I quietly went on the steps but everyone ran in the hallway and I walked back down "omg you didn't had that hood when you were here" Avani said and I looked away and then Anthony said "that's such a pretty necklace.." lev immediately said "uh I didn't have you a necklace like that" I laughed and said "guys ima sleep now I'm really tired.." jaden immediately said "it's really early and we wanna know what happened.." I laughed and ran up the stairs and Avani followed me... and I locked my door room and she knocked really hard on my door "vani I'll be at the hype house tomorrow I'm really tired sorry!! Tomorrow details!!!" I yelled and grabbed my pjs and eat my burgers and smiled at my chain while listening to glitter by BENEE while singing along... after I was done I then fell asleep... I felt amazing...

I finally woke up

I felt amazing... I went to shower and sang and danced and then I choose a outfit to wear cause I'm going to the hype house

My hair looked like this

And after everything
I wore my blue light glasses and I grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs and eat a brownie and toast with thee and sat there and people started texting in the groupschat

So we're just all gonna hang out at the hype house?

Yes sir

You know, Alexis sended my ass home yesterday

Damm savage




I'm dead

Welp see y'all in 30 min

I'll come earlier because I'm pretty bored

YAY!! See you soon bestfriend

Uh ye..

What's wrong?

Oh uh nothing. Gotta blast I'll come a bit later uhm sorry I have something to do real fast..


Sorry uhm sorry

I got a face time call from Noah

Hey Alexis

Hey Noah

So uhm ur coming soon right?

Yea yes I am with my...


DONT tell anyone!

Okay okay

My boyfriend... and bestfriend


Since yesterday dude

Is it jaden?

No probs never but his name is ryland

I know him but I'm going ik hanging out with my peeps so goodbye my friend

Ahaha goodbye!!

We hanged up and I cleaned my room and I looked in the mirror... I look so cute it took about 2 hours before I was done with doing everything and everyone was spamming me cause I wasn't reacting... so my dad offered me a ride to the hype house and he is picking me up after his important family meeting... so I'm just staying for a few... my dad and me were in the car and he then said "sweetie so I'm picking you up in like a hour or 4 so ur phone needs to stay up and be happy.." I smiled and nodded "and remember if you ever get a feeling ur not feeling good there's always New York on the other side.." I smiled and hugged him "could I go soon?" He smiled and nodded... we came to the hype house and he let me get out and he waved and drove off... I knocked on the door... no one... I knocked louder and the door went open seeing Anthony... I smiled and hugged him and we went in... we walked into the living room seeing everyone ... I waved and Ryland hugged me and I smiled... I saw jaden looking away... "so how was the date" Anthony asked sitting down "cute" I said fast and then nick said "girl we want thee!" I laughed "thee is coming in a few" ryland said and winked at me" avani then said "why so late?" I fast said "family" and then Madison said "I'm family why didn't I knew about anything" I laughed "I don't see you as family" she immediately stood up and walked over to me "you know you can't just talk to me like that breeze" I laughed "I can do that Nicole" and she laughed... she pulled me a side and everyone jumped up scaring she would touch me "look you can't just disrespect me!" She said loud "I can and I will" I then walked off "remember what happened when you said that in middle school" she said and I just kept walking back to the people... and she came after me... and sat back in her seat... "ur k?" Ryland asked and I nodded..."so what happened.." josh asked "yea what happened that this girl came back with his hoodie" kio said smirking "she did?" Kouvr asked and I looked away... "you know you shouldn't look away and be like everything's okay?" Jaden said salty to me... I nodded and looked at him... I sat next to avani and she looked at me... "what?" I said while looking at my phone "1 those glasses look good and 2 that necklace is so pretty... were did you bought it?" I looked to her "it was a present so I don't really know.." she smiled and "from who?" I then got a text from ryland saying "lie" I laughed and said "my dad.." and Madison immediately said "that's weird cause dad even said that that necklace was pretty and he never saw it on you.." I gave her a dead eye... "well he probs forgot" I said and she nodded... I texted ryland

Maybe we should keep our relationship a secret for a while... I'm not ready

Yea that's okay!!

Okay thanks for understanding..


Avani looked a me and said "you know you look happier then normal." I laughed and nodded confused "you know I'm really trying to be more happy often so I won't be moving soon.." I said looking down.. "we're moving?" Madison asked standing up "no... maybe If I don't feel safe.." I said and she looked at me "you better tell him you feel safe!" I looked at her and laughed "lmao... I'm legit not gonna lie, if I wanna move were moving and you can't do anything about it." And the someone said "but if you move that means that lev also moves.." I nodded... Dixie smiled bright at me... and I just smiled back... my phone was laying on the table and everyone was talking but then you heard a phone going off like damm allot of text messages "who's phone is that?" Bryce said holding my phone "mine!" I said "who's Noah?" He asked while I snatched the phone out of his hands "my nephew" I said locking into my phone... "a Noah is ur nephew how haven't we heard about a Noah?" Avani said standing in up " I don't know it never came into me even tho we always talk about you guys.." I said "you talk about us?" Anthony asked and I nodded "okay tell us about that Noah." I sigh "Noah is a famous actor he has a twin sister and he has a girlfriend and he has a friend group who I hanged out with on vacation..." I said and someone immediately stood up "don't fucking tell me ur fucking family with fucking Noah schnapp!" I laughed "okay then I won't tell you" charli screamed "OMG! But he doesn't have a girlfriend-" I sigh "don't tell anyone I told y'all" she began crying "tell me it's loah real? Him and Lauren Orlando " I smiled "I love Lauren so much I know her since I was little but we drift apart when I started backing away from everyone and everything... and yea with Lauren" she smiled bright and jaden looked at me with those saying "ur k" I looked away... if Madison never bullied me this wouldn't happen... I heard this song and I soft sang along "yea I got a new boy who looks like you dark brown hair with a cool tattoo he got green eyes the fade the blue I tell him that I love him but I know its not true, yea you got a new girl who looks like me nothing in the hair but she's so damm pretty" I sang but I stopped when the song stopped playing.... I was playing with my fingers telling myself things in my head when someone said "Alexis?" I looked up and everyone was looking at me.. "yea." I asked "you sang amazing..." nick said "oh no I don't sing it's nothing." I said fast looking at the ground "you sang amazing" ryland said... "thanks." I grabbed my phone and I then got a text of jaden

Ur okay?

Yea you?


Wanna text about it?


Uhm whats wrong?

Why did you hang up when I told you that I loved you

Because... I was with family and I didn't wanted to cry infront of them so my only option was hanging up.... I'm sorry I didn't think

That's okay, you have ryland now...

Oh uh yea, you have mads...

Oh uh yea... do you think we will ever get back together?

We probably will..

Thanks for still believing in us..

Yea sure

Hope ur happy with ryland

Hope ur happy with mads...

I set my phone away... and my phone started blowing up again... "omg why do I know people" I said and grabbed my phone and I then looked at it and saw that I was on Tiktok room



We can see that ryland storms had fun with Alexis beer last night #baewatch?

I laughed "I don't even remember these pictures" I said and showed ryland and he laughed "omg we should def post that one at the fair-" he got interrupted by kio "YOU GUYS WENT TO PLACES" I nodded "YOU WENT TO THE FAIR?" Ryland nodded


Had so much fun last night!! ❤️

Yes sir 🖤

The way he looks at her..


He loves her
- avanigreg

There so cute!!

I decided to post one too


So much fun!! ❤️ he learned me something I wanted to learn for years

Omg y'all so cute!!!!

Now we can skate together

Griffin Johnson

Y'all are honestly really cute

I was now just laying on avani while scrolling on Tiktok and I saw allot of people making tiktoks about ryland and me of jaden and me

"Here am i confirming that jaden hossler and Alexis beer shared a kiss, in mid July they went to the fair... really cute pictures came out of it but that's not were the kiss happened it happened a month later in the Walmart, Dixie D'Amelio accidentally posted on her private story a picture of the two sharing a kiss but she deleted a second later... you hear it here first!" That all came out of my phone... my mouth dropped... "YOU GUYS SHARED A KISS" avani yelled "AND YOU KNEW?" Griffin asked Dixie standing up with avani... "did you two shared a kiss?" Ryland asked me... I sigh and stood up and grabbed his hand and we walked out side and closed the door "yes we did but it was like months ago and I like you now" I said and he nodded "I'm happy you told the truth" He pecked my lips and we walked back in without holding hands and I sat down looking at my phone "SO DID YOU GUYS?" Avani asked "you didn't say anything when I was gone?" I asked jaden he laughed "OKAY CHILL WE DID" he said... and everyone was shocked.... I then saw another article "josh Richard probably has kissed the famous Alexis beer" I immediately scrolled away... and everyone looked at josh... nessa immediately stood up "nessa forgot?" I said and she laughed and sat back... "oh yea I remember that time" jaden said... I laughed and I scrolled tru tiktok and found a video and it was like "ryland and Alexis kissing in a tree- JESSICA! Jaden hossler and Alexis beer FOR INFINITY " I laughed so hard just because of the Jessica part... I then saw someone on Tiktok "josh Richard and Alexis are ugly and disgusting and disappointing together JESSA FOR LIFE!" I laughed so hard and reposted it on my story "jessa forever"  my dad came and I hugged everyone when I came home I was on Tiktok room


People have noticed that Johnny Orlando has unfollowed Alexis beer on instagram?

I was petty confused
But he probs has a good reason

I was so mad after a while sitting on social media

Not worth my time .... I immediately unfollowed them on Instagram..


Alexis beer has unfollowed all the sway house members and some hype house members like avani Greg even tho they were all hanging out today..

Wait what?

Wait why?

I then fell asleep comfortably texting my dad that it will be better if I go to New York tomorrow morning all alone....


Alexis beer just announced her social media break

What happened ?


Jaden hossler
The moment she unfollowed us-

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