Pokemon Gates To Infinity The...

By badarlie

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Ash and his friends continue to find the answers they're looking for and Ash meets mewtwo Again on new island... More

Episode 1 Mewtwo's Wrath
Ash's past episode 1 Season 2
Ash's past episode 2 season 2
Episode 2 return of the pallet town
Episode 3 The League Starts
Episode 4 Round 1 Of The League
episode 6 round 3 Ash vs Ritchie
Final Episode the indigo league is over
Special Chapter: Ash,Umbreon, and Espeon's Father Mother and Son Moment

episode 5 Round 2 of darkness and vengeance

87 3 1
By badarlie

As his legs kept moving him forward, he was starting to get a "bad feeling" about Gary's match with mysterious trainer. But still he was fonded of doing this. In voice of life world he has happy memories with in.

Past in the voice of life world

"Ash. What where capable of is party. It's really fun!" Oshawott said in excitement

"I know! I love party when i was 4!" Ash said happily

"We will be focusing on building a party room. That's what we will build to live in harmony!" Oshawott said happiness

Ash hugs Oshawott in heartwarming smile.

"I will take upon my decision to do the ways we can! Let's do this Oshawott!" Ash said with happiness

"Gladly!" Oshawott did the same as Ash


There's no way Ash could ever forget. That memory is precious to him, stored deep within his heart along with his other happy memories. Ash knows his heart is. The voice of life world. A left tear coming down his cheek as he sobbed for his sad smile

Rock Field

They arrived at the Rock Field in time luckily, and saw Gary standing there before the mysterious trainer known as Green. They couldn't see the person's face as they were wearing a black cloak that hid their face from view.

"Brock, what can you find out about this trainer? Their information should be in the League database." Pat said.

Brock takes something out of his pocket and looks up the trainer known as Green and sure enough, their information was in the database. His eyes widened at what he was seeing.

"Wow, this Green person has an amazing track record!" Brock gasped, "Fought with only Venusaur, and hasn't lost yet!"


Before leaving Pallet Town, Leaf told Ritchie that she was going to choose Bulbasaur as her starter pokemon! Ritchie remembers because she was always so happy to talk about the grass type pokemon with such a happy smile on her face.

'Then, it really is...'

"We are now down to the Top 32! Here we have two outstanding trainers with impressive track records! In the Blue corner we have the grandson of the famous Professor Oak-Gary Oak, who has lost only one pokemon during the entire tournament!"

Gary had an arrogant smirk on his face, his cheerleaders walking behind him, cheering for him as they walked behind him, but stayed near the entrance as he walked up to the podium.

Ritchie glared down at him, 'I really wanna knock that smirk right off his face!'

"And in the Red corner we have another impressive trainer who goes by the name Green! This mysterious trainer hasn't lost a single pokemon, battling with only one pokemon that hasn't been defeated yet!"

Green stood there without so much as saying a word, a pokeball in hand as the person was simply waiting for the match to start.

Ritchie kept his eyes on his girlfriend Green the whole time, not even bothering to look at Gary. The reason he was staring so hard was because of the negative emotions that were coming off from the cloaked trainer.


Intense hatred.

"This will be a 3-on-3 battle between Gary Oak and Green! Trainers call out your first pokemon!"

"Let's go, Arcanine!" Gary called out his Ally Arcanine.

Arcanine howled as it was ready to give his Leader another win

"Gary Oak calls out his trusty pokemon Arcanine! What pokemon will Green choose?"

Green tossed the pokeball in the air and out came a Venusaur.

"Venusaur (Victory is at hand)!" Venusaur declared.

"And Green does indeed go with Venasaur! A fire type against a grass type, Green is at a disadvantage, but even with the type disadvantage will this mysterious trainer be able to pull a win?!"

Gary smirked Evil, "Heh, not likely."

Green said nothing.

"Arcanine versus Venusaur, battle...begin!"

"All right Arcanine, let's start this off with a Flamethrower attack!" Gary smirked.

Arcanine opened its mouth as a torrent of flames shot out, heading right for Venusaur.

"Protect." Green ordered with a calm tone.

A green barrier surrounded Venusaur as the flamethrower, stopping the attack dead in its tracks, dispersing it.

"There's that move again!" Misty said.

"Protect is a really good defensive move." Brock commented.

"Hmmm, this mysterious trainer looks like they'll be a quite a challenge for Gary." Professor Oak observes.

Ritchie was tense, Except for Ash

Green address Gary, "Is that all?" The tone sounded feminine as she mocked him with a calm, collected tone.

Gray frowned, "No, as a matter of fact its not! Arcanine, use Overheat!"

Arcanine's body turns red. It then releases a white fire with a red-orange flame spiraling around it from its mouth and at Venusaur.

"Counter with Solar Beam."

The inside of the flower on Venusaur's back glows white as sunlight is gathered in it. Then, Venusaur fires a white beam from it at the fire attack. Both attacks collided, but soon the Solar Beam overtakes the Overheat attack, coming at Arcanine fast.

"Quick Arcanine, get out of the way!" Gary says quickly.

Arcanine stops the Overheat attack and moves out of the way of the Solar Beam attack, the attack only barely missing Gary's cheerleaders as it puts a dent in the wall behind Gary.

Delia covers her mouth with both hands, "Oh, my..."

"That was a powerful Solar Beam attack, this trainer is truly impressive." Aida says in a serious tone.

"Venusaur...toss that nuisance out of this ring." Green's tone became cold as she said this.

Ritchie, Brock, Misty, Delia, Aida, Professor Oak, and even Gary's eyes Except Ash widened at such a command.

Venusaur followed the command though as it grabbed Arcanine with its Vine Whip and tossed it out of the Rock Field, the fire types body hitting against the wall hard before slumping down to the ground, unconscious.

"Arcanine!" Gary call his ally in distress.

"W-Well...that was was unexpected! But what a display of strength from Venusaur!"

Molly looked at her brother, "Big brother, why did she tell her Venusaur to do that?"

"I'm not sure. But i have a bad feeling about this" Ash Stats this trainer is so hostile towards Gary. And to do that to his Arcanine...

Gary Look at her Angrily, "you son of a-! Come out, Nidoking!"

"Nidoking (I'll poison you)!" Nidoking said to Venusaur.

"Nidoking versus Venusaur, battle...begin!"

"Nidoking (I'll poison you)!" Nidoking said to Venusaur.

"Nidoking versus Venusaur, battle...begin!"

"Nidoking, hit Venusaur with Megahorn!"

Nidoking's horn glows white as he run towards Venusaur.

"Giga Impact."

Venusaur's body becomes surrounded in an invisible energy. A bright flash of yellow light appears in front of its face. It then shoots itself at Nidoking and an orb of light purple energy with spiraling light yellow streaks around it appear around Nidoking's body and it slams into Nidoking with great force, causing smoke to appear as both Pokemon collided. Once the smoke cleared however, Nidoking was unconscious, while Venusaur stood there with some scratches, but still standing.

"Pathetic." Green scoffed.

"Nidoking is unable to battle! Venusaur wins!"

Sweat rolled down the side of Ritchie's face, "So strong..."

"That Venusaur is incredible! I can see why no other trainer has been able to beat it!" Brock commented.

The tension in the field soon became thick and tense. Gary was trying to wrap his head around the fact that both his Arcanine and Nidoking lost against this trainer's Venusaur! Both have the type advantage against it, yet they both lost!

'Just who is this under that hood?!'

"How does it feel?"

Gary says angrily, "What?!"

"To be humiliated by someone who you deemed as inferior to you, to realize that you're not as special as you thought you were...to have someone who you scarred return and reveal just what sort of monster you truly are and you been with wild pokemon for all these years...Gary Oak!" Her tone was laced with venom as she spat out the last few words.

"Wh-What?! How did you know me?!" Gary said angrily

Slowly the cloaked trainer lifts their arm, grabbing tightly onto the hood, "Really? So you can't recognize my voice?" the trainer removes the cloak fully from themselves, revealing a girl with long brown hair, blue shirt with no sleeves, red skirt, blue socks, with white shoes with red streaks. But what made everyone in the audience wince and cover their mouths in horror was the scar on the right side of the girl's face, it almost made her look disfigured with how bad it looked, "Recognize me now?" She sneered.

"What's with that pathetic look on your face? Why do you look so surprised? Don't want to admire your handy work in scarring me, Gary?" Leaf's voice was dripping with venom as she addressed the boy.

Gary meanwhile didn't know what to say, he was too busy staring at the scar on her face...the very same he gave her when they had a pokemon battle, and she almost beat him, but he...

"Remembering the time you gave me this scar? Go ahead and brag about it in front of all these people, or are you trying to play the innocent grandson who can do no wrong?" She sneered.

"This scar..." Her hand went up to touch it tenderly, "Its a reminder of when you gave it to me! Back then you challenged me to a pokemon battle, not because you wanted to prove something to me...but to get at that raven hair boy!" Leaf pointed to Ash

Ash's eyes widened as he heard this.

"He didn't want to fight you in a pokemon battle, and that made you angry, so what did you do? You went after his friends to get through him! As we were battling you had the pokemon you were fighting with attack me so you could win! I remember it clearly...I was holding the right side of my face, screaming as the blood kept running down my face, and as I was doing that...wanna know what you did...?"

Gary said nothing.


Professor Oak felt something shoot through his chest as Leaf was telling her story, was this his fault? Was Gary's behavior the result of him not being a good parental figure to the boy by always focusing on his research?

"What made me despise you even more was when you told everyone in Pallet Town that I was the one that challenged you to the pokemon battle, and made my pokemon attack you, but you attacked me first in self-defense! And everyone believed you! They treated me like some kind of criminal, and that I deserved this! Do you have any idea what you put me and my father through?!" She yelled.

I hate you...and everyone in Pallet Town for what you did to us...to Ritchie...but that's not even the worst thing you did." Leaf continued.

Ritchie's eyes widened as he turned to her, "No, Leaf-!"

"You...you...you...ALMOST KILLED RITCHIE!"

The stadium was silent at her big reveal. Ash stilled as he lifted his head, looking back down at the Rock Field after she revealed what she revealed. Killed? Gary...almost killed Ritchie.

Gary couldn't say a word, he didn't try to deny anything, too shocked to even get a word out.

"Even after what you did, you still have the audacity to act like you're better than anyone?! Gary Oak...I'LL END YOU RIGHT HERE AND NOW YOU MONSTER!" Leaf declared Angrily.

Venasaur, aim your Solar Beam right at him!" Leaf didn't hear him as she ordered her pokemon to attack Gary.

Venusaur obeyed her as it began to charge the solar beam.

Ash waits for the signal to tell mewtwo to protect the enemy.

The Solar Beam was almost nearly done.

It is almost done and getting ready for Ash's signal

As it gathered the last of the energy it prepared to fire.

"Mewtwo get ready." Ash advised

The Solar Beam fired.

"Now!" Ash said as Mewtwo came out of its pokeball and charged right at the Rock Field, surrounded by a blue barrier the genetic pokemon blocks the Solar Beam attack, causing an explosion and black smoke to appear around the whole field. When it cleared up three things happened: Venusaur was knocked out as was Leaf, while Gary was out of the Rock Field on the ground looking terrified.

Gary ran away as fast as possible to far away to get to the glacier palace.

Next day

The next day came very quickly

"Welcome back everyone! We are now at the fourth round of the Indigo League! We will now introduce our competitors, in the Blue corner is Crimson City's most treasured flower-Jeanette!"

Jeanette appears in a traditional kimono, she had long purple hair, sporting a yellow ribbon that tied it together. As she walked towards the Grass Field, a red carpet was laid out before her, petals falling from above. Like Mandi, she had her own set of cheerleaders.

Brock instantly had hearts in his eyes, "Her beauty is as graceful and delicate as a flower~!"

Misty rubbed her temples, "The only delicate I see here is your deteriorating brain."

Togepi giggled.

"That's not a good thing." Ritchie comments, "I'm worried about Ash."

Pat shook his head, "Don't be, he's doing just fine. I can tell."

Ritchie looks at Pat before smiling, "I trust you on that."

"In the Red corner, the trainer from Altomare that remains undefeated-Ash Ketchum!"

Ash stepped up to the podium with a smile, and it wasn't a fake one either. He had talked to his pokemon last night, he assured them that while he was still saddened about what happened to his friends and Best friend in the past, he would be okay, and that he will make sure not to lose for their sake.

Ash stepped up to the podium with a smile, and it wasn't a fake one either. He had talked to his pokemon last night, he assured them that while he was still saddened about what happened to his friends and cousin in the past, he would be okay, and that he will make sure not to lose for their sake.

Jeanette smirked, "Such a handsome face, it's almost a shame to reduce it to tears."

Ash just smiles, "Is that so?"

"She's a goner." Ritchie concluded.

Brock and Misty nod their heads in agreement, including Serena.

"This will be a 3-on-3 battle between Jeanette and Ash Ketchum! Trainers call out your first pokemon!"

Ash went first, "Flareon, I choose you!" Out came one of the evolved forms of Eevee.

"Flare (I don't intend to lose)!"

"Hmph, in that case I'll choose you," Jeanette tosses her pokeball, "Beedrill!"

"Bee (I'll sting you)!" Beedrill declared.

"Beedrill versus Flareon, battle...begin!"

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