Flashing Lights

By Amanda_668

14.5K 1.1K 2.4K

Twenty-six year old Millie has it all planned out. Career now, love later. She's young, ambitious and alway... More

1 - Don't flatter yourself
2 - Whatcha think
3 - Millie speaking
4 - Nothing I can't handle
5 - Real life fairy tale
6 - Looks like you are going out
7 - You probably broke his nose
8 - Your mess to clean
9 - It's not a date
11 - Something stupid
12 - Some random tourist stuff
13 - Nice stain
14 - Stop talking already
15 - No Kimmy
16 - Nice try
17 - A grumpy B
18 - Please do
19 - Breathe
20 - Show me
21 - Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
22 - Thought I told you
23 - What kind of wig
24 - Data check
25 - How
26 - Two of you
27 - Sounded like snoring
28 - You
29 - Did you miss me
30 - Na-ah
31 - Nice to meet you

10 - Like a kid in a candy store

488 43 82
By Amanda_668

We're sitting on the terrace of a wine bar on Larimer Square when Hunter receives his sixth call from Kimmy this afternoon. He hasn't answered any of them. I wonder what happened between them.

Did she dump him and did he sleep with that other girl in revenge? Or maybe she doesn't even know what happened yet and he isn't ready to face the music. On the other hand, I don't think they are that exclusive so why would there have to be any drama...

"Millie, you're daydreaming. What are you thinking about?" he asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Do you want the truth or do you want an easy way out?", I answer before sipping my wine - which is really good by the way.
The never drinking again part apparently didn't last very long. Great stamina, Millie. Really.

"Since I wanted to be 'just Hunter' today, I'm going for the truth. People tend to tell me what they think I want to hear, or what they think I need to hear." He exhales sharply, and cocks his head continuing "So please give me an honest answer, it will be refreshing for once"

"First of all... I never do that. You know that. And secondly... I was kind of wondering what happened with you and Kimmy? When we arrived at the club yesterday you two were still lovey-dovey, and then this morning there was this random girl in your bedroom and Kimmy has been calling you all afternoon and you're not answering."

"Lovey-dovey?" He chuckles, not hiding his amusement over my choice of words. 

I know he's meant to be undercover, but looking at him sitting here in his all black outfit - including shades and a beanie - he couldn't look any more like a superstar.
Somehow the outfit seems to work though, because no-one has noticed who he is so far.

"The thing is," he says, while taking a drag of the cigarette he just lit "when you were on the dance floor yesterday, something happened which made me realize that Kimmy and I weren't going to work. I told her that we should stop whatever it is we were doing, because I knew it wasn't gonna last. She got mad, stormed off and my guess is she's been calling all day to try to make up and get back together."

"And that's why you slept with that girl?" I ask. Normally I wouldn't even think of asking him these personal questions, but nothing about today is normal. 

He looks over his shades, his eyes burning into mine and slowly shakes his head. "No that's not why, you see..." he takes another drag, "after I dropped you off at the hotel, and got back to that club I was upset because of what had happened to you. I hated myself that I didn't get there sooner, that I didn't get there before he could even touch you...so instead of getting everyone back to the hotel I decided I needed a drink and before I knew it I was hammered. I don't know if you know this about me but I do stupid shit when I'm drunk. " He shrugs and gives me a small smile.

"So you do this a lot? Take girls to your hotel room?" My mouth asks before my brain has time to stop it. 

He shrugs again, "I used to. You have no idea what it's like to be a young hormonal guy and all these girls and women throw themselves at you. I was like a kid in a candy store." He takes another long drag of his cigarette and continues. "But you know, even a kid gets bored after a while so I don't really take random girls to my room anymore."

"Unless the kid gets drunk." I add dryly.

This makes him laugh, and I can see him roll his eyes through his shades. "Yes Millie, unless the kid gets drunk."

Hunter orders us another round of wine, and I wonder if our waitress recognizes him. She's clearly flirting. I can tell Hunter notices it too, but he doesn't seem impressed. He must be so used to this by now.  

When she takes our order and leaves our table, he turns to me again. "Since you asked all these questions, I think it's only fair I get one too."

I nod in agreement. What on earth would he want to know about me...

"Why weren't you starstruck the first time we met?"

Out of all the questions he could ask, this is what he wants to know?
"I don't know...I'm pretty down to earth, so when I met you I was meeting my new boss. Not a famous singer." It's my time to shrug , while taking another sip from my wine. "I don't think you noticed, but being professional is kind of a big deal to me." I wink at him while saying this.

He feigns his surprise. "Really? Hadn't noticed." This makes us both laugh harder then we meant to, attracting the attention of the people sitting around us.

"Do you want to get out of here and go get dinner? Or did you have enough of me for one day?" Hunter asks. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I just saw a hint of uncertainty cross his face. 

I shake my head. "To my own surprise, I'm not tired of you...yet. And I would love dinner yes, I'm starving. But on one condition. I'm paying." 
He grunts when I say that last part, but agrees when he sees I'm not going to take no for an answer. "And no more smoking. It's not good for you and it really smells."
He smiles, cmearly a little bit shocked by my sudden honesty.
I quickly add "Please.", surprised myself that I just blurted that out.

"Sure thing, boss." He grins and grabs the pack of cigarettes out of the left pocket of his jacket and tosses it on the table. From his other pocket, he grabs a pack of gum and puts one in his mouth.
In one quick movement he pushes his chair back and stands up, ready to leave for the next stop of our afternoon together. He reaches his hand out to me.

"Shall we?"

I nodd, and take his hand to help me get up from my chair. When our eyes meet, I look away immediately and let go of his hand. How can something so normal feel so intimate at the same time? He doesn't seem to notice though. He's used to touching a lot more than just a girl's hand.

To my suprise, I'm liking this afternoon a lot more then I had expected it to.

And it scares the shit out of me.

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