New Discoveries - A Big Bang...

By rosegirl79

137 1 0

After the final episode of the show, the famous science geeks are destined to new adventures but what will th... More

The Big Bang Theory: New Beginnings

137 1 0
By rosegirl79

Penny paced back and forth as Leonard sat scrolling through his latest work on experimental physics. He looked up at his wife, her expression distressed as she continued to pace along the floor of their newly decorated living room. “Why don’t you just tell them?” he eventually said after a moment of hesitation. Penny stopped to look at him. “He already lost his ‘slugger,’ I don’t want him losing his mind! My mum, she… ” “Your dad seemed totally fine the last time we brought up the subject of having kids- “But I didn’t want kids then,” Penny went on. “And now…? Look, Wyatt is most likely to be cool with whatever choice you make- “Woah, Woah. Wyatt? What are you best friends with my dad now?” Leonard pushed his paper aside and got up from the sofa. “Look, I’m not saying you have to do this alone. We could tell him together, if you still want to have kids.” Penny grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before turning back to face him. “I’m not getting an abortion Leonard!”

At that moment the door to their new apartment opened and Sheldon and Amy walked in. “Ugh, now what?” Leonard groaned as he headed towards the kitchen. “Amy! What are you doing here?” “Sheldon was nagging at me about how the thermostat wasn’t working, I just needed a break!” “Yeah, I’m having a hard believing you’re not pregnant.” “I’m not!” she replied in a tiring tone. “Are you sure? You seem a little cranky.” Penny looked at them both, pausing for a moment. “Wait, how did you guys find our new apartment? We never gave you the address- “Oh, Sheldon cut in, well that’s easy. I placed a tracking device in your phone.” “You did what?!”

Leonard came emerging from the kitchen suddenly, his phone in his hand. “For god sake Sheldon, what is the matter with you?!” “Nothing, I am fine. Why do you ask?” “You hacked my phone! That’s what’s wrong! Do you know how creepy that is?” “Well… “Sheldon, sweetie, Penny interrupted; you need to understand that Leonard and I are in a relationship now, and we need more space for the baby coming. You can’t just barge in like this all the time.” “I’m sorry,” Sheldon said looking at both Leonard and Penny. “It is ok buddy, Leonard told him. We’re always going to be here for you no matter what.”


“So when are you guys due?” Bernadette asked as the three girls settled on the sofa in the living room of her home. “About 10 weeks I think,” Penny replied, clutching a book on baby names. “Do you know the gender yet?” Amy asked, peering at the book in Penny’s hands. “Well, no, not yet. I’m just trying to keep my options open you know.”

“I remember when I was pregnant with Halley. We searched for ages for the right name. It wasn’t until the actual birth that we came up with a name.” “What gender are you hoping for?” Amy asked, playing with the gem on her wedding ring. “I don’t know. It’s not like I expected it to happen so…” “But you want kids right?” “I don’t know, maybe,” Penny trailed off. “What about Casey for a girl… and Daniel for a boy…” Bernadette offered, carrying on with the baby names “Or Amy for a girl? Amy grinned, pleadingly. “What does Leonard think about baby names?”

Penny shifted on the sofa, “Well, I haven’t actually made up my mind yet,” she confessed. It was then that Raj came bounding down the staircase looking cautious of his movements. “Raj, what are you doing?” Bernadette squeaked. Raj turned to face her, “Shhh! I just put the kids down for a nap,” he said in his thick Indian accent. “But how are you even here?” Bernadette went on. “Oh, Howard let me stay here, he told me I could look after you and the kids while he was away.” “Howard told you to babysit while he went to space?” “Yes, well, Halley is my goddaughter after all.”

“So what are you ladies talking about?” Raj asked stretching the conversation further as he sat across the room from the three of them. “We’re trying to help come up with names for Penny’s baby.” Bernadette informed him. “Oh, Penny, that’s wonderful! Maybe I can help.” “Really, Raj, it’s fine,” Penny told him, looking a little overwhelmed. “Well, what does Leonard think?” “I haven’t told him what I want to do yet… about the baby I mean.” “It sounds to me as though you want to keep the baby,” Amy suggested. “Yeah, it wouldn’t be this hard of a decision if you didn’t want it,” Bernadette added.

“I guess… I still need to tell my parents- “That you’re keeping the baby?” Amy asked. “That I’m pregnant,” she admitted. “I’m sure Leonard will help you with that.”


“You’re serious?” Leonard asked later that day. “Yes,” Penny said. “We’re really doing this?” “Yes Leonard.” Leonard hugged his wife, overjoyed with the news of becoming a father. “Wait, what about your dad?” Leonard asked, looking at Penny. “I called him, he seemed pretty chilled yet excited with the idea.” “Wow.” “Yeah, I know.” “We’re going to be a family!!!!!”

About nine weeks later, the entire gang were at the California hospital as Penny lay in hospital. She had her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail and was now in labour. Leonard, Amy, Raj and Bernadette stood supporting her. Sheldon stood outside the room watching from afar as he was still traumatised from the birth of his nephew. He could however hear the aching screams coming from inside the room. “Come on Penny.” “You can do it.”

Several hours later, Penny was holding in her arms, a beautiful baby boy. His beautiful blue eyes and dirty blonde hair brought tears to her eyes. Leonard stepped up beside her, his eyes lighting up at the sight of his new born son. “So what’s this little guy’s name?” “I was thinking… Liam? Liam Wyatt Hofstader.”

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