Liam Dunbar x reader (Crossov...

By im_tired_not_drunk

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This is a Liam× reader story. Beacon Hills was an abnormal place with a non hunter human population count o... More

Chapter One- Introducing the story.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 18 (part #2)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Five
authors note

Chapter Twenty-four

712 23 23
By im_tired_not_drunk

Liam's POV*

We were walking through the woods while discussing who Stiles could be and what "always and forever" meant. 'It is better to be the messenger of death than to be the cause of it'. Did that mean that the person who had said that to Lydia had been a killer?

Suddenly Malia gasped. I caught up with them and saw a man lying on the floor. His skin seemed to have been burnt off. I was pretty sure I was going to be sick. Yep. I held onto Mason and hurled onto the grass, but made myself look at the man none the less. It was Peter. Peter Hale. How didn't I remember him? He was the reason my entire life had changed...

He was holding a mirror. Or at least what was left of it. It was melted. The only thing that was left was the handle. The mirror had melted. Scott picked it up and put it in his pocket. Wow, Peter was so narcisistic that he died holding a mirror. Ironic. His face would probably be that last thing he ever saw.

They rushed Peter to the hospital and Scott handed me the handle. What was I supposed to do with it? I had no use for a melted piece of metal. I followed Lydia to her house and went to the bathroom. I washed the soot off the handle. There was something written on it.It was very hard to read. Smile Stilski and... some other illegible word... something... Milesom. What was that? That made no sense. It had the word "smile", so maybe it was just one of those motivational quotes that often come on notepads and whatnot. I called Lydia and showed it to her.

"Stiles." She said. Stiles. Of course! Not smile. "Stiles Stilinski? As in the Sheriff? Sheriff Stilinski?" She asked. Stiles Stilinski. I knew him from somewhere. "You're not going to die." Scott had reasured me. "Possibly." Stiles had said that. Stiles Stilinski was real. The other name. I read it again. Y/n... What were those letters?
Where did I know them from? How did I know them? And how had I completely forgotten about their existence? Then I remembered something. The night I had fallen from a cliff. I had seen her. Was this who I was supposed to meet? Theo had come in and he swiftly took the handle out of my hand and inspected it.

"Maybe it's a brand name." He said.

"Who writes a brand name with that handwriting? And with a marker?" Lydia asked. "Katherine. Katherine Pierce." Lydia said suddenly.

"What?" I asked. "We have to talk to Katherine Pierce," Lydia stated.

"Alright..." Theo said slowly. "She's in Mystic Falls," Theo told us and Lydia nodded.

"Let's go then," I couldn't believe we were going to Mystic Falls, just for answers.
"Why are you going to Mystic Falls. If you want to talk to me I'm right here," A much too familiar voice said.


"The one and only," She said, "well, sort of." She added as an after-thought.

"Okay... do you know who this is?" I asked, handing her the handle.

"Yes, I know exactly who that is. I don't forget that easily."

"Good. Tell us!" I urged her.

"Sorry, I don't think so," She said, and she took the handle and threw it in the garbage disposal.

"It's going to take a little more than that to get this information. Why would I want to help her?" I used a fork to get the handle back, but the names had been scratched off.

"Because she was your daughter," Lydia said slowly.

"Good guessing," She said, smirking.

"You're not going to help your own daughter?" I asked.

"I don't need a daughter," She said.

"You wanted to take her out of the pack," Lydia said.

"I did succeed though, didn't I?" She continued, smirking. "I guess I am going to leave. I am going to take advantage of my immortality in Mystic Falls."

"You killed her aunt in front of her," I said, having remembered the night of homecoming. I had been talking to her right before it happened, hadn't I?

"I know," Katherine said leaving. "Unlike you I do not have amnesia."

"There is something we can do." Lydia told us, and we followed her. Then I saw were stopped in front of a sort of metal capsule. She explained how it worked.

"Is this safe?" I asked not really sure about this plan.

"Do you want me to lie to you?"

"Oh..." I said, resigned.

I got in. It was so cold. I felt the head leave my body. I felt every single inch of me seize up and scream for heat. Then I lost most of my consciousness.

Then I was in a room with a large desk. On that desk, there were many papers. I picked one up. It was a drawing of me playing lacrosse. I blinked, and suddenly I was watching the scene. Someone ran down from the bleachers. It was a girl. Y/N. The name just seemed to match the person. I picked up the next drawing and it was a pen. It was Coach's pen. It was a miniature lacrosse stick pen. Then I was in a field.

There were two lacrosse sticks. I picked one of them up. I looked at the other side of the field, and there were two people. One of them was me. We were shooting lacrosse balls into the net. Sophya didn't get any in, and she was getting frustrated. She set the lacrosse stick down and sat on the ground. I came over and reassured her she would learn eventually and hugged her. I picked up another one. It was a roof. The school roof. I watched as we were dancing and smiling. Then I saw something underneath that desk. It was a baseball bat. I picked it up, and when I looked around I saw that I was in a school corridor. Suddenly three people came towards me. It was me and two other boys. Scott and Stiles.

"We're trying to help you, you little runt!" Stiles told me. Yes, I remembered. Suddenly I was being pulled away from the scene. I was back in the room with Lydia and Scott.

"Why did you stop? It was working,"

"Yes, but you were dying," She told me. "Just go get warm. We'll take it from here," She told me. I nodded and went to sit on one of the chairs, feeling extremely anxious. I watched as Lydia was staring into the flame.

Scott was reading from the paper that Lydia had given him and Lydia was doing something with her hands. It looked like she was using a remote control. After long minutes she gasped.

"It worked."


I was back. Lydia and Scott came and hugged Stiles and me. Scott felt like an ice-cube, but Lydia was warm.

"For a moment there I was actually worried." I said. "But I believed in you all." I smiled. Lies. And Stiles was quick to point it out.

"Yes, because you definitely didn't tell me to give up and move on." Stiles said sarcastically.

"I missed you," Liam said, breaking the awkward silence that followed Stiles' words.

"Hmm, you didn't miss me because you didn't remember me-" Why do I do it? "I missed you too." I said instead of continuing what I had been saying before.

I smiled brightly. All was well. We walked back to Scott's house and the pack was there. All of them looked very worried. After everyone welcomed Stiles and me back, they proceeded to explain how a creature called the Anukite was making everyone scared, so now there was an army of people after us.

"Okay, so I am finally back and we have to fight Gerard's army, although we don't know their plan, they are all armed with weapons that we don't even understand, and they outnumber us, and we don't know who is on their side, and we are supposed to try to not kill anyone?" I asked, trying to sum it all up in a few sentences.

"Basically, yeah."

"And we're supposed to get in their 'fortress of doom' to rescue Jackson and Ethan?"



"Well, that was sort of implied-" Mason started but Scott cut him off.

"Don't worry, we've got a guy on the inside." He reassured me. They moved apart and revealed someone. And that someone was Nolan.

"Nolan? Are you kidding me?" I practically shouted at them. "Nolan is our guy on the inside?" I asked, begging them to say no, and say that this was all a stupid joke.

"Who better?" Scott asked.

"Literally ANYONE else!" I told them.

"How do you know he is not their guy on the inside?"

"We didn't think of that," Liam confessed.

"Well, with me and Stiles gone and Lydia busy, I guess there weren't many brains left in the group," I said, making them roll their eyes.

"It's good to see you too," Isaac told me.

"I missed you loads too. What's your name again?" I said jokingly.

"Good to know that your brain hasn't been damaged any further than it already was." Theo said.

"I don't trust you," I said, turning to Nolan.

"Yeah, I figured that much out for myself," Nolan told me.

"We don't have anyone else," Liam told me.

"Alright," I said, giving in. "This plan sucks," I told them.

"We know."

So this was it. We were going to break into a high-security place, where everyone had a gun and didn't mind killing teenagers. We stood facing the doors and I was very nervous. No, not nervous. I was scared. Afraid. More so than I had ever been. But I was not afraid for myself. I had an entire pack to worry about.

"Are you alright?" Liam asked, holding my hands. I was about to answer sarcastically, but then I noticed that there was a chance that this was the last time I would see him, so I proceeded to just shake my head.

"See you soon," He told me, kissing my forehead.

"See you soon," I said and we kicked in the doors. Luckily the doors had fallen on the guards who were positioned on the other side of it.

I went along with Theo and we were knocking out as many guards as possible.

"I wish we had Kira here to deflect the bullets with her sword or something," I said before we pushed the door open and came face-to-face with an army of armed people.

"Ohhh shit!" I said, not taking another step forward. Theo, on the other hand, went for it. I followed him and felt the bullets hitting me. It hurt so bad and I felt like I was about to pass out. I screamed and whispered the enchantment, which made a few guns heat up immediately, making the owner have to drop it immediately. I looked around and there were so many people on the ground, Theo being one of them.

"We have to remove the bullets," I said. Dreading it so much, I reached into the wound and picked out the bullets. The pain was helping my healing process. Theo got up and we met with Liam and Isaac in the next corridor.

"Any sign of Ethan or Jackson yet?" Theo asked and they shook their head. We pushed through the next room and there was Monroe surrounded by her followers."

I took out my claws and we got shot over and over again. But thankfully we were able to knock most of the guards out and we reached her, and I used magic to whip the gun out of her hands.

"Stand down, Gerardine!" I told her. "So, what did Gerard do to get in your head?" I asked.

"I always knew you all were monsters. He didn't change my mind. He just introduced me to others who also know what you really are," She said, spite written all over her face.

We found Ethan tied up and he was being electrocuted. We were able to untie him and he fell down as he was very weak.

"I've already been on one of those. Not fun, huh?" Theo said.

"Tell me about it," Ethan said, getting up. Isaac and Theo hoisted him upon their shoulders. Liam kissed me and Isaac groaned.

"Not now, alright?" He said, annoyed.

"I think they're cute," Ethan weighed in, making me smile.

"Get ready to be on the receiving end of terrible pain," Theo told him.

"What do you think I've been doing before you all came to rescue me?"

"Right, just try to avoid it." We got in the next room and Stiles and Lydia were helping Jackson.

"This was too easy. I have a feeling this isn't it." I told them.

"Why can't this be it for once?" Isaac complained.

"Yeah, enduring multiple gunshots isn't exactly fun... or easy." Theo told me.

"Yes, you're right. But we have to find Gerard," They said. That was true. I didn't know it was possible to feel this much fear. I was seriously scared. We walked out with them, but Gerard stopped us. He was pointing a gun. But the gun wasn't pointed at me.

"Did you know what they say about an alfa's bond with his beta? They say it is stronger than father and son," Gerard's trigger finger was ready to shoot. Suddenly Scott came over and pushed Liam out of the way. The bullet left the gun, but it didn't hit Liam. We ran and soon we found ourselves in front of the School.

"It's in there," Lydia said.

"The Anukite?"

"No, the Terminator." I said sarcastically.

"Not now," Isac complained. "By the way, what's the plan?"

"You can't look in its eyes. If you do, you will die." Scott said.

"Sorry, what? We have to fight this thing while being blind? So, basically, we are fighting a Basilisk?" I said, remembering the large snake from Harry Potter.

"Exactly! But it's as if a Basilisk had a baby with a Bogart." Stiles explained.

"Ah, got it. So we are supposed to blindly fight a magical shape-shifter that can kill with a glance."

"Yeah, basically." Stiles said.

"See you all soon," I said again. "It's bird-box time." I whispered under my breath. Liam held my hand and we entered the school.

As soon as we got in, we saw a few stone statues. I walked over and recognised them. Peter. And Derek. (Press F to pay respects.) "Not the time to be a freaking meme lord!" I thought as soon as the childish thought entered my head. No, right now I had to focus.

I kept my eyes tightly shut. I walked around with my hands guiding me along the walls. This was torture. Not knowing what was coming.

"Y/N, help me! She's going to kill me!" A familiar voice said. Jenna. No, Jenna was dead. This was a trick. The Anukite had taken the shape of Jenna.

"Open your eyes," Katherine's voice told me. "What? You don't wish to see Jenna?" She asked. I could practically hear the smirk on her face. "

I am killing her. Aren't you going to do anything?" I heard choking noises. No, this was a trick. Jenna was dead.

"You can still save her!" Katherine's voice taunted. I covered my ears. I was shaking with fear and my knees were weak. I sat down on the floor and covered my ears with my hands, shaking my head, keeping my eyes tightly shut. "You aren't even fighting. The rest of the pack is fighting while you are simply cowering away," This voice I recognised. It was my own. "Open your eyes!" It shouted.

"I am going to kill you, just like I killed Jenna. Maybe I'll kill you the same way you killed me," It was the voice of the werewolf I had killed. "Do you remember what it was like?"

"Shut up!" I shouted, covering my eyes, which were yearning to be opened.

"Do you have any idea how much pain I felt?" He asked. "I'm about to find out," I said, and I plunged my claws into my eyes. It was pain like I had ever experienced. I screamed, but I couldn't see anything. I started slashing wildly until I felt my claws sink into someone. "What have you done?" Stiles's voice said. I had hurt Stiles. I immediately went around, and when I felt my way to him I held his hand, trying to take his pain, but my hands were shaking too much. "I'm sorry!" I said, desperately trying to hold his hand. Desperately trying to take his pain. But I couldn't. I HAD KILLED STILES! NO. This couldn't be! I frantically squeezed his hand and searched for his pulse.

His hand was cold. Too cold. It wasn't Stiles. I felt someone lifting me by the throat. I tried swiping at it, and it dropped me.

"Open your eyes!" It shouted at me in Klaus's voice. I raised my hand and chanted something in Latin. I heard somthing clatter loudly in the distance, but the Anukite laughed. Suddenly I bumped into someone.

"Scott?" I asked, recognising the scent.

"This is not real!" He shouted at himself.
"Scott, it's me!" I said. STUPID IDIOT. Of course he's not going to believe you.

"NO! YOU HAVE BEEN TAUNTING ME THIS ENTIRE TIME!" Wait... I was the thing Scott was scared of? "You see that? He knows you aren't like the rest. He knows you are truly evil." My voice told me." Yes, he still didn't trust me. But that wasn't the point right now. I had to clear my head.

"Just don't open your eyes!" I told Scott.

"I couldn't if I wanted to," I found my way to the door.

"Do you know what they say about the bond of an alfa and his beta?" Gerard's croaky voice asked. I heard a gunshot.

"Your Beta is dying, Scott!" Gerard taunted. No. "It'll all be over if you look at me." Liam's voice whispered to me.

"Maybe the way to defeat you is to look at you!" I heard Scott say.

"Y/N, don't you want to see me? For the last time?" Liam's voice asked.

"No!" I shouted.

"Yes, you do!" He shouted. I did.

"Liam, please wake up!" I heard Scott sobbing. This couldn't be real. I heard Scott sobbing. I had to open my eyes. What if there was a chance to save him? Slowly, I felt my eyes heal, and I opened them.

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