By Ellarybts

242K 9.2K 2.5K

"What other language do I need to speak for you to understand how I hate seeing your ugly face? " "J-Jungkook... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chaper 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Not an update 😭😭😭😫😫😫😫😩😩😩
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter finale
Sequel teaser
Emergency writer&readers meeting!!
Author's final decisions

Chapter 33

4.3K 175 40
By Ellarybts

***"But I still want you "****

I stayed up the whole night, waiting for him to come, but he never did. I was getting worried until early this morning, Jin came in with breakfast, saying he was fine and that he slept in the guest room. He didn't say anything afterwards and left.

I wanted to see him, I wanted to see Jungkook. Maybe, uhm, apologize for what I did if it makes him anymore better.

But still he hadn't returned to his room , maybe he's ignoring me, maybe he's back to his arrogant self and is going to reject me again. Then he'll say he hates me or something.

Or he'll just come in like he did when I came here at first, and tell me I'm ugly, saying a chimpanzee looked better than me.

And that he hates my guts.

My stomach churned at the thoughts of him saying those things to me again.

I stopped pacing around and sat down, sighing.

I need to go out of this place a bit or else I'm sure I will go crazy. I feel like a prisoner even though I'm not the outing type.

I stood up and walked to the door. I was about to open it when someone turned it from the other side and opened it. I stumbled back, about to grace the floor when something gripped onto both of my shoulders tightly. Tingles shot through my shoulder and I found myself instantly relaxing at the touch.

My face was against his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

Until my breath hitched in my throat when he growled. His chest vibrated , instantly, my head shot up from the pink shirt to see Jungkook.

Wait! Did I say pink shirt?!

He's wearing a multicolored outfit!

Jungkook is wearing a multicolored outfit for the first time!

It smelt like Jin, ohhh, probably his .

Well, that's new.

My eyes met with his and I could don't move, even though he was giving me a blank stare, I still felt myself shrinking under his scrutiny. He seemed to be scanning my face and I squirmed badly.

His eyes flickered to my lips and mine flickered to his and I found myself gulping as some sort of urge began to pull me to it.


I came to my senses early enough to take few steps back away from him, he seemed unpleased by my actions but didn't question. Our eyes were still locked and my body felt disappointed at the loss of contact. I forced myself to not jump into hi is arms, that would be a huge embarrassment.

After a while of staring contest, he cleared his throat, clenching his jaws tight.

By now my mouth was opening and closing like a fish.

He didn't say anything and just walked away, entering the door I knew was to his closet.

Oh my good gosh! What an awkward situation.

I bit on my lips , trying to contain the fact that I felt a bit hurt at how he ignored me.

Biting on my lip, I debated whether to leave or stay and I chose the former. I was going to wait for him so, just maybe we can talk.

Yeah, we will talk.

About five minutes and he wasn't coming out. I had been pacing around the room, he wasn't coming out.

Deciding to knock on the door, I stopped abrtupty when I felt my shoulder begin to burn .

I wanted to ignore it, I was going to ignore it but a sharp pain shot through my heart and I fell to the floor with a loud thud.
My heart began to ache and I couldn't move my left shoulder. It felt as if something was crawling underneath my skin. I couldn't breathe.

Pulling down the shirt, I looked to see the mark of the curse, the two snakes symbol glowing.It was emitting a dark smoke. Then I looked at my arm where I felt something crawling underneath, there something black crawling under my skin

I couldn't move my arm, the thing was smoky, crawling up and down in my arm.

Another pain shot through my heart and I screamed louder. I was convulsing and whimpering.

The curse!

It's acting up again!

No no not here not in front of Jungkook!

He doesn't know!

Tears stream down my face as I screamed

I needed help

This time I cried out louder, the door to the closet burst opened and a wide eyed Jungkook came out.

He looked confused at my scream in but scared as well.

"Hey, what's wrong "

He rushes over, pulling me on his laps. He rubbed my face, pulling my hair from my face as he gave me a scared look.

I crawled up to him , clinging onto him like my life depended in it. It began to calm a bit after he had me in his arms.

"Luna what's wrong "

I liked the fact that he mentioned my name , while gently smoothening my hair but the thing was still crawling under my skin. My right had went to hold the left arm, I tried to pull the shirt, showing him but he beat me to it.

"Shit what's that?! "

I could tell he was seeing the thing crawling under my skin.

"Is that not a tattoo? "

He run his hand on my arm in an attempt to soothe it, and the tingles our bond gave me helped but it still hurts.
I shook my head weakly, crying..

I was out of breath, sweating along with my body that had began to shake.

"The.... The medallion"

I needed the medallion but how could I get it.

"What?! "

He asked, impatiently

"I.... I needed the medallion, Luca, call anyone and just tell them to bring it "

"Okkk.,. What the fuck is that?! "

I expected his reaction to be this and more.

"Never mind, just hang in there, I'll get them"

He lifted me up in his arms, in a flash I was placed in the bed.

He was leaving, I whimpered and grabbed his wrist which made him look at me confused,

"Don't... Don't go "

I pleaded, that seemed to make his eyes soften, I could feel the hot tears creasing my face.

"I have to get..."

I shook my head cutting him off.

He sighed and sat back on the bed, pulling me closer. Without hesitation I was crawling unto him as if my life depended on it.

He seemed to be mindlinking someone.

I wrapped my shaking arms around his torso and pressed my cheeks on his chest. His body got tensed but I didn't care. I needed to be closer to him.

The thing seemed to lesson when I held him, my cries had turned into low whimpers as I listened to his heartbeat. I wasn't surprised he could calm it down though, this whole curse thing was about my mate.

How would he react if he knows the truth.

I don't want to die yet, not when I'm starting to have him close to me.

"I..... I don't want to die "
. Was all I said that made his body began to shake under me. His heartbeat had quickened it's pace . His grip on me tightened to the extent that it hurt but I didn't react, I liked it.

"You aren't dying "

He growled lowly. A tear escaped my eyes.

He didn't know, that was what he'd say, I'm sure he won't say that if he found out what was wrong.

"I.... I'm afraid "

I whimpered, tightening my arm around him. He growled louder this time, pulling me off him by my shoulders, well practically ripping me off him,I finally unlaced my arms around him and aloud him to look at my face.

He looked down at me, anger and worry on his face.

"Don't be , what are you afraid of? "

I looked down, avoiding his gaze.

"Is there something you aren't telling me ? " I could tell by his tone that he was getting angry.

"I thought that mark was a tattoo so why is it reacting that's way? It looked like some sort of black magic"

My heart practically stopped at his analysis, he was right, it was black magic.

I shook my head, still avoiding his gaze . My lips were shaking as tears streamed down my face.

"Tell me, what is...... "

"Where is she?! "

Jin burst into the room, cutting Jungkook off. I mentally thanked my stars. I didn't know how long we've been talking or else I'd say he arrived quite early.

He was breathing heavily as he rushed to us.

My brother trailing behind him with a worried look.

Bringing out my right hand, I took the medallion from him and placed it at where my mark was. The cold metal sending shivers through me.

Slowly the thing that was moving in my left arm stopped and my heart that felt like needles were being pricked into it lessened.

Slowly it was gone, my breathing was even and I relaxed.

The room had gone completely silent .

After a while, I felt my eyelids getting heavy, but before I slipped into unconsciousness I whispered to my brother who was standing there looking at me, worriedly, His brows gathered as he clearly got lost in deep thoughts.


I whispered, my voice barely audible. He hummed in reply.

"Mm? "

I breathed shakily.

"My things, please bring them over. Don't forget my phone and my headset, mmm? "

I tell him in a sleepy tone.

"Yea Twinkle, I'll bring them, just get some rest"

And that was my cue, slowly I allowed myself to be consumed by the darkness, listening to the soft heartbeat of my mate, I loved it, his scent calmed cellsin my system. It felt damn good.

.•♫•Jungkook •♫•.

I inhaled deeply, trying to calm my raging heart as I stared down at her fragile figure. Her thick long wavy was scattered from her thrusting about. When I entered the room and bumped into her, I couldn't calm my heart, she was attracting me closer so I had to leave her presences or else I'd break loose and do something she wouldn't want.

I couldn't help but to admire her eyes and her thick long eyelashes , it framed her perfect big eyes and it made me go crazy. I was crazy over her. I was crazily attracted to this flower in my arms. She reminds me of a flower whenever I stared at her.

It was frustrating me how I couldn't help being away from her.

So I rushed into the closet and locked myself, clutching onto my chest.

I couldn't come out, knowing she was still there when I come.

I was deep in thought, leaning against the wall , my shut eyes. The closet was huge, filled with clothes, shoes and everything a guy would need.

I was startled when my senses caught a whimper, listening to it closely, I was interrupted by my mark burning . Hissing, I looked down at it confused that my mark was burning when I know she's just here until a loud cry from my mate had me bolting into the room.

I almost had a heartache, scared that something was happening again when I saw her stirring on the floor violently.

I rushed to her and pulled her close, afraid of loosing her again, I knew I wouldn't survive if I lost her again. She just showed me her shoulders and I saw something crawling under the skin of her arm. My eyes were bulging out in surprise and confusion.

One I saw the mark I had assumed to be a tattoo when I once saw it on her during her unconscious state, not once but also on the night I carried her under the rain to her pack house, it was emitting some shadowy black smoke out and it was crazy.

I thought it was a tattoo, then she began to whisper about the medallion. Actually I knew the medallion because I once took it from Pia and gave it to her friend, Jen, was it?

She said it was for her, that day I didn't understand why I stood up for her since I thought I hated her.

I took it without questioning her, giving it back. I didn't know how important it was.

I carried her to the bed and was going to call for Jin hyung when she grabbed my arm, begging me not to leave.

My heart softened, I could feel my stomach fluttering at how those pretty eyes looked at me softly.

Damn! I'm whipped

So I pulled her closer to me and mind linked Jin hyung. I was expecting him to question it when I spoke of the medallion but he only shouted 'oh no! '
And cut off the mind linked..

I was enjoying holding her , I didn't know why she was saying all these things about dying and bering scared. It set me on ruthless edges I would never allow her to die.

I'd rather give mine up, I cannot live with that. I growled and tightened my hold on her, rising possessive at the wrong time.

Once the medallion was in, she had calmed and I was confused. She didn't tell me, everyone seemed to know and I didn't.

I tried to think of other things that could be wrong, nothing made sense. In my arms, her eyes were fluttering like a little baby wanting to sleep, it was damn hot and cute.

I smiled at how she whispered the words drowsily to her twin and dozed off. We all had a smile on our faces at how it was, Jin hyung had mind linked me muttering

'Cute, you are lucky Jungkook'

I mentally nodded at him, proud of the kind of soulmate I have in my arms.

They had both left without explaining, I stayed with her for hours listening to her soft snores, I could never get enough of touching her. Her skin was soft and with a lot of flesh.

She was shorter than me, her head was few inches from the height of my shoulder and she was heavy, not skinny. She had a nice leg with thick flesh and not to talk about her shape. She was a damn goddess.

I looked down at her gorgeous face
Damn, I love her too much.

She stirred a but in her sleep, crawling onto me to the extent that her face was in the crook of my neck, I froze at her hot breath hitting my bare neck.

It was full of shivers and pleasure.

I growled lowly, having difficulty at keeping my vampire at bay, there was no doubt I wanted her so bad. I will have to practice how to behave around her, I don't want to loose it and do something she wouldn't like.


She has been passed out for quite long, I decided to go and get some food for her. But she was clinging onto me so tight, I had a hard time removing her body from mine. I lifted her up bridal style and placed her on the bed, adjusting her head on the pillow, quietly before trudging out of the room to get it for her. I honestly don't know how to cook but I could try, only if the house will still be in one piece after I was done.


The four of us sat in Namjoon's office silently, staring blankly at each other. We didn't know what to do but we knew we were in big trouble if Jungkook found out what was wrong with Luna, worst if he knew we kept it from him.

What will he even do if he found out that his mate is at a death's cliff, possibly could die any moment.

He would throw the biggest tantrum in the world, I didn't want to witness what I did before, he's crazy when it comes to her. He will turn the house upside down. Any moment now, we will be six feet underground.

"Wait wait"

Hoseok who has been finding it funny asked for the hundredth time.

"You... You mean to tell me that, "

He snickered

"Her curse acted up in Jungkook's presence? "


"Shh, keep it down Hobi"

I shot him a glare, none of us found it funny except him.

"We are in a deep shit "

Yoongi said, I gave him an approving nod.

"He didn't ask about it? "

I shook my head, unsure of what to say.

Yoongi groaned.

"Should we tell him? "

I ask Namjoon who has been silent all these while, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Joonie? "

I called for his attention once again, he turned and cocked a brow at me.

"I asked if we should be telling him"

I stated with a sigh.


"NO?! "

We all shouted in unison
Honestly I didn't expect him to object, he has every right to know.

"Namjoon, I don't know if you've forgotten this but she's his mate, he has every right to know "
. Yoongi reasoned

"No, not from us "

"What do you mean not from us? "

I asked

"We promised Luna not to tell him, it's hers to tell not ours. We can't just go and tell him his mate is cursed , that he's the only one to break it, and we kept it from him"

"To make it worst .. "

He glanced at our faces

"Will you be able to tell Jungkook she'll be dying any moment soon? "

I was going to speak and object but just then, we heard loud shatters, as if someone had dropped some plates.

We all flinched, hearing a growl from behind the door, our eyes were wide, in fact, our eyes doubled in size and our mouths hanged open. Closing and opening.

We knew what had just happened and we knew we were so dead.

The door was kicked open, the heavy oak door fell limp on the floor, the door slammed onto the tiled floor with a loud bang and the white painted wall, some of it scattered on the floor in pieces. The four of us jumped and whipped to the door only to see Jungkook looking like a pissed off sadist.

We weren't afraid of him though, since he can't fight us when it came to strength but instead we knew morally, we had done something wrong by keeping it from him. That was the reason we feared him.

The four of us watched his vampire side take control and we knew we should be finding a place to stand because he'll be destroying everything.

"Why didn't you tell me? "

He growled darkly, his voice booming though the entire house but since most of the rooms were soundproof, the others are safe from the noise. However we are vampires, our hearing is sharper, that's probably why he heard it.

We stood there wide eyed as he flipped the couch to the end of the room where the desk was located.

He continued to flip the glass coffee tables as he screamed in frustration, shaking violently,


And that was my cue to move since I knew the next thing to be flipped was the single couch I sat in. So I moved with the speed of lightning. We didn't stop him because we knew that was his way of calming his anger. And it was better to destroy object than a person, our lives were probably more important than this whole mansion and everything in it. Ok he was likely not to hurt us.


Ok, like we will ignore the fact that he just called us fuckers.

"Jungkook put that down, that laptop contains--"

Namjoon didn't finish and the laptop was thrown at him.

He was lucky to have a very fast speed as one of his abilities or else his body would have been headless.

Well I was wrong when I said we weren't going to get hurt.

"Ok kid, stop what you are doing and let's.... "

If I were Yoongi, I would probably shut up like how hoseok isnt saying anything right me because a vase was sent flying to him the miment he spoke.

It hit the wall and pieces of the shattered, piercing through his arm

"Shit Jungkook, that hurts! "

He was destroying everything, no let me rephrase it, he had destroyed everything. Papers were scattered on the floor, glasses, laptops, everything
We knew if we didn't stop him, we'd be dead.

Get him! "

Namjoon commanded through the mind link and we all sped up to his, grabbing him as me tackling him onto the floor.

Even if he was stronger, he probably couldn't break from our hold. But he still kept up a good fight, we stumbled but struggled not to let him. His vampire was a dangerous one and he had little control, we couldn't risk letting him go.

He thrushed about like a mad man for quite a while, his breathing was ragged and his body had gotten stiff.

"Jungkook! "
"Come to your fucking senses or else we are putting a silver chain on you at the basement again! "

That threat always worked but this time when Namjoon said it, he didn't even make an attempt to stop. He was growling and clawing at our hands, the kid was damn strong, my muscles ached from trying to hold him still.


Yoongi yelped, annoyed. He has little tolerance so I'm not surprised.

His hair was messy, drenched with sweats and tears. Even if vampires are known not to sweat, we do sweat when we overwork our body. But not as compared to the normal rate that humans do.

"Oh my sweet...! "

Jimin barged in with a wide eyed Pias following him.

"Get out you two! "
Namjoon yelled in a deep voice, they still stood there.


It wasn't the first time we had dealt with Jungkook but t had been quite long since it happened. He didn't like to see people he hate when it comes, he might hurt them. Especially Pia.

"Knock him out?! "

Hoseok suggested

"Ye.. "

"No! "

I cut Namjoon off

He looked at me skeptically.

"He will be the same if he wakes up. "

"Jungkook, look at me.! "

I tried to get him to stop flailing around and at look at me


Then he stopped struggling with us. Ok, That worked

He's whipped already ?!

Hoseok asked us all through the mind link, out of breath.
Yoongi snickered into the mind link

Yea, that's good news then

Namjoon said weth the same heavy breathing as Hoseok.

Wait, why didn't I think about this early?

Yoongi asked, we all rolled our eyes

Well you obviously don't have a world wide handsome brain like me

I replied smugly, he mentally scowled at my bragging. We all laughed, we were actually glad we wouldn't have to be doing this again, since we now had a solution. A mate is supposed to calm you down all the time,with just the thought of them.

"That's it, control yourself "

Namjoon soothed, it felt as if we were dealing with a child. By now Jungkook was breathing heavily, his human self was slowly taking over.

"For her "

I added, my smartass not ready to let go if the tease. When we were sure he was ok now, we all left him and collapsed to the floor with a loud thud.

"Ouch, the glass"

Hoseok hissed in pain as he sat on the pieces if glass.

We all snickered


Yoongi mumbled.

We say there, watching Jungkook pushing his hands through his hair, breathing heavily.

"Why didn't you all tell me? "

This time he asked lowly, it wasn't dark and it didn't come with a growl.

I sighed

"She asked us no it to, she was afraid you wouldn't mind that "

He was silent for a wwhile, clenching hiss jaws.

"But still..!! "
. We all flinched at his sudden outburst, jumping up on his feet, he glared down at the four of us who were sprawled on the floor.

"Still what?! "

Yoongi snapped, he had probably reached his limits, the guy with little to no tolerance.

"Still what jungkook?! "

"You can't blame anyone for that?! "

"Whatever she was afraid of at that time was because it was rue! You hated her at that time so I'll leave the rest to you to think about your reaction if we informed you "

Yoongi stood up angrily, poking his index finger into Jungkook's chest. We were all on high alert because we were kind of aware of the kind of dangerous waters he was treading. If Jungkook snapped we would stop him.

But surprisingly he didn't, instead, he lowered his head in shame, a drop of tear landing on the floor.

We were all confused even Yoongi had a wide eye, he expected worst reaction from him.

Jungkook took in a deep inhale and exhale, before running a hand through his messy hair and begining to walk out

"Y.. Yah where are you going? " Hoseok asked, still not trusting him not to loose control.

"To my mate, we need to settle it "

He said in a rough tone

"Jungkook you might hurt her! "

He stopped not turning his face to us at Yoongi's words, growling lowly, he hissed

"Damn it hyung, I'm in fucking control"

"M... Maybe not fully, being with her will calm me down, I won't hurt her"

With that, he was gone. The doubt in his voice was evident.
I couldn't help the grin that crept on my lips

"Damn... When was he whipped like this? "

I chuckled with a shrug

"Well that was easy "

Namjoon answered, falling back onto the floor stretching his long legs .

"Ha! Sarcasm"

Yoong remarks, not buying anything Namjoon had just said. We all laughed at him, leaving him to sulk all he wants.

The guy needs to change this name from Min Yoongi to Lazy bones, I swear.

Have u guys heard about the Vmin moment on we verse? 😂

Long chapter, am I moving slowly?
Al ryt, I'll try to get some immune boosting action in the next chapter*winks*

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