
By Queen2KIA

83 2 2

Jack is not human. Well not completely human. He has siren blood from his father's side and Incubus blood fro... More

One My Own

Family History

39 1 0
By Queen2KIA

A/N: I'm having a hard time tagging this so if anyone thinks of one it would be greatly appreciated

"So, there I was! My back against the wall! Held at gun point by ten... No! Twenty armed soldiers! Their commanders just about to give the order to send me to the here after!"

"What did you do Uncle Jack?!" A young and excited Jack Sparrow asked on the edge of his hammock which swag back and forth with the rocking of the ship. A flash of lightening went through the captains quarters from the raging storm outside. Jack wasn't afraid though. To enraptured (distracted) by his uncle's story which his father ordered him to tell for the duration of the storm.

"Well, I put on my best smile and lowered my guns and asked kindly to be let go. And do you know what they did?" He asked leaning in closer to his nephew for dramatic effect.

"What did they do? Did they shoot at you? Did you die?!" The six year old asked excitedly. His uncle chuckled.

"No I didn't die... Not this time. They just let me go." He said and young Jack immediately gave a distrusting look.

"They let you go?" He said giving his uncle a disbelieving look like he should know better then to lie to Jack by now.

"I'll have you know your uncle is an amazing negotiator!" Jack Senior yelled back at the little boy puffing his chest up confidently.

I low rumbled chuckle was heard and the two Jacks turned to see young Jack's father chuckling to himself over the map he was studying.

"Negotiation? Please, all you did was use your charm." Captain Teague said refusing to let his brother get away with fibbing to his child. Jack Senior gave his brother a glare for once again killing his glorious image in his nephew's eyes.

"Charm?" Jack asked curiously having never heard of such a thing before.

Teague looked up to see his son's confused and gave one of his own.

"I'm sure I've told you about the charm. Remember when I told you about your family heritage?" Teague asked. When he just received a blank stare in returned he stood from his chair and walked over to his son and brother.

"Come on, it wasn't that long ago we had that talk. Only a couple years." He said and his brother seemed to get a look of realization before he smacked his brother on the arm.

"I told you six months was too young to give 'the talk'!" He yelled at his brother before he got a murderous look. Jack Senior flinched back before patting his brother on the shoulder and giving a confident smile.

"No need for such a hostile look, now is there? I am your favorite brother after all?" He said and Teague just smacked his hand away before knocking him upside the head.

"Don't even try it. My will is too strong for your charm." Teague said before turning back to his son.

"Now, Jack this is the last time I'm going over this with you so pay attention." Teague said and Jack nodded with an adorable focused look on his face.

"Well I guess the best place to start is to tell you that your great great..." He paused in consideration.

"Great." Jack senior offered.

"Yes, thank you, your great great great grandmother was a siren." Teague said and Jack's little jaw dropped in surprised. Thinking of all the stories he'd heard of sirens from the crew. How they were beautiful creatures that lured men in with their sweet songs before drowning and feeding off them.

"What?!" He exclaimed getting nods of assurance from both his father and uncle.

"Yep, you heard right. We're decent from sirens." Jack senior said clearly proud of their heritage. Teague on the other had looked less impressed.

"Not that big of a deal really, but it has given some select members in our family a gift. Members like your uncle and you." Teague continued.

"I have a gift? Where is it?" Jack asked looking all around and under himself as if would just magically appear out of then air.

"Not that kind of gift lad. We mean something more of an... ability." Uncle Jack said.

"You see the two of you inherited a piece of the siren's alure powers. The call, pull, charm whatever you want to call it." Teague continued.

"It allows your words and touch to have a suggestive power over most men. Some of them can fight it if they have a strong enough will or have been exposed to it enough. Men like your old man." Uncle Jack said clapping a hand over his brother's shoulder. Which he slapped just as it landed. Uncle Jack swore and shook his hand from the pain.

"I don't get it." Jack said looking confused.

"Think of it this way. Say a man has a purse full of gold coins. You would want to steal it right?" Teague asked and Jack nodded as if that was obvious.

"Well, with your power you don't have to. You could just ask him to give it to you and he would. Or if that doesn't work you could just touch his arm or something and ask again and he will. Sometimes you don't even have to speak. You could just touch his shoulder and look at the purse and they may give it to you." He explained. Jack's face lit up.

"I could do that!?" He asked and smiled excitedly.

"Yep, sure can. I've done it plenty in my youth. Now-a-days I can sometimes get a whole ship if I concentrate hard enough." Uncle Jack said and Jack's jaw dropped again. Before his face turned up in confusion.

"How come only we can do it though? Why not you dad? Your related to a siren too." Jack asked confused.

"The gift doesn't go to all of us on account of our more human blood. For the most part very few of us don't get it. A lot of the time it skips over more then one generation. It's really rare for two generations to get it back to back like you and your uncle. For those that do get it, don't even have the same level of power with it. For instance, your uncle can charm an entry crowd of people enough to weasel his way out of an execution if he wanted to but you great grandmother could only ever manage a free meal at most." Teague explained.

"Well... if that's the case how do you know I have it? Can you tell me how strong my charm is?" Jack asked.

"From a special mark. When children in our family are born we check just below their left ear. If there is an indent below it, something like a remnant of a gill, it means your born with the gift. For if the siren blood in you to be strong enough to use a charm it shows up physically on the body as well. You have that same mark under your own ear. If that wasn't enough you had been using your charm very early on. When you were a baby their wasn't a member of this entire crew that wouldn't die for you. It's the only reason that I was able to keep you on the ship so young and not send you to an orphanage. I never had to worry about anything happening because I know those lads outside would throw themselves at gun point for you. That's just from you being around them. I don't even think you've been actively charming them at that age." Teague said and Jack looked down at his small hands as if he could see the power in them if he focused hard enough.

"As for how strong your charm is, I think you may be the most power our family has ever seen... Most likely because of your mother's family heritage." Teague said this time also getting Uncle Jack's attention as he was not aware of this.

"What about my mother's family?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, what about his mother's family?" Jack senior echoed.

"Your mother also had monster's blood running through her veins. Her great great great grandfather was an incubus. Apparently a very strong one at that. Though his heritage was more rare. Only two of her relatives showing powers inherited by him. Only ever men showed any gifts. Which means your mother had none at all. Though she most definitely passed it to you. She told me what signs to look for before she passed away. A small mark on the back of your head in the shape of a crescent moon. Hidden away by your hair. Always keep that mark hidden boy, you hear me?" He said and Jack nodded in understanding.

"But what does that mean for his abilities?" Uncle Jack asked.

"Well the siren in his blood seems to have activated the incubus in it and created something entirely new and much more potent. You'll be quiet the force to behold boy." Teague said pride clear in his voice as he looked down at his son. Jack beamed under the attention. Before he started asking questions again.

"So I'll be able to control anyone I want?" He asked excitedly.

"Not anyone. Only men, sorry lad. I've already seen you around women and there's never any strong reaction from them. When they've held you in the past their seemed to be an immediate fondness but nothing strong enough that you could control them in anyway. Probably on the account of your siren blood. Who's charm only works on men. Keep that in mind for the future. It could be your down fall." His father said and Jack nodded less excited now.

"So I can only use it only men?" He said less excited as that just wiped away half the world population from his control. Their go his dreams of ruling the world.

"Not all men either. Don't forget their a some remarkably strong willed men out in the world. Think renowned kings, commanders, and generals, and even a couple of pirate captains. Trust me, I learned that the hard way." Uncle Jack said shivering at some memory he seemed to be having.

"It's not an easy power to weld either boy. Even when it works perfectly that doesn't mean things will go the way you want." Teague continued.

"How so?"

"Well for example, take the crew out there. You know how you charmed them all when you were a baby?" Uncle Jack started and Jack nodded.

"Well, at the time we thought that was a completely good thing and would help guarantee your safety more. That is until the previous first mate tried to steal you away in the middle of the night. He'd intended to quit the pirate life and to raise you as his own in some sleepy town in Singapore." Uncle Jack finished.

"Didn't get far though. The rest of the crew weren't too keen on the thought of you being taken away. They all put in the effort to find you before he left. He only managed to stay hidden for two hours before he was found."

"What did you do to him when they brought him back?" Jack asked his father.

"Didn't get the chance to do anything. The rest of the crew had beaten him to death before throwing his body to the sharks." Teague said and Jack's eyes widened.

"You managed all that before you could even talk lad. So, remember if you ever decide to ever use your gifts that your careful of who you use your charm on and how you use it. Hell, even be carefully of the people weak willed enough for it to work even without you using your it actively." Uncle Jack warned. Jack was starting to feel overwhelmed with all the information he was getting. He was about to call it a night before he remembered one last thing he wanted to know.

"Okay, I get how the charm is supposed to work but what about the gifts from mom's side? How do they work?" He asked and Teague looked away briefly. Debating with himself if Jack was old enough for the information he was thinking of telling him.

"Well, that's a power that you won't be using for years to come but... I guess it couldn't hurt to tell you how it works earlier on." Teague said and Jack got comfortable in his seat preparing to memorize everything his father was about to say.

"Before I tell you how this works Jack there are a few things that you need to know. The gifts from your mother's side are a lot more potent and damaging then ours. The will of a man means nothing in the face of it. Though the charm is always temporary and can be fought against, things are much different with this. One full use of it is enough to have a man at your power for the rest of his life. Even if you yourself died before them it would still continue on. It's even effected your charm. Now with just one kiss on the cheek it boost your charm by ten-fold. I can't even imagine what would happen if your ever kissed a man on the lips. I'm no even completely sure how to stop it when it's started. All your mother knew was that when relatives no longer wanted the power to be active they just stopped it themselves. She had no idea how because they never bothered to explain. You should probably also know that none of your gifts will ever work on your true mate." Teague said and Jack nodded in fake understanding. He never really paid too much attention to his father warnings. Choosing to always learn the hard way by doing so. He also didn't bother asking about this 'true mate' thing. He already got way too much information to digest tonight as is. He just wanted his father to hurry up and tell him the secret.

"I understand dad." He said and Teague just sighed knowing he didn't truly understand.

But he would one day.

"Alright the secret to activating your incubus power is bottoming for man."

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