better than me - minishaw

By i-eroween

9.7K 238 58

Harry Lewis is an outcast just having fun. He has no one to try to impress or work for, he's trying to make t... More

headaches do not mix well with parties.
welcome to hell. population: pricks.
since when does he even play the guitar?
the resurecctionist, or an existential crisis in c#
back in black
the kids from yesterday
aced it.
ocean avenue
mr. brightside
they wanted darkness...
peach (lobotomy)
headfirst for halos
don't you know who I think I am?
i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth
a small favour.


354 9 3
By i-eroween


Everything was too loud. The hallways were too noisy and the annoying fluorescent lights were blinding him. The original rush of the coffee had worn out and he was now subjected to the worst biology class in existence.

He had stayed up all night questioning his entire existence and maybe (well, definitely) thinking about Simon too. After several hours he finally came to the conclusion that he was going to do something about it that very day.

He didn't know how he was going to sum up the courage to be able to do it, but he was sure that when backed into a corner he would figure it out. What he hadn't anticipated was the fact that the day itself was going to be awful.

Harry's nerves were on point for the next few hours, for Simon had agreed to go over that afternoon to his house. It would've been much easier if he had said no, Harry was already having second thoughts and the lack of sleep wasn't helping.

Someone snapped their fingers in front of him and he was brought back to the harsh reality of biology class, after nearly having dozed off.

Vik was still talking his ear off about DNA or something, which was exactly why he tuned out. His head was pounding and he had never felt as bad in his life but it was all going to be worth it in the future, right?


Simon met up with him as soon as class ended. They just walked home like they usually did, except Harry was much more jittery on the inside and dead-looking on the outside. His state was so bad that Cal had compared him to a corpse earlier but thankfully Simon hadn't said anything about it.

When they got to his house, Harry rushes inside to check who was there. He thanked all lords above that his house was completely empty at the moment, he would've died if Josh or Rosie constantly interrupted him. He just wanted to spend some time alone with his crush — no best friend, was that so wrong about that?

In Harry's room, Simon was being his usual quiet self which was a good thing. If they talked less then Harry wouldn't have the chance to blurt out something stupid, at least that's what he thought.

He was wrong.

The two of them talked for hours, about anything and everything. They would talk about being bullied as kids but then suddenly switch to cake recipes, the conversation never dwindling. It felt natural, they had no walls to put up, the two of them had never been more themselves around anyone else.

Harry was teetering on the edge of telling him absolutely everything, but before he managed to say anything, Simon spoke.

"I'm gay."

They were only two words but Harry was floored. He couldn't believe that Simon, the most closed-off person he knew, actually trusted him enough to say it.

"Uh... I know." was what came out of his mouth before he even thought what he was going to say. He didn't mean it that way, it had come out wrong and now he began pulling a couple of hairs out of nervousness. His scalp ached like hell but that wasn't what he was focused on, instead it was the expression on Simon's face which thankfully changed into one of surprise, not betrayal.

Harry explained everything to him but for the first time in weeks, everything felt awkward again. To try to change it back to the way they were, he suggested that they watch a movie. The dumbasses that they were ended up choosing Dark Shadows because why not.

The all-nighter he had almost pulled off was catching up to him and he began to drift off several times during the movie. Somehow he ended up resting his head on Simon's shoulder but he wasn't complaining, it was a near-impossible feat.

Harry had no problem with hugging everyone, he was like a teddy bear, but Simon was the complete opposite. Harry had noticed how much the tall boy hated being touched, he avoided any type of physical contact as much as possible. Whenever he would hug Simon from behind, he would stiffen like if he wasn't a boy but a plank of wood. And that was only with Harry, if anyone else touched him, it was a death wish.

Harry drifted off into a sort of waking dreams until the movie had nearly ended. He felt Simon shift only a bit in his seat but that was enough to wake him up. He could only focus on how pretty Simon looked, even though the lighting was dim.

He gave him a small smile and before he knew it, Simon was kissing him. It was soft but sweet and Harry could have stayed there forever.

Simon actually liked him back.

When they broke apart, Harry couldn't stop a small giggle escape from his lips. "I like you."

Simon now had the biggest smile that Harry had ever seen on his face. It was astonishing how he never really smiled but Harry was what made him crack. "I know."

"Oh. Do you remember what happened at the party then?" Harry quickly came to that conclusion because if not, then how would he know? He buried his face in Simon's chest to avoid looking at his eyes.

"Yes, I do, but I thought you had forgotten."

Upon hearing him, Harry just scoffed. "Mate, I'm 15, I'm not a fucking alcoholic, I was barely tipsy that night."

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Simon said softly, in his kind way. He didn't have a way with words but Harry always knew what he meant. He just snuggled up more to him and closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep again.

Simon ran his fingers through his hair while Harry was playing with the fingers of his other hand. That's when he drifted off, but everything was finally okay.

author's note: holy shit I was gone for such a long time sorry,,, I'm back home and I hate it,,, questioning sexuality & gender again fuck

on the bright side I'm now obsessed with Haikyuu and I'm finishing playing v3

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