
By Miss_Hoodnificent

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Part 3 To "X-Tra Credit" and "Sextasy" Follow Along As More Petty Ass Drama Unravels Amongst The Females As T... More

Lesson 3: Sculpting To Your Pleasure
Lesson 4: Curiosity Killed The Cooch
Lesson 5: Distractions Cum At A Price
Lesson 6: Don't Make This Harder Than It Already Is
Lesson 7: Umm...Wow...
Lesson 8: No Fucking Way
Lesson 9: Marry Me?

Lesson 1: Welcome Back

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By Miss_Hoodnificent

Lesson 1: Welcome Back


I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping louder than ever. I was enjoying my sleep but like always, summer comes to an end and the school year begins.

I sat up and crawled out of bed, dragging myself to the bathroom.

"Oh my God I might have class with Amber." I groaned as I rolled my eyes in annoyance. While I was getting all cleaned up, I decided to try my relaxation methods my anger management coach taught me. Over
summer I invested in some anger management so I don't lash out anymore at other girls... In particular ones named Amber.

Since taking anger management, I have calmed down a lot. I feel better as a person but I do miss having class with Auburn and Mariah. They've been away on their vacations for summer vacation so I look really forward to seeing them at school.

After a little while, I showed up on campus and grabbed my schedule from the main office. I saw my schedule and recognized my regular core classes and had to mentally prepare myself for whatever elective I was given.

"K2?" I questioned to myself as I eyed the piece of paper. The wind picked up a little bit and I had to push my hair out of the way, looking up I saw Yvonne walking out of the office. "Hey Yvonne." I said with a warm smile.

"Hey Chanelle. How are you?" I actually liked her so I was happy I had her to talk to for the time being. Looking around, I saw so many new girls it was disturbing me at how exposed they were. What's the point of even wearing clothes? Just a waste of time because none of these teachers will fuck them unless they have their night classes but they'll learn that soon enough.

"I'm great. I have Mr.Salazarez's class first. How are you?" I requested his class so many times I bet the school board is probably annoyed with me and just gave me his class so I'd stop requesting the class... That was fine by me.

"I have him for first too. I also have Mr.Jenkins for second and sixth." She said with a cheeky smile. We began to walk around campus till the first bell rings...These girls are just so slutty it's really starting to annoy me.

"How'd you get him twice?"

"I have his health class again and I'm also his T.A for sixth. He said he needed a T.A to help out while he's teaching so I more than willingly signed up for his class." We had walked by his classroom and we saw him standing outside with about six or seven girls around him laughing. I caught the look Yvonne had but I wasn't going to say one word about that.

"Well at least you have him. Ajalae won't be here this year." A confused look appearing on Yvonne's face. "She transferred back to Harvard apparently but I get a feeling she's going to return. Funny how she leaves when Mr.Ginot leaves don't you think?"

"It's whatever. Just as long as she doesn't add on to the drama, it's all good." I couldn't agree anymore than I do Yvonne. "Should we just go wait in Mr.Salazarez's class? There's only a few minutes till the bell rings so we just might as well chill in there." I nodded my head and we both turned down a different hallway. I could already picture Mr.Salazarez sitting at his desk without his shirt, his chains on his bare chest and that look in his eyes. I missed him so much.

"You two are here early." He said looking right at us when we walked into the classroom. He was exactly like how I was picturing him and I felt a certain way about that, I need to be in his lap right now.

"Well we thought we might as well just come to class. How are you?" I asked setting my bag down at a desk and walking over to him. He pulled me right down on his lap and gave me a big bear hug.

"I'm alright. Zero period was interesting. It was all a bunch of freshmen so I'm glad that's over. You look amazing."

"Mr.Salazarez? Is it okay if I go get a water bottle? I might be late-"

"Gon' ahead. I won't mark you late." He said keeping his stare locked on me. Yvonne exited the classroom and now it was just Mr.Salazarez and I... I loved it.

"You look pretty good too." I let my hand rest on his lower stomach, just above the band of his boxers and caught that moment when he bit his bottom lip at me.

"That hand though, Chanelle.." He trailed off.

"I know, do you know where I wish it was?" I asked planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I got an idea and I like the way you're thinking." He said bringing his lips to mine. Holding me tight, his hands snaked up the back of my shirt. Lingering on the hook of my bra. I gladly let my hand slide underneath the band of his boxers and had full access to his dick. I hadn't seen him in about a month, I wanted him now, especially since it was just him and I in the room. We had limited time but if we're both eager enough I know we can make something happen.

He was about to pull off my shirt completely till the door opened and we both quickly parted from each other. I jumped off his lap and pulled my shirt back down while he fixed his shorts. I saw a female standing there with a certain look to her face....

"Are you Mr. Salazarez?" She asked completely ignoring my presence by focusing her attention on my Mr.Salazarez.

"Yes I am. Who are you?"

"I'm Leah. One of your students." She said with a satisfied smile. "Hands on much?"

"Yes he is with me, so back the fuck up." It slipped. Honest, the truth couldn't be stopped but I didn't care.


"You shouldn't have that smile on your face, looking at him, and questioning such nonsense. Shut up and stay away from him unless you want some serious shit to go down-"

"Oh for fucks sake, you're in this class? I should have guessed you were. I was hoping you were dropping out." Amber said as she walked into the classroom. " First day back and already you look like you belong on the corner of West Avenue."

"At least I get money unlike some bimbo's who go around letting any nigga with dark skin and a dick run and train on me. I'm sorry did I just announce your hobby?" I can't believe Amber is back.. so much for my anger management classes.

"Y'all aren't doing that petty shit in my class. Take a seat." Mr.Salazarez said. "Do you have night class here too?" He asked.

"Yes I do and so does Yvonne." I said glaring at Amber. "Is there a day that goes by where your tits aren't suffocating you?"

"I also have a night class." Amber said with a smile that was too fucking flirty for my liking. "They don't suffocate me. Is it tough being mistakenly thought of a guy since you have no chest at all?"

"That joke would actually make sense if I had no chest but I do thank you for the record. Which I know Mr.Salazarez loves-"

"That I do. Knock it off you two or I swear I'm giving you two detention in my room after school today. I don't got time for that." He put on his sweatshirt and walked to the front of the class. By now the classroom was starting to fill with the rest of the students and that Leah chick wouldn't keep her eyes off of Mr.Salazarez.

"You are aware of Leah right?" Amber whispered to me.

"I already got tabs on her skank ass.I don't even know her and already I'm annoyed."

"This should be fun-"

"Shut up Amber. Where's London?"

"She has bio right now with Auburn. I heard Mariah has history."

"I haven't talked to Mariah yet but I'm glad they're here too." This should be fun, I couldn't wait to see who our new night course teacher was going to be this time around. I swear it better not be Mr.Sarota again, I will fly off the handle.

I don't want to be in his class anymore due to past classes.


I sat at my desk and looked over my roll sheet. These were students I was happy to see, mainly because these are the students that all of us teachers are very much well aware of.

It was only minutes till class started and I began to make my way from the break room with my red bull in hand. I was feelin' drained since it's the first day back but I was ready to just lay down and go to sleep. This is my last class so I hope it's a class that won't tire me out too much- it shouldn't since I got a damn red bull.

I stepped into the class and all eyes were on me. I laughed to myself as I scanned each student.

"I recognize some of y'all. Auburn, Chanelle, Mariah, Amber, London, and Yvonne. But y'all four I ain't familiar with." I said as I noticed the deadly looks on some of their faces.

"I'm Leah."

"I'm Honey."

"I'm Bailey."

"and I'm Chelsea." They four at the end said. I simply nodded my head and walked over to my computer to take roll real quick. "So what class is this?" Chelsea asked.

"This is my class. Don't worry about what's gon' be taught but just know you'll have fun with my class. Of course, you all are aware other teachers may pull you out of class to finish up some work." I said just before sitting on the corner of my desk.

"I have a question." Chanelle said. "Is Mr.Sarota still on campus?-"

"I had his class for fifth so yes he's here and he is oh so fine." Bailey said.

"You're not gonna say anything?" I asked Auburn. "Ain't he yours or so I've heard?"

"I'm not going to stoop down to drama. I already know what this school is all about anyways." She said unamused. "Can we just get to this class already?"

"Wait, have you guys seen Mr.Jenkins?" Chelsea asked. "The blonde one-"

"Back off." Yvonne and Auburn both said at once.... I was already confused and we've only just begun.

"Why are you talking on behalf of Mr.Jenkins?" Yvonne shot back at Auburn. "Do not tell me you have a thing for him-"

"Let's not start this right now." Auburn said.

"Wait, can we all take note at the fact Mariah isn't pregnant anymore?" Amber said. "What happened?"

"Okay nosy ass. It was a false positive. I just started getting fat because I wasn't really watching what I ate since I was under the impression I was pregnant. Now shut up Amber, I'm still pissed at you." Mariah said with an annoyed roll of her eyes. I peeped how Honey had her ear buds in, so I walked up to her desk and glared at her.

"Yes?" She asked looking up at me.

"No headphones in class unless I say it's okay." I held out my hand hinting for her to hand me the device. "Hand it over." She let out a groan but placed the IPod in my hand.

"Since you're not pregnant, touch Mr.Corvo again and I'll beat your ass." Amber threatened to Mariah.

"Bitch please, I'd like to see your ass even as much as lift a spoiled finger my way. Just for that, Mr.T-Money can I go to the bathroom?"

"No. You can't go see Mr.Corvo right now, he's busy dealing with some shit. Lesson 1: Welcome Back. I don't have an initial lessons for you ladies because it's the first day but of course, this is a class that will be focused around art and baking because I like both of those subjects. Any questions?"

"Why are there syrup bottles on your desk?" Honey asked.

"Because I love syrups." I said point blank. "I have a terrible sweet tooth."

"So you just eat syrups all day?"

"No. I use 'em for body art on my students and lick it off of 'em." A surprised look on her face. "It ain't as terrifying as you might imagine it being, it's fun. A lot of fun because of what follows."

"What follows?"

"When we cum to that bridge, we'll cross it. But for now, I want you all to sign a release. If you had Mr.Sarota's class, you should know there is a release that needs to be signed." I began to hand out the papers and waited patiently-

"Here." Chanelle said handing me the paper.

"You read-"

"No. I just already know what to expect." Chanelle continued to say as she took her seat again. "So can I just sit here and do nothing?"

"I don't care. I had no lesson plans so y'all got free time. Just no arguing." I sat back down in my chair behind my desk and set the IPod on my desk. Honey came walking up with her paper and set it down next to her IPod. I just smirked at her and locked my eyes with hers.

"Why that smirk?" She asked.

"I like what I see. A lot." I growled lowly at her as I leaned back in my chair, resting my hands behind my head.

"I do too but there's nothing we can do about that-"

"There is always something that can be done. Trust me, this class has no boundaries and I'll make sure we seek to use that to our advantage."

I look forward to what this school year has to offer.

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