His Hybrid

By remmyisbae

419 18 5

Liam Payne is a normal 22 year old walking back to his flat when he here's whimpering in an alleyway. He foun... More



263 10 2
By remmyisbae

Liam's POV
I was walking down the street back to my flat. It was like 11pm. I was walking past an alleyway and I heard a soft whimper. "Hello?" I asked looking into the alleyway. I started to walk down it. I could get murdered by doing this but I just want to make sure no one is hurt. I heard the whimper again but no one was here. I look around and saw a scared pair of hazel brown eyes. "Hey. It's ok I'm not gonna hurt you." I said softly. I looked closer. It was wolf pup. "What are you doing in the city little guy?" I asked. I slowly walked over to it. It growled at me. "It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." I said. I leaned up and sniffed my hand. It snuggled into my hand and I softly pet it. "Come here." I said softly moving closer to it. It moved to me and I picked it up. It started shaking. "No. It's ok. I won't hurt you." I said softly. It stopped shaking. It was like it understood what I was saying. I walked back to my flat. I placed it on my couch. "What are you? Boy or girl?" I asked. It shook its tail then stopped. "Boy." I said. The tail staring wagging again. "Girl." I said. It stopped. "Your a boy." I said smiling. "Ok. Let's get you a blanket. Your probably freezing." I said getting up. I walked to a closet trying to find a blanket. I found one and walked back to my living room. I jumped slightly. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. The boy had raven black hair and he looked terrified. "What are you doing in my flat?" I asked. I looked at him. He had hazel brown eyes similar to the wolf pup. I looked around. "Where's the wolf pup that was on the couch?" I asked. He stayed silent. "Well answer me." I snapped. He whimpered backing away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I said walking over to him. "What are you doing in my flat?" I asked. He looked around. "Can you talk?" I asked. He shook his head slowly. "Do you know how to write?" I asked. He shrugged. I walked off and. And back with a pen and paper. I have it to him. "Name." I said. He held the paper and wrote. He handed it to me. His writing was very sloppy but I could read it. Zayn. "Ok. Zayn. How did you get in here?" I asked. He pointed to me. "I didn't let you in." I said. He pointed to the couch where the pup was then himself. "Your the wolf pup?" I asked. He nodded. "Ok. I don't know who you are but I'm done with the games." I said chuckling. He shook his head. "Yea. Come on. Time for you to go." I said. He ran away from me. "Don't run away from me." I said. He put his head down and went over to him. "Come on. Time for you to go now." I said ruffling his hair. As I did wolf ear popped up. "What the hell?" I asked myself. He proudly walked to the couch laying down. It was like magic he turned into the wolf pup. "You are the wolf pup." I said. I still had the blanket in my hand. I put it over him. He was cute but he's a pup. I called Harry. "What Li?" He asked. "So. I found this wolf pup in an alleyway. So I took him back home and he turned into a person like an actual human. Then when I was trying to get him out because I didn't know where he came from I ruffled his hair and wolf ears popped up. Then he walked back to my couch and turned back into the wolf pup." I explained. "I'm coming over right now." Harry said hanging up. I'm surprised he didn't think I was crazy. I mean. I thought I was crazy. This is insane. I looked at the pup. Or Zayn. He was sleeping. A few minutes later Harry walked in with his boyfriend. "Hey Louis." I said. He walked away from Harry and over to me. He looked at me than the wolf pup. He poked it and he woke up. "Why did you do that he was sleeping?" I asked. Zayn turned human smiling. The two hugged. "Zaynie!" Louis squealed. "Ok. What the heck is going on?" I asked. "Their hybrids Liam." Harry said. "What the hell are hybrids?" I asked. "There part human part animal creatures." Harry said. "And Louis. He's a hybrid?" I asked. "Yea. I'm part bear though." Louis said. "How come Louis can talk and Zayn can't?" I asked. "Zayn can talk he's just scared." Louis said. "But he told me he couldn't talk. He had to write his name down." I said. I handed Louis the piece of paper. "This isn't Zayn's handwriting." Louis said. "I watched him write." I said. "Well he faked. Zayn's handwriting is so pretty." Louis said. I looked at Zayn. "So how come he won't talk now?" I asked. "He's still scared. It took Louis a while to talk to me." Harry said. "Why didn't I know about Louis?" I asked. "Well. People don't know Hybrids are real." Harry told me. He looked at Zayn. "Aww. That's nice you got him a blanket." Harry said smiling. "Yea. He was cold." I said. I walked off into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Harry asked. "I'm getting food. He might be hungry." I said. I stopped and turned back. "Do you know what he likes to eat?" I asked Louis. "Chicken." Louis said. Good. I have some of that in the freezer. I took it out and put it on a pan. I preheated the oven and once it was done I put the chicken in and set a timer. I went back to the living room. "Well me and Lou have to go. Are you ok with Zayn staying here?" Harry asked. I looked at the boy. "Yea. Yea he can stay." I said. Harry smiled. "Alright. Come on Lou. We got to go back home." Harry said. Louis got up saying bye to Zayn. The pair left and I looked at Zayn. "It's fine if you don't talk. But I want to tell you that I won't hurt you." I said. He stood up and walked over to me. He opened his mouth but closed it and smiled instead. I smiled back. "Can I?" I asked lifting my hand to his hair. He leaned his head to my hand. I softly massaged his scalp. His hair was soft. The oven beeped and he jumped slightly. "No. It okay it's just the chicken." I said. He looked up at me smiling. He made his way to the beeping oven. "Wow. Careful. Stand over there so I can take the food out the oven." I said pointing. He went to where I was pointing. I noticed he had a tail. I looked away and grabbed oven mits. I opened the oven pulling out the chicken. Zayn came over reaching for the pan. I grabbed his wrist stopping him. He whimpered. "Don't touch. It hot I don't want you to hurt yourself." I said moving his hand away. "Let me get you a plate." Is aid. He nodded eagerly. I grabbed two plates and put some chicken on both. I had made fries with it. "Want some fries?" I asked. He hummed and I put some fries on his plate. I put some on mine then made my way to the small table I had. I put his plate at one side of the table. Mine at the other. He sat down and so did I. "Be careful. It's still kinda hot." I said. He nodded. After we ate he pushed his plate and looked at me which the most adorable big eyes. I smiled and took his plate. I washed them off putting them on the drying rack. "Alright. Come on Zayn. Let's get you into some different clothes. He was wearing rags they were dirty. I looked at his outfit then back at me. I put my hand out and he slowly put his hand in mine. I smiled and slowly made my way to my room so he could follow behind. I sat him down on my bed and grabbed a hoodie form my closet. He was pretty small so it could fit him easily. I handed it to him. He took it slowly smiling. He placed it on my bed and he started to strip. I turned around so I wasn't looking at him. I felt him tug on my shirt so I turned around. "Zayn." I said turning back. "Help." He mumbled. His voice was adorable. "Your naked." I said. "Help." He whined pulling my shirt. I sighed and turned around. He smiled. I grabbed my hoodie and slipped it over his head. It gave him sweater paws and he looked like he loved them. He kept waving them around smiling wide. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a shirt. I unbuttoned my jeans slipping them off putting the sweat pants. I took off my shirt replacing it with the one I grabbed. I turned around and Zayn's as staring at me. "Did you watch me change?" I asked. He nodded. "You can't do that." I told him. He frowned and looked up at me with teary eyes. "Im sorry." He cried wrapping his arms around my torso. I rubbed his back. "No. It's ok." I said. He continued to cry on my shirt. "D-don't hurt. Me." He cried. "What?" I asked peeling him off me. I looked at me tears streaming down his face. "Don't hit me please. I'm so sorry." He cried. "Zayn. No. I'm not gonna hit you." I said. I wiped his face. "Your not?" He asked sniffling. "No. I would never hit you." I said. I smile sadly. "Sorry." He said pointing to my shirt. I looked it was covered in tears and snot. I pulled it off. "It's fine I can wash it." I said. He looked at me and nodded. He pulled one of the sleeves down so you could see his hand and he placed his hand on my stomach. I looked at him. "What are you doing?" I asked. He looked up at me. He took his hand off. Weird. I grabbed another shirt and put it on. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "How old are you?" I asked. "19." He mumbled. "Your young." I said. He looked at me practically asking with his eyes how old I was. "I'm 22." I told him. He smiled. He started to walk to my door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Couch." He mumbled. "No. You can sleep in here with me." I said. He smiled and made his way to the bed. He crawled on the bed and I saw his butt. I forgot he didn't have briefs. I walked over to my drawer looking for a pair that would fit him. I smiled when I found a pair of Louis's. "Here. Put these on." I told him. He grabbed them and looked at me. "Do you need help?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed them and slipped them on him. He smiled and I got in the bed next to him. I covered us with a blanket then turned the light off. "Goodnight Zayn." I said. He hummed and I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with my cock throbbing. I sat up and groaned. Zayn was sleeping peacefully. I got up slowly trying not to wake him. That failed. He shot awake. He looked around and then his eyes landed on me. He tilted his head slightly in confusion. "Uh. Bathroom." I lied. He looked down then back to my eyes. Crawling over to me smiling. He tugged on my shirt. "What?" I asked. "Up." He said. I pulled my shirt up and he placed his hand on my stomach again. I was about to ask what he was doing but images staring going through my head. They were him. He was under me moaning whimpering whining begging. I took his hand off me. "What was that?" I asked. "What did you see?" He asked. "Images. Sexual ones." I admitted. "Of?" He asked. I looked and shook my head. "No. I'm not telling you." I said. He frowned. I grabbed my phone calling Harry. "Liam. What the actual heck?" He asked. "I need you and Louis to come here." I said. "What? Why?" He asked. "Zayn. He did something." I said. "Alright. We're coming." Harry said and I hung up. I got rid of my problem after I told Zayn to sit in the living room. I walked out and he smiled. I smiled back and the door opened. Harry walked in with Louis wrapped around him like a koala. "What do Zayn do?" Harry asked. "He put images in my head w-when he touched my stomach." He said. Louis's head shot up and he got off Harry. He walked over to Zayn. "Don't do that to him." Louis said. Zayn didn't say a thing he just held his head high. "I'm serious Zayn. He's trying to help you. Don't do that to him." Louis said. Zayn ignored Louis. "Do what to me? What did he do?" I asked. "Zayn. He was experimented on. It backfired and he was able to do things hybrids or people couldn't do." Louis explained. "Like?" I asked. "Bring out sexual desires. Move things with his mind etc." Louis said. "You did that?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly. "Which did he do?" Louis asked. "The first one." I said. "Zayn!" Louis yelled. Zayn turned his head to Louis then looked at Harry. He stood up and walked over to Harry. Zayn tugged on his shirt. "Up." Zayn said. "Harry don't." Louis said. "Don't you want to see." Zayn said smiling. Louis glared at him and Zayn just smiled. "Up." Zayn said. Harry lifted his shirt up and placed his hand on Harry's stomach. Harry's eyes went wide. "Ok stop. You don't need to go for that long." Louis said moving over to the two. Zayn took his hand off Harry. Harry looked around. "Who?" Zayn asked. "Who what?" Harry asked. "Who did you see Haz?" Louis asked. "Louis." He mumbled. Zayn turned to me and pouted. "Who?" He asked. "I'm still not telling you." I said. He pouted. "Zayn leave him be." Louis said. "I want him to help me!" Zayn whined. "When?" Louis asked. "Tomorrow." Zayn said. "Ok. But why do you need to know who he sexually desires?" Louis asked. Zayn whispered in Louis ear. "Awe." Louis cooed. Zayn crosses his arms pouting. "What am I helping with you with?" I asked. "Nothing until you tell him who you saw." Louis said. "Li can we go back home?" Harry asked. I nodded and the couple left. Zayn looked at me and walked back to my room. I followed and when I walk in he was sitting on the bed. I got in the bed next to him. "Please tell me who." He whispered. "Zayn." I said. "Please. If you do I'll tell you what I want help with. Please." He whined. I looked at him. He had his bottom lip out and his big hazel brown eyes were big. I sighed. "You." I said. He smiled. "Now tell me what you need help with." I said. "Heat." He said. "Why do you need help with the heat?" I asked. "No. I go into heat." He said. "What's that?" I asked. He crawled on my lap laying his head don my chest. "It's where your horny for a whole week." He said softly. "A-and you want. Want to help how?" I asked. He looked me in the eyes and said completely straight face. "Fuck me." I looked at him wide eyed. "I can't. Zayn we just met." I said. "No. Please. Help me." He whined. "Zayn." I said. He kept begging and whining. "Ok. Ok. I'll help you tomorrow." I said said finally agreeing. He smiled and pecked my lips. "Thank you." He said. I nodded and he got off my lap. He laid down falling asleep. I was tired so I went to sleep too.

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