✓ 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 ! spy...

By Chaeyeonbiased

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★ 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 ! • season one & two of mech x4 • fem oc x spyder johnson When... More

𝟬𝟬. aesthetics
𝟬𝟮. let's call it mech x4 (part two)
𝟬𝟯. let's get some air
𝟬𝟰. let's open the monster heart
𝟬𝟱. let's be idiots
𝟬𝟲. let's survive the woods
𝟬𝟳. let's get our robot back
𝟬𝟴. let's get the big bad
𝟬𝟵. let's deal with our stuff
𝟭𝟬. let's get some answers
𝟭𝟭. let's go clubbing
𝟭𝟮. let's get leo
𝟭𝟯. let's dig deep
𝟭𝟰. let's destroy some ooze
𝟭𝟱. let's end this (part one)
𝟭𝟲. let's end this (part two)
𝟭𝟳. versus the new evil
𝟭𝟴. versus the deep
𝟭𝟵. versus the outbreak
𝟮𝟬. versus harper's ghost
𝟮𝟭. versus the mountain
𝟮𝟮. versus the dark night
𝟮𝟯. versus the tech army
𝟮𝟰. versus traeger
𝟮𝟱. versus velocity and veracity
𝟮𝟲. versus the arctic
𝟮𝟳. versus the wolves at the door
𝟮𝟴. versus miami
𝟮𝟵. versus the x-weapon
𝟯𝟬. versus the sabotage
𝟯𝟭. versus the unexpected
𝟯𝟮. versus the monster within
𝟯𝟯. versus the betrayal
𝟯𝟰. versus harris & hana
𝟯𝟱. versus the infected
𝟯𝟲. versus the monster inside
𝟯𝟳. versus the end
𝟯𝟴. epilogue

𝟬𝟭. let's call it mech x4 (part one)

2.2K 25 35
By Chaeyeonbiased

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  let's call it mech x4
  part one
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It was early in the morning and the annoying sound of the alarm clock rang through the pink bedroom. A loud groan of annoyance responded to the irritating noise.

That groan came from none other than the protagonist of this story, Natalie Berzatto.

Today was the start of a new challenge in her life. One that could crush her soul and her confidence. One that could make her question everything about herself. One that could work her death. That new challenge in life is called the start of high school. She would be starting her first year as a freshman. Everything she had ever known in life is about to be thrown at the window, unless she can get out of bed.

After tossing about for twenty minutes, the girl was finally able to pull herself out of bed to dreadfully begin her day. She brushed her hair, straighten her bangs, scrubbed her teeth until they were white and got dressed.

The girl had a unique taste of clothes. She loved bold colours, crazy patterns and anything that would be considered out of the ordinary for a teenage girl. She was dressed in a colourful sweater, a pair of jean shorts, orange docs and some socks. She then walked down the stairs to be instantly greeted by her mother and grandmother.

The girl only lived with the two women. Sophia Berzatto was her amazing mother. She had raised the girl on her, despite working full time at the hospital's lab. Then there was her grandmother, who had moved to Canada from Italy to live with her daughter and take care of the pair.

Natalie's father was completely out of the picture and the girl only knew minimum information about him. She's just knew that he was an intelligent scientist and an inventor but constantly lived off the grid due to troubles with the law.

Because of this, it had only been the three women together since Natalie's birth. It was a small but very close and tight knitted family.

"My baby is starting high school today. Remember when she was still little, Sophia." Maria reminded happily in Italian. She then pinched the younger girl's cheeks, despite her not enjoying that action.

"Yes, mother." Sophia laughed as she stirred the porridge she was making.

"Nonna, nonna, stop." Natalie playfully swatted the old woman's hand away.

"I just can't help it. You used to be so tiny and now you're getting so big. Soon, you and Spyder are going to be getting married and have an entire family of cute children." Maria playfully smirked.

Natalie immediately hid her face in embarrassment. "Spyder and I are just friends. We're not getting together."

Her grandmother and mother always poked fun at the boy's crush on the younger girl. It was a known fact since she was a little girl that Spyder Johnson had a huge crush on her.

"Why not?! Spyder is a nice boy......He's weird but a very nice boy." Maria defended.

"You say that now, Natalie. I used to say the same thing about your father but then I fell in love with him." Sophia sighed, reminiscing about the mysterious lover of her past.

Once the topic of love was finished, Sophia had poured the hot porridge she made into a bowl that was already filled with other cut up fruit. Natalie sat down and quickly ate the entire bowl as she didn't want to be late for her first day.

"Alright, I'm off for school." Natalie announced happily, when her mom had taken her bowl away.

"Have a good day, Nat." Sophia said, wrapping her daughter in a tight but loved filled hug.

The girl then received another hug from her grandmother, who continued to pinch her cheeks and tease her about Spyder's crush on her. The girl gave both women her best smiles before running out of the house to begin her journey.

Not even a minute into her walk to school, Natalie had ran into her best friend in the entire world, Hana Miyatozaki. The troublemaking teen girl was the complete opposite from the sweet and pink loving. Hana was known for her fierce looks, her tuff girl outfits, sarcastic comments and her rebellious tendencies.

The troublemaker was dressed in a white denim jacket and shorts. A pair of earrings, socks, a crop that were all orange and a pair of metallic lavender docs completed the look. She may look friendly with her colourful out but she is not afraid to rip you apart if she needs to.

Hana pulled Natalie into a bone crushing hug and that caused the girl to wince in pain from the tightness. "You're hurting me." She breathed out.

"Sorry." Hana apologized, letting go.

Natalie gave her a smile of gratitude before they left for school. They had made it on time to their new high school and ran into their three other best friends.

"Harris, Spyder, Nat, Hana, you guys are my best friends. What do you think?" Ryan questioned.

Ryan Walker was the wise leader of the group. He was the one that was able to settle arguments and make the most sensible decisions when it came to situations. He was able to find common ground in between everyone's clashing personalities. He was known for his calm and helpful dementor but had a bit of a temper that was only set off when he was challenged by the other boys.

"I don't know, Ryan. Those all could of been coincidences. I'm gonna need more proof." Harris pointed out.

Harris Harris was the proclaimed genius of the group. The boy was known for his intelligence and academic achievements but he sometimes lacked empathy. His own mind got in the way of his outlook on life. He was more of a rational person but this made his emotional side suffer.

He sometimes put the most logical outlook first. He would be the one to tell you the truth straight to your face, without any regard to your feelings but luckily, his friends helped to keep him from being too blunt in certain emotional situations.

"Ok, you want proof? I'll give you proof." Ryan smirked before using his power to knock all of the snacks out of the vending machine.

Snacks started to pour out of the opening panel at an alarming rate. Ryan had a gift of controlling technology and his friends were fully taking advantage of it. Spyder, Hana and Natalie all rushed over to pick up all of the free snacks that fell out of the vending machine.

"Reconsidering all the data, dang son!" Harris exclaimed in awe.

"You're like a human remote control! What do we do with this?" Spyder asked in excitement.

Conner Johnson was mostly referred to as Spyder due to his rambunctious nature as a child. In general, there was many negative words you could use to describe this boy when it comes to his lack of intelligence but what he lacks in smarts, is compromised by his big heart.

He was the big sweetheart of the group. Spyder was always filled with so much happiness and kindness that he always knew how to light up a room with his social butterfly tendencies and his bad jokes. He was considered the greatest best friend of the group, despite his stupidity and his rebellious tendencies to break every rule possible in the book.

"What do we do with this? Anything we want." Ryan said and they all cheered happily.

They then shoved all of the free snacks into their bag. The bell rang which indicated their first class of the year. They all rushed off to ensure that they were on time to make a good impression and not get detention.

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It was now after class and the five pals were all walking over to their lockers that were close by to their home rooms. They were bombarding Ryan with questions about his newfound power.

"Did you swim in that lake by the chemical plant?" Harris questioned.

"No." Ryan quickly denied.

"Were you struck by lightening?" Natalie asked.

"I think I'd remember that." Ryan replied.

"Bitten by a spider?" Hana joked.

"I don't do that anymore!" Spyder defended as the two girls both gave him a strange look.

"Then what?" Harris asked in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Harris. There's no elaborate origin story. I'm sorry." Ryan apologized.

"Attention, students! This is principal Grey, welcoming you to another exciting year at Bay City High. Go Fighting Llamas!" Grey exclaimed through the intercom.

Many students in the hallwaybegan to chant for Mark Walker, who happened to be the older and somewhat insufferable brother of Ryan. "And go, Mark Walker! He is awesome."

"And to our new students. I know starting high school can be stressful. My door is always open and here's a fair warning. I'm a hugger!" Grey gleamed.

"You hear that, Hana. Her office is always open. She's going to be seeing you a lot." Natalie joked and all of them laughed in agreement.

Hana was indeed a troublemaker and I mean, she causes more damage on school property than Spyder and he does a lot of that. The girl is constantly ending up in the office for her rebel activities. She's known for getting into fights with other kids, pulling elaborate pranks and has even gone as far as getting into verbal altercations with teachers.

"And older students, go easy on the freshman. We can't afford another wedge based lawsuit. That kid is still walking funny." Grey reminded.

Harris, Hana and Natalie turned to see Mark and his group of friends, staring at them with huge smirks on their faces. The seniors had just pulled a prank on the new meat. It was a tradition for the seniors to prank the freshman on their first day.

This year, the five teens were their victims because Mark wanted a way to harass his brother without their mother's scolding.

"Hey, guys. Maybe, you shouldn't....." Harris tried to warn but it was too late.

Spyder and Ryan opened their lockers and immediately were blasted with a huge pile of garbage that landed all over them. "Hurt locker!" All of the jocks exclaimed before bursting into a fit of laughter.

Natalie had to hold Hana back from punching one of them out. Everyone started laughing at the two boys, who were caught in the crossfire. Spyder was covered in an old spaghetti dinner and Ryan had underwear covered in something on his face.

"I really hope this is peanut butter in here." Ryan said in disgust as he took the underwear off of his face.

Spyder stuck his finger into the underwear and then licked it. "Heh! Peanut butter cup, get it?" He laughed but everyone immediately cringed in disgust at the boy's action.

"Ok, so, Mark wants to play pranks? I can play pranks." Ryan confirmed.

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It was finally gym class. This was the worst subject for Natalie. She considered herself an out of shape person with no energy. She preferred to sit around then sweat for fun. She had changed into her ugly uniform, which consisted of a shirt, shorts, a hoodie and a pair of sneakers. The rest of the class had sported the same clothes.

"Ok, guys, keep your eyes on the waste truck and keep your eyes on varsity. Let's see how funny they think it is when they're coated in gunk." Ryan said.

"I will be watching but from five feet back." Natalie spoke, getting up from her seat and stepping away from the bleachers. Hana followed her lead, wanting to avoid another disaster.

"I don't know, Ryan. There could be unintended consequences." Harris pointed out.

"You know what? My friend Harris here, makes a good point but just hear me out. Do it!" Spyder encouraged the bad behaviour.

"I'm gonna have to go with Spyder." Ryan agreed, causing the sensible teens to both shook their heads.

"I agree with Spyder as well!" Hana called before being hit in the arm by Natalie, out of disapproval.

Ryan decided on tapping into the machine with his powers but it wasn't working in gave favour. The truck started to suddenly spark intensely, causing the boy to wince in pain. "Ah! Something is wrong with my power." He complained in pain and everyone's eyes widened.

"Turn it down." Harris ordered.

"I'm trying." Ryan exclaimed, while struggling.

The tube from the truck came out of the ground and slowly turned towards the three boys. The contents of the tube flew up towards the opening. "Oh, no."

The boys all groaned in sync before being blasted with sewer garbage. Hana and Natalie immediately gagged from the horrid smell. Everyone turned to look at them, while laughing and people even began to start taking pictures as well.

A girl ran over and shoved a phone in their face to film them. "Hi, Cassie Park. That's CassieP on GramoGram, SparkNet, and EveryVid streaming live. Now tell me, how does it feel to be the only freshman to be double dumped on the first day of school?" She questioned with a smirk.

"Annoyed, now that it's on the internet." Ryan complained in frustration.

"Looks like lunch is on him." Mark's varsity best friend, Dane, laughed. Everyone just looked at him in confusion because his joke made no sense.

"Looks like lunch is on him." Mark repeated for clarification and everyone started laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. Mark always had things like this happen to him.

After the laughter died down, he went over to the boys. "Dude, you're gonna be more famous then just being my little brother." Mark winked at Ryan before walking away.

The boys then had gone into the bathroom to clean themselves up of any garbage, while the girls waited outside for them. They had come out a few minutes later in fresh clothes. And luckily, no longer smelt like trash and rotting sewage.

"I was right!" Harris exclaimed. "So, I'm gonna say it in Spanish.....Te lo dije."

"Ok! Hey, everything was working fine. It's just that I got distracted. Like....a vision! Abandoned cars!" Ryan explained and they all gave him a weird look.

"When I have visions it's uh usually of Ariana Grande...and cake." Spyder smiled, earning strange look from everyone.

Spyder finally realized he was receiving looks and straightened up. "But nothing and nobody can compete with you, baby girl." He smirked, wrapping his one arm around Natalie's shoulder.

This was a common action between the pair. Spyder always tried to flirt with Natalie in subtle ways but she instantly picked up what she was doing. It's not that she didn't like his compliments, it was just that he could sometimes make things awkward.

"Don't call me, baby girl." Natalie cringed in disgust as she threw his arm off of her.

Harris pulled his tablet out of his bag as Ryan explained his visions. "Yeah, uh, mine was a junk yard by a river!" The small genius nodded and began typing into his tablet.

"Yeah, my vision is still better but not as good as you, Nat." Spyder flirted and the girl just facepalmed in annoyance.

His full heart belonged to one girl and one girl only, Natalie Berzatto. Everyone in the grade knew this. He had been in love with her since he first laid his eyes on her in the fourth grade. His only goal in life was to get Natalie to fall in love with him but his plan keeps backfiring in his face. Only time will tell with these two and their relationship.

"Cars, rivers, junkyard, anything else?" Harris asked, typing all of the information.

"Yeah, a ferry. A huge abandoned ferry!" Ryan exclaimed.

Harris then showed the group a picture and it was exactly what Ryan was talking about. "Like this?" Everyone was shocked by how accurate the description was.

"Yeah, that." Ryan confirmed.

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It was finally the end of the school day and the group decided to investigate what Ryan was droning on about during school. Everyone had ran home to quickly grab their bikes to ride off together. The boys and Hana met up and were ready to begin but were just waiting on Natalie.

The girl came over the hill, carefully pedalling on her bike and waving her arm like a maniac to get noticed. You could see her from a mile away as her bike was obnoxiously bright pink and covered in holographic streamers that could blind someone in a certain angle in the sun. They all then rode off together when the girl joined the group.

The group made it to the junkyard after about an hour of biking over to the locations. They decided on parking their bikes right in the middle of the junkyard as it would be easy to spot, especially Natalie's bright pink bike. They all took off their helmets and attached them to their handlebars before taking a walk around.

The boys went in one direction and the girls went in another. The search basically consisted of Harris and Ryan doing actual investigating, while Natalie tried to stop Hana from hurting Spyder with any rusty and sharp objects. Their search was suddenly stopped by a lamp that flew up from the ground and flashed a bright blue.

The entire group stepped towards it in curiosity. "What is the light doing?" Natalie questioned as they all gathered around the lamp.

"I think the lamp is scanning me?" Ryan pointed out in confusion at the sudden movement.

"If that is a lice test, I'm totally gonna fail." Spyder admitted, causing everyone to immediately took a few steps away. He really did have a tendency to get lice.

Suddenly, the top of the abandoned ferry on the shore, opened and a robot that was about a hundred feet tall emerged from the top of it. The group was mesmerized by this action. "Are you guys seeing this?" Spyder asked.

"No, I'm actually blind." Hana glared sarcastically and Spyder mocked her back.

This was a common theme among the two friends. Always fighting and teasing each other but they were actually close and cared deeply for each other. They just show their appreciation in other ways.

"Woah." Ryan said in amazement completely ignoring the pair, who were bickering.

The robot moved its head to look down upon the group of teens, who were mesmerized by it. It was like the robot was alive as it lifted it's foot in ease before stepping on the group. The entire group screamed in fear at the sudden impact.

Three out of the five members jumped to grab onto the closet thing to do them and that was Hana. The poor girl was basically tackled into the elevator wall by Harris, Spyder and Natalie. She struggled to even stand because of their heavy weight.

The elevator traveled fast up the robot before suddenly stopping in a room that looked like the main control room.

"Get off of me." Hana ordered in a pain filled voice, causing the three friends to quickly removed themselves from her body.

Ryan opened the doors to reveal the room and they were blown with a puff of make that scared them again. The group decided it was safe enough to leave the comfort of the elevator to explore this foreign place. The lights turned on instantly at the arrival of people.

Natalie was the first one to explore the interior by spinning around in circles to get a quick glance.

The room was relatively big and spacious. The walls were covered in dozens of wires and electrical boxes that connected to the the dozens of screens situated around the room. Right in front of the elevator was a desk covered in three computer screens and a control panel covered in buttons.

Two more desks sat on either side of the first desk. Each was situated with their own computer setup and control panel. In the very front of the robot sat a large platform and large windows of some sort. Finally, behind the first desk was a ladder that led up to a balcony part. It too was covered in computer screens and control panels.

Spyder immediately took an interest in the desk on the left and ran over to it. He jumped right into the chair to begin messing around with the control panel.

"Don't touch anything." Harris warned as he knew the boy would do something.

"But I wanna touch everything." Spyder argued before randomly touching a few buttons. Luckily, one button caused the view of the outside to appear.

"Sweet view." Hana complimented, sitting down in a random chair. She then wheeled herself over to a desk to rest her feet up on the surface of it.

"Ryan, we don't know if....." Harris started to point out but was instantly cut off by the boy.

"No, it feels right. Trust me." Ryan assured. The boy then walked down the tiny stairs and stepped onto the platform in the front.

Suddenly, a light flash filled the room and a man appeared on the screen. "Hi, there!" The man greeted enthusiastically and the five teens all screamed at the sudden voice.

"Welcome to Mech X4! If you're seeing this, it means two things. You're a technopath, who can control machines with your mind." The man said.

"Guys! You hear that, I'm a technopath." Ryan exclaimed in complete excitement.

"Or two, I'm in hiding or probably dead. Dead would be a bummer. Anyway, Mech X4 is a complex weapon that can only be piloted by you. Reach out to it with your man." The man instructed.

The boy got into a stereotypical fighting position and the platform flashed with white-bluish light before forming an X-shape. "And you're linked." The man smiled.

Ryan lifted his left hand and the robot mimicked his action. "Guys, I'm bounded to this robot. I'm moving the robot." He exclaimed excitedly, showing off his actions and the robot did the same.

"Mech X4 will now mimic your actions." The man said as he appeared on the screen once more.

"So. I bet if I jump....." A belt attached to some wires flew down and Ryan quickly looped it around his waist. The boy then jumped up and the robot did the same. He lost his footing a little when he landed but was able to quickly maintain his balance.

"Pretty cool, right? I hope it's cool. I assume it's cool. I don't know, this is a recording. Hopefully, you're a strong enough technopath to operate Mech X4 because you cannot imagine the horrors coming your way. Monsters as big as the robot, if not bigger. You're gonna need a team if you're gonna save Bay City. You need weapons, defensives, a mechanic and a navigator. The most important thing is...." The video suddenly glitched, causing the screen to go black.

"Is what? What could be important?" Harris asked.

"I call weapons. That's important." Spyder said.

"If we're choosing roles than I call the navigator. I was the only one who was able to get us out of the forest last time we got lost." Natalie explained before proceeding to sit in the desk chair next to her best friend, Hana.

"Can I be like the personal bodyguard or something?" Hana asked.

"He just said monsters." Harris reminded, trying to pull everyone back to video.

"And maybe, he's right or maybe he filmed this years ago and no monsters have showed up, so we can do whatever we want with this thing." Ryan chuckled.

"Don't you wanna know why that guy built a robot specially for someone with your power?" Harris asked the group.

"Or we can have fun with this thing and do all that stuff later? What do you say?" Ryan suggested.

"Yeah, I'm with Ryan." Spyder jumped in.

"Same here." Hana and Natalie agreed in sync.

"This a giant battle bot. We need to understand it. When you get a new toy, you need to read the manual." Harris reminded.

"I don't." Spyder and Hana denied in sync.

"And that's why all your Christmas toys only last till December 26th." Harris pointed out.

"Dude, I'm Jewish." Spyder reminded in offence.

"Ok, you're right, you're right. Until we figure this out, we have to be responsible with it." Ryan finally agreed with Harris.

"There you go." Harris nodded.

"You know, see what it does. Test it out, train." Ryan pointed out.

"Exactly." Harris smiled in agreement.

"So, we're in agreement!" Ryan said happily as he rubbed his hands together.

"Wait? What did I just agree to?" Harris questioned and the rest of the team just chuckled.

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It was a few hours later and the sun had gone down completely, enveloping the city in pitch black. Ryan decided he wanted to get back at his brother by pulling a prank on him by using the robot. The boy thought it would be funny to use the robot to pick up a dumpster before pouring the contents onto his brother. Harris decided to stay at the robot with Ryan to oversee everything.

While the rest of the group decided to make their way over to the school to record the prank and Mark's reaction. Mark and his buddies were all at the school auto shop just working on his electric green sports car that he loved to pieces.

Before heading to the auto shop, Spyder had the idea of grabbing one of Mark's MVP trophies from basketball and vandalizing it with something that would really grind his gears. The three decided on writing least awesome since Mark constantly compliments himself by saying he was awesome.

The three hid behind a group trees to not be seen by anyone. They all shared a nod and a mischievous smirk, which was the signal for the distraction to begin. Spyder took the head of the trophy off before throwing it at them. The boy ran back to the trees quickly, once the trophy was released.

The trophy hit the pavement with a sound that caught the attention of the seniors. Mark went over and picked up the trophy to investigate it. "Mark Walker, least awesome?! Ok, who's spreading lies?!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

Mech X4 suddenly appeared and picked up the dumpster. Hana and Spyder quickly took out their phones to record the prank. Mech X4 then poured the dumpster's contents all over the seniors and they became covered in garbage.

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It was the next day and everyone was at school. Ryan decided to take the video that Spyder recorded and post it on the internet for everyone to see. The teen wanted his brother to get a taste of his own medicine as he was pranked twice and it was posted all over the internet to see.

The five teens all sat in front of the school at a bench and watched all of students began to laugh at Mark, who just entered campus. The video had spread like wild fire and the teen was now the talk of the school for all of the wrong reasons, thanks to Ryan.

"Wow, you did it, Ryan. You used your giant fighting robot to break your brother's spirit." Harris said, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder to pat it in a sarcastic way.

"Yeah, I thought it'd be fun to take Mark down a peck but now, I feel like a...." Ryan started to say but was quickly cut off.

"Monster." Harris exclaimed suddenly.

Natalie was the only one to see where Harris was pointing. It was indeed the monsters that the creator of Mech X4 talked about. It looked like a dinosaur that mixed with some wild cat. It had scaly skin but also huge cat like fangs. That monster was definitely terrifying and looked ready to pounce on the students. Everyone else was distracted with the conversation but Harris and Natalie just watched the sight in disbelief.

"No, actual monster!" Natalie exclaimed to get the others' attention.

The three teens started to notice other students running away with screams before looking up to see the monster. "What is that thing?" Ryan asked.

"You know I could probably get a good picture of this..." Spyder assured, taking out his phone to get a better look but Hana slapped him in the shoulder.

"Not the time! Not the time!" Harris exclaimed.

"We need to get to Mech X4!" Ryan pointed out and the rest of the teens nodded in agreement.

The group had quickly made it to Mech X4 and entered the control room to begin. Spyder decided on taking the weapons as he wanted to be the one to fire missiles at the monster. Harris took the shields to help block any of the monster's attacks. The two girls decided to take the navigation system as they were the best ones to lead and track the area.

Ryan took the pilot position as he was the only one who could control the robot as he had the power. "Ready?" He asked nervously as this was their first time ever doing this.

"Ready!" The four teens confirmed in sync.

"Mech Execute!" Ryan exclaimed and created an X shape with his arms to sync the robot to him.

"Oh, we're doing catchphrases now?" Hana asked but was completely ignored by the other teammates.

Ryan jumped towards the school and the robot landed right in front of the monster. He put his arm up and a huge cannon appeared. "Spyder, when I say......Woah!" He was cut off by Spyder hitting a random button and an orange grenade launched near the monster's head.

"You fired too soon!" Ryan shouted at Spyder, while stabilizing his footing.

"I'm a little new at this!" Spyder shouted back.

"Maybe if you practiced a little." Harris shot back.

"Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty but we have a monster to destroy!" Natalie shouted in annoyance.

The monster attacked again and the boy struggled to fight back because he didn't expect it. "Hey, how do these shields work?" Ryan questioned.

"Trying to figure that out!" Harris shouted as he started randomly pushing buttons.

Ryan eventually did get the monster off of him but it took awhile. "Ok, Spyder, let's try this one more time." He suggested, trying to block the robot's face.

The monster sprung forward, ready for an attack and it's jaws latched around the robot's arm, completely taking it off. This caused action Ryan to yelp and hold his arm in pain. "Why did that hurt?" He questioned in confusion but a panic.

"Probably your technopathy. You are bonded to this robot, if the robot gets hurt then you get hurt." Harris explained to him.

"Is this doing anything? Feeling any better?" Spyder asked as he started petting his desk.

"No, Harris, you were right! We should've trained. How do we beat this thing?" Ryan asked.

"Uh.....Start pressing random buttons and learn as we go." Harris suggested and pressed more buttons.

The monster ran right at them and this caused Harris to panicked. He accidentally pressed a red button out of fear. But luckily, it worked in his favour as a shield appeared. The monster immediately flew back when it hit the robot.

"Bam! Shields!" Harris cheered.

"Spyder! Find me the biggest weapon on this thing." Ryan ordered.

Spyder began searching through his computer for weapons. "Uh, shoulder missiles, lasers and something called a Plasma Punch. Looks like a boss level weapon." He exclaimed with a smile.

"It comes out of the cannon arm." Harris reminded.

"It's busted. I can feel it." Ryan confirmed.

Suddenly, all of the screens popped up with a red alert showing they were missing something. "A fifth team member. The fifth person is a mechanic, someone who can fix the robot." Harris explained to the team.

"I hate to say this but how about your brother?" Spyder suggested.

"No, anyone else." Ryan argued as he didn't want his brother to take over.

"I would suggest Hana because she was in robotics back in middle school but then I remembered, she has a terrible temper and patience level so fixing things is not for her." Natalie explained.

"Hey! Well, actually you're not wrong." Hana said.

"Let's take a break and flip through the year book. Maybe, the monster will wait." Harris joked sarcastically.

"Fine but I need someone to find him." Ryan ordered in annoyance.

"On it!" Natalie shouted.

The girl then turned on her computer and loaded up all of her navigation systems to be able to find the Walker brother's location. "Hello, welcome to the navigation system!" The man from before exclaimed, appearing on all three screens of the girl's computer. Both girls jumped back in shock at the sudden greeting.

"No time for introduction, how do I use this thing?!" Natalie asked in desperation.

"First, pinpoint your location using this gps system. It doesn't have to be exact coordinates but it should be a rough estimate." The man explained.

Natalie didn't know if she was doing it right and quickly started typing in random coordinates that she remembered. She was desperately hoping that this would work and that she could find the missing teenage boy on the school grounds.

"What do you need me to do?" Hana asked.

"Can you look over the maps on the screen?" Natalie asked and Hana nodded before doing exactly as she was told.

Mark's location popped up onto the screen, once they got the coordinates right. "Ah! I found him! Zoom in!" Hana exclaimed and pointed at the red checkmark on her screen.

Natalie did exactly that and they found that his location was right near the school's front entrance. "Found him! He's right near the front entrance of the school!" She announced.

Ryan then jumped to where Mark's location was and quickly stepped on him to add him to the team. Not even a minute later, the teenage boy had appeared in the robot's elevator. He definitely had a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yeah, we had the same reaction." Spyder assured at hearing the older teen scream in the elevator.

Mark opened the door and was immediately blasted in the face with smoke like the rest of the team was when they first entered the control centre. "We're in a giant robot? What is going on?" He asked in disbelief.

"Short version, we're fighting a monster and I think I can beat it. I just need you to fix the cannon arm." Ryan explained.

"Is there a longer version?" Mark asked.

Another alert popped on Natalie's screen. The two girls looked at it to see that an unsuspecting person was dangerously close to the monster. "It's going to eat that girl!" She shouted.

"Hit him with the dumpster." Spyder suggested.

"Dumpster?" Mark questioned when Ryan picked up the school's dumpster.

"Hey, you! You big dumb cat lizard! Yeah! I'm talking to you!" Ryan exclaimed before throwing the dumpster directly at the monster's face.

"It was you! You dropped all that garbage on me. I'm gonna kill you!" Mark threatened, about to pounce on his brother.

"Not the time! Not the time!" Harris shouted as the monster was right near the robot.

"Oh no." Everyone let out in sync before the monster hit the robot with its lizard tall. The robot went flying back towards the ground and Ryan also suffered the same fate.

Mark immediately rushed to his side, upon hearing his brother groan in pain. He then lifted his shirt to reveal his stomach was covered in large purple bruises. "Wait, you're really hurt?" He asked in disbelief.

"I can't explain it and I know you want to kill me but this robot is busted and you can fix anything." Ryan explained quickly.

"Ryan, calm down. I'll kill you later. What do you need me to do?" Mark asked nervously.

Ryan explained everything quickly to his brother and Mark immediately took off to go fix the robot. The monster kept trying to swing at the robot but luckily, the male was able to block it's shots before it could hurt him again.

"Mark, whatever you're doing." He called out.

"I'm still doing." Mark shouted back.

Ryan jumped up and punched the monster. The monster then fell to the ground from the impact of his punch. "Nice." He smiled.

The monster then managed to get up from the ground and hit the robot with its tail again. The robot became unstable and it caused Spyder to fly out of his seat and harshly hit the floor.

"Spyder!" Natalie called rushed over to his unconscious body. She immediately grabbed his one hand and checked his pulse to make sure he was alright.

Suddenly, everything started to power back up. "Ok, feels better." Ryan stretching his arm.

Spyder started to get up, so the girl helped him sit up. "You have really soft hands." He complimented with a nervous laugh.

"Now is not the time to be hitting on Nat!" Hana shouted as Mark re-entered the room.

The monster then started sprinting towards them. "It's coming in for the kill!" Spyder pointed out.

"You got this?" Mark asked his brother.

"We got this. Spyder, plasma punch!" Ryan ordered.

Spyder jumped up and ran over to his station before hitting the red button. He sat in his chair as this arm cannon came out from behind. Spyder grabbed it and this caused the robot's hand to light up. Ryan jumped up and threw a punch at the monster. The force of his punch caused the monster to explode into a pile of molten liquid.

"Yes!" Everyone cheered in excitement. They had did it. They had won their first monster attack and saved their school from being attacked.

"Um, hey guys." Harris, pointing towards his screen.

The screen showed Cassie, who was running towards the robot with her phone. "Wait!" She shouted and Ryan instantly stopped.

"Hi, Cassie!" Spyder greeted.

"She can't see you, idiot." Hana said before both teens started to bicker. These two and their bickering, nobody can stand it.

"You saved the school! You saved us all! What's your name?" She asked.

Ryan used then his technopath powers to tell her the robot's name before super jumping everyone back to the junkyard.

───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────────

The monster was finally destroyed and the team now had the time to continue exploring their robot. They had only seen the elevator and the control centre but the rest had yet to be explored. The elevator door opened to reveal an open concept room that hosted a large couch that could fit the entire team and a giant flat screen TV on the wall. Everyone was in awe.

"Look at all this." Spyder pointed out.

"Man." Mark sighed in awe.

"Dang, y'all." Harris said, completely impressed.

"This place is sweet." Hana exclaimed.

"Woah! There's a place to chill in this robot!" Spyder said. He then jumped onto the couch to sit.

"Yeah, it's a 150 feet tall, dude." Ryan pointed out.

"That's a lot to explore." Natalie added before hopping over the edge of the couch to sit down. Spyder moved over to make room for both girls.

"I can't wait to check this place out" Harris exclaimed excitedly.

"I hope this place has a kitchen." Natalie said.

"I hope this place has a decent bathroom. I'm not allowed to use the bathroom at the gas station anymore after I clogged it from eating twenty tacos." Hana explained and everyone cringed in disgust at the girl's statement.

"Please never tell us about your bathroom troubles." Natalie reminded in disgust.

"Everything in there looks really dangerous." Mark pointed out as he checked out another room.

"Everything explodey is mine." Spyder called.

"That's not a real word." Natalie corrected.

"Harris, this lab is gonna be awesome for you." Ryan said, earning a nod in agreement.

"Check it." Spyder clicked a button on the tablet that he picked up from the table. The tv began playing Cassie's livestream of the fight.

"CassieP, here on the giant robot beat from Bay City High. Casstag: Grateful. Casstag: Mech X4. Casstag: Call me." The girl explained and Spyder quickly took out his phone to dial her number.

"Do not call her!" Harris exclaimed.

"Either way, he's still not getting a date." Hana taunted with a smirk and he glared at her.

"So, texting?" Spyder asked the team.

"No." Harris shook his head and ripped the phone away from the boy's hands.

Ryan and Mark started to have one of their brotherly conversations that the rest of the team wasn't paying attention to. That was until their names were brought up. "Harris, Spyder, Hana and Natalie volunteered but I never asked you."

"Well, are you now?" Mark questioned.

"Instead of stepping on you with a giant robot boot and sucking you into it, yeah." Ryan said.

"Well, we did kick butt out there." Mark reminded.

"So, teammates?" Ryan asked as he brought out his hand for Mark to bump.

"Brothers and teammates but do not prank me in this thing again." Mark warned.

"Don't give me a reason to." Ryan slightly laugh.

Harris, Spyder, Hana and Natalie all got off the couch to join the team. They all placed their hands on top of each other like they were about to do a cheer like before a sport's game.

"So, who do you guys want to do next?" Harris questioned the Walker brothers.

"Let's see what this baby can do." Ryan said and everyone cheered in excitement.

Mech X4 was a new and definitely a different responsibility for the six teens to take on.

They were excited and scared about the outcome or how everything will play out. They had never worked in a giant robot, let alone fight giant monsters. They have no idea what's going to happen or who's going to get into their way. They're going to have to trust each other and be able to work out their differences.

This was going to be a new challenge for everyone but they were ready to embark on this new journey to save the world together as a team.

This is my second time writing this because I decided to switch the POV's in this book to third person, so it's more descriptive but here's the first episode of Mech X4. Also, I'm so excited to restart this book and for you guys to follow along with me. Please enjoy the story and thank you for reading it.

★ 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 ! spyder johnson ★
(© 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗯𝗶𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱)

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