
By anonymissbliss

210 1 5

Don't More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Information Chapter - Please Read!

12 0 0
By anonymissbliss

Information Chapter - Please Read!

Okay this doesn't really count as a chapter, I just feel I want to tell you people who each character is and like a little back ground story. And 't.t.d' means 'thing to do'.

So, without further a due:

Kade Johnson- Main leader of The Jocks, can be aggressive (only when provoked) down to earth, twin brother to Kyle Johnson.
Fav food: hotdogs
Fav drink: chocolate milkshake
Fav animal: male lion
Fav t.t.d : exercising and laying in bed all day, doing nothing

Kyle Johnson- Shyer personality, more sensitive than other jocks, quieter, sweeter jock, funny when he wants to be, younger twin brother to Kade Johnson.
Fav food: spaghetti & meatballs
Fav drink: Guava Juice
Fav animal: tiger
Fav t.t.d : sit on the couch and watch tv all day

Kade and Kyle were abandoned by their mother when they were toddlers, they've been living with their dad ever since. Kade is three minutes older than Kyle and is the more dominant sibling. Their dad is the owner of multiple million dollar companies, hence their fancy home and life. They grew up with sport, accompanied by their father's love and affection.

Justin Clifford- Semi-leader of The Jocks, group clown, caring and loving person, cousin to Ashlen Clifford.
Fav food: Fish & chips
Fav drink: Coke
Fav animal: King Cheetah
Fav t.t.d : anything fun and hilarious, something to look back at and laugh

Justin is an only child and grew up showered with endless amounts of love and gifts. His Mother and father had marital problems, therefore he lived with his grandpa and grandma on their huge farm for about a year and a half, until his mom brought him back to the city. His father passed away due to blood cancer. Justin's mother (Anna) is a successful businesswoman and business executive. He owns two Labradors, Henny (male) and Mala (female) and two cats, Brenda (female) and Mosco (Male) .

Lee Adams- Outgoing, animal lover, can't almost ever sit still, confident, persuasive, funny.
Fav food: sushi
Fav drink: Starbucks coffee
Fav animal: Leopard
Fav t.t.d : play/have fun outside, be outside, spend time with animals

Lee was adopted at the age of 4 and lived with the woman and man he now calls 'family'. He grew up with other adopted children in a very large farm house. He owned a dog at the age of 11 and has had his male great dane Shiner, ever since. Moved to the city at the age of 13 along with his other adopted siblings, Mary, Daniel, Jamarcus, Maggie and Jo-Anneline.

Martin Hiram- Daredevil, loves to have fun, animal lover, will do anything, loves to give.
Fav food: pizza and burgers
Fav drink: peanut-butter milkshake
Fav animal: Wild Dog
Fav t.t.d : go on exciting adventures and spend time with his family and pets

Had a normal life until his father was recruited in the military, and barely came back alive. Dad passed away months later due to too much blood loss and lung and kidney damage. Mother remarried a a year and a half later. Has two cats Min and Max, and three dogs, Broccoli, Kinky and Spinach. Family consists out of Martin, step-father Elton, mother, step-brother John and younger sister (blood-related) Darlene. Mother Jessie is the owner of two local and popular supermarkets and the owner of five hotels, scattered around town. He has two dogs, males, Rig and Ber.

John Dean- Player, manipulative, seductive, likes to joke around, excellent cook.
Fav food: pepperoni pizza
Fav drink: Tropical Juice
Fav animal: Hyaena
Fav t.t.d : Go to the beach and parks with The Jocks, skateboard and swimming

Father Elton and mother Elisha divorced when John was 5 years old. John Lived with his mother until his father gained custody over him and his dad Elton Dean remarried to Jessie Hiram. John kept his surname Dean while his dad took the surname Hiram. He Has one dog, Broccoli, who now lives with the family along with the other pets.

Craig Ahlm- Serious and firm at times, maintains safety of the group, jokester, academically strong, loves the movies.
Fav food: Burgers, chips and sushi
Fav drink: Vanilla Milkshake
Fav animal: Pangolin
Fave t.t.d : watch tv, watch movies, spend time with his family and walk/run with his dogs.

Craig is the child of money. He grew up with millionaire parents Alicia and Frank Ahlm, owners of business companies, insurance companies and theaters. Hence their endless amounts of money and overflowing wallets, Craig was neglected as a child. His parents spent endless nights partying and drinking while little Craig was left alone at home. He was put into foster care for 6 months while his parents went to rehab for alcohol and drug abuse. He was reunited with his parents and now they live in a happier time. He owns four dogs, two males, Dawg and Jawn, and two females, Lila and Cali. His mother owns a dolphin/sea life sanctuary and his dad owns a Wildlife Sanctuary to rehabilitate animals and re-introduce them to new environments.

Ashlen Clifford- Lives with her adopted sister, Wendy and widow grandma in their 2 story house, built for a family consisting out of 8 and more siblings and now they have the house to themselves. Her mother and father comes to visit every year, they live in Europe because of their jibs there. Ashlen has two pups, male husky Ohana and female dalmatian Kiki. Wendy has three cats, two adults Henna (male) and Rajah (female) and and a female kitten, Dust. Receives financial help from other 'rich' family members in other parts of the world. Chose to live with her grandma and Wendy.
Fav food: Chips and hotdogs
Fav drink: Oreo Milkshake
Fav animal: lion
Fav t.t.d : skateboard, play with animals, watch tv and movies, be outside and give a helping hand.

So there you are.
I hope you found some of this interesting because I actually got a heartache when I typed Ashlen's story.
I don't know but I feel a lot of emotion from these few chapters, which I like. This is so far my favorite chapters I have written, I feel like I'm part of their adventures; I hope you feel so too.
Feel free to ask any questions about anything.

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