Bodhi And His New Balloon

By omahazeeya

137 12 49

Seven years old Bodhi is flabbergasted when the skinny, slatternly pup he'd snuck into his flat, the previous... More


137 12 49
By omahazeeya

Anuradha and Aaravamudhan belong to the generation that are sternly aware of mindful, respectful parenting, and are enthusiastically pursuing it. They are conscious of how the lack of it could influence their child's life and painfully persist in it in incessant, disquieting patterns

They value their child's opinions, appreciate his emotions, and let him voice out his feelings, unlike the outdated days where the kids' perspectives, emotions, their sensibility never mattered to their parents.

But the last thing they hope for is their son Bodhi, to sneak a puppy into their flat. Anuradha is almost mad at Bodhi for being stealthy, and his father—who works in L.A, California, knowing his stealthiness on the phone—is mad too. Almost. Almost.

The following morning, seven years old, already remorseful Bodhi is flabbergasted when the skinny, slatternly pup he'd snuck into his flat, the previous evening—where pets are a stringent prohibition—darts out of his house, across the hallway, into the grumpy neighbor's house and tumbles over the mug of hot tea, splashing it exactly on the grumpy neighbor's detergent washed and crisply ironed polo shirt, and hopefully sprints out to the next door for more of her shenanigans.

The community meeting is gathered that very evening, and every family marks their presence just for the sake of reprimanding Bodhi and his mother. When all of them have conveyed their reasons against having a pup, Bodhi asks for thirty days—thirty days for the flat's residents to get warmed up to his Loony—as he lovingly calls his new pup, Balloon.

And if they were still not okay with her, he'd never bring her inside the flat there after, and would willingly put her up for adoption, with the help of his mother.

Bodhi, being the first born baby and the only child in the flat—with his optimistic ideas and highly hopeful, big, black eyes—has exclusive gratifications of his own in the flat. Like getting the flat's secretary, Ganesh Uncle, who's also a friend of Bodhi's, to reluctantly agree to his deal.

Thirty days. A holy terror pup. A somewhat supporting but hopeless mother, and a father who's also started rooting for him all the way from America. And the rest of the flat-full of people who're absolutely on the contrary. And, finally, a very optimistic Bodhi.

Bodhi has tried his best in the community meeting for what he wanted. And now, for the next thirty days, he's just going to try harder.

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