issei hyoudou the gaming wiza...

By Titanoii

258K 3.8K 2.1K

issei is a normal teenager well if an extremely perverted person is normal than he is normal. anyway he just... More

the night that start it all
beating the bosses
going into rwby
vs the student coucil
the exiled nun (kinda short)
healing the fall
dance with the wizard
the invasion.
bringing the ORC to shape
breaking the engagement.
return to remnant.
step up the planing
gilgamesh (really short)
return from remnant.
nurturing the demon
truth of the matter.
shark in hueco mundo
proper battle.
raising the flags.
raising the flag part 2
lemon time. (with TAMGG) part 1
lemon time part two. really short.
filler:meeting the original
going to the underworld
saji training
loki (short)
loki fight.
new student
izuku special. part 1.
izuki special part 2.
d**dora astaroth
the party
chapter 37.

getting more power from different world.

6.5K 104 138
By Titanoii

So right now we were at the last floor of the dungeon where hajime suppose to fight the hydra. We we got in range a magic circle open up.



Issei:i'll be fighting with you on this one.

Hajime:what? Is something that coming that strong?

Issei:dont know how strong but i can felt it.

The hydra then appear. All of its head roar at us. I pointing my finger i use


Then a ray of red energy was discharge from my finger and went straight to the hydra. All of its head manage to dodge except one.

Hajime:you miss.

Issei:no i dont.

He look and see one head it missing. The hydra look angry at me and rush me with all type of element attack. I raised up a barrier the combine all element null barrier making this barrier become near impossible to destroy using magic.

Hajime shot his even more amp up gun(thank to my upgrade) and shot one of the red headed hydra eye. Yue use azure sky and torched all the hydra head but not killing it.

Hajime:lets try this.

He bring out his railgun and charge it with magic. He shot out an eletrical discharge toward the hyrda head destroying all of them. Both hajime the yue congragulate each other until yue was overtaken by fear. The hydra reveal it had one more head. It launch a aoe magic attack and i was defending hajime and yue.

Issei:white nova!

A small ball of light appear. It fall down to the ground gently. When it hit the ground a bell noise can be heard. Then a huge beam of light appear and engulf the hydra. When it stop the hydra disappear. Hajime look at me shock.

Hajime:if you could do that why didnt you use it at the very begining!?



Issei:hey at least i didnt leave you guy to die.

Hajime:i guess.

After that we go to the last room and there we learn learning about the world from orcus spirit recording. We all stay for a few day and doing stuff. Like hajime and yue doing their shit and me making three new noble phantasm. The first being a glove that turn anything it touchs into holy or curse weapon the name was volund, a pouch that can create anything as long as it was not bigger than the pouch itself but it can be longer than the pouch. the name was ...............

(A/n:please give me a name for the pouch)

Both being inspire by the story of jack the ripper. Granted in the story he dont have magic weapon in his arsenal but hey i cant bring a flimsy knife into a magic fight. I'll lose instantly. The other one was a sword that was both holy and curse sword balmung. After the whole shenanigan i told hajime that i had to go now. He understand and say i can go he also thank me for taking care of him when he needed. I nodded my head and just teleport outside the dungeon.

When i was at the dungeon enterance i close the dungeon and charge my clothe.

Issei:welp im home now. Man that was a tough one finding all those ores.

I went to my bed and get some sleep.

Wizard of dxd.

For about a week nothing happen other then xenovia and irena looking for the excalibur pieces. At this point i might as well just give them my excalibur but then again it probably gonna cause complication. Kiba has been a real dick to everyone and i still dont know why. And right now im in my class learning thing i already know with my four girlfriends.

Yang:hey issei.

Yang wisper.


Yang:me and the other is planing to go to the fair today wanna come?


Yang:great now thing can start off a yang.

She made a pun again.

Issei:you lucky i like you yang otherwise i might just sew your mouth shut.

Yang:still not funny?


Yang:damn it.

After the class end i went back to my house and get a change of clothe. I went downstair.

Dad:hey issei where you going?

Issei:dates with my girlfriends.

Mom:did i heard that right!?

Mom who was in the kitchen rush to me with a blinding speed. What. The fuck. Since when can she do that.

Mom:please tell me it wasnt a dream that i heard that!!

She shake my violently.

Issei:first off stop shaking me.

She stop.

Issei:thank you. And no your not dreaming.

Dad then hug me while crying.

Dad:i know you can do it son. Im so proud of you!!

He kept hugging me tighter then he let go.

Dad:so how many grandchildren your giving us?


Mom:please say 10.

Issei:mom calm down im still in highschool!!

Not that i dont have the money to take care of children but using the money i gain in the dungeon will be problematic in the future.

Dad:i see. But dont worry we can wait!


They really need some type of help with their vocal cord. Surprise they werent broken yet

Mom:anyway let us met them tomorrow ok?


I went outside and start walking to team rwby apartment.

Irena pov.

Girlfriends!?! He already had girlfriends! I can stand if its just one but more of them! what the hell happen when im gone!? Did he forget out first kiss when we were little? I will not let myself get left behind. I have been toughen up for years to tell my feelings for him and i not gonna let it go to waste.

Xenovia pov.

Irena look really determine about something.

Wizard of dxd.

I was at the fair waiting for the others when to come.

Ruby:issei here!!!

Ruby shouted and i look into her direction.

Issei:you girls quite late.

Yang:sorry babe someone had to take their sweet sweet time picking a dress.

Her eyes point toward weiss.

Weiss:*pout* at least ik trying to look nice for my man.

Sona:she grown so much with you around huh issei.

Issei:we literally had sex with each other ofcourse she not going to blush by calling me her man.

Blake faceplam.

Blake:and you had been as bold as yang.

Yang:yeah. But hey at least he's not a blushing mess when he saw us naked.

Most people by now is looking at us.

Ruby:yang please stop.


Sona and weiss:because your drawing attention to us all.


Blake:so where we're going first?

Issei:i suggest the farris wheel first so you can see the entire view of the fair.

Ruby:great idea!

Ruby eyes light up. We then go to the ferris wheel and it was kidda a bad idea since ruby was scared at the top. She literally jump off a flying machine at the cloud and she scared of this. But the good part was ruby is sitting on my lap while hugging me tightly. This feel nice.

Sona and blake pov.

We were sitting just opposite to issei and ruby is really hugging him. We thoughy that she was scare but she turn her head to us a little and smile a bit. Lucky punk.

Issei pov

Sona and blake look really mad. When we got off the ferris wheel i manage to convince ruby to get off me and then we all spend out time going around the fair and had fun. I get the suspicion that we were being follow so i use pesquisa (i really love the arrancar technique name) and found nothing. Either they really good at hiding their presense or they were just normal people. We kept walking while i keep my pesquisa on at all time and i sense a person was following us he or she had way to many run in with us to be a coincidence.

I decide to tell the group in secret and then we move around in a random pattern until the person was gone. I sigh with of relief and we enjoy the rest of the days.

Two weeks later.

So me and team rwby and sona had been doing training to help them improve and they got quite far. We right now with irena, xenovia and kiba forming some sort of alliance. With kiba wanting to destory the excalibur pieces and looking like a fucking maniac.

Issei:so let me get this straight. You want to destroy excalibur because some douche priest experiment on you to see who could use the sword.


Issei:fucking motivation right here 10/10.

I said sarcatically.

Ruby:yeah why do you want to destroy a weapon!

She speak to kiba like anyone would to a heretic.

Kiba:like i said-

Issei:i got experiment on blah blah. I narrowly escape with an inch of my life blah blah. It was fucking stupid. If you want revenge kill the guy who experiment on you not the goddamn sword.


Issei:sorry about that. But seriously sword dont float around doing experiment a guy does. And why does i have to be here again?

Kiba:as witness for the alliance.

Issei:fuck sake. Now go away me and my girlfriends are eating and enjoying date here.

Irena:oh come on it not like we're bothering anyone.

Blake:althought i dont do this kinda of this i want you to know you three are bothering us right now. We had to move from our table to here for unnecessary stuff like this.

Issei/yang:tell em babe.

Xenovia:fine we leaving now.

They got up and leave.

Issei:so in saturday who want to go to a world filled with wizard ninjas.

RWBY and sona raise their had.

Weiss:i guess this will be a dreamland for blake.

Blake:shut up.

Sona:dont worry blake its not that bad to be a fan of ninjas.


Yang:i guess we had to bring our luggage.


Wizard of dxd.

Today is saturday also known as the day we go to naruto. When i got to team rwby appartment room i was greeted by the sight of team rwby in their underwears.

Ruby:oh hey issei didnt think you come this early.

Issei:im 20 minute late.

Ruby,blake,weiss:we blame yang.


Issei:well cant blame them you do take a colossal amout of time bathing.

Yang:now my boyfriend is against me.

She pout.

Issei:well i wait at that couch over their.


I went to their couch and sit down. If your wondering why they didnt scream like in the anime and call me pervert and me spraying gallons of blood from my nose. Its because i been here a couple of time and well had one hell of a loud session together. They also got some complain from other people so yeah i guess i should had put the sound barrier up.

After a few minute of waiting they were done. Now you might been wondering why do i want to go to naruto for? Well its easy for the mangekyo sharingan. The eternal one to be exact. The ability that i want from it was kamui and tsukuyomi. To prepare myself to go to bleach for what? The kido technique and i want a susanoo to flex a bit. Now you might been wonder where can i get the eyes for that? Well simple pretty sure danzo had a lot to 'give' me.

When sona arrive i open up the way to naruto world. And end up outside of konoha. When we approch the gate i make all of us invisible when we got inside i disable the illusion.

Quest:kill danzo
Reward:kotoamatsukami skill book, tsukuyomi skill book, kamui skill book, izanagi skill book and a mangekyoa sharingan.

Even the system want danzo dead and was giving me a high reward against that guy. He may be quite skill but from what i seen hes not that strong in the anime since he got fuck by sasuke a lot like a lot. Good thing i going to get izanagi since after i killed him i just revive him with it. Why? Because he still need to do his part and die by sasuke hand in the future.

We walk around the place and yang got hungry so i bring her to the only place i know that sells food in the show. The ichiraku ramen place. We walk got there with the help of the villager. There is one time blake got her bow off by accident and the guy ask us about it. I told him that it was her clan kekkei genkai and he just believe it. When we got there we went inside and order a bowl ramen.

When the ramen arrive 10 minute later naruto come in through the door. He ask for a bowl and didnt patly much attention to us.

Two week later i had been survaling around the village and find out that i had been in the time where the uchiha clan didnt get massacare yet anyway. So i try to find where the place where danzo and shisui fight. When i found it i left a teleportation mark using it as anchor point to get there as quick as possible. This thing act like the flying tunder god technique but one time use.

I was lucky to get found shisui on the street. So i put a tracker magic on him so when he fight danzo i know. During this time me and the girls also found naruto being treated like complete shit. When one of the chunin ninja try to attack him i went invisible and punch them straight to a wall with giga reinforcement fist to the face. I then grab naruto and went to safety with the other which is the forest. When we got there i put naruto down and he start freaking out on all of us so i smack him once to get him to shut up. Once i manage to calm him down we introduce ourself and be a bit of a friend with him for a few days.

A week had pass and i sense shisui going is fighting danzo since he is moving to fast in one area to no be fighting. I teleport there and saw shisui and danzo fighting. When shisui ran and danzo send the anbu to get him. I went behind him and cut his head before he even had time to think. What? You think im gonna fight him? Nah he is weaker than i imagine. It was to be expected since he is younger than him in the anime.

Quest complete.

I look into my inventory and saw a pair of mangekyo sharingan eyes.i took it out and inspect it.

Mangekyo sharingan
An even more powerful version of the sharingan that posses more power than a normal one. Can only be made by an uchiha seeing the death of their love one. Implanting this eyes into you will make you use more mp. The process will put you in a coma for 1 hour.

Will you implant this eyes into yourself?


I went to danzo dead corpse and open his arm weight thingy and took two sharingan. I took out the izanagi skill book and learn the skill.

Izanagi lvl 1
A skill name after the shinto god izanagi. This skill will allow you to overwrite a certain even in history by casting illusion on reality. Can be control more easly with a sharingan.

Time duration:4 minute.
Side effect:cause blindness in one eye per use.
Mp cost: all your remaining mana.
Cooldown: twice every 2 weeks

I use this skill to bring back danzo. As painful as it sound and went away quickly. One of my eyes did went blind but using recovery that was max out i was able to restore my eyesight. I went back to the other and tell them i just went around town for a while. I lay down on the hotel bed and implanted the eyes. One hour later i woke up and saw the other playing shogi. Ruby greeted me with some cookies and i took it. I went to the bath room and look into the mirror and use my new mangekyo sharingan.

Feeling excited i grab the skill book and learn it all

Kotoamatsukami lvl max
Name after the five shinto gods the exist since the begining of time. This skill will cast a mind controling illusion in the most subtles way possible.

Mp:cost 20000
Cooldown:10 minute.

Tsukuyomi lvl max
Name after the shinto god of the moon. This skill will trap people in an unbreakable illusion where in the illusion the skill caster is a god.

Mp cost:2500

Kamui lvl max

Name after the authority of the gods. This skill give the user acces to a pocket dimension. The right eyes can use short range teleportation and the left is long range.


Susanoo lvl 1
Name after the shinto god ot the storm.this skill will allow the user to create and avatar with their energy.

Mp cost: 5000 per minute.

Yep im in love not literally ofcourse. Oh yeah i forgot to say i had been getting stronger and my wis is now 1000 thank to the relic of choice.

Issei hyoudou
Title: world hopper.
Mp:109,525 (68466)

Strg:60> +(200%)=180
Vit:180> +(120%)=396



(A/n:i completly retcon the dash skill out of existence.)

Now that is that. When it was time to leave i visit naruto house in the night and give him a bit of a gift. Mana manipulation. When he received it it turn into chakra manipulation and it was on level70 thank to my teaching skill. I give him a kiss on the forehead and then went back to the others and went back to our home.

Ruby:well that was fun!

Weiss:agree do you had another in mind to go to next time?


Yang:sweet. Hey issei do you want to do it right now.

Issei:depend on ever-

All of them:bed now.

Issei:well certainly.

Some futa and ganderbent warning ahead.

I go over to the bed and wait for the girls. When come in the room they were in their underwear.

A/n:pretty sure this will be a problem later.

Issei:looking good.

Ruby get on top of me first and kiss me. Huh she really change she usually one to go after another. The kiss went for about 4 minute until we sepperate our mouth.

Ruby:issei i want to try something new here~

She said seductively. She move her panties aside and unzip my pant and releash my cock. She put it at her asshole. Then she push it inside of her.


She scream in pleasure.

Ruby:so this is what blake felt. I may get addicted to this.

She start moving up and down and also using her semblance to move faster. After i came 20 minute later she remove herself and sit next to me

Issei:that was great ruby. Your ass is pretty tight.

Ruby:it might be loose now that it take that monster in~

Yang and blake then position them self to my left and right and put their boobs next to my cock. Their breast collide and and my dick was in their breast.

Yang:hope you like this big boy~

Yang start licking the left side of my penis and blake do the same with my right. They move their head up and down so they could lick all of it. Sometime yang just suck the tip of my dick while blake is licking the shaft and they do take turn.

Issei:god this feels great.


Sona look at me a but angry.

Issei:sorry babe i always forgot that doing that hurt you.

She then put her boobs on my face and and nipple to my mouth. I do the engilsh alphabet on the nipple with my tongue then i suck her nipple. She let out a cute moan that she always did. I move my had my had toward her pussy and start fingering it. I felt i was about to releash so yang and blake kiss the tip of my cock with their upper lip in contact. I bocum in both their mouth and they get off me and went to the other spot of the bed.

Yang:hey issei can i please had it this time?

Blake:no i want it.

I put one finger at yang crouch and then a cock appear on her that was on the same size as me. We had done this before and it give me a title i dont want to put on. No matter bow powerful it is.

The almighty dick wizard
A title that can only be posses by those who had done the impossible task of giving a woman a male genital.

Magic power increase by 1,000,000,000,000%
Infinite mana
Skills no longer had cooldown
Skills drawback no longer exist.

Its an extremely OP title but i dont know if i should put this on or not. On one hand it was op as hell but on the other i'll be known as the dick wizard.
Yang then going to town with blake.

Weiss:hey issei can we do that again?


I do the same thing i did with yang on weiss and i also turn into a girl myself. We all very kinky we like our dick inside of someone and their inside of us. Weiss point her dick toward my pussy and trust it in. I moan loudly and think one kinda isnt enough.

Issia(creative right?):*moaning* sona why dont you help me a little.

I give sona a cock and start sucking on it with master level skill. Dont ask me how much i did this. Just know that appearantly we all are quite the slut for one another.

(A/n:my fucking god i dont know if i could even post this.)

Doing this make sona moan loudly and ruby looking at me with some jelousy.


I give both ruby and blake a cock and ruby trust dick into my ass. She was moving very fast and after 15 minute they all came inside me. They stay in for a minute or two then pull out. After they were done yang and blake was also done. And they all look at me asking for round 2.

Issia:well lets see if you girls can outlast me this time~.

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