Montgomery De La Cruz imagines

By Hyunjins_little_muse

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imagines of why Monty is the way he is, about his past and find some truth behind the so called Monster of Li... More

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Only He Cared

185 1 2
By Hyunjins_little_muse

TW: mentions and graphic detail of rape 

Monty was raised up with abuse and hatred. He fought to survive against his abusive father. To say this was the worse year of his life was an understatement but it was in his top five. His brother and long time best friend since elementary school was murdered. Bryce Walker was found dead and soon everyone became a suspect but everyone seemed to have their eyes on the most cruel and violent jock in school...Montgomery De La Cruz.

Montgomery still had the bruises of the homecoming game on his face yet he had more bruises than he could count on his body.  He had been staying at a 'friends' house when his father would beat him almost to death. He needed a savior and Winston was it. However, neither of them would believe what happened that day of the assembly when the two schools met for an apology for the fight during the homecoming game if you told them a year ago.

Thursday afternoon

" Students, please walk to the gym for an assembly. All students involved in the homecoming game please report to the gym " Mr. Bolan announced and students started filing in the gym. Monty saw the boys at HillCrest and the team captain. His face was covered in bruises. Monty's eyes soon found a pair of hazel eyes and that helped him calm down and he took a seat beside Charlie St. George.  

Monty watched as Jessica Davis was making her speech and started turning it into a sexual survivor assembly. He started shaking and flinched a little as Charlie placed a hand on his knee knowing it was because Tyler Down stood up. He looked over at Winston seeing the boy already looking at him. 

" You can do this Monty, he'll still love you and I still support you. I'm right here" Charlie said squeezing Monty's knee wanting to comfort the older teen. Monty looked at Charlie then back at Winston. He watched as the only boy who could possibly understand what it's like to come from a broken home like his stand up. 

" My name is Justin Foley and I'm a survivor..." he said tearing up. 

Monty took a couple deep breaths and squeezed Charlie's hand and slowly stood up letting go of the boys hand. Monty heard the gasps an how all eyes were on him but he stared at the floor but looked up to meet Justin's and Winston's gaze.  His voice broke before he could even speak. 

" My...My name is M...Mont...Montgomery De La Cruz and I'm a s...survivor" he got out and tried not to show and emotion but his eyes were watering. 

Jessica thanked all the survivors for standing even if she didn't believe Monty was telling the truth. As soon as the assembly was over Monty went to leave but was circled by Zach, Justin, Alex and Tony who managed to get a couple other football players to surround the violent jock. 

" What you said in the gym...was it even true or was it a prank? We know what you did to Tyler, how could you ever do that to him if you were assaulted too?" Justin said causing the scared jock to retaliate the only ways he knew how. 

" How could you let Bryce rape Jessica while the three of you were drunk? Do you even love her?" He said thinking of a way out. 

He knew Alex wasn't strong enough but he had Zach and Tony on each side of him. He took the chance and pushed Alex to the ground and ran. He didn't need to look behind him to see if anyone was following him. He could hear the sound of their feet hitting the tile as he ran. He ran to the locker rooms. The girl's locker room since he knew they would check the boys.  He looked down at his phone seeing a text from the one person who never judged him. 

W: where are you? I wanted to talk about you standing and see if you're okay.

Monty smiled that Winston still cared. He heard the boys go past and in that moment his phone rang and he quickly answered it hear a soft voice come through. 

" Monty? Are you okay?" Winston's voice rang through the locker room. 

" I need you, they think I lied. I need you Winston. They want to hurt me and I'll end myself before I let them hurt me that bad. It's 4 against 1. " He said and he heard Winston breathing heavy. 

" I have some of the HillCrest team with me, where are you? We can help...I can protect you" Winston whispers the last part. 

" They're coming back Win...If they kill me, remember what I told you okay. "

" Mont, where are you?" Winston said hearing something hitting the lockers. 

" Monty? Montgomery?!" Winston yelled through the phone hearing Monty's groans. 

(Winston's POV)

I was running through Liberty high school with a few of my friends on the football team. Ironically, I'm friends  with the quarterback. He decided to help me after what Monty and Justin did to him at the homecoming game. 

We were running to the boys locker room. We looked through trying to find Monty. 

" He's not here Winston, where else would he run to?" Dean said walking out of the boys locker room and soon hearing metal clash against metal. 

" This way, " I said and ran in the direction of the girls locker room. 

The closer we got the louder that clashing got and I could hear Monty's groans. I knew he was getting tired because of how far apart the groans came. We were about to go in the locker room when some of the Liberty students came out laughing. They had blood on their pants legs.

"   De La Cruz won't talk back or make fun of the survivors now. " One said and the others nodded and passed our group smiling.  

(Third person's POV)

Winston ran in the girls locker room and covered his mouth at the sight of Monty. Monty was beaten almost to death. Winston ran to him checking for a pulse because it didn't seem like the older boy was even breathing. Monty's pulse was faint. 

" Call a fucking ambulance!" he screamed fearing he'd lose the only boy he ever loved. 

Dean was on the phone with 911 while Winston had Monty's head in his lap as the boy opened his eyes but didn't speak a word. 

" Mont?! I'm right here, stay with me okay. I'm right here" He said crying and Monty just looked up at Winston. 

Soon the ambulance came and the paramedics immediately put Monty on oxygen. They ran back through the gym since that was the fastest and safest way to the ambulance outside.  The whole school saw what had happened to the resident king of Liberty. Gasps filled the gym as Winston who was in tears and clinging to Dean as they walked out following the paramedics. Charlie ran to Winston asking what had happened. Winston told him it was because no one believed him. 

" Go, be with him. I'll talk to them and call your parents and mine and Bryce's. Make sure they take care of him." Charlie said and turned to the others as Winston and Dean left. 

Charlie moved to where Jessica Davis had been during her speech. He was upset and furious about what happened but didn't want to let all his emotions out at once. He looked at everyone, they were still frozen like time had stopped. 

" I know what Monty has done. I know he has hurt many of our own and even some during the fight at homecoming to the Hillcrest team. Some of his actions are unspeakable but..." He said getting emotional and looked up at Diego who was also very close to Monty and knew the older boys story. Diego got up and stood beside Charlie. He took over the speech. 

" What Monty has done like bullying, harassment and other unforgivable things no one deserves to be beaten to death. He might hate me for telling this but in order for you to understand why Monty stood up is to understand Monty's story. This doesn't make what he did right by any means but you'll understand why he acts so aggressive and like he doesn't give a shit." Diego said watching and everyone sat down except for Clay Jensen and his friends. 

" Believe his story or not but only four of us know the real story and two of us are up here today and one is dead and one is with him helping him to fight for his life." He said before taking a deep breath. 

" Montgomery De La Cruz was born a twin and in Mexico. When he and his brother were 3 they came to the U.S. because both parents were offered better jobs here. Monty and his brother Ash were inseparable.  At the age of 6 is when they started acting different. Ash would play with the boys in basketball but Monty was small for his age and would usually play by himself. There was a day at recess where his father was coming to pick them up and Monty had grown close to this boy named Bryce. The boys were wrestling and Bryce had bumped his head. 

Monty leaned over and kissed the side of Bryce's head before Ash could stop him. His father had seen and scolded Monty for what he'd done. Monty was confused because every time he got hurt his mother would kiss the spot that hurt. Once they got home Monty was scolded worse then ever and sent to his room without dinner. Ash managed to sneak a brownie from desert to Monty. 

At the age of 8 the De La Cruz family lost a family member. Maria , their mother. She was on her way to Monty's soccer game. Monty's father took it out on the boys and started beating them. They would show up to school very much as Monty did the past 3 years here. When asked they said that they had been wrestling and got too rough. 

Age 13 Ash got a girlfriend, Monty was still hanging around Bryce. He had joined football and baseball at school. ' It was a way to explain the bruises' he told Bryce and his father had found out that he had a journal. He read it. That night he found out his son's darkest secret. He was gay.  That night was the worst night of Monty's life. He got home alone. Ash was staying over a friends house. Their father raped Monty that night. He was raped with a broom handle and whipped. The more Monty cried the harder the lashes became. That wasn't the first night either.  It continued for two years. 

Age 15 Ash was sent away for attempted murder for someone trying to rape his girlfriend. Monty was broken. That was the year Hannah Baker's trial started. The previous summer Monty had tried to kill himself 4 times. The reason he was so freaked out was because she had became successful and she had a better life then he did. He had listened to the tapes and his them from Bryce because he couldn't believe the guy that had helped him since he was 7 could rape two girls. 

Bryce's family was treated Monty like he was apart of the family. They bought him things for school. They were his safe place when he didn't want to go home or he was beaten. Where was Ash you ask? He was released this year but they won't give him any information on Monty's whereabouts.  He works at Mercy hospital so now he will find out that his brother was beaten almost to death because of something he couldn't control. 

He acts out of aggression and fear because that's all he's known. He has raped a boy and he regrets it to this day. He was going to apologize today for it after the assembly but you guys didn't give him a chance to explain himself. Growing up in his household and with the internalized homophobia, intermittent explosive disorder which means he acts out in episodes of rage, aggression. 

The school knew about Monty and his condition. They never offered counselling, no one reported the abuse from his father. His entire life...His entire childhood was ruined. Now he may never speak again. We're supposed to protect our own. What the team did to Monty...If this is how we treat each other then we quit. " he said hearing kids gasp again

By the time Diego finished there were a lot of kids in tears.  Charlie and Diego walked out calling parents that cared for Monty. Bryce's mother said she'd be there along with Winston's parents. Both boys got in their cars driving to Mercy hospital to be there for their fallen brother and best friend hoping he was okay and most importantly the he was alive. 

Once they got n the saw Winston and his parents and Bryce's mother. They also saw the doctor and his nurse. The nurse or well doctor in training was Ash. Ash was staring at Monty through the window. 

" Montgomery has severe damage to his body. His ribs are broken along with his nose, collarbone, his left wrist and his knee was severely bruised. His vocal chords were damaged so he will need speech therapy to help with that. Bruised eye and he's also on an oxygen mask so he can breathe easily" The doctor said and Winston and his mother along with Bryce's mother were in tears. Charlie walked over to Ash placing a hand on his shoulder. 

" It's my fault, I protected my girlfriend and I lost my baby brother forever. What if he never speaks again? " Ash said 

" Monty is strong. He'll fight and come back from this. We are all here to support him. Monty will pull through." Charlie said. What Ash said next shocked him and he knew Monty would survive when he got out.

" Monty will stay with me when he's out. Our father has been sent to jail and will never get out. I got the house. Monty will never be hurt under my watch again" Ash said and went in as soon as the doctor said they could. Winston followed Ash not knowing who Ash was. 

" Who are you?" Winston said with a hoarse voice

" Ash De La Cruz, I'm Monty's twin brother. " He said watching Winston's eyes go wide.

Both boys sat on opposite sides of Monty holding his hands. Both boys wanted revenge but they would ave to wait to see what Monty wanted when he woke up. 

" Te amo bebé lobo. Yo te protegeré por siempre. Ash está aquí." Ash said. 

" I love you Mont...I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" Winston said. 

(1 year later)

Monty had slowly recovered over the past year. His speech was 85% better. He still had problems pronouncing the letters S and R. He was living with Ash and dating Winston. Soon it was his senior year and Ash had to leave again for med school early and Monty didn't know where to go because Winston was on a trip for colleges. Monty had raised his grades and instead of being and D average student, Winston had helped him be come a B+ average student. 

Monty was back on the baseball team. Alex Standall and Jessica Davis were convicted on killing Bryce walker but it upset Monty went they only got 2 years since it was their first offences. 

Today was the first day he was going back and Bolan wanted him to make a speech about his recovery which reluctantly agreed just so the man would shut up. 

Monty walked in school wearing his usual plaid shirt over a tshirt and a pair of blue jeans. All the kids turned to look seeing the older jock with scars from the past year.  He walked to his locker grabbing his paper Winston helped him write. He then slowly made his way to the place he dreaded....The gym.

" Now everyone take a seat we have news on what happened exactly a year ago. The team mates who assaulted Mr. De La Cruz have been expelled and arrested. Alexander Standall and Jessica Davis have been arrested on the murder of Bryce Walker. Now Montgomery would like to speak on his recovery. We can all learn from what happened." He said and patting Monty on the shoulder. 

Monty stepped up to the podium looking around for the students who went on the college trip. All of them were back except one. One with dark curly hair. The one he loved. 

" Mr. De La Cruz, will you please start?" Bolan said and Monty nodded. 

' Maybe he is in the bathroom. It's okay, he will be here. ' Monty thought to himself.

" Over the pas-st year, my r-r-recovery has-s been a long journey. After that night I never thought I would talk again. The guys-s who did it thought I was-s-sn't raped and I was making fun of people who were. I know Diego told you about my life s-so I don't have to. The past year I have been thr-rough hell and back to even be here. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my amazing boyfriend Winston Williams. He's-s been my r-r-rock.  My s-s-s-soulmate. I'm finally out and proud. I never have been able to before. Wins-ston is the only one who cared for me unlike everyone. I finally have my twin and my team mates-s who have been there for me. He gave me my family back and becoming my family in the process-s-s. He is-s the only one who car-red" 

Monty finished and looked up seeing kids clapping for him. Diego and Charlie hugged him as music started playing. It was the song him and Winston sang when they were at homecoming together. Then he saw Winston in a black suit with gold trim and a microphone. 

" Sitting here wasted and wounded

At this old piano
Trying hard to capture
The moment this morning I don't know
'Cause a bottle of vodka
Is still lodged in my head
And some blonde gave me nightmares
I think that she's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They won't make of me when I'm deadWith an ironclad fist
I wake up and french kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps
Its own beat in my head
While we're talking
About all of the things that I long to believe
About love and the truth and what you mean to me
And the truth is, baby you're all that I needI wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I sleep on a bed of nails
Oh, I wanna be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of rosesWell I'm so far away

That each step that..."

Winston sang and when the song ended he and Monty's friends were holding baseballs that said prom. Monty nodded but when Winston walked closer Monty started to get worried. He held the mircophone and started talking again. 

" When I met you, you were a closeted angry and broken boy who needed to be saved. Ever since the day we met I've been trying to do that. Monty, I thought I lost you one year ago today. You fought to where you are today and I love you with or without your stutter.  I've never left your side and I don't want to. I love you and I know who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Your going to college for baseball and I'm going with you. The school also has an amazing photography career. Before we do that I want to do this. I promise to love you forever and I want you forever. Will you Monty, because I know you hate your first name...Will you Monty De La Cruz marry me and make me Winston De La Cruz the happiest man in the world" 

Winston kneeled down infront of Monty opening a ring box that had a silver ring and with blue sapphires in it with the engraving. ' You can be whoever you want to be ' 

" Yes-s " Monty said and everyone cheered again for the boys. 

' Only Winston...Only he cared ' he thought.


 Thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoyed this part. 

translation: I love you baby wolf. I'll protect you forever. Ash's here

I'll see everyone in the next one. Hope everyone is well and staying safe


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