Zasira's Soul Journey

By kyiabell

27 0 0

A Young Goddess Named Zasira Embarks On An Amazing Journey To Find Her Souls Purpose along With Her Maahes Le... More

Young Zasira
Queen Erudite
Zasira's Developing Gifts

Zasira's Birth

17 0 0
By kyiabell

The Birth Of Zasira

It Was a Bright Day In The galaxy , as All Twelve Suns Lit Up That Day And All The People Of Blossiden Rejoiced ! Queen Erudite Would Soon Give Birth To Her third Child . The Entire Kingdom Was Lit In Celebration. Flower Petals Of Red Covered The Streets And People Hugged kissed one Another in joy  . King Zodian Was Pleased At The Beauty , Looking Out Of The Window Of His Bed Chambers , Nothing But Happiness Filled His Heart . He Had On The Finest Stitch Cloth In The Kingdom . King Zodian Had Nothing But High Hopes For This Day . Gettin Dressed , He adds The Finishing Jewelry Touches To His Ensemble and Mentally Preps For The Speech He Will Give . When There's a Knock on The Door . "Yes, Come In Haslo" said King Zodian. Haslo Was The Royal Kings Hand . Haslo Grew Up as A close Friend to King Zodian And was knighted 6 Years after King Zodian became King. 27 Years later and He Was The Only Man In The Kingdom that The King Trusted Deeply. "Good Morning King Zodian , How Are You Feeling ? Excited For Today's Events I hope", Haslo Insisted. "Of Course I am Zodian Started , is it even Questionable ?", He Smirked. Haslo Laughed ." Glad To Hear My King , What Do You Think She will Have ?" He asked Haslo . The King Looked Puzzled Then Answers . "A Strong Baby God , My Third Child And I Believe It Will Be The Son I am Destined To Have ." He Said Confidently . " Ahh Yes , A Prince . This Surely Will Be Incredible" said Haslo . He Patted King Zodian On The Back And Left His Chambers. "Maybe I Should Go Check On Erudite Before The Celebration . He Thought and King Zodian Headed Over To His Wife's Chambers . He Knocked ."Hello My Beloved , Are You Well ? " He asked Through The Door . A Hand Reached Out And Opened The Door To Let Him In . He Walked in To See His Wife Looking Very Stunning it triggered him into A Flash Back Of The Day They Met ."I Will Make You My Wife One Day." Stated The Young God And That He Did . " So...How Do I Look?" , She Spotted Him Through The Mirror ." As Lovely As The Day I Laid Eyes On You my love, "Said King Zodian Admiring His Beautiful Queen . She Smiled . " The Baby will Be Coming Any Minute Now ," She said Rubbing Her Stomach. "We Should Start Joining Everyone In The Court yard " Said Queen Erudite . The King Kissed His Wife On The Head And Grabbed Her Hand preparing to Lead Her Way Into The Courtyard .
The Trumpets Sound As The Red Flags Stationed all Through The Kingdom Began To Rise . Crowds Start Pouring In Gathering In Preparation For The Royal Birth . The Began " Here Ye Here Ye The Third Child Of Queen Euridite be Born This day " Said Ro'ed the Kingdoms Royal Trumpet Blower .
Everyone Clapped and Cheered Welcoming Zodian To The Podium .
" Welcome Everyone !!" He Said With The Most Excitement , " Today Is A Blessed Day , He Started . "Today The Beautiful , and Honorable Queen Erudite Will Be Giving Birth To a Third Child , And The Kingdom Of Blossiden Will Be Finding Out If  The Gods Have Gifted Us A Princess Or a Prince , To Be A Future Ruler Of The Throne. I think You All Know What I Desire " , He Chuckled. He Motioned To Haslo To Come Forth. "Haslo , My Second Hand. Please, Bring My Daughters For All To See ." He Smiles . Haslo Brings Forth 8 Year Olds Ambriesha And Sena , The Twins To The Stage Both Girls Stood Tall And Wore Red Dresses With Many Gold Necklaces . "Do You All Recall eight years ago, What a Wonderful Surprise We Had Endured .No One Expected The Twins Birth And We Thank the Gods For That Year , There Was Many  Victories  At War ,The Cattle Were Fed Year round , The Fruit Trees Grew Bountiful And Plenty . And There Was More Deaths Than expected . "Hurayyyy !" The Crowd Cheered And Screamed . The Blossidians Celebrated Death . They Knew That When You Passed Away The Soul Goes On . And Life Would Be Given Again In Rebirth To a New Body . They Celebrated The Veil Lifting .They Rejoiced! and We're Able To Have Visits From Ascend Masters , That Crossed Eternity To Stay In The Spirit Relm. Once Your Soul Has Served Several Purposes And Your Souls Mission On Your Planet is Completed You No Longer Reincarnate . Your Soul Ascends To The Next Dimension. Death Was One Of The Largest Celebrations." We Stuck Uranium, He Continued...When A Loud Queen Erudite Interrupted .
" THE BABY IS COMING !!! " The Crowd Cheered And King Zodian and Haslo Rushed Immediately to Get Queen Erudite Into The Birthing Room. Queen Erudite Sat in A Tub Made Of Pure Amethyst . Squeezing Her Husbands Hand Very Tightly And Blowing In And Out as Fast as Possible This Baby Was Coming And Fast . "Ahhhh ," She Screamed And  Squeezed Tighter . "Breathe My Love "
, King Zodian Encouraged "You've Done it Twice Already ", He Laughed. Trying To Lighten Euridites Mood.
"Not The Time For Joking Zodian" She Yelled . King Zodian Nodded and Held His Wifes Hand For Support . A few Moments Later... "My Precious Child Has arrived !" Shouted King Zodian .
The Trumpets Sound  King Zodian And His Daughters Have Returned To Share The News . The Crowd Full Of People Sat In Silence Awaiting The Kings Return . He Walks across the stage To The Mic And taps it . Everyone looked Up from What They Were Doing Ready To Hear The News.
"Ahem, He Clears His Throat , " Queen Euride Has Given Birth To a Beautiful Baby Goddess And Her Name Will Be .... Zasira !!!! Everyone Cheered Danced And Drank All Night . King Zodian Wasn't Unhappy About Not Getting His God Son . He Was Quite Glad To Have a Goddess . He Saw She Was A Beautiful Treasure And Fell In Love at First Glance . She Became Daddy's Little Goddess The King Truly Was Happy . The Year Zasira Was Born Reaped both Great Blessings And Terrible losses The Fireball Flowers Came Into Bloom Again After 13 Years And The Planet Was Given Ma'ahes Cubs by The Exotrod .Sadly, That Year Planet Exotrodon Was Destroyed by The Reptiles , a Civilization Soley based On Conquering and Destroying Other planets They Did Whatever To Gain, Taking The Lives Of The Innocent And Praying On Children . They Had Been Enslaving Alien Races for eons and Still , They Took Over . The Exotrod Were a Giving Species They Believed In Unity And Peace And Presented many Offerings To The Blossiden . We Were Great Allys In War. In a Time Of Darkness ,  King Zodian Was Short On Magic Light. And The Exotrod Empress , Queen Ishma Sent Healing Light To Our Planet And We Were Saved . King Zodian Wished  So Badly That He Could've Done The Same For The Exotrod . The Reptiles Killed Millions Of The Exotrod And Destroyed The Entire Planet, Every Other Planet in The Galaxy Was Afraid Of Them . We All  Agreed to Start Paying Them In Resources ,To Keep Them From Destroying Our Planets And It Worked. They Left , And Did Not Come Back Until Years Later When They Needed More Resources. That Year The Extrod Were In A Famine They Had a Food Shortage That Lasted a Very Long Time , The Food Their Species Ate Grew From The Ground. It was A Big Blue Stocky Vegetable Called Ardu. They Would Grow Huge. Big Enough  For One To Feed a Family Of 6 For an Entire Month . The Reptiles Wanted All Of The Ardu . They Were Going to Use Its Starch To Fuel Their Ships . When They Learned the Ardu's Powerful Solar Power . They were Willing to Take All they Could Get No Matter Who They Had To Hurt in the process .Tragically ,The Exotrod Couldn't Give AnyThing The Famine Had Caused The Ardu Crops Not To Reap That Year . So They Were Forced To Preserve what the Already Had "If I Give Any More Of My Ardu, Then My People Will Go Hungry! " Exclaimed Queen Ishma Of Exotrod. She  Was Willing To Fight For Her Kingdom No matter the circumstance. However, That is Not What The Reptiles Wanted To Hear . " Bring Me 6,000 Ardu By Suns Down Or Else Your Entire Planet Will Be Destroyed" They Demanded . "What ! That's Absurd...We Won't Have 6,000 Ardu By Sun down . Your People Have Taken So much  We Only Have 800 Left  , She Cried . " I Beg Of You , Spare Us , " She Pleaded. "6,000 not another word ". The Reptiles King Domo Demanded.  "No ". Queen Ishma Refused , I Cannot Give You The Ardu My People Will Starve . "Very Well Then , King Domo Laughed.  He Snapped His Fingers in Command . The Reptiles Killed Queen Ishma In Front Of Her People . After That it Got Drastically Worse The Exotrod Had Began To Be Blindly Attacked . Missiles Were Launched Destroying Mass Areas . In Their Ship The Reptiles Shot Guns At the Exotrod   killing as Many as They Could . The People Of Exotrodon Fled In Misery . That Year Exotrodon Fell . The Surviving Exotrod Came To Our Planet Blossiden And Have Made it Their Home.

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