Accepting New Love

By MalevolentDarkness

74.5K 1.8K 1.6K

This story is inspired after watching the episode Miracle Queen, this is my take on what I think and want to... More

Moving On
New Love?
Ladybug the Guardian
Jealousy Is Brewing
Second Chance
What Just Happened?
Making the First Move
Let The Flirting Begin
Adrien's Revelation
First Date
Love Advice
And Then There Were Four
Things Are Spicing Up!
He's Up To Something
Getting It Together
Stirring the Pot
My Little Blue Bird
Then There Were Three
First Kiss????
The Project
Fancy Her!?
The Serenade

One More to the Team!

1.7K 47 48
By MalevolentDarkness

Chat Noir's POV

Seeing Ladybug on the Eiffiel Tower in this lighting makes her look so stunning, I just want to kiss her. Just once. Landing quietly on the platform I take her hand and bow before going in for a kiss on her delicate hand only to be stopped by her. Only for a split second did I forget that there was other people here as well, I manage to see Viperion giving me an annoyed look before moving around from M'lady. What's that about?

After she makes introduction to Viperion and Rena Rogue, she starts going over patrolling and training. At some point I lose interest and start looking around and catch my reflection on the elevator door. Hmm I sure look good in black, don't I?

"...isn't that right kitty?" Uh oh. Got caught.

"So I see the cat gets distracted easily?" I hear the snake say making Rena giggle.

"If he isn't flirting with LB he's checking himself out." Rena smirks nudging Viperion as they look at me.

"Sorry M'Lady. Please continue." I bow my head down waiting for her to continue. Leaning against a pillar I watch Ladybug take charge and lead our new team into strategy.

We'll meet up every Thursday to practice, start off slow and work our way from there. She wants us to enjoy our civilian lives, she refuses to have us train on the weekends. She is so consistent towards everyone even though she has so much on her plate as it is.

"Any questions?" Ladybug breaks my thoughts.

"Only one LB." Rena asks while crossing her arms. She has a mischievous look on her face.

"Yes?" Ladybug asks with her eyebrow raised.

"Since you know all of our identities, does that mean we get to know yours?" The fox points a finger at her and leans in with a smile. Find out who M'Lady is? That's a dream come true!

"Ah...hahaha....w-well you see....t-the thing is. Master Fu said no one can know who I am, not even Chat....and I'd like to honor he's wishes." And there's the disappointment. For some reason Viperion smirks at her answer, as if he is happy with it.

"Who's Master Fu?" Both the snake and fox ask in unison. That's right....they don't know.

"He was our gaurdian, he was the one that gave us our miraculous' and helped us through a lot." My voice almost cracks as I talk about him. I know he's living a better life....but it still hurts to know he won't remember us.

"It's okay kitty. Remember he's getting to be with his true love, a second chance at the life he's always wanted." I feel my lady's arms wrap around my shoulders to comfort me. It helped sooth the pain.

"Gaurdian?" Both newbies ask. There's so much that needs to go over, so many things they need to learn.

"That's for another time. We are adding one more member to the team. I just haven't had time to hand it over. I'm gonna need to make an organizer and a day planner. There is so much that needs to be done...." And we lost our lady, she's going to stress herself out again.

"Are you giving it to Caprice? He's a cool dude." Rena giggles as she talks about the turle dude that has helped us before. The giggle sounded more different then when she was making fun of me.

"Does someone have a crush?" I lean into the fox with a smirk, teasing her. Rena smirks back at me, not the reaction I was expecting from her.

"As a matter of fact I do. I think he's awesome and very brave." Rena crosses her arms across her chest as my little plan of teasing deflats.

"Alright, alright. That's enough for tonight Paris seems quiet. We'll call it a night but let's meet up on Thursday for first day of training. I'll message you all on the location, we can't do it here because they'll be Persians and tourists on the tour. Bug Out!" M'Lady pulls out her yoyo and drops from the tower soon gripping on to a lamp post before hitting the ground. Rena Rogue jumps down leaving Viperion and I alone. I can feel some type of tension going on between us, not entirely sure as to why. He did look at my in a strange way when I was flirting with Bugaboo.

"So. does it feel being a full-time super hero now? Ladybug sure seems to trust you enough to give you a miraculous." Trying to break the ice I look over at the snake as he leans against a pillar.

"It's pretty exciting to be honest. It's an honor to be chosen by Ladybug to even be in her presence let alone fight side by side with her. I'm glad she trusts me with all of this." Viperion casually says as his eyes land on me.

"You admire her don't you." I try not to let jealous seep out with my words as I lean into a pillar across from him. Does he like M'Lady the same way I do?

"Of course I do. She is an amazing beautiful girl who is brave and selfless. Risks her life to save others and I believe without a doubt that she shows those same attributes in her everyday life as well." He smirks, as if thinking of something as he says it.

"If I didn't know any better I would have thought you had a crush on Ladybug haha." Well I tried to keep it cool.

"Don't get me wrong, she's an incredible girl but I have eyes for someone else. Someone much more special and amazing than Ladybug." The whole time he speaks he holds my eyes with his as if testing me. As if trying to tell me something. How can anyone be better than Ladybug herself, she is the most amazing person I have ever met, who else puts other before her, well Marinette does but there is no way she is my bugaboo. That snake is crazy.

"Well it's getting late and I have school so night Chat!" Before I can get a chance to even register what he said he was already gone. Hm mysterious guy, pretty cool.

Rena Rogue's POV

After Ladybug says her goodbyes she leaps of the Eiffiel Tower without a second glance. I say goodbye to the boys leaving them alone so I can catch up with her. Maybe she'll let me give the Miraculous to Nino or at least be there when she does give it to him. Leap from building to building, I manage to catch up to her before she rounds another corner.

"Hey LB!! Wait up!." I take a huge leap to shorten the space between us, she hears me and stops before swinging onto a lamp post causing me to almost crash into her.

"Woah girl. Quick reflexes haha." I catch myself before knocking Ladybug over. She has a confused look on her face.

"Aly- I mean Rena Rogue what's wrong?" Oh damn she almost slipped nice to knoe that even LB can struggle with keeping things under wraps.

"Hey LB I was wondering if I can go with you to give Nin- to give Carapace his miraculous since I know who he is....he is my boyfriend after all..." Why am I rambling for? I sound like Marinette right now. Is it because I'm talking about Nino? How embarrassing. Looking at Ladybug I see a soft smile on her face as I finally stop talking.

"Of course. I would love to have you there. I wouldn't have it any other way." LB places her hand on my shoulder smiling brightly at me. She motions for me to follow her to Nino's house and of course there he is, playing video game, like always.

We both look carefully around before we make our way to his home, I stay on the look out while Ladybug taps on the window before climbing in, with me right behind her. Nino didn't notice us at first but almost jumps out of his seat when he sees us. He knocks over his controller but manages to catch it before it crashes to the floor.

"L-Ladybug! Alya!? Oh shit...I mean Rena Rogue? What are you guys doing here." My boyfriend straightens and casually goes tk lock the door so no one would see us.

"Nino Lahiffe. I've chosen you to handle the turtle miraculous before, now will you do me the honor and protecting not only Paris, but Wayz as well along with your identity. To permanently hold on this and help us when the time comes?" Ladybug asks as she holds out the ancient box to him.

I can tell by the look on his face, how excited he is about the whole thing and was ready to accept whatever it is she says.

"Dude! Of course, I'll keep up the good work man. This is awesome!" Nino takes hold of the box, almost jumping as he lifts the lid. A bright green light escapes from the box casting over the entire room, once it dies down in its place is a tiny turtle hovering in front of my boyfriend. Wayz flies straight to him with his little flipper and greets Nino with his version of a knuckle touch making all of us giggle. After a few minutes have pass and I notice Ladybug move away from us and gets closer to the window. "Well I trust both of you to keep things on the low, so I'll leave you two and your kwamis to mingle. I have to get home. Bug Out!" She waves goodbye before being yanked away from her yoyp into darkness of Paris.


Marinette's POV

"Today was sure an eventful day wasn't it Tikki?" I let myself drop onto my bed after getting into my pajamas making a oof noise as I make contact with the blankets. Finally I got the whole team together.
"Yes it was. Now you have a full team and you can get more relax more now. And maybe have more time to get more designs done." Tikki settles down in the pillow next to mine, getting ready for bed.

Getting up quickly to keep from waking up from a now sleeping kwami, I make my way to the kwami box so I can hid it somewhere else. Now that I gave everyone their kwamis I can hid it under the floor board under my desk. This should be a great place to keep it. After placing the box away, I climb into my chair and grab my dairy. I should have been writting in my dairy after what happened with Love Eater and crying on Luka's shoulder. Maybe then I wouldn't have been a target for Hawkmoth to use.

Dear Dairy,
It's been awhile since I've written in here....

"Nothing like writting down my thoughts and feelings to help get things in perspective. I really do think I'm getting over Adrien....I hardly wrote anything about him on here like I used to." Setting my pencil down, I stretch my arms to the sky before putting the dairy away. "Well that really helped a lot. Wow I think I really am getting over Adrien..." grabbing my dairy again I look over what I had just wrote and there was hardly any mention of Adrien anywhere, it's mostly about Luka and how he makes me feel. Yawning I crawl on my bed and get under the covers and stare up at the window, looking closer I see something in the corner of the window moving. Are those cat ears? Wait a minute....suddendly green eyes emerge and stare down at me. "Chat Nior!?" I shoot up from bed causing Tikki to wake up and float away from my scream, I don't dare look to see where she hides in case Char notices me looking for something. "Hello princess!" The cat lightly jumps down from the patio and lands at the foot of my bed giving me a nervous smile giving me a chance to catch my breathe. "What the heck are you doing here!? It's past midnight! You should be asleep!" I almost yell at him before hushing my voice down to keep from waking mama and papa.

"Shouldn't you be asleep right now? But you're up talking about that Adrien guy to.....yourself?" Chat looks around as he finishes his sentence. Oh no, he heard me talk about Adrien.....what if he thinks I have feelings for him. Oh no this is just as bad as when he thought I was in love with him when he got close to finding out I was Ladybug. "Careful, you might make this feline jealous from talking about another guy." He laughs nervously as he looks away from me. What is going on here? Why is he here?

"Chat Noir, seriously, what are you doing here? It's late and why were you evasdropping, this is my room!" I toss a fluffy pink pillow at him, making it connect with his face causing him to make an oof sounds. This is out of character even for him! And make him jealous? He's not flirting with he? Chat grabs hold of the pillow and puts it on the edge of my bed before sitting down next to it. He starting looking around my room, avoiding eye contact with me. Settling back into bed, I pull my light pink blanket to covering myself as I wait for him to answer me. Finally looking up at me, holding my eyes with his green cat eyes, stares intensely at me for what feels like a long time.

"I....I'm not sure.....I was out doing super hero things and I didn't feel like going home. I started wandering the streets and soon I started.....started thinking about you...." As soon as the words came out he looks down at his hands, even under the mask I can see a shade of pink forming on his face. He has been acting different for awhile now, well around Marinette, with Ladybug he's still as flirtacious as ever. I don't even know how to respond to this or him, why is he acting this way with me? "That must sound weird....I've just been worried about you ever since that akuma came after you and you and I haven't really talked about much like we used to. I know I was being pushy the last time I talked about opening up...." Recalling the conversation from the other night when Luka stopped by and how Chat Nior was begging for me to open up to him about my struggles. I think it's time to sit down and talk.

"Oh kitty thanks for being so worried over me and I'm sorry I haven't been chatty about everything....look it's a really long story so I'll give you the short version of what has been going on....." I take a deep breath and settle into my comforter before I let it all, well aside from the Ladybug stuff....I told him about the stress from school and other activities and how Luka has been pretty much my rock. Chat Noir stays quiet for awhile, staring towards my desk before he speaks up.

"So not that I was listening but when I got here I heard you mention something about getting over used to write about him in your dairy? What did you mean by that?" He keeps his eyes on his desk not wanting to make eye contact with me. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. He heard me saying that!? What should I do? What should I say? Looking around I see Tikki hiding behind my maniquin motioning me to calm down and breath. She manage to make her way to me without being seen by the cat, she grabs hold of my phone and starts typing on the keyboard to keep from him hearing her. I glance down while he was looking at everything but me and she basically said to open up to him and be honest.

" you see, I kind of had a crush on Adrien for a few years now and I just never managed to get through to him about my feelings for him. He just sees me as a good friend and that's all, and then he started getting close to this girl Kagami and they seem to bond really well...." I let out a deep breath and talk about when I hung out with them before heart eater attacked and how I coulndn't handle it seeing them so close anymore. I even told him about Luka, how we met and the moments we had together, and how I cried on his shoulder from all the stress of juggling both lives.

After what felt like forever of babbling on I realized I had some tears form in my eyes as I finally looked up into his green eyes. Those feelings for Adrien are still there....but there's tears aren't for him....they're for me....for the girl that tried very hard.

Suddenly I feel a grip around the back of my head pressing me toward Chat, he was pulling me into his chest as tears fell from my watery eyes.

"I'm so sorry princess. Please don't cry. I am so sorry...." Chat whispers into the crown on my head as he caresses my hair. Why is he sorry? He wasn't the one the chased after someone that never acknowledged his feelings.

"Chat....why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." I hold on tighter to him taking in his warmth and his scent. That scent....its so familiar to me....why?

"I....I'm just sorry you went through this. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't have been put through that. Do you hate Adrien now?" Hate Adrien?

I pull away slightly so I can look up at my partners face, he looks worried, a little lost too. "Hate Adrien? No, never. The only person I hate is myself..." Before I can finish Chat Noir pushes me away from him slightly and holds my arms tightly making me look him in the eyes. The action catches me off guard leaving a surprised look on my face.

"Don't you ever say that again. You hear me? Why would you hate yourself Marinette? I rather you be angry at myself than at yourself!" Right after saying those words he stiffens up as if realizing something.

Even though I was confused by his sudden burst and his comment on hating him even though we were talking about Adrien. "No kitty...." I place my hands on either side of his face to calm him down before explaining. "I didn't mean it like that....I hated myself for the way I acted around Adrien and how I treated myself with my obsession of him....I hated that Marinette. But now I am more myself, I don't stutter and act crazy around him anymore because I finally let go. I don't hate myself or him. I'm learning to love the real me." I lean up and gently place a kiss on his cheek before pulling away. Only to be stopped by his hand and he trails his fingers through my hair pulling closer to him again. The expression on his face is making my heart pound out of rythem.


Authors Note

And another chapter done i am sorry for the lack of interaction and the lack of pictures this time. I hope you like this one let me know what you think feel and not forget to vote.
Bug out!

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