Faded Rainbows

By Pidge-onn

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King Trollex of the Techno trolls is the youngest of the Tribe leaders, but has already dealt with his fair s... More

Bleeding Colors
A song to heal a heart
A story
Friends old and new
Vibe City
Family ties
Tears and Laughter
Lonesome Flats
Time to think
Flash back
Country Boy
Heart strings
Extended family
Volcano rock city
Rock Candy
Techno Reef
Past, Present, and Future
Drop the Beat
The Abyss
A Brief History
Let Music be your guide
Take the plunge
Stand up
Breach the surface
One door closes


545 15 10
By Pidge-onn

Trollex and Barb had found a quiet section amongst some of the shrubbery on the island, panting lightly as they tried to catch their breath after their mad dash to escape the overbearing older trolls. Once Trollex managed to calm himself, he sat on the ground a short distance from Barb, looking at her curiously.

He hadn't been around Barb since after the rock tour, but she seemed more tired. She was still energetic, but it seemed to have lethargy to it. "Are you ok, Queen Barb?"

She perked up at that, tilting her head at him. "Drop the queen bit, I don't wanna be calling everyone by titles, gets confusing with..." She ticked off on her fingers. "Three queens and three kings, plus two princes and if you include my dad and Popsqueak's, then that's tacking on two former kings..."

Trollex hadn't realized how many royals there were, active or not. "OK, I see your point...but that doesn't answer my question..."

She looked away, humming a bit. "I'm tired, that's all. Not been getting very good sleep lately. Plus I did just get my butt kicked by a fish boy so, there's that to."

He blushed brightly, covering his face. "Sorry, I just... I've been a ball of nerves lately and I just..." He sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Barb, why...? Why did you do all of that...? I don't get it..."

Barb was silent for a while, hugging her knees to her chest. "Because... I don't know... I had just inherited the throne from dad, and he taught me about our Rock string, and what Pop did to us... And I guess I wanted... friends? I don't know, I wanted more than I had though. I figured if I could get all of you to be rockers, I'd have some real friends... That backfired huh? Now every tribe hates rock..."

He was a little shocked to hear that as the reason. "But why did you hurt so many trolls then...? Destroying their homes won't make them friends..."

"I don't know man, I really don't! It just felt like... I don't know, something told me that if I used all the strings like that, you guys wouldn't even care anymore, cause you'd all be rockers..." She rubbed her head. "But... I don't know how I even knew bringing the strings together in the first place would do that..."

"Wait, really? I thought your dad might have known how. I know my parents never taught me anything like that... of course they kinda didn't teach me... anything about being a leader." He reached a hand up, pulling that broken abalone shell out and turning it in his palm, admiring the sparkle it gave off in the sun light.

Barb looked at him. "Trollex, I been meaning to ask, since I know you're younger than me, why are you the king?"

Trollex jumped. "Wait, how'd you know I'm young? No other leaders seem to realize it right away."

She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "Well, honestly? I knew because I had heard it from some of the Techno trolls that washed up here a few times. It used to happen pretty often, a Techno troll would wash up on shore, either hurt, hungry, or just wanting to spend some time on the beach. We would chat with them and get an idea of what life under the sea was... It's the reason I targeted you first... I knew you were young, I thought you'd be easy..."

That was the reason? Just because they were close on a map, and he was a kid? He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well congrats, you chose right! We were easy..."

Barb flinched a little at the dead tone the other used. "I'm sorry, alright man? I know that won't make up for what I did, but... If there's anything the Rock trolls and I can do, tell us! We want to be good neighbors... We want to be good Trolls..."

He looked down at the splattering of color he had, and sighed. "Actually Barb, I'm here because I need help..."

She looked at him. "Your colors, right? You look like a weird patchwork quilt, and not a good one."

He bristled a little at that. "Hey, not cool! I'm just... a little faded is all, just need a bit of a touch up!"

Barb laughed, grinning widely. "Hah! Yeah, sure, whatever you say fish boy." She looked up towards the volcano. "So what do you need me to help with? I would think Funk could help out, since they got all our colors back?"

He shook his head. "Already tried, that's how I got purple." Explained the system they'd been needing to follow lately, and how each place he'd visited so far got him a new color.

She whistled, clearly impressed. "So you've been going on a world tour of your own, huh?"

"Wait; is that what I've been doing...?" He thought it through, and sure enough... yeah! He had gone on a world tour, seen so many tribes, made friends and even got some new family! He smiled softly, resting a hand on his chest to feel his pulse. "I have been, haven't I...? It's been a lot of fun...!"

Barb laughed, standing and dusting herself off. "Well, if music and that's what gets back your colors, let's throw a party! We got all the leaders here; we can make it a HUGE shindig!"

Trollex sprung into the air, cheering happily. "Yeah, for sure! I can't wait to see the rest of the city, you know, not in a cage."

Barb blushed, shrugging her shoulders a little. "Sorry again about that, man." She smiled. "How bout I give you a personal tour? There's a snack shop in town that sells the BEST rock candy!"

His eyes widened a bit, and he looked down at the rocks below them. "Rock... candy?" Did the rock trolls literally eat rocks? Maybe he should be careful what he eats here... "You have any... fish?" Fish couldn't be made of rocks, right?

She arched a brow. "Yeah, the marketplace sells fresh rock bass, why? Wait do you eat em raw?"

Trollex slumped a little. If that was a species of real fish that wasn't made of rocks, it wasn't a deep sea fish. "As long as I don't have to eat rocks, I'll eat anything..."

It was then that Barb realized what he was so concerned about. She cackled, holding her stomach. She had two choices, either play it up, or tell him the truth... Oh, such temptation! "Dude, you think we eat rocks?"

"Well, don't you?"

That clinched it. She tried to calm herself. "Y-Yeah, totally man. Love our rocks... pfft!"

He really wasn't sure what was so funny. He should ask if Trollzart of Quincy was willing to cook... "Wait! Ooooh man they're going to kill me! Especially Essence..."

Barb wiped a tear from her eye, giving the other a quizzical look as she finally started to settle down. "What'cha mean? I thought they all loved you to pieces, hence why they're here?"

He fidgeted a bit, blushing as he looked away. "Yeah, I guess... but that's exactly why they'll kill me! I ran off and they're probably really confused and worried..." He bit his lip. "But if I go back now I think Essence will lock me in a bubble for time out..."

She let out an appreciative whistle. "Sounds harsh man, so let's skedaddle, have fun, and deal with the consequences later! If you're in trouble anyway, might as well make it worthwhile!" She began to run for the volcano again, calling after him. "Come on, let's do this!"

He darted forward to follow her, grinning as he caught up. "You're going to get me in so much trouble you know."

"That's the idea!"

It didn't take long for them to enter the city itself, and his eyes widened when he finally saw the expanse of it. It was protected from sight within a large crater behind the volcano, but the entire place was huge! As he was led through the streets, many rock trolls smiled and waved at him. Sure, after visiting the Classical trolls, the manners of the rock trolls seemed to be a little lacking, but there was a sort of organized chaos to how they moved about and talked.

He had to admit, he enjoyed the energy of the city.

As they turned a corner, he was rather shocked to see something that certainly didn't belong with in the slate colored city. Hanging out at a café about a half a block away was a set of 8 trolls, all just as, if not more brightly colored, than he was normally. "Who are they, Barb?" He pointed to the odd group.

"Huh?" She had been greeting another passing rock troll when he caught her attention, drawing it to the motley bunch. "Oh, those are the Reggaeton trolls and the K-Pop trolls. They've been getting along a lot better lately, even hanging out around here. Didja wanna go say hi?"

He fidgeted a bit, shaking his head. "No, maybe we shouldn't—eep!" He let out a yelp as Barb suddenly started to drag him through the air towards the group, waving and yelling out to them. "Yo! How's it, you lot?"

The group paused their conversation, the lot waving back happily once they got to the table and Barb let him go, Trollex quickly ducked behind her, standing on his fins and hunching a bit in an attempt to hide. It was a bit of a failure given he was a bit bigger than Barb.

Barb didn't seem to mind though. "Guys, this is Trollex, king of the Techno trolls."

The group waved, the blue troll with the yellow dread spoke first. "Hola, I'm Tresillo, and these are my friends. "He pointed to the orange troll to his right. "This is Marimba." He then gestured to the green one on his left. "And this is Tambora. Gusto en conocerlo!"

The shiny trolls introduced themselves second, the pink haired one speaking for the group. "And we're the K-pop trolls! I'm Baby bun, and this is Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, and Gomdori." She gestured to the girls in order from the blue haired troll, to the green, then the purple, and lastly the blonde. She smiled at the nervous young king. "ulineun mulji anhseubnida."

Trollex looked between the two group leaders, tilting his head slightly. "Um... I'm sorry, but I didn't catch those last parts..."

The group laughed with each other, and Tresillo spoke. "Sorry, sorry. We speak with a different language usually. It slips out sometimes. But hey, why do you look so nervous?"

He slipped out from behind Barb a little, twiddling his thumbs. "Sorry, I don't mean anything by it, I'm just a little shy, I guess." He perked up when he saw the Kim-Petit lean over and whisper something into Baby Bun's ear. The leader giggled, swatting playfully at her friend before she spoke. "And Kim thinks you're cute, by the way." The troll in question let out a squeak, hiding her face and muttering something in their native tongue.

Trollex blushed deeply, covering his face as well as he turned away. Barb bit her lip, trying her best not to laugh at this. Tresillo chuckled, nodding. "I'd have to agree anyway. You are pretty cute."

That got Trollex to practically melt into a puddle, unaware of the high five shared between the Reggaeton troll and the K-Pop troll currently torturing the poor young king. Barb snickered, patting Trollex on the back. "So popular with the lady trolls! How do you do it man?"

He let out a confused cry. "I'm not doing anything on purpose!" He whined as the group laughed again, Tresillo standing and offering a hand to Trollex.

"Hey hey, it's alright. ¡No se preocupe! Don't worry 'bout it." The Reggaeton trolls easy smile calmed Trollex's nerves a little, lifting off of his fins slightly.

That's when Barb perked up. "Oh yeah! Guys, I'm gonna be throwing a total banger later! You coming?"

Tresillo tilted his head slightly. "Of course, but what's the occasion?"

She pulled king Trollex down and into her side, the young king's fins wiggling in an attempt to free himself, though it was half hearted at best. "It's for this guy, right here! He needs a lil rock in his life to get his colors back!"

With nods of affirmation and cheers from the group, Barb laughed brightly. "This'll be the party of the century!"

After they said goodbye to the group, Trollex followed Barb as she led him to her favourite store. He couldn't help the fact that he was still blushing lightly, thinking back to the group. "I hadn't realized there could be so many different Trolls... And... kinda cute ones to..."

Barb paused in her steps, grinning at Trollex. "Who caught your eye, lover boy?"

His bright deepened as he looked away. "Not saying." He crossed his arms, trying his best not to think of it. And failing.

Barb paused though when she heard a commotion ahead. "Hold up, stay here and I'll go check that out!" She broke into a run, making her way up the street until she hit an intersection. She stopped dead in her tracks as she looked down the next street. "Oh... Sugar honey iced tea!"

He tilted his head a little at her reaction, but stayed where he was. When she smiled nervously, he knew something was up. "O-Oh, hey Essence! Quincy! No time long see! I mean uh, long time no see! What brings you to this part of town, hmm?" About as smooth as sandpaper, she was.

But her lack of eloquence gave him a chance to fly up and lay on his stomach on a nearby roof, peeking over the edge to watch the exchange.

"Wha—Queen Barb we JUST saw you at the beach. Now, where is Trollex? I have to give my nephew a piece of my mind!" Essence was clearly agitated.

Quincy smiled nervously at his queen. "Now please dear, you'll scare him away if you make that face."

She spun on him, leveling him with a glare that made him feel like a hatchling. "Is there something wrong with my face, Quincy?" Her tone was level, more accusatory than questioning.

He squeaked softly, shaking his head. "N-Not at all! Perfect as ever..."

Barb had managed to scoot a few steps back during the exchange, but froze in place when Essence returned her attention to the Queen of rock. "Now, will you tell me where Trollex is, or not?"

She stammered a bit, glancing back down the street she had come from and seeing that Trollex had gone. He must have hidden. "I-I dunno! Why would I know? Certainly nowhere here...!"

Essence growled a bit, her ears standing up. "Fine, I'll find him myself." She winced a bit, closing her eyes to concentrate. Trollex leaned a little bit closer, watching her.

Barb was about to speak, but was cut off by Quincy, who shook his head. Once Essence lowered her ears again, she looked up towards the roof.

And her eyes met Trollex's. He let out a small squeak, ducking back onto the roof. "No way had she seen me...! How would she have known to look up here...?" He bit his lip a little bit. Maybe he should move?

He nearly leapt out of his scales when he heard her call him in such a calm, sweet voice. "Oh my dear Trollex, won't you come down and give your aunty a hug?"

He closed his eyes. "I am so dead..."

He peaked over the edge of the roof again, smiling nervously. "H-Hi aunty! Uncle! W-What are you doing around here...?" Their conversation seemed to have attracted some attention, the rock trolls pausing to chatter amongst themselves.

Essence took a step forward. "Don't you know it's not polite to yell like this? Come on down and we'll have a...chat."

He was in so, SO many levels of trouble. He sighed, may as well face the music now... He gave his tail a flick and made his way through the air, stopping a short distance from the King and two Queens. "Um, so, is there... something you need, aunty?"

She rushed forward, pulling him into a tight, yet still gentle embrace. "You reckless child...! It was just a lucky think Poppy told us you were on your way here... if we hadn't... if we hadn't come, then..." She pulled him back, holding him at arm's length as she glared at him. "You're grounded!"

Barb's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth. She let out a yelp and stood at attention when Essence shot her a look. "Queen Barb, do you have a room we can borrow, dear?"

Barb nodded. "There's a uh... a place to stay nearby, um... follow me!" And so she ran off, not checking if she was being followed, though she knew she was. If she didn't do what the queen said, she could get grounded to!

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