Is This Love?

By XxShimmyDelightxX

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When Ricky comes to visit Amy in New York what if him and Amy connected and found out that they had feeling f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

947 44 3
By XxShimmyDelightxX

Im sorry for not updating for a long time but I finally finished writing this update on my tablet. So yea and thank you guys for all of the reviews I really enjoyed them I plan on updating Tuesday because I didn't update last Sunday and like I said I'm sorry not doing so. So here is chapter 4

Amy's POV/Amy's Apartment

I wake up around 2pm and I wake up to the smell of steak floating around me and going into my nose. I pull my feet over my head touching the cold ground and I follow the scent of steak. I walk into the kitchen and I see Ricky cooking. When Ricky hears me come into the kitchen he turns around and faces me.

"Good Afternoon Amy," Ricky says with a smile. I yawn.

"Why are you making food?" I ask taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Because I was hungary and you are probably hungary too," Ricky says turning back around tending to the food he is making. I smile. He knows me so well. I go into my fridge to see food. I don't remember shopping.

"Oh and I went shopping beacsue when I opened your fridge there wasn't even a crumb to make," Ricky says with a laugh.

"So what do you exactly want to do today?" I ask.

"Well do they have any cool museums or something like that?" Ricky asks.

"Umm yea some of my friends said that there is a really cool Art museum and a music Hall," I say.

"OK well how much do they cost to get into?" Ricky asks still trying to pay attention to the food but still listen to what I'm saying.

"Well the music hall is free and I think the art museum is about $4 per person," I say trying to remember what my friend told me.

"OK well I guess we can do those things today and some other things," Ricky says. I smile.

"OK well I'm going to use the restroom so call me when the food is done because I am starving," I say with a laugh infinsizy starving.

"Ok," Ricky says with a laugh.

I walk down the hall and I enter the smallest room in the apartment which is the bathroom. I look inside the bathroom it was a pale blue but yet it was welcoming. I smile and I stand in front of my vanity to see my hair messing and I pull open a draw and I pull it out of my draw and I plug it in and I wait a couple of minutes for it to heat up. I evently straighten it and I pull a little section of my hair away from the other hair and made a very small braid and the rest of my hair and is straight and long going down my back. I walk out of the bathroom and I go into my bedroom closet and I grab skinny jeans and I grab and dark blue blouse and I grab dark black boots.I go back into the bathroom and I put on my clothes but I wait to put on my boots. I stand there a couple of seconds looking at myself in the mirror when I hear.

"Food is done," I hear Ricky yell from the kitchen.

"OK," I say. "Be there in a minute," I say. I go back into the bathroom and I put on very light makeup on and I go into the kitchen to see Ricky staring at me. He smiles at ms and checks me out. He looks from my head and looks down my long legs to my feet.

"You look breath taking today Amy," Ricky says smirking.

"Thank you," I say with a smile as I take some of the steak Ricky made for me.

Me and Ricky sit down at the table and we eat in the silence all you hear are the cuts of the knife and the clicks of the forks as they hit the plate. After we are done eating I look at Ricky and he just smiles at me and grabs my plate and takes it to the sink and start washing it. I walk up to him and I snatch the plate out of his hand.

"Let me clean up I mean you cooked let me do something," I say almost begging to clean.

"Yea but I am the one who made the mess let me clean and you can go and finish getting ready," he says nodding to my feet that had no socks or shoes on. I look at his feet to see he already had shoes on. I sigh and I walk into the living room and I plop down in the brown comfortable couch. I grab my black boots that were sitting next to it and socks that were sitting snug in my boots I pull the socks out and I put them on then I grab my boots and I put them on.

Ricky comes into the living room to see me lost in deep thought. He touch's my shoulder and I look at him.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks me. I nod my head. I get up and he walks to the door and opens it for me. "Lady's first, "he says with a smile.

"Thank you," I say with a smile as I walk through the door. He follows me and locks the door. We start walking down the street.

"So exactly where is this music hall?" He asks me.

"I think my friend said it is about a mile from here," I say trying to remember exactly what she said so I didn't get the facts wrong.

"OK," Ricky says looking at the city.

"Do you want to take a taxi or do you want to walk?" I ask looking at him. He raises his head.

"Why it doesn't matter we will get there at the same time because of traffic," Ricky says with a smile.

"True," I say with a laugh.

"So do you like New York?" Ricky asks with a serious face.

"Yea I mean I like it but its not like home," I say with a smile looking up at the blue skies.

"Yea I know what you mean," Ricky says looking at the smileoo.

"I miss John," I say still looking up at the sky.

Ricky looks back at me with a smile. "He misses you to," Ricky says. I smile. I love hearing about my son. John. I missed him more then anything I was so excited to go home and see him. I feel a tear go down my face. I whip it away before he sees a tear go down my face. I look at Ricky he looks lost in though. I smile and I look ahead at the traffic.

10 Minutes Later

Rickys POV

We finally got to the music hall. I laughed at how confused Amy was the girl who told her it was a smile. It was actually only a couple of blocks.

"This can't be right," Amy says looking around.

"Well it kinda has to be right I mean it does say musical hall of jazz," I say with a smile but then I chuckle. Amy glares at me.

"I know what it says but the girl told me a mile," Amy says looking back at the Musical hall.

"Well do you have her number?" I ask. She looks at me confused. "To text and ask her," I say.

"Oh yea," she says grabbing her phone from her pocket. I smile at how fast she got her phone out. She looks at me while she puts her phone by her ear. I llisten to her talk.

"Yea hi you know that music hall you told me about," Amy says into the phone.


"Yea well how far is it from the apartments?" Amy asks facing away from me.


"Oh OK thank you bye," Amy says hinging up the phone.

"Well," I say with a smile.

"We are at the right place," she says looking down. I smile. "You were right," she says looking at me with a smile.

"So you should never under estimate the master,"I say with a smirk. She laughs.

" OK well let's go in,"Amy says grabbing my arm and pulling me in the Music Hall.

We walk in to see a lot of pictures of singers. I smile when I see Amy reading on of them. We stay in there about an hour before there is nothing left to look at and we go to a petting zoo a couple of blocks from there then we go to the Art Museum. We start heading back to the apartment. I felt happy walking with Amy. I felt comfortable. I had never felt this around any girl. Not Adrian. Not Grace. No girl. Only Amy. I smile. I was about to do something I had never really done. I was nervous around her I did my best to hide but deep down inside I felt. I look at her and my hands instantly get sweaty.

"Amy," I say. She looks at me.

"Yea Ricky," she says with a smile.

"Well umm can I ask you something?" I ask her.

"Umm yea sure what do you want to ask?" She asks me.

"Will you go on a date with me," I say in a really nervous voice. She looks at me with a smile.

"Sure," she says with a smile. I smile all of the nervousness instantly goes away. We walk back to the apartment.

"So I guess I will see you tonight," I say walking into the apartment grabbing my things.

"I guess you will," Amy says with a smile. I walk out of the door and I smile and I sigh with joy and I take a taxi to my hotel to get ready.

So yea there's the update I haven't gave you over a week and I hope you enjoyed it and I plan on updating soon. Maybe like tomorrow or Tuesday depending on if I have time. I want at least five reviews before I update. Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope to update chapter 5 soon possibly tomorrow. Your welcome!

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