The Ludicrous Escapade

By YandereObsessor

1M 50.9K 44.7K

Starting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but e... More

The Blue Haired Boy and His Problems
The Blonde One is Planning Something
The Real Gentleman
How Unfortunate
Oh Yeah...
A Mask
Odd Behavior
The Liar
Goodbye, Joestar
We Didn't Start the Fire...Except We Did
Hamon and Cheese Sandwich
Breathe In Breathe Out
Jack Strikes Again
The Graveyard
A Few Drops of Blood
A Chance Has Arrived
To Battle!
Bittersweet Farewell
To New York We Go
A Quiet Meal is Too Much to Ask For
Just Can't Catch a Break
A Relaxing(?) Meal
A Pillar Man Awakens
Some Slight Disfiguration
To Learn, To Teach
Not So Bad After All
It's Just Pasta
What Are We Waiting For?
They No Longer Slumber
Spin Them Round
Where Did You Get That?
A Ring
The Ripple Master
Hell Climb Pillar
To Improve
Shed a Tear or Two
Relating to Another
To Get Back What Was Lost
We Meet Again
To Chase and Fall
The Buttons Have Been Pushed
Wind Gives Immunity From The Sun
Farewell, Dear Companions
A Deal
The View From Up Here
That Was Pretty Lucky
A Disappointment
Don't Leave Her Hanging
Cute Squirrel
Fight or Flight: Why Not Both?
Plane Crash Number Two
Whose Funeral?
Phone Calls
He's Here Anyways
Fire Vs Muscle
The Mark of a Bloodline
Should've Stayed Home
Green Tentacles
Wakey Wakey
Some Swift Sewing
The Start to Reach the End
Beetle Man
Yet Another Crashing Plane
French Man Be Hungry
Surprise Attack
The Team Grows
Not the Victory We Were Hoping For
Monkey Buisness
No, That's Not What I Want
Is He Really Alright?
Don't Eat That
No Weakness? Sure...
Not Half Nor a Quarter
Tactical Retreat
Penny For Your Thoughts
Who Taught Him That Technique?
Unusual Hunk of Metal
On The Road Again
Vroom Vroom
A Bit Over the Edge
Uniform Renewal Service
Weirdly Quiet Bizarre Town
His Plan
Toilet Licker
Jotaro Bridge
And Your Total is...
It Ain't Worth That Much
Is It Hot in Here, or Is It Just Me?
What's So Funny?
Baby Don't Cry
Dream On
Trust That Falters
Not the Time for Tea
Breakfast, Yum!
Be Careful What You Wish For
Old Flames Being Rekindled
Give Me Those Wishes Three
Under the Sea~
Multiplying Drinking Utensils
I Sea You
We've Arrived! Sort of...
Who's a Good Boy?
Water? In the Desert?
Watch Out!
Actually, We're Not
Hospital Visit
He Gets the Point
Accidents Happen
Get Some Rest
Bringing Them Together
Where'd They Go?
Younger Than Before
Wanna Bet?
It's Not Cheating if You Don't Get Caught
You're Bluffing, Right?
The Search Continues
A Bird of Prey
Huh, There's a Second One
Under His Orders
Enjoy the Show
Kind of an Idiot
To Avenge
Long Time No See
The Right Path
Night Has Come
As Fate Foretold
A Promise of Fifty Years
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Mistakenly Rejuvenated
It's Official
Polnareff Land!
Forgiveness? Not Quite
Author's Note

Cherry Licking Fun

7K 308 368
By YandereObsessor

//I didn't want to draw the rest of the train, so you just get the black void of nothingness there instead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The morning was rather awkward. You, Caesar, and Joseph weren't talking to each other as much as you usually did which led most of the others in the group to think something was wrong. They didn't really want to pry, though, so they didn't bother to ask. Once it was the right time, the seven of you got on the train to India. Polnareff, Avdol, Joseph, and Caesar sat at one table. You sat with Kakyoin and Jotaro.

Polnareff was looking out the window, "Good grief. So we're finally heading to India." He stopped staring out the window and his face became much more serious, "So the man with two right hands is called J. Geil... By the way, where's Anne?"

Joseph answered the question, "She was at Singapore Station up until the time the train departed, but..."

"I'm sure that the time for her to meet her father had arrived, so she went to see him." Finished Avdol.

Caesar nodded, "You're probably right."

Polnareff smiled, "I can't help but think that the brat was lying about seeing her father, though... Well, it's a bit lonely without her around, isn't it, (Y/N)?"

You hummed in agreement, "Yeah, she was fun to talk to. She had spunk."

Kakyoin changed the subject, "But talk about creepy... A stand that perfectly disguised itself as me."

You placed your elbows on the table and rested your chin in your hands, "He had already transformed before we left the hotel. He even showed up to my room and asked me to go outside with Jotaro and Anne."

"Jotaro, are you gonna eat that cherry?" Asked Kakyoin while pointing at the stemmed fruit on the Kujo's plate. "I don't mean to be greedy, but they're my favorite. Could I have it?"

Jotaro sipped some water, "Yeah."

"Thank you." He nudged your shoulder gently, "(Y/N), look what I can do." He put the cherry in his mouth and plucked off the stem. He stared into your eyes as the cherry danced along his tongue, "Rerorerorerorerorero."

You then realized just how well the user of Yellow Temperance had managed to research Kakyoin. This was the first time you'd seen the real Kakyoin do something like this, but apparently the enemy somehow knew.

Kakyoin stopped reroing as he looked past you and out the window, "Hey, look. Flamingos in flight. Did you know that they look pink because of the crustaceans and plankton they eat. They'll actually turn white if fed the wrong things."

"That's interesting." You looked away from the window and back to Kakyoin. "Hey, can you teach me how to do that thing with the cherry?"

A waiter walked down the aisle and Kakyoin called him over to request a bowl of cherries. With a brief nod the person left and came back almost immediately. "Okay, so the trick is you have to move your tongue like this." He waggled his tongue without the cherry, "Do it with me, okay?" You obliged, earning odd looks from your companions. Jotaro was getting annoyed and seemed to sink lower into his seat while using his hat to cover his eyes. "Okay now try it with a cherry." He picked two out of the bowl and removed the stems before placing one in your mouth and his own.

It took a bit of time, but eventually you had managed to master the craft. You excitedly nudged Jotaro's shoulder from across the table. "JoJo, Watch this!" He rose the brim of his hat, at least somewhat curious. Kakyoin took another cherry out of the bowl and tossed it into your mouth. You caught it with your tongue, "Rerorerorerorerorero."

Star Platinum's quick fingers snatched the cherry from your tongue. Jotaro let out a tired sigh, "Just stop that already, it's annoying..." Star Platinum put a cherry in its own mouth and tried to mimic what you had done. Jotaro groaned, "Seriously, you too?" The cherry fell out of the Stand's mouth and it let out a sad Ora.

"Here, (Y/N), let me show you a trick." Jotaro pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and set it out on the table. He called the waiter over and asked for a bottle of juice which was quickly given to him. He took out five cigarettes and placed them between his lips before Star Platinum came out and lit them all. He got them to stand up on the bottom of his mouth before they fell onto his tongue without touching the roof of his mouth. He then proceeded to pop the cap off of the bottle of juice and chug the whole thing down. He slammed the now empty bottle onto the table.

"That was awesome! You have to teach me how to do that!" Shouted Polnareff. Jotaro ignored the comment as he waited for your response.

You laughed awkwardly, "Well, um, that was a pretty neat trick..."

He began to pull out some more cigarettes, "Would like me to teach you how to do it? You're a quick learner, I'm sure you'll get it in no time." He extended the hand holding them towards you.

Kakyoin was shocked, "JoJo, there's no way that's healthy. Digesting the amount of nicotine in one cigarette is enough to make someone sick, but five?!" He shook his head in disbelief.

Jotaro continued to ignore the others as he waited for your answer. You gave a close eyed smile, "Thanks for the offer, JoJo, but perhaps later."

He put the cigarettes back in their pack and shoved it in his pocket quite forcefully, "Okay, whatever."

The rest of the ride was mostly silent after that, and eventually you arrived at the desired stop. Getting off the train you got onto yet another boat.

Joseph leaned against a wall within the boat, "Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore... And now we're about to cross India..." He scratched the side of his face, "But, well, I'm a little worried. My image of India is a place where people only eat curry and you could fall ill at any time."

Polnareff tightly gripped the strings of his luggage, "I'm worried that my body may not be able to handle the culture gap."

Avdol chuckled, "That assessment is rather distorted. You needn't worry. It's a nice country, where simple people live. I can guarantee it."

You looked through the circular window behind Avdol to see the boat had arrived at port. "Well, we're in Calcutta. Let's go."

Avdol opened the door for everyone and you were immediately met by an onslaught of noise. People crowded around your group and you all had your backs to each other. Everyone tried their best to calm down the crowd by declining the various offers and suggestions. Kakyoin said something about his wallet being stolen.

Joseph looked behind him at his Egyptian friend, "A-Avdol! Is this India?"

Avdol glanced back at the Englishman with a big smile on his face, "See? Isn't it a great country?" He used a hand to gesture towards the people, "This is what makes this country so wonderful!"

You somehow managed to remove yourselves from the crowd. You patted yourself down to make sure everything was still there. It was, good. With that out of the way, you went to the hotel you'd be staying at for the moment and decided to eat in the dining area of the establishment. You were quickly brought to a table large enough to service your group of seven. Teacups were placed on the table and a light brown drink was poured into them.

"Try this. It's Chai." Avdol lifted his own cup and took a sip.

Caesar followed suit and nodded in approval, "Hey, this is pretty good!"

Joseph took the cup to his lips and gulped down the whole drink. He set it down with a clink and let out a satisfied sigh, "At last, a little peace."

You took a drink out of your cup, "Careful, Joseph. You might just jinx us."

Avdol placed a hand on the table, "It's just a matter of getting used to the peace. Once you get used to it, you'll see how wonderful this country is."

Jotaro spoke up, "I like this place. It's pretty great."

Joseph couldn't seem to understand, "Seriously, Jotaro? You really mean that?"

Polnareff set down the drink. He was exhausted, "Talk about culture shock. I'll like it once I get used to it, huh?" He reached down to the side of his chair and grabbed his bag. He stood up and swung it over his shoulder, "Well, they say people adapt to their surroundings." He looked over to one of the waiters, "Where's the John?"

The person gestured to the left, "It's over there."

Before he could leave, Joseph spoke up, "Polnareff." The French man glanced back as he waited for him to continue, "What about your order?"

He turned around and pointed at you, "(Y/N) can pick for me." He winked at you, "It had better be something amazing. Gorgeous, splendid food that suits a Frenchman like me."

You gave him a determined nod, put a hand over your heart, and resisted the urge to smile, "I shall not let you down, Jean." He chuckled and turned around, making his way to the bathroom. When you glanced back to the table, you noticed Joseph's jaw had dropped.

Kakyoin scooted a bit closer to you and held the menu so both of you could see, "What do you think he would want?"

You eyes glanced over the words, "Well, I'm not entirely sure what he likes. Oh, how about this?" You pointed to a spot on the menu.

Kakyoin looked at where you pointed, "Oh, murgh makhani? A chicken dish with spiced tomato sauce... I'm sure he'll be okay with that." He called over a waiter to order food for everyone.

Things were going quite smoothly until you heard a scream which you recognized as Polnareff's. You glanced toward the bathroom, hopefully he was okay. After a while a waiter came by to place the food onto the table. Joseph clapped excitedly while you looked towards the bathroom again, wondering why the French man was taking so long. You actually saw his head peaking out from the corner, he seemed to be washing his hands. You gave him a small wave but he went back to washing his hands before he could see.

Then Polnareff started shouting and you heard the sound of something like glass shattering. You quickly dismissed yourself from the table to check on the wellbeing of Polnareff. He stood there breathing heavily. Pieces of the mirror were scattered everywhere and the sink was clogged and overflowing.

He moved over to you and put a hand on your shoulder, his other hand gripped his bag. He was quick to push you away from the scene and back to the others. "There's a Stand!" He scanned the room, "The user, where is it?! The man with two right hands..." He let go of you and slammed the doors of the restaurant open. You jogged after him, it wouldn't do any of you much good to leave him alone. The rest of your companions followed after you.

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