Faded Rainbows

By Pidge-onn

23.9K 530 202

King Trollex of the Techno trolls is the youngest of the Tribe leaders, but has already dealt with his fair s... More

Bleeding Colors
A song to heal a heart
A story
Friends old and new
Vibe City
Tears and Laughter
Lonesome Flats
Time to think
Flash back
Country Boy
Heart strings
Extended family
Volcano rock city
Rock Candy
Techno Reef
Past, Present, and Future
Drop the Beat
The Abyss
A Brief History
Let Music be your guide
Take the plunge
Stand up
Breach the surface
One door closes

Family ties

1.2K 18 25
By Pidge-onn

King Trollex REALLY didn't want to wake up.

He snuggles deeper into the soft sheets around him, sighing contentedly. He'd never slept in something so soft before...

His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. This wasn't where he fell asleep...!

He looked around the room, noting that it was rather large, the bed he was in was massive compared to himself, and it was rather beautifully decorated. He soon spotted a note on the bedside table, as well as a half-eaten tray of food. He chuckled, recognizing Beat's handy work. He lifted the note, and was surprised to find beautiful, looping handwriting.

Dear Trollex,

I'm very sorry that my husband scared you yesterday; he often forgets that he can appear a bit intimidating. Cooper gave us a rundown of what you need, but the king and I would like to speak to you in private when you wake up. Once you've eaten, please feel free to call on us.

Hoping to speak with you soon,
Queen Essence and King Quincy.

He scanned the rest of the note, and found some more scribbled in rough Techno.

Deer Tollux
Food iss good. EAT. Gone exploring. Bbl.

Trollex laughed at the note, grabbing an untouched pastry and nibbling on it. He blinked a bit, and took another bite. It was really tasty...!

He ended up finishing the rest of the plate, patting his stomach as he let out a contented sigh. "Man... I have to ask who they get to cook their food...!"

He flicked his tail a bit, glancing back towards the empty plate. He kind of wished he had more... He tilted his head a bit, having spotted a button in the middle of the plate. "How strange..."

Without any mind for the consequences, Trollex pressed the button. With a sharp beep and a whirring noise, the plate suddenly lifted up and flew off.

He stared after the plate, stunned. "Well, if I had those when I was young, I would never have gotten in trouble for having dishes in my room...!"

When he looked back at the table, he saw a tablet beneath where the plate had sat. "What's that...?"

When he picked it up, the screen suddenly flickered to life. He nearly dropped it in his surprise, before reading the prompt on it. It was a message that simply said "Call"

After the last button he pressed, he couldn't help pressing this one. He did drop the tablet though when a loud ringing sound blasted from it.

He hid under the covers, glaring at the tablet as it rang a few more times.

Click. "Hello? King Trollex, is that you?"

Trollex tilted his head. "Wha...?" He inched forward, peering down at the tablet. "W-Wait, is that you, queen Essence?"

The queen let out a relieved sigh. "Oh, good! I'm glad you're awake. How was breakfast?"

Trollex hummed in satisfaction. "Oh, it was great! My compliments to the chef!"

She giggled, turning to look at something off screen. "You hear that? Trollex sends his compliments, dear."

Quincy's face suddenly appeared, taking up most of the screen. "He liked it? You really like it! I'm glad; I spent quite a lot of time on breakfast today. I'm rather proud!"

It took a moment for that to process in Trollex's mind. "Wait.... YOU made the food?!" In his surprise, Trollex sat up to fast, mistakenly falling off of the bed in the process, a resounding thud echoing when he hit the floor.

"Trollex? Trollex, what happened, are you ok?" Queen Essence's face took up the screen again, glancing around for a moment before huffing. She turned off screen again to address King Quincy. "I'm going to check on him, you stay put!" And with that, the call cut off.

The young king groaned, rubbing his sore head. "I'm going to have a goose egg after all this..." He pushed himself upright, and then drifted up into the air.

It was then that Trollex noticed a rather cute, smaller version of Quincy's cape lying on a dresser near him.

Oh, he couldn't help himself!

He picked up the sparkly cape, eyes shining as he looked it over. Maybe he could... He threw the cape around his shoulders and darted to a nearby mirror, admiring his reflection as he posed with the cape.

With a small spin, he decided to test his acting skills. Taking up a stoic, serious pose he took up a deep voice, clearly trying to mimic the king. "I'm King Quincy, and I'm tall and intimidating! Even though I bake delicious food."

He let out a shriek when he heard a giggle from the doorway. "If I hadn't just left my husband in the other room, I'd have thought I walked in on him!"

Trollex was now wrapped around a nearby decorative pillar, shaking slightly as he tried to hide the cape while simultaneously trying to remove it. "Q-Q-Queen Essence! U-Um I-it's a p-pleasure to make my—I mean your! Your acquaintance...officially..."

Essence only laughed softly, stepping forward and taking the cape from Trollex with a gentle touch, only to drape it over the aquatic troll's shoulders again. "I had it brought in for you, though my husband thought it would be cute to send you one like his own..." She shook her head. "I had planned on a plain cloak." She wrapped it a little tighter on him. "It can get cold in Vibe city, this will keep you warm."

He stared up at queen Essence, not completely understanding why the older troll was being so gentle and kind. "Um, pardon if I'm being rude, but... Why are you being so nice to me?"

The Queen hummed softly, looking away from Trollex as she thought. "Why? Because you're a troll, too." She smiled sweetly down at him. "Plus, you remind me a little of my sons..."

He tilted his head a little. "How old are your sons anyway, Queen Essence?"

She turned to leave the room, beckoning him to follow. "They're 20, but please Trollex, no need for titles. You can relax around us."

Trollex smiled brightly, zipping forward to float next to Essence as they made their way to their destination. "Oh! They're only a little older than me then!"

Essence stopped dead in her tracks, staring at Trollex as he floated past her, not noticing right away that she had stopped. "Wait, Trollex, how old are you...?"

Trollex finally turned around, tilting his head slightly as his fins perked a bit. He was a little confused by Essence's distraught look. "Um, 19, why?"

She stood stock still for a moment; staring slack jawed at Trollex before she finally composed herself. "You're... you're only 19? Trollex I don't think there's ever been a troll as young as you with the king title...! Where are your parents? They should be in charge still at your age...!"

Trollex flinched, clutching at his heart like he had been physically struck by Essence's words. "I... They're gone. They died when I was 15, eaten by a shark on a family outing..."

He didn't have any time to react once he had finished speaking, letting out a yelp as Essence suddenly pulled him into a tight hug, nearly crushing him into her chest. "Oh you poor baby... Oh, I can't believe... I was so insensitive..." She gently petted his hair, maternal instincts kicking in HARD.

Trollex wasn't sure he could escape the powerful, crushing hug he was currently suffocating in, so he tapped her leg to try and get her to release him. Once free, he took a great gasp of air, coughing slightly. "M-Man, you give REALLY strong hugs..."

She gave him a sad look, and then motioned with her head towards her back. "Trollex, you still look a little tired, why don't you sit on my back and I'll get us where we need to go."

He was about to protest, but was cut short when he caught the look of 'get on my back or I will tie you down' the queen shot him. Instead he swam through the air to get behind her, before sitting down lightly on the queens back. "Are you sure this is ok, Essence?"

She shook her head, starting to walk through the halls again. "No, I've decided it's not. Call me aunty instead, I prefer than to Essence." She smiled sweetly back at him. "At least, from you."

He gave her a quizzical look. "Aunty?"

She let out a happy sigh, nodding a bit. "Much better. Let's stick with that. We're your family now, Trollex... We won't ever replace your parents, but I hope you know you can turn to us when you need to." She stopped, looking him in the eyes. "We won't let you be alone anymore."

Trollex sniffled a bit, tears pricking at his eyes as he hugged Essence around her neck. "Thank you, Ess—I um... I mean Aunty..." He laughed softly. Saying that made him feel bubbly and happy.

It wasn't long before they made it to their destination, which turned out to be a type of throne room, where King Quincy was chatting with another Funk troll. He turned when he saw his wife enter the room, chuckling when he spotted Trollex in the cape he chose and clinging to his wife's neck.

"Well hello there—"

He didn't get a chance to speak before Essence interrupted him. "Quincy, I've adopted him. He's ours now."

That got both kings to perk up, questioning the queen's sanity together. "What?"

Essence made no move to remove Trollex, simply striding over to Quincy and giving him a peck on the cheek. From his seat on Essence's back, Quincy didn't look as intimidating.

The Funk king smiled, looking over at Trollex. "Welcome to the family then, Trollex. Glad to have you."

Trollex blinked, having just registered Quincy's gentle voice. "Wait.... You sound like a dove, how was I scared of you...?" His eyes widened and he slapped a hand over his own mouth. He hadn't meant to say that out loud...!

Essence was shaking as she tried to hold in her laughter, while Quincy had no such luck, laughing loudly as he gave Trollex an affectionate head pat. "A dove, huh? I take that as a compliment."

The young king let out a whimper, burying his head into Essence's neck fur as she burst out laughing as well, even the troll Quincy had been speaking with earlier laughed along with them.

It wasn't long after that when the other troll left, having finished their business with the king. Once the three were alone, both the king and queen turned their attention to Trollex, who shrunk slightly as he floated off of Essences back. "I uh, guess you guys have questions, then?"

Essence nodded. "A few, yes. You could say that."

Quincy offered a calm smile. "Maybe start from the beginning."

And so he did. Trollex told the story again, of his parents, his age, which he was beginning to learn was very much younger than everyone assumed, and how he lost his colors, as well as the theory that he and the Pop king and queen had come up with. When he finished his story, he noticed with a bit of surprise that while Essence had teared up a little, Quincy now had his face buried in his wife's fur, subbing in a rather un-kingly fashion.

"Um, are you ok, Quincy?" A look from Essence had him amend himself. "Err, I mean, Uncle Quincy?"

When Quincy pulled his face from his wife, he gave Trollex a look that could only be described as absolute heart break. "OK, yeah, we are adopting him. I agree 100 percent."

Trollex blinked, looking between the two as they dried their eyes at last. Were they being serious, or joking? With the Funk trolls it was hard to tell, as they were almost always very jovial, from what he'd seen. The thought they may be joking hurt.

And hurt badly.

He found himself floating away from the king and queen, taking up a position above even King Quincy's height. That got both the Funk trolls attention as Trollex spoke. "King Quincy, Queen Essence, I don't appreciate this joke..." He turned from them, dropping the cape to the floor as he did. He felt a stab of pain in his chest, but ignored it. "I don't have family any more, this joke is in very bad taste..." He flicked his fin, and made his way out of the door.

It really was cold in Vibe city without the cape.

At least, he Trollex told himself it was the lack of the cape making him feel cold.

He moved silently through the halls of the Vibe city palace, pausing when he reached a family portrait of the four royals, painted only recently to commemorate the return of their lost son.

He glared at it, turning away and moving quickly down a random hall.

He felt bad for leaving the king and queen on a sour note like that, but he needed to clear his head. If they really were pulling his fins, it was a terrible joke.

He sighed, sinking to the floor and staring down at the flickering pink light of his heart. "Humph... maybe I should skip Funk..." He perked up a bit as he heard a distant tapping sound. He approached quietly, and soon discovered that the tapping was following a gentle beat, his heart syncing to it and calming his nerves.

He didn't recognize the tune, but he did know the rhythm. It was Funk to be sure. When he heard King Quincy and Queen Essence talking, his heart nearly broke.

"Does he really think we were kidding? He must think we're terrible..." That was Essence... She sounded so hurt.

"I'm sure he'll come to realize we were telling the truth..." Even king Quincy had a quiver to his voice.

They were truly worried for him, and he had just done something akin to a smack in the face.

He held a hand over his heart, feeling the pulse match with the songs beat as he made his way back towards the room he had left before. It wasn't a long journey, as he simply went through the window. He peeked into the room the royal couple were in, watching as they began to sing together, sounding rather forlorn.

I want you near me
Why can't you hear me
You seem so far away
Please don't stay as strange

Tear drops just keep fallin'
My heart just keeps calling
Will bring us back together

I want you near me
Why can't you hear me
You seem so far away
Please don't go as strange

Tear drops just keep fallin'
My heart just keeps calling
Will bring us back together

Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
We were together
I love
It was to a song
Now we'll fall apart
What do I do
What do I do
What do I do

I just want you near me
Why damn can't you hear me
You seem so far away
Please don't stay as strange

Tear drops just keep fallin'
My heart just keeps calling
Will bring us back together

Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on
I want you come on home
Turn me on

I just want you near me
Why damn can't you hear me
You seem so far away
Please don't stay as strange

Tear drops just keep fallin', from my eyes
My heart just keeps calling, I love you baby
Love, love love love
Will bring us back together, together
Forever, forever
Love, love love love love love love
Will bring us back together, ouh baby
Forever, forever forever baby
Love, love love love love
Will bring us back together, will bring us back...
Forever, forever forever baby
Love, love love love love
Will bring us back together, oouuh
Forever, baby
Love, oouuuhh
Will bring us back together, I'll got to have you baby
Forever, I'll got to have you baby

I just want you near me
Why damn can't you hear me
You seem so far away
Please don't stay as strange

Trollex, after listening to the two, watching as they held the cape he had left behind earlier, decided it was time he made his entrance, slipping through the window as he took the last few lines, causing the king and queen to turn to him.

Tear drops just keep fallin'
My heart just keeps calling

He smiled softly at the two, whipping a tear from his eye. "Sorry..."

The two smiled, Essence pulling Trollex into a gentle hug as Quincy patted his head. He let his eyes slip closed, just taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of having a family again.

Essence gave a soft gasp, looking down at the aquatic troll in her arms. "Trollex, your heart...!"

He looked down at his chest, and was shocked to find his heart glowing a deep, rich purple as it pulsed. "What in the..." He watched as faint pulses of purple radiated out through his body, returning the shades of purple on his tail, the purple band on his arms, and the purple of his hair tie.

His heart slowly returned to its soft pink glow afterwards, but the purple stayed with him. He smiled brightly up at the king and queen. "I...I got my purple back!" He leapt out of Essence's hug and pulled them both into one of his own. "Thank you, aunty, and uncle!"

Essence cooed happily, nuzzling Trollex while Quincy tried to remain at least a little stoic, even while fawning over his new nephew.

All three jumped a little when they heard someone clear their throat in the hall, followed by supressed chuckling.

Trollex, Essence and Quincy all looked towards the door, finding Beat floating there with a look that just screamed 'He got you to, huh?', while Cooper and Prince D chuckled behind him.

"Welcome to the family, cuz." Prince D stepped forward, offering an easy smile.

Cooper ran forward, bouncing around the three trolls as Trollex released his hug and floated up slightly, trying to clear the pink blush that was glowing on his cheeks.

Beat floated over and nudged Essence, who was smiling serenely as she watched Trollex, Prince D and Cooper start to play together. "I take it you joined the Trollex protection squad, then?"

Essence shot him a knowing look. "We joined the second he smiled."

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