My Man's Scandal [ZhanYi ver]

By suzyrana

52.4K 4K 526

A/N: This story is a remake version from my story in AFF site: (Infinite's Woohyun x... More

Notable Characters
01 - The beginning
02 - His returns
03 - Our past story
04 - Dream and meet
05 - Fight
06 - That damned day
07 - Locked
08 - Song and memory
09 - A thing that you shouldn't feel
10 - A little meeting
11 - A bad instinct
12 - A piece of truth that keeps hidden
13 - Too close to the liking
14 - Of problems and real feelings
15 - To the debut
16 - My man's scandal
18 - Of rage and blurted truth
19 - Between love and status
20 - Leaving
21 - Yibo is missing
22 - Return and unveils the truth
23 - Life's to carry on
24 - Next step
25 - Journey continues
26 - You're all I have
27 - Starter
28 - One step to happiness
29 - Misery
30 - Why being stupid?
31 - About a year later
32 - Two weeks before showcase
33 - Showcase, here we go

17 - Confusion and care

1.1K 106 7
By suzyrana

The next day

Yibo and Zixuan were given a day off by the CEO. The couple had to stay low at their home for the time being, waiting the rumour to cool down a little bit more. Yibo woke up with aches all over his body as he had been sleeping on the uncomfortable couch. The said male rubbed his eyes and tried to make out what and why he was there currently. He definitely was still sleepy but woke up because of the uncomforting sleeping posture.

The constant ringing bell made him push his sleepiness away and got up to take the door. Just after he unlocked the door, it burst open and three familiar faces came into his sight.

"Ge." Yibo looked at them. He smiled awkwardly.


"Don't hey me, ge. I demand you an explanation right now, because I'm still on for killing that bastard." Yibo smiled bitterly at his dear brother, Fanxing.

"Fanxing, don't talk like that. It's not nice; you know the article is all lies." Fanxing turned to the male next to him. The young male scoffed.

"Are you defending that bastard, Yuanyou-ge?" Yuanyou was taken aback but found his composure again.

"I'm not defending him, Fanxing but I'm saying the truth. He's also a victim of media-plays just like your gege here. So you shouldn't think of killing him."

"He hurts gege, Yuanyou-ge. I-"

"Wang Fanxing." Yibo called that name and the heated conversation stopped. He smiled to them. "Come in first, guys. Zixuan is still upstairs." Yibo said, hinting his brother and cousin about his wife's whereabouts. Fanxing scoffed and walked in. Yuanyou exhaled and followed. Yibo closed the door once the last person stepped in. He looked at the man. "Are you okay, Shunrong?"

"I- I, em..." Shunrong was stuttering. Yibo looked at him closely. He smiled a bit.

"Yuanyou told something to you, doesn't he?" Shunrong bit his lips and nodded a bit. "Everything?"

"In short." Yibo exhaled and walked. Shunrong followed.

"You practically know why this and that, right. Based on that Kitty's story-telling style." Shunrong hummed as a response. The two of them noticed Fanxing and Yuanyou had settled on the couch and waited for them. Yibo welcomed Shunrong to sit. "Want something to drink?"

"No." / "It's okay."

Yibo just smiled slightly when Yuanyou and Fanxing said simultaneously. "Okay, I'm sitting then." Yibo said and sat down on the one seated couch. Fanxing eyed his brother while Yuanyou took a breath, concerning over his dear cousin.

"Are you okay, Yibo-ge?" Yuanyou asked. Yibo smiled and nodded.

"You already read the statement from Shunrong's father." Yuanyou exhaled.

"Not about that, but yourself." Yuanyou said. Fanxing crossed his arms.

"You better not lying or I swear I will not consider anything more to just send him breathless to the coffin." Fanxing said. Yuanyou sent a look at the younger while Fanxing ignored that. Yibo exhaled.

"I'm fine. Maybe, not entirely fine. Zixuan is upset and asking for time to think." Yibo sighed. Yuanyou looked at his cousin while Fanxing clenched his fist. Shunrong just stayed silent.

"That's why I hate that bastard. He just gives pain to you, ge."

"Fanxing, mind your voice." Yuanyou said, remembering the younger about Zixuan. Fanxing exhaled.

"So what you're going to do, ge?" Shunrong asked for the first time. Yibo turned to him before looking at the other two. Yibo exhaled.

"I'm giving her space and I will try to fix the things right." Fanxing nodded approvingly.

"Good, just good. Don't ever try to do something out of norm." Fanxing said. Yibo smiled.

"I know, Fanxing. I know what is right and wrong." Yibo said. Yuanyou stared at his elder cousin. He just can't believe Yibo at that point. The glint of sadness was there but he can't think the source of that sadness. His eyes met Shunrong's. His boyfriend was trying to signal something to him but he can't understand it at all. Shunrong sighed.

"Oh, you guys are here." Yuanyou and Fanxing jumped. Shunrong just inhaled while Yibo tensed a bit to Zixuan's appearance at the living room. Fanxing got up and went to hug his sister-in-law. Zixuan chuckled. "Aiya, what's wrong with you, Fanxing?" Zixuan said, giggling a bit. Fanxing released the hug.

"Are you okay, jie?" Zixuan smiled.

"Of course I'm fine. The matter is settled, I know from the start is not real like what the article speculated."

"But-" Zixuan smiled and patted Fanxing back before turning to Yibo. Yibo was still in daze with her sudden changes that morning. Zixuan smiled softly to him.

"You didn't shower yet, darling. Go and take a bath, you stink. I will keep three of them attended." Zixuan said, smiling. Yibo blinked and then quickly nodded. He got up and left. Zixuan just exhaled with a smile. She turned to the rest. "Okay, I'm going to make breakfast. What do you want, guys?" Zixuan said as she walked to the kitchen. Yuanyou's eyes followed the lady before meeting Shunrong's. Both of them were feeling weird to see Zixuan is so smiley and calm like that. Fanxing trailed behind her with suspicious thought too. It was like a calm before storm. But the three didn't voice out when Zixuan looked very normal to them, even after Yibo came down when she finished making the breakfast. Five of them had their breakfast together; no single trace of heavy tension accompanied the table.

Zhan rubbed his eyes. He woke up by the sound in the kitchen. The male reached for his phone to see the time. He remembered his schedule today started at noon, none of his schedule was put on halt after the breaking scandal. Mr. Li said it's better to let him appear on screen just to convince all people that he's innocent. If he went into hiding, it will cause more suspicious. But Mr. Li put some guards around for his safety and asked Yian also Taylor not to leave his side at all if they're in public. The CEO still concerned over his safety. They won't know the reaction of antis.

Zhan stepped out from his room after washing up and looked to the kitchen as he heard people's talking. The male rubbed his eyes and blinked. "Mama?"

Mrs. Zheng turned and smiled. "Hello, my boy. You're awake?" Zhan came closer. Mrs. Zheng and Taylor were cooking together.

"How you- I mean, why are you here?" Zhan asked absentmindedly. Mrs. Zheng smiled.

"Visiting you. Your daddy is here too, but he's out currently to buy something short for the breakfast Taylor is cooking. Anyway, how about you sit first and I will serve you your favourite hot chocolate?" Mrs. Zheng said and signalled him to sit at the counter-seat. Zhan blinked but then sat down. Mrs. Zheng turned to get her son the hot chocolate while the breakfast is done by Taylor. Mrs. Zheng and Taylor chattered like usual and sometimes took Zhan into the conversation. Zhan kept spacing out and looked at his mother carefully.

"You read the news and come to check on me, right Mama?" Zhan said suddenly, cutting of Taylor and Mrs. Zheng's conversation. Mrs. Zheng turned to her son and came closer to the counter with the hot chocolate. She placed it in front of Zhan. The mid-age female exhaled.

"Yes, I'm worried. Your daddy worried too, dear." Mrs. Zheng said, stroking Zhan's cheek. "We don't want anything bad happen to you."

"I can take care of myself, Mama. It's almost solved after the latest update. Don't worry." Mrs. Zheng exhaled.

"I'm more worried about Mr. and Mrs. Wang, son." All of them turned. Mr. Zheng was coming in with a shopping bag in his hand. He placed it on the counter and Taylor took it, taking care of the groceries. Zhan looked at his father.

"Daddy." Mr. Zheng sighed.

"I'm worried if they will try to interfere your life again. I feel bad for the past and I don't want it to happen again. Just if I'm richer as much as the Wangs..." Zhan shook his head and reached to hug his father. Mrs. Zheng just watched them with full of love looks. Taylor smiled, admired the closeness of Zhan and the parents. The actor still acted like a kid around his parents and it was adorable for Taylor.

"No, Daddy. I'm happy with what we have. It's just nice, Daddy. About the past, don't ever blame yourself. It's me who too coward to stand up on my own." Zhan said, sniffling a bit. Mr. Zheng exhaled and patted his son's back. Zhan hugged him tighter.

"I'm proud of my boy." Mr. Zheng commented. Zhan just nodded. Mrs. Zheng reached and rubbed Zhan's back.

"Cry if you need that, dear." Mrs. Zheng said. Zhan shook his head but he didn't leave his father's warm. Mr. Zheng exhaled and patted Zhan's back while teasing his son.

"Are you missing me so much that you're clutching to me like a bear, Zanzan?" Zhan stumbled back and pouted to his father.

"Daddy! Don't call me that anymore~" Zhan whined. Mr. Zheng guffawed; Mrs. Zheng chuckled while Taylor smiled. The young male pouted when everybody made fun of him.

"Breakfast's ready?" Mr. Zheng asked while pulling the sulking Zhan to sit back on the previous seat. He took the empty seat beside Zhan. Taylor looked at Mr. Zheng.


"Here, your coffee." Mrs. Zheng placed a cup of coffee for her husband. Mr. Zheng smiled to her and eyed his son. He chuckled when the pout is still visible.

"Stop pouting, you big boy." Mr. Zheng said and pinched that pout. Zhan whined and wiggled. Zheng couple laughed while Taylor giggled slightly. Zhan scoffed.

"You're having fun making fun of me..." Zhan said and sipped his drink. Mr. Zheng smiled.

"Well, I miss you." Zhan turned to his father. Mr. Zheng grinned. "Do you think I'm sincere when saying that?" Zhan rolled his eyes. Mrs. Zheng just shook her head to see the father and son; she helped Taylor to place the food in the plate.

"You're meanie, Daddy." Mr. Zheng guffawed and messed Zhan's hair. "Daddy!" Zhan whined. Mr. Zheng smiled. Zhan puckered his lips before smiled as well, he knew his father loved to tease him since he entered elementary school.

"They're so adorable." Taylor commented. Mrs. Zheng looked at Taylor and eyed the two male at the counter. She smiled.

"Well, they're showing their love for each other like that. Sometimes, I can't stop laughing because of their teasing." Mrs. Zheng said. Taylor smiled.

"They're an ideal father and son." Mrs. Zheng just smiled and patted Taylor's shoulder.

"You're like a son to me too, Taylor. Just think us as your real family." Taylor just smiled to her and nodded.

"Yuanyou." Shunrong reached out for Yuanyou's hand. The two were currently in Shunrong's black BMW car, parked in Yuanyou's flat basement. Yuanyou snapped from his long thought. "You're distracted again." Shunrong continued when his boyfriend looked around in daze.

"We have arrived?" Shunrong nodded. Yuanyou turned to Shunrong, feeling a bit bad. He also actually can't concentrate on everything he did since he read about rumours regarding Yibo and Zhan. Yuanyou sighed.

"Love, you're too worried... it's not good." Shunrong said, interlacing their fingers tighter. Yuanyou exhaled.

"That feeling is eating me inside, baobei. I want to let Yibo-ge knows about it... but I know I shouldn't told that because I can see maybe it's going to be more wrong if he knew the truth." Shunrong exhaled. Yuanyou did share of what he didn't know about Yibo and Zhan also the big secret that kept hidden from Yibo. Shunrong took a breath.

"Love, it's not our part to tell him. Not me, not yours. Secret is meant to keep if it's hurt someone's feeling." Yuanyou sighed.

"But that glint of sadness... Baobei, I can see it. I can see Yibo-ge still-" Yuanyou started to sob. Shunrong exhaled a piling hurt in his heart to see his precious boyfriend's cry. He took Yuanyou into his arms.

"Don't cry. I hate to see your tears, you know."

"I'm sorry, baobei." Shunrong shook his head.

"I understand. You really care for Yibo-ge." Shunrong said, patting Yuanyou's back. Yuanyou gripped the clothes, sniffling.

"Why ge has to face such a cruel fate? They love each other so much...and Zhan-ge had to leave. And now..." Yuanyou mumbled. Shunrong kept silence and just rubbed the back, soothing his crying boyfriend. They spent sometimes in the car before Shunrong escorted Yuanyou to his door and bade their goodbye.

Mr. Li looked at Yibo. He called out the producer around the tea time to meet at a café in Yibo's neighbourhood. Yibo was looking down. "I have checked and no evidence of the other day. We're lucky there's no reporter that party night." Yibo nodded. "So, about what you told me..." Yibo looked up to him.

"Yes, it's true. That's the reason why I want to be excluded from the project before. I can't tell the reason before but now, I have to because we need to clear the things from media." Mr. Li sighed.

"So you want to do it that way?" Yibo nodded.

"Yes, it's better for everyone. I can't risk my life and his life, also my marriage." Mr. Li sighed again.


A/N: Hello everyone. I come again with one chapter hahaha, i finish things earlier so I'm able to be on my laptop right now to update. I don't have much comment on this chapter but yeah we will slowly reach the peak of the story now. Thanks for stopping by, hope you're enjoying the story. COMMENTS ARE LOVED and if spotted mistakes let me know please~ 

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