Pit-A-Pat ( Kuroo x OC fanfic...

By MissCoffeeMonster

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Kuroo Tetsurou Fanfiction NOTE: I don't own some of the character names Synopsis Kuroo Tetsurou and Kou (O/C... More

Chapter 1 - Hate, Kuroo and Tsukishima
Chapter 2 - Rumor
Chapter 4 - Misunderstood
Chapter 5 - Worst
Chapter 6 - What's wrong?
Chapter 7 - Sugar
Chapter 8 - Home Visitors
Chapter 9 - Fluttering
Chapter 10 - Today is day one
Chapter 11 - First Date, my heart is racing

Chapter 3 - She

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By MissCoffeeMonster

"Oi, Yaku." Kai called on a whisper and signaled for Yaku to look behind him.

Yaku slowly turn his head and he snort when he saw their dear Captain, Kuroo Tetsurou, smiling and humming some happy song while cleaning the club room.


He hates cleaning yet he was doing it.

"Did you hit your head, huh Kuroo?" Yaku asked, throwing a towel on his face.

Kuroo removes it over his head and they flinched, shocked, seeing that he still had a smile on his face.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Kuroo asked as he continue folding their washed jerseys.

"What's wrong!? Why don't you ask yourself?"

"Huh?" Kuroo tilts his head on one side and his face went blank. "I don't get you." he smiled again as he shook his head.

"Last time you're like a glaring lion and now you're a humming bird? What's with you?"

"That last time..." Kenma begins.

The three older boys looked at him, waiting for his next words.

"Ahh... Kuro was mad at you, Yaku-san. He thought you like Kou." Kenma spilled while he flickered his eyes on his PSP to Kuroo and Yaku. "I think his jealous too because she addressed you by your first name."

"Kenma!" Kuroo bellowed, face turning red.

"Huh?" Yaku squint his eyes, looking at Kuroo.

"Not just you, he's mad at Lev and Tora too." Kenma added even Kuroo scowled at him.

"Is that the reason why you use that special regimen today and extended the practice for another hour?" Yaku glared at the scheming captain.

The bed-head avoided his gaze like he's not guilty at all.

"Ah, so that's why you're acting weird. I didn't heard it completely but I'm sure I heard Kou's name." Kai stated.

"And he's in a good mood because he walk her home yesterday."

"KENMA!" Kuroo exclaimed louder that before but the setter care less.

"Ey!" Yaku and Kai grimaced.

"So you two were really not ignoring each other now... That's nice." the libero said, smiling happily. "What did you do?"

"Huh?" Kuroo went blank on his friend's question.

What did you do? - those words repeats on his head but the answer is a lot.... he did a lot of things but he can't spill it out especially that kiss.

"N-nothing... It just happen... I talk to her then she talk to me... that's all." he muttered.

"Ahh... Then why do you think Yaku likes her? I won't ask about Lev and Taketora since those two like every girls."

Kuroo taps a finger on his chin to think for awhile on how he could explain it and answer Kai.


"Because he heard that you save her too."

"Hey! Kenma!" Kuroo yelled when Kenma speak for him again.

Yaku and Kai burst into laughter.

"Who told you that, huh, Kuroo?" Yaku asked.

"Just one of his assumptions." Kenma said.

"I remember once I saw a stranger in a convenience store who keeps asking her to go with him, so I approached her to get her but before I could do something, Kou already punch the guy in the face." Yaku laughs. "I actually did nothing."

"That's Tsukishima for yah." Kai said like her name has a meaning for them.

"I misunderstood what she said okay... but..." Kuroo paused, looking down, hesitated to continue. "Do you like her?"

The libero blinks, surprise on his friend's question.

"Of course I like Kou-chi."

Kuroo look at him with wide eyes.

"Kai likes her, Kenma likes her... everyone in our team likes her but what we meant by 'like' isn't like yours, you idiot." Morisuke said, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

"Woah, Woah, WOAH!!! What the hell are you saying? I don't have feelings for that u...ugly GIRL." Kuroo stood up, waving his hand in disagree. "That is so... RIDIculous. I'm just like you guys. I ju..j...just trying to help Tsukki and Aki."

"Liar." Yaku, Kai and Kenma told to themselves while Kuroo keeps babbling words to convince them that he doesn't like the girl but he can't even hide the blush on his face.

"You know what, instead of watching us from her, why don't you do that on Sousuke."

"Sousuke... you mean Sousuke Yamato? What's with him and Kou?" Kai asked on Yaku.

"Ah, those two were my classmates last year and they were always together because they were both the Class Reps at that time too. It's so obvious that he's into her, maybe he's just scared to his brothers that's why he never tried to ask her out." Yaku explains.

"If that's the case... Today is the day for him. I heard Kou told Tsukki to spent time with his girlfriend instead of being with her. If your conclusion is right Yaku, then Sousuke might grab this chance. No more Aki and Kei to be scared of." Kai said, secretly looking on Kuroo's reaction. "What do you think Kenma?"

"Huh? me? uh..." the setter paused his game and look up at Yaku and Kai grinning at him.

He doesn't get what the older guys was trying to say to him until Yaku winked at him. He gazed behind and saw frowning Kuroo.

"Ahh, I think so... Kou might go home with him if he asks her."

"Shit." Kuroo bit his lower.

"Where are you going?" Yaku asked, seeing their friend hurriedly packing his things.

"I'm heading first... Don't forget to lock the door."

The bed-head rushed out of the club room, almost stumbling down when he stepped out of the door.

Kai and Yaku laughed and high fived with each other.

Kuroo was running like a quick cat from the gym back to their classroom until he hit the stairs of their building and went upstairs not caring on the people who was looking at him.

"I forgot about that bastard." he hissed as he finally reached their floor.

He walks slowly, panting from the run and stops on their classroom. He breathed heavily before he slid the door open.

"Hn!? Kuroo?"

The girl startled, surprised when she saw him.

He sighed in relief, seeing Kou was alone.

"Hi." he greeted.

"H-hello..." she greeted, almost a question, feeling somehow awkward on his greeting since they just saw eachother in class awhile ago, "Do you... need something?"

"I-uh." he looked down, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah!" she exclaimed, breaking the silence. "I saw this." she raised a book "Uh, Is this yours?"


"Oh~" she blushed, embarrass on her question when she read the title and it seems that it was a shojo manga. "I... I never thought you read this kind of stuffs." she joked instead.

"No. That's not mine."

"Ah. haha. Sorry." she chuckles, keeping the book under the teacher's desk then get back on erasing the writings on the board.

Kuroo took a step inside and look around to recheck if there's still someone with her but he doesn't see any bag left aside from her strawberry printed bagpack.

"Are you... alone here?" he asked, leaning against the wall.

"Yah. I think so." she said, looking around the room, "Do you see someone else aside from me?" she laughed. "That was a scary joke, y'know."

The bedhead frowns. "If that's the case, why are you still here?"

She whipped around, narrowing her eyes on him after hearing his cold tone.

"I just finished writing my notes."

"What were you doing while sitting in class? Are you that slow in writing?"

She raised her brow. "Did you just come here to mock me? I'm not a smart ass like you so I tend to listen then after class I borrowed notes."

"Borrow from whom?"

"From Hana or Yuri." she frowns. "Does that matter? Tch."

"Let's go. I'll walk you home."

"Huh?~~~" she asked but before Kuroo could answer she had a reason. "Ah, did Kei asked you to? Nahhh! I told him to stop bothering people."

"No." he said.

"Then did nii-chan asks you?"


"Then did-"

"Can you just stop asking questions and pack your things now so we could go? It's getting late." he commanded with signs of irritation.

"Jeez. What's wrong with you? You're weird, you know that?" she went to her desk to stuff her things inside her bag. "You're like a girl on her monthly period." she muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." she answered, giving him a fake smile. "Let's just be clear that this means nothing okay? I don't want any misunderstandings."

"Just hurry up."

"Fine. Fine." she look at him before hanging her backpack on one shoulder. "Let's go now, Boss Kuroo." she stops near the door.


"Aw!" she yelped after he'd flicked her forehead. "You idiot!"

"Ah." he cried after she'd roughly hit him on his arm. "That's too hard!" he whines, rubbing it.

"Tss." she hissed and walk ahead of him.

He chased her then when she was at his reach, he ruffles her hair, more like a gentle pat, before he past on her.


She blinks twice, stopping on her pace when she suddenly felt her heart skip a beat. Involuntarily, her hands move up over her head while she looks at this man walking away from her.

She's unaware she was spacing out and her face turning red.

Kuroo look back and see her staring blankly.

"Oi! What are you doing!? Hurry up!"

She blinked thoroughly, waking on her senses. "O-oss."

They walk together as Kou stayed behind him until they'd reached their locker room.

"Oi, bossy boss."

"Hn?" Kuroo turned at her.

"Can I have a minute? I just need to change my shoes." she requested with a close lip smile.

He raised his brows as a reply. He lean on the wall outside the locker room when he saw her runs inside.


"Hmph!" Kou's ears perked up when she heard a cute female voice. "Tetsu-chan?" she whispered before peeking outside. Her eyes widened, seeing a girl in front of Kuroo.

"Who is she? She's so... pretty." she told to herself, looking at the girl from head to toe.

The unnamed girl was average in height and petite, her hair was dark blonde that reaches to about her waist. Her forehead was covered with bangs as a large pink bow was on the back of her head.

"Are you going home now, huh Tetsu-chan? I'm going to karaoke with my friebds, wanna come?" the girl asked. She appeared so innocent as she stood in front of him, hands behind her back but it was mostly to make her chest more imposing.

Her pose and sweet smile was suggestive enough that even Kuroo knows that the girl was flirting at him.
The bedhead was flattered but not really interested. He ignored her, looking back inside the locker room to check on Kou but she quickly hid herself.

"Tetsu-chan, are you avoiding me?" the blonde girl asked again, waving her hand on his face.

"Not today, Kurumi."

"Kurumi? He's using her first name..." Kou told to herself as she keeps on listening.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Kurumi looked around and step inside the locker room. "Let's see who's this lucky girl."

"Hey, Kurumi." Kuroo tried to stop her as the girl searches in every corner of the lockers. "Someone here?... Hello."

Kurumi was about to reach where Kou was but she went out on the other door way and luckily, she bumped into someone.

"Kou? You're still here?"

Kou breathed heavily, thanking that it was Hana.

"Hana, are you going home now?" she whispered.

"Yeah. The club meeting just finished and... Oh!"

"Shh...' she hushed her, grabbing her hands and sneak out of the room.

"Hey! Where are we going?"

"Home." she said. "I'll walk you home." she dragged her, sneakily going out of the school gate.

"Tetsu, no one is here." Kurumi said as she turn back at Kuroo.

"Hn?" he look around and spotted Kou's locker already locked. "Sneaky stray cat." he muttered, bitting his lips in annoyance.

"Are you going with-"

Kuroo doesn't let her finish and decided to walk away.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Kurumi shouted, stomping her feet. "I'm not yet done talking to you!"

Kuroo just raised a hand on her without looking back as he continue walking away.

"Ughh! I'll find out who's that girl."

"I'm home." Kou huffed an air like she was so exhausted.


Kou blinks, hearing a cheerful voice greeted her. She looked up and a smile appeared on her face, seeing her mother smiling at her.

"You're back." she said, giving a quick hug on her mother. "How's grandpa?"

"Oh, he's good." Akiko answered like her daughter knows what she meant by her short statement.

"Ah~" Kou nodded a few times. "Good, you mean he's overworking again."

"You know him." Akiko chuckles, going back to the kitchen. "How about you? I heard you're working with the volleyball team. Akiteru told me you accept his offer."

"He didn't offered... He assigned me actually." she said, walking inside their house after taking off her shoes.

Her mother laughs softly, hearing her irritated voice. Akiko Tsukishima was at her late forties yet she looks younger on her age. People sometimes thought that she's the oldest of the Tsukishima siblings - having a petite body, kind appearance with short hair might be the reason of it.

"Is Kei here already?" Kou asked to her mom who was busy on the kitchen.

"Not yet." Akiko said with giggles. "My baby boy has a girlfriend."

"He is not a baby anymore." Kou smirks, looking at her mother's red face.

"Yah. So you better find yours too."

"Hn." she laughs on that statement. "That's not a priority mom."

Akiko sighed heavily, watching her daughter went to her room.

Kou got out from her room after taking a bath while her mom prepares their dinner. Before she could sit down on the living room, their phone rings.

"Kou, phone please!"

"Coming!" she hurried as she brusquely dried her hair with a towel around her shoulders. She pick up the phone. "Hello."

No one was speaking but she could hear a sound which seems like a slow breathing of someone on the next line.

She frowns.

"Hello...?" she speak again and after seconds, she repeated. "Hello."

The caller hanged up.

"Woah! What a creep." she put down the phone.

"Who was it?" her mom asked, head popping on the kitchen door.

"I don't know. Wrong number maybe." she shrugged, walking towards the kitchen.

"Huh? That's weird. Earlier, that happens too... I think that's the tenth time."

"Really? Tch. Weirdos are really everywhere." she mumbled. "What time is your flight tomorrow? If Aki-nii-chan can't drive you to the airport, I could accompany you before school."

Akiko look at her daughter and pouted. "What a protective daughter I had." she commented, hugging Kou tight with her cheek sticking on hers.

"Ah... Mom, I can't breathe." she whined but Akiko chuckles and don't let her go.

Without Kou's knowledge, the caller on the other line was the Stressed Nekoma Captain.

"Huh." Kuroo heavily breathed. "That sneaky cat. She should atleast told me that she'll going ahead."

He looked at his phone screen, he sighed again seeing it was already past six o'clock.

"What am I doing?" he whispered with a grin on his face, laughing at himself.

He didn't expect what he just did.

He called her home many times, waiting to hear her voice just to be sure she's home. He's been in the train station for almost an hour.

As much as he doesn't want to act that he cares, his actions are too obvious just for the word 'care'.

"You're crazy, Kuroo Tetsurou..." he mumbled, brushing up his fingers on his hair. "You're crazy." he said, walking towards the train.

With a squeak of shoes and a swing of arm, a loud sound of ball that hits the floor echoed inside the gym.

"How was it, senpai?" Lev asked, turning at this small girl on her P.E uniform, standing on the side of the net.

"Uhmm... It's getting better but..." Kou put a finger on her chin, scanning the half Russian from head to toe. "I think you can jump higher."

"You think, senpai?" Lev asked, eyes sparkling.

"Of course." Kou said, smiling at him. "Those guys can, so you can do it too."


She nodded. "If you do that, next time we'll work on your accuracy so that the ball won't went out of the line. For now... " she paused, looking around. "Hey, kiddos." she called, waving a hand on the other first years she spotted, sitting on the floor.

"Yes, senpai." Sou, Yuki and Teshiro quickly run towards her.

Kou kindly smiles, looking up at the tall boys lined up in front of her. She steps on the side to peek behind them and she frowns, spotting the missing boy on the group of first years.

"Oi." she calls at her brother who stays sitting down on the floor.

"Me too?" Kei asked, pointing at himself.

"Yes, sir." his sister answered with mark of sarcasm.


"Okay!" she claps her hands the moment Kei joined them. "Let's practice a little... Lev, Teshiro and Kei while I'll be with Yuki and Sou.... Is it okay?" she asked smiling at them.

Kei turns to his teammates when he heard their soft gasps. His head snapped up to see them froze and their faces were all red while their unblinking eyes kept on his sister.

"Hm?" Kou had a questioning look on her face, wondering what happen.

Kei glances at his sister then to his teammates again, he chuckles. "She's asking you guys."

Kou raised a brow, waiting for their response.

"O-oss... s-ss...senpai." they stammered, saluting at her. The Tsukishima siblings laughs.

"Okay, let's begin!" Kou said, tossing a ball to Lev.

"Oi, Fukunaga... should I pretend I'm dumb too?"

"Eh?" Fukunaga Shohei glance on the pouting boy next to him.

"Look at those first years... Kou-senpai was always with them." Taketora Yamamoto grumbled, glaring at the opposite side of the court where the girl and the first years were.

"Ahhh~ you're jealous."

"Yuh-huh!" the mohawk ace answered without hesitation.

"You shouldn't be jealous... On your hair..." Fukunaga said on his low tone, it made Tora look up to his head. "you already have too much of it..."


"Jeal-ous... Gel-ous..." Fukunaga snickered, laughing on his own pun and Tora just ignored.

"Good morning."

The first years and the two second years all turns to the gym entrance.

"Ah, they are here." Lev announced and Kou paused, catching the ball she'd just toss. "KENMA-SAN!" he shouted, waving his long arm over his head repeatedly. "KENMA-SAN!"

"Ohh~ someone seems popular." Kuroo grins at the setter who was frowning, annoyed hearing his name repeatedly called. Lev just stops when Yuki nudged him.

"GOOD MORNING!" all the boys greeted on Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku and Kai when they completely walks inside the gym.

"Oh, Kou-chi!" Yaku calls, spotting the only girl on the opposite side of the gym.

"Oh yah..." Kai confirmed, looking at the same direction the libero was staring at. "Oi, Kou!" he shouted, cupping a hand around his mouth to make his voice louder.

Kuroo's head whipped, hearing the called name. He grins, looking at the brown haired girl, he barely saw her because of the towering boys surrounding her.

Kou glanced at the side, recognizing who'd call her, she greeted them and the others with a shy smile. Kuroo smirks at her, she just ignored it, looking back on the first years.

"Ah... your morning practice will be starting now, let's continue this tomorrow." she said, tossing a ball to a cart on the side of the net. "On your free time, please keep practicing your serves especially Lev and Teshiro."

"Oss!" the first years exclaimed except her brother. 

"Say thank you to our dear trainer."

Kou frowns, hearing the voice of someone who suddenly joined them. She was sure it was him. When she heard the squeak of shoes stop, she turns her head on the right where Kuroo stood, one hand on his hip, putting all his weight on one leg.

She glanced up to him, brows still crossed. He gave her a closed lip smile, brows moving up and down.

"Tch." she hissed at him.

"Thank you, senpai!"

Kou startled, looking at the first years lined up in front of her, bowed down at her, Kei just gave her a nod.

"A-ah, i-it's n-nothing..." she stammers, waving her hands.

The bedhead captain chuckles to see her cheeks turn red.

"Right... Before I forgot." Kou runs towards the bench where her strawberry backpack was and pulled out a thin notebook from her bag. She curiously observes the boys. Looking at Kuroo, she shook her head. "Definitely not you."

"E-excuse me? W-what do you mean by that?" he asked a little offended but she didn't answered him.

"It means she doesn't trust you." Yaku said, appearing behind him.

Kou turns to Yaku but she shook her head too, disagreeing with the idea on her mind.

"Wha-" Morisuke gasp in disbelief.

The girl smirks at him and smiles, spotting someone approaching them. "Umm... Nobuyuki." she pointed a finger at the wingspiker.

"Hm?" Kai walks towards her.

"I'll give you this." she begins to explains, handing the notebook to him. "This has some recommended meals and lists of exercises for the group... It could help you build up more muscles and strength. Just incase, you wanted to use it." she said, smiling.

"Hey, you should've gave that to the captain!" Kuroo whines, Kou turns at him and grins, shaking her head for a no. He hissed.

"You did this?" Kei asked, looking at every page Kai was flipping.

Kou raised a brow to her brother. "I saw some of mom's stuffs in our house that could help and I also asks on grandpa's help."

"Oh~ Akihiro... How is he?"

The Tsukishima siblings turns, hearing someone had mentioned their grandfather's name, they immediately straighted up and bowed to greet Coach Nekomata.

"Good morning, Coach Nekomata." Kou politely greeted, bowing to the old man.

"Good morning, coach!" Kuroo and the volleyball boys exclaimed.

"Good morning..." the old man greeted back, all smiles at them.

The other proceeds on what they're doing as Coach Nekomata approaches the Tsukishima siblings.

"He's still in California right?"

Kou and Kei look at each other then nodded.

"Y-yes, sir." Kou answered. "He said he'll try to visit this summer."

Kuroo's ears perk, trying to listen on the conversation yet he can't hear much, all he just got was the mentioned named 'Akihiro.'

"Oh~ I see." Coach Nekomata nodded.

Coach Nekomata asks Kou to join in their morning meeting so she stayed. The others hurried but Tora, Lev and Inuoka were the ones who first got the chance to sit surrounding her but Kei assured that they aren't that close to her sister. After the meeting had ended, Kou takes the chance to talk to the coaches regarding the current status of Kei and Lev, who were new to the team.

"So your grandfather is a famous athlete trainer?" Tora asked, turning around to Kou, the moment he saw their coaches exited the gym.

"Yes, he's a trainer... but not actually famous." Kou said, shyly scratching her cheek.

"He's not a famous as a trainer... But I heard his name before in a sports news!" Yuki said. "If I'm not mistaken he's a former baseball player for the national team. That's why he's famous."

"Whoa~" the boys gasps, making Kou a little shy which differs from her brother next to her. Kei has a proud smirk on his face.

"Right! Akihiro Lambert!" Tora flicks his fingers. "It's his name!" he exclaimed and Kou confirmed it with a nod.

"Lambert? You mean you two..." Lev pointed at the Tsukishima siblings.

"He's French, right?" Yuki asked.

Lev blinks, finally had what nationality the mentioned surname was. "You two were French. "

"Just a little..." Kou explains, her index and thumb showing how much they got from their grandfather.

"Grandpa was just half-French..." Kei clarified.

Akihiro Lambert, maternal grandfather of the Tsukishima siblings, was currently residing in California as an athlete trainer. Coach Nekomata knows him because they were highschool friends even they have different sports - Yasufumi on volleyball and Akihiro on baseball. The French-Japanese got some fame on the sports but no one among his grandsons had chosen baseball, instead his granddaughter was the one who got interest on it. Kou loves baseball so her grandfather taught him how to play but he didn't let her join any sports club.

"Oohhh... So Kou-chi is really a hafu." Yaku said, spinning a ball on his index finger.

"Do you know about that, Kuro?"

"Heh?" Kuroo turns to
Kenma with scrunched nose.

"Ah, so you didn't." the setter said since the answer was written all over his friend's face. "You two known each other since you were little yet you didn't know this fact about her." he sighed and shook his head. "No wonder, Kou dislikes you."

"What?" Yaku and Kai gasp in shock on that revelation. Obviously, no one knows about their past aside from Kenma Kozume.

Kuroo clicks his tongue on Kenma's statement but the setter rolled his eyes on him.

"You and Kou-chi? W-what... I t-thought." the libero looked at Kuroo then to Kou repeatedly.

"They first met when they were like five, if I'm not mistaken..." Kenma answered flatly.

"Oh yeah!" Kai snapped his fingers, remembering some facts and he'd quickly connected it to serve as his basis. "You'd spent your childhood in Kyoto and Kou's grandparents lived there too. So..." he nodded, pointing at Kuroo then to Kou and he smirks. "In summer breaks or in any gatherings of their family in Kyoto, it won't be impossible for you to met her even before you two became classmates in middleschool... Now I get it."

"Tch. Is it important?" the bedhead grumbles.

"Yuh-huh... This fact proves how idiot you are." Yaku snickers. "Kenma was right... How could you not know that she's from a foreign family?"

Kuroo frowned as his teammates laughs at him. "Of course I know it, but I'm not really sure because I didn't asked her... I just guessed it." his last words was barely heard.

Kuroo did know Kou and Akiteru for a very long time but among their relatives the only person he really knew was their maternal grandmother. One time he met Akiko Tsukishima who was introduced by the Tsukishima siblings as their mother. There he discovers that these friends of him were not new to the world of sports. Akiko was a former tennis player but she chose to had an early retirement as she got married to Tsukishima Kousuke who was known for being an Olympian player for Japan's national swim team. Unfortunately, Kuroo never had met the man since the family had lost him even before the youngest of the Tsukishima had born. After retiring to her passion, Akiko didn't move far from the sports even after having a family. Now, she's a single mother who works along side with her father as a sports nutritionist.

As a friend, Kuroo and Kou was the same. They were the type who just let one tell what they only wanted to, that's why he never asks on what half-blood the girl has even he'd dying to know it since before. He might have heard the name 'Akihiro' in some of their conversation but he never had met the old man.

"You guessed?" Kai raised a brow at Kuroo.

Kuroo frowns at the vice captain as his voice trailed off. "I met her mother and it's obvious... she looks... different." his last word was barely heard.

"Different?" Yaku repeated, leaning towards him, both hands on his hips. "In what way?"

"Huh? Di-d.. different... y-you know..." the bedhead stammers, head slowly turning to the group that sat on a circle. He blushed when his eyes narrowed to the only girl among them. She was there, laughing in every funny stories Tora or Lev would share and what Fukunaga will joke.

"What?" Kai asked again with a teasing smile.

Kuroo can't answer that bluntly. He always said that the girl was unattractive, not really his type. But Kuroo Tetsurou is a man too - he sees what other guys does too. Unlike her brothers who got the foreign height, Kou mostly inherit the French looks so having a chic look was natural. The girl has an innocent face and now that she's a teenager, she got a damn sexy body but in elegant way. Aside from those factors, for him, the way a strand of her brown hair always falls on her face which she tucks behind her ear was hell of an enticing gesture. It was the things he'd swear he won't admit - not for anyone and most especially not for himself. 

For him, Kou Tsukishima will always be the last girl he would compliment as 'beautiful' even she got those big blue eyes and smile that could make him -

No, no... No... Kuroo shook his head, erasing the image of Kou inside his head.

Kenma looked at his friend and frowns lightly.

"You're too obvious, Kuro." he muttered.

"O-obvious? W-what do you mean by that Kenma!?" the bedhead shouted, the second year ignores him, walking away to join the others. He look at Yaku and Kai but the two just laugh at him.

"So you could play baseball?" Inuoka asked curiously.

"Ah." Kou hesitated to answer so his brother speaks for her.

"She's better than me and Aki."

"Whoaa~" the first years and Tora, who surrounds her, all gasped in amazement. Who would believe a small girl like Kou Tsukishima could play that sports?

"You know, Kokubo Hiroki?"

All the boys with Kou glanced up on Kuroo who intervened to their conversation.

"The one from SoftBank Hawks?" Yuki, who seems to know about some team on baseball, asked.

Their captain nodded, looking down at Kou. "She's the female version of him. She swings her bat like this then she'll run like a cheetah... Whoosh!" he told, laughing while imitating the girl's moves but a little different like he's portraying a sick player or something, he even bent down to show her height as he reenacts her.

Kou frowns as Kuroo comfortably sat next to her and continues, saying all about baseball including her habits and moves when playing.

"I was shock when I saw her carrying a bat... it's thicker than her arms." the captain laughs with his infamous hyena laugh.

"He's dead." Kai sighed.

"Really dead." Yaku said , shaking his head down.

"K-k...kuroo-san, i think you should..." Inuoka stammers, feeling a sudden dark aura coming out from the girl next to him and the others noticed it as well.

"She could do home runs too... Could you believe that? As small as her? It was - AH!" Kuroo didn't finished his words. He was forced to stop when Kou harshly grabs his face, causing his lips to pursed as she held his chin tight.

She pulled him towards her to be sure he'll the only one who could hear her when she whisper at him. "Speak another shitand I'll fucking rip your shitty mouth."

"Ah!" Kuroo cried, pulling himself away from her but he failed as Kou grip him tighter so he take revenge by grabbing her cheeks and squeeze it.

"Ahh!" Kou cried. "What the f-'

"Language." Kai cut her off and Kou hissed at him before looking back to Kuroo.

"Let me go, you idiot!" she groans, now squeezing the bedhead's cheek to give back the pain.

"Let me go first!" Kuroo growled, glaring at her.

"No way!"


And they both squeezes their faces and glared to each other.

"I think it's better if they'd stayed ignoring each other." Kenma said in tone of regret.

"No." Yaku answered, laughing while watching the squeezing pair. "This is fun to watch. Look at them."

Hearing his senpais and looking to his sister, Kei just sighs and shook his head.

"Kou, we're not eating lunch with you today."

"Again?" Kou asked, raising her brow. "Club?"

"Yeah." Yuri and Hana nodded with sad face.

"I'm so sorry. You know the contest is near... We're so busy today." Hana explains with hands stick together like she was praying.

"Okay... Fine."

"Yes. Promise we'll go out after this."

Kou just nodded with a closed lip smile.

"See ya." the two waves, rushing to go on their fashion club.

Fashion club- it was the club were Kou joined in because her friend, Hana Mikoshiba, forced her. She got no choice but to accept it since their school requires a student to have atleast one club and the one she wanted to join in wasn't on Nekoma's club list - women's baseball club. She lasted for two years on fashion club but when they recruited more members she decided to quit. It wasn't a big deal for the club -except for Hana who nags on her for a whole day - since from the start she haven't contributed any idea on them except for helping them to purchase what the club needed and carry the heavy ones for them.

"Maybe I should just eat outside." she said as she got out deciding to go to the cafeteria and buy her lunch.

She was walking at the hallway when someone bumped her from behind.

"Oops... Gotcha!"

She was quick to turn, catching this someone, not to fall.


"Are you okay, miss?" Kou asked, holding this girl - one hand on her wrist and an arm supporting her back.

"Uh?" the girl blushed, looking up on her. "I'm sorry." she said, hurriedly stood straight.

Kou was speechless when she saw the girl's face and recognise that it was the 'pretty' girl yesterday with Kuroo.

"I forgot her name."

"I'm really sorry. I was running carelessly." the girl explains, bowing on her repeatedly as her soft straight long dark blonde hair fall back and forth on her small face.

"No, it's fine." Kou said, recovering from being starstruck on this girl's beauty. "Just be careful, you might hurt yourself."

"God. She's so pretty. She's wearing makeup but I'm sure she's pretty even without it."

"Ah! Wait... I know you. You're Tsukishima Kou right? Aki-senpai's sister?" Kurumi pointed out. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you earlier. I'm Kurumi. I'm a fan of our volleyball team so I kinda know your brother."

"Ah... Haha." Kou laughed awkwardly, scratching a finger on her cheek when she saw some students on the hallway looking at them. "Kurumi-san... It's nice to meet you but..." she whispered and signaled Kurumi with her eyes to look around.

"Oops. Sorry." she gasped, covering her mouth with both hands. "I'm heading to the cafeteria, how about you?"

"I'm going there too."

"Oh! Really... Can I go with you?"

"Ah... y-yeah...s-sure." Kou felt awkward on the situation yet she doesn't want to be rude on her.

"Okay! Let's go!" Kurumi exclaimed excitedly.

Kou jerks in shock when Kurumi suddenly wrapped her arms on her as they walk together.

She felt weird on the eyes looking at them while they walk together but she just bear it until they got to the ground floor.

"Hey! It's Kou-senpai!" Taketora pointed.

Nekoma volleyball boys looked at the same direction and saw Kou walking towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Kou-senpai!!!" Lev stood up, calling her attention, waving his hands above him. "Kou-senpai!"

"Oi!" Kou waved with her left hand as the other wasn't yet free then walk towards their table.

"Who's she?" Lev asks, looking down on the girl linking arms on Kou.

"Oh. She's Kurumi...ah..." she paused, trying to remember her last name if she'd mentioned.

"Just call me, Kurumi." she said with a bright smile.

"Ah, Kurumi-san, this is Lev Haiba, Taketora Yamamoto, So Inuoka then Shohei Fukunaga, Yuki Shibayama and Tamahiko Teshiro - our Nekoma's volleyball boys." Kou introduced as she points with open palm on each and they smiled at her. "She's a fan of volleyball, guys." she added just to give more info about her.

"Woah! Really! So you know me and my skills right? right?" Lev asked with excitement, stepping closer to her.

"Ahh... N-not really. I'm sorry." Kurumi stutter and hid behind Kou.

"Hey, don't pressure her, Lev." Kou chuckles, pushing him away from Kurumi.

"Sorry." Lev apologised.

"Ah... I haven't watch any practice games this year so I'm not yet familiar with all your names but I know some of you, I saw these two before and..." Kurumi said, pointing at Tora and Fukunaga, she smiles. "I'm friends with your captain and Kenma, I-"

"Speaking of the famous guys." Taketora announced, looking behind Kurumi and Kou.

"It's not that hard... right Kenma? We just need to-"

"Hey!" Taketora stood up and wave at their captain Kuroo Tetsurou with Yaku, Kai and Kenma.

Kuroo didn't finished what he's been saying when his eyes narrowed to Kurumi with linked arms on Kou. Even Kenma's face shows a little shock when he saw the girls too.

"Tetsu-chan." Kurumi cheerfully called, loosening her grip on Kou and runs to Kuroo, grabbing his arms. "Hi, Kenma-kun." she greeted the setter.

"Hello." Kenma glanced on her for a second then past on her, leaving his friend and Kurumi together.

"Hey, let me go." Kuroo said, removing Kurumi's arms on him but the girl didn't obeyed.

"So she was really close to Kuroo." Kou thought to herself, staring at Kurumi.

"Hey, Kou-chi!"

Her thoughts woke up when Yaku calls her attention.

"O-oi." she look at the libero with a smile and to Kai and Kenma, who gave her a high five before going to their table.

Kuroo looked at Kou and slightly flinch back when she gave him an evil grin before she turns and join the others instead.

Kurumi saw Kuroo's face with worry so she pull him closer to her.

"What are you doing?"

That was the last words Kou heard clearly from Kuroo before she walk away to give the privacy of those 'friends'.

Nekoma volleyball boys should be curious on the conversation between their Captain and this gorgeous girl with him yet they care less when someone came.

"Here comes Mr. Lover Boy." Taketora shouted.

"Hey!" a huge hand suddenly lands on Kou's head. "Why are you with these guys?

"Pfft. Kei!" Kou hits his hand and whirled to face him, leaning on the back of Lev's chair.

"Where are your friends?" he asked as he sat next to Lev.

"Hana and Yuri were busy on their club." she explained then look around, "I thought you're with Yua, where's she?"

Kei points on a direction behind her and a small brunette girl runs towards them.

"Kou-senpai!" Yua jumps on Kou, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Hey! peanut." Kou put her arms around Yua's shoulder, squeezing her to a hug. "Have you ate?" she asked, backing her head to run her fingers on Yua's hair.

"Yup." Yua nodded, keeping her arms around Kou.

"Woah! My brother was a good boyfriend." she chuckles, ruffling Kei's hair. "I'm so proud of you."

Nekoma boys snort a laugh.

"I think he needs to, Kou-chi." Yaku nodded. "He needs to."

"What do you mean?"

"Tch." Kei smirked. "After being with you, I know girls becomes a murderer when they are hungry."

"Yeah! That's right." Taketora agreed.

"You idiots!" Kou hit Kei's head.

"Aw!" he cried and glared on his sister but the two girls stick out their tongue and laugh at him.

"Ahh... I'm starving. Have you ate already, huh, Kou-chi?" Yaku asks.

"Oh yah! Actually that's the reason I'm here because of my dear brother here doesn't want to bring lunch box, I didn't prepare any for myself either."

"Sorry." Yua apologized. "I think it was my fault."

"No, peanut. It's not your fault. Kei hated it since before so don't worry. Just be sure he won't let you starve, okay?"

"Noted." Yua nodded.

"So what do you want, Kou-senpai?" Taketora asked. "You want yakisoba bun. I have one here."

"Oh, thanks." she thanked, looking inside the paper bag from Taketora and saw a newly cooked yakisoba bun in it.

"I have orange juice, Kou-senpai. Here." Lev offered a box of juice.

"I have chocolate biscuits!" Inuoka stood up and hurriedly handed one box for Kou. "I know you like this."

"Woah! Thanks." Kou patted Inuoka on his head.

"Alright! I won this time!" Inuoka cheered with open arms after seeing Kou's wide smile.

"How come you won... Kou-senpai loves orange juice than that, right senpai?" Lev asked as he stand next to Kou and Yua. "Right?"

"No, Kou-chan prefer yakisoba buns." Taketora defended, stepping near them too.

"Oi, oi, oi... Wait, guys I'll pay these so-" Kou tried to butt in.

"No need senpai." the three chorused.

It was like Kou and Yua were surrounded by three skyscrapers.

"I'm sure I won!" Inuoka defended as Tora and Lev fought back.


Kei pulled Yua out of the guys when he saw her starting to panic.

"Ah, so this was a competition again. Fine, I'll be the judge. Inuoka wins." Kei decided, pulling Yua down on the chair next to him.

"See... see!" Inuoka jumps happily while Lev and Taketora glared at him.

"You cheaters! I'm the one who asked her so we could buy food together." Yaku whines.

"Inuoka was the one who cheated here!" Taketora shouted, pointing at Inuoka.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Lev supported and the three starts to argue.

"Hey guys! These are all good." Kou said but the three didn't stop.

"You guys are so gullible when it comes to my sister." Kei laughed smugly.

The bickering continues when suddenly someone stood up and they all stop in shock.

"I have apple candy."

Yua and the others were stunned when Kenma suddenly speak and walk towards Kou.

"Give me your hands." Kenma said.

"O-okay." she raised both hands open.

He looked down on Kou's hands and five apple flavored candies landed on her palms.

"Woaah!!! Thanks, Kenma." she smiles.

"You're welcome." the pudding head setter replied with his natural low voice.

"My decision has been revoked. Kenma-san wins." Kei said.

Then there was silence and no one was having a violent reaction on Kei's decision until he saw them all eyes on her sister.

"Hey! Stop staring at her like that. You guys looks so creepy."

"Shh." They hushed him.

"Look at her smile." Taketora, Lev and Inuoka said like they were in cloud nine as they all look at Kou, admiring her Duchenne smile with her cheeks turning pink.

"Genuine." Yuki and Teshiro mumbled as Fukunaga nodded.

Kei sighed. "Idiots."

Kou have no idea on their attention on her as she was so excited to taste the apple candy from Kenma so she immediately unwrapped one of it

"Oh, it's so good!" she chuckles as she chew the candy.

"We lost." Taketora muttered.

Yaku, Kai and Yua burst into laughter when Lev, Taketora and Inuoka collapsed on their seat admiring their defeat on Kenma.

The setter didn't say anything but just smirked then sat back and continue his game.

As they all settled down, Kei look around and his eyes caught the direction of Kuroo and Kurumi.

"Hey, who's that girl?"

"Hmph!" Kou take a big bite on her yakisoba bun and narrowed her eyes on where her brother was looking at. "That's Kurumi. I met her earlier so I don't know much about her but she said she's friends with Kenma and Kuroo."

"I just know her because of Kuro." Kenma stated as he glanced on Kurumi and Kuroo then back to his PSP. "They'd been classmates for two years, I think... and she says she plays volleyball in her middle school but she quit."

"Ah, so she's the mystery volleyball girl." Kou told to herself.

"Ah..."Kei nodded and look at Kurumi again. "I think I saw her somewhere."

"Of course you do." Yua said. "On a video."

"Huh?" Kei, Kou and the Nekoma boys gave Yua a questioning look.

"You guys are hopeless." Yua raised a brow. "She's Kurumi Ai."

"Haven't heard that name." Lev said, staring at Kurumi, trying to remember if he saw her too somewhere and the others nodded.

"Hn, yah... because all you heard is Mikasa and Molten." Yua said with sarcasm, making Kei snort a laugh. "Okay... here." she pulled out her phone and laid it on the table. "Watch this." she click the play button.

Everyone except Kenma stood and look on the phone's screen then there was "Kurumi Ai" talking on a camera wearing a cute dress.

"Ah, there! I saw her on your phone." Kei points out and sit back without finishing the video.

"I remember her now, I saw her once when Akane played a video." Taketora said after looking at the phone nearly.

"She's a vlogger and she's popular with kids and especially with boys." Yua stated.

"Woah! She's amazing and she's pretty too." Kou said, open mouthed as she watches the video, admiring Kurumi.

"Let me see." Yaku stole the phone from Kou's hands and take a glimpse of it then put it down on the table without a word.

Lev, Inuoka, Fukunaga, Yuki and Teshiro passed the phone to each other to watch it closely then laid it back on the table.

"Huh?" she observe the guys' faces and they were all quietly sit back on their chairs, focusing on their foods again.

This was the first time she saw these guys motionless on a girl.

"No comment? Come on guys. What are you scaredy-cats? Kuroo won't hear you, if you admit that you like her." Kou teased as she chew the last bite of her yakisoba bun and stick the straw on her orange juice to drink.

"Kou is right, they're too far from us." Kai agreed. "So speak up."

"Not my type." Yaku begins.

"Huh?" Kou and Kai were shock.

"She's not my type too." Lev shook his head. "I'm not into girls who wore make up."

"Same." Taketora nodded.

Kou look at Inuoka, Shohei, Yuki and Teshiro.

"Same." they shook their heads.

"How about you, Kei?" Yua asks to her boyfriend.

"Not mine either." he replied and she sighed in relief because if he does, it will be a big challenge for her to wore make up since she doesn't put that much.

Kou glabces on the boys. "Whoa~ Are you guys blind? Look at her closely. She's so pretty. Obviously even without that make up, she's still pretty."

"Nah. I don't know." Yaku shrugged. "She's cute, I give her that... but she's really not my type."

"There's something with her that I don't like." Inuoka pouted as he cupped his face while looking at Kurumi. "But I don't know what it is."

"Yah, Inuoka is right... It wasn't really the make up thing." Yaku nodded.

"So what is it?" Kou asked with cold tone.

"I don't know." the guys replied.

"I can't believe it. I guess we have different taste this time, Kou-senpai." Lev said, disappointed since they never been in opposite side with Kou on something and today was the first time they disagreed with her.

Kou sighed, crossing her arms on her stomach. "You know what guys, you're idiots. Look on the other boys around, they were all admiring her 'cause she's pretty."

"Pass." Yaku, Lev, Taketora, Inuoka, Shohei, Yuki, Teshiro and even Kenma and Kai answered, shaking their heads.


"Don't mind. You won't win with these guys when it comes to girls." Kei held her sister to calm down.

"Oh! By the way, Kou-senpai. I have this new designs on my scrap book, I want to show it to you." Yua said, keeping her phone back on her pocket.

"Oh. Now? Sure."

"Okay. Let's go." Yua stood up and held Kou's hands.

"Wait." Kou emptied her orange juice then put the box of chocolate biscuit and the apple candies on a paper bag. "Lets go!"

"Ow, you're leaving now, Tsukishima-san?"

"Oh crap! I forgot." Kou momentarily looked back as she saw Kurumi approaching them with Kuroo behind.

"Ahh...umm." she bit her bottom lip knocking herself inside her mind, feeling stupid that she forgot about Kurumi.

"Ah. I'm sorry but is it okay if I get Kou-senpai for now?" Yua asks, smiling at Kurumi.

"Oh sure." Kurumi said. "There will be next time. Right Tsukishima-san?"

"Ah, yeah... sure." she nodded. "It's nice to meet you again." she bowed.

Kurumi smiles, "Me too. See you around then."

"Yah." Kou smiled back then look on the guys sitting on the table. "Guys, thanks for the food. I'll treat you next time."

"Sure. Sure." they all replied with smile.

Kou and Yua were about to walk away but they got blocked by a certain tall guy.

"What?" Kou asked curtly, raising a brow on Kuroo. He grins.

"What's this?"

Kou gasped when Kuroo snatched the paper bag on her hands and peek inside.

"Give that back, Kuroo!" she immediately tried to reach for the bag but the middle-blocker pulled it away, raising it out of her reach,

"U-uh... Theobromine is lethal to cats." he said, keeping the bag above her.

"Nnggh...! Shut up and give that back." she scowled at him.

"If you could get it." he raised his brow then lowered it a little. "Here."

"Ughhh! Kuroo!" she growled, jumping to reach it.

"Oops!... oops!" he grins as he keeps teasing her, putting the bag up and down.

"I'm gonna kill you." Kou warns and Kuroo stick out his tongue childishly.

She tried to strangle him. But he's quick enough to put the bag on a table behind him then his hands grabbed her wrists.

"Nice try!" he chuckles, looking down at her.

"You Rooster head!"

"Oooh~ the stray cat is getting mad."

"You ass!"

"Language, please."

"I should just peek your eyes out instead - how will you play chasing the ball around without seeing anything, uh?!"

"He's doing it again." Yaku said, laughing.

"Hey guys, that's enough." Kai exclaimed, clapping his hands yet no one back off.

Nekoma team sighed as they watched the two, both tried to annoy the other the most: she was trying to strangle him - or peek out his eyes, whatever would be the easiest to do - and he was keeping her away from him by holding her arms.

"You guys are so cute."

Kuroo and Kou turn their heads, at the same time, towards Kurumi who stares at them with a huge smile.

"Eh?" they give her a puzzled face, noses scrunched up.

Kei stood up on his seat and grabs Yua's hands. "We're going now."

"Woah! but Kou..." Yua tried to reach Kou's hand yet she fails because Kei pulled her away.

"She'll follow." he said, walking away.

Kou frowns, looking up to Kuroo, who still have a grin on his face.

"What now? Already gave up?" the bedhead asked with sarcasm.

Kou grits her teeth when Kuroo shakes the paperbag in front of her face.

She reached her limit.


"Thanks again for this guys... I'm going now." Kou said, picking the paper bag that dropped on the floor.

"Holy crap." the boys muttered, all looking at her, scaredness and amazement mixed on their faces.

"Bye guys." she marched, following Kei and Yua.

"Ahh.. Y-yah, s-se--see you." Yaku and Kai waves at her with squint eyes, seeing their friend was left in pain.

"Are you okay, Tetsu-chan?" Kurumi asks on Kuroo who froze, looking down, hugging his painful stomach after receiving a hard punch from Kou.

"K.O." Kenma whispered.

"Don't worry Kurumi-san. Kuroo-san will be fine." Lev said. "Guys, I'm going with them!" he swiftly run away. "Wait for me! Kou-senpai!"

"You, Skyscraper!" Taketora stood up and pick up his stuffs. "I'm leaving too, guys. Bye." he said, leaving the table.

"Hey! Me too!" Inuoka shouted and come after Taketora.

"Me three!!!"

The table becomes silent as it emptied, just Yaku, Kai, Kenma and Kuroo with Kurumi because the others chose to follow the Tsukishima siblings and Yua.

"Okay... now. Start drawing each other." their art teacher said.

"Of all people... why him?" is what she said to herself.

They were grouped by partner based on drawlots of nunber and Kou end up with Kuroo Tetsurou. These partnering is for them to draw each other while seated face to face.

"I can't see... lift up your face." he commanded on her since her face was covered by the canvas board.

"If I do that, I can't draw." she said, keeping slouched down as she held her canvas board and sketching.

She was sketching... Sketching nothing because she can't look at him too so she was just pretending like she was drawing something to kill some time.

He raised a brow, looking at her. All he could see was the top of her head.

"Just do it like this." he suggested.

"Tch." she clicks her tongue then lowered her canvas board.

"See?" he give her a sly grin then keep a stare on her.

She momentarily look up at him and she felt something wants to come out from her chest the moment she look at him.

He just keep a straight face with his eyes tracing her small face but behind that expression, he felt the sudden pounding of his heart.

They stared at each other like it was a contest of whoever look away will lose.

"Mr. Kuroo and Ms. Tsukishima... start now." their art teacher called out.

They both jerks in shock, realising that they'd been staring for too long.

They both crample their papers and changed it for a blank one.

"Damn it." they both cursed, looking down on their blank papers.

Slowly, at the same time, they raised their heads and peek to each others' faces then tried to start again.

They both sighed heavily when they tried to draw but all they got was a dot on their canvas.

She felt the nervousness as her heart was still pounding, same as before, when she first look at him.

"What's with you, Tsukishima Kou? You can do this." she closed her eyes, and sighed heavily before she opened her eyes then look at him.

He snorts, seeing her expression when she almost fall on her chair. She was surprsed to see him already staring at her.

She glared at him as the grin on his face becomes wider.

"Ma'am." he raised a hand.

"Yes, Mr. Kuroo."

Kuroo glance to Kou then to their teacher. "Can I change my partner?"

"Huh?" Kou quirked her eyebrows in confused.

"Why?" their teacher asked, looking between the pair.

The bedhead controlled himself to laugh when he heard Kou's groan. He cleared his throat then answered."It's hard to draw a face like that." he pointed on her face.

Kou gasped. "Face like what?"

The bedhead turns his head towards her and give her a quick smug grin which had escaped on their teacher. "She was glaring at me and her face keeps getting worse and worse so I can't start." he explained.

"What!?" Kou snapped, dropping her pencil harshly down on the side of her drawing stand. "Look who's talking? F.Y.I." she raised a brow at him and crossed her arms. "I can't start too because of your weird hairstyle..."

"What did you said?"

Their classmates look at them as they threw death glare at each other.

"Hana-chan, aren't you the one who made our numbers?" Yuri asked in a whisper on Hana. "Did you-"

"Uh-huh." Hana nodded, admitting she purposely made those two as partners. "After what Yakkun said... I just got curious and I think he's not lying."

"See? You're the one who's glaring here." Kou whines, pointing her pencil on Kuroo.

"Atleast my face isn't scary like yours!" Kuroo mocked, laughing at her.

"Hn... I see." she huffed then grabs her pencil. "Now, I know how could I draw you." she said then drew something on her paper. "Ta-da! I'm done!" she laughed, showing it to him.

"Tch." he rolled his eyes on her then pick his paper and pencil then drew on it. "Then this is you." he said, showing his. "Not bad right... Thus is exactly you." he scoffed. "You're like looking at your reflection."

Their teacher clamped her eyes shut as she crossed her arms and her brows furrowed after seeing what the pair did - a drawing of a rooster on Kou's paper while a cat on Kuroo's.

"Rooster head!"

"Stray cat!"


"You two!" the two had paused and slowly their heads tilt towards their teacher who kist shouted.

They bith swallowed thuckky, waiting for the teacher's next words.

The teacher look at them with obvious madness on her eyes as she speaks. "Stay until you finish a portrait of your faces!"


"Finish! Meaning you can't take it home."

"This is your fault." Kuroo grumbled as he leaned his back on the chair, playing a pencil on his long fingers.

"Shut up and just hurry so we could leave now." Kou said, gritting her teeth as she draw.

He sighed heavily then begin to draw too. "This reminds me... something like this happened before..." the memory instantly made him smile.

"Huh?" she abruptly look up on him.

She went to a long pause until she remembered it and a smile appeared on her face.

He laughed shortly and shook his head as he bent down, crossing his leg to leaned his canvas board on it since he didn't use a stand so they could both see each other while they draw. Too focus on his work, he doesn't noticed that Kou was watching him.

She shook her head then get back to her drawing. "In our first year in middle school... the teacher get mad on us and we had to stay after school."

"Yeah..." Kuroo nodded then look up to her. "I guess... we haven't grown, huh."

She glance to him and halfly smile then she gazed down on her pencil that had pointed to her drawing of his cat-like eyes. She smirks and continued. "Atleast I don't pull your hair this time."

She was too into her canvas to see that he was intensely staring at her with a grin on his face.

He dropped his canvas board on a chair next to him, he leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms.

"About Kurumi..."

That made Kou lose focus as she unintentionally pressed her pencil on the board, causing the lead to broke. She cleared her throat, stopping herself to look at him as she leaned down to get her pencil case under her chair.

"What about her?" she asked, getting a cutter out of her case then she starts to sharpen her pencil.

Kuroo's eyebrow quirked up on her stuttering voice as he watched her hands that held the cutter and the pencil. He clicked his tongue, noticing her fingers wasn't grasping the pencil right and at her first attempt, the blade almost slits on her index finger.

"Hey, give that to me." he said but she turned on the other side and did another cut on the the pencil.

"It's fine."

Kuroo groans on her stubborn tone as he stood up on his seat and smoothly walks towards her to steal the cutter on her hands.

"Ugh!" Kou growled, throwing the pencil on the trash bin behind her, not giving Kuroo a chance to get it from her. "It's no use."

The bedhead watches her as she ignored him, turning around to her seat. She picks her case again and get a new sharpened pencil and get back to her canvas without another word for him. He sighed and lips parted to speak up but he was cut off.


They both surprised, looking on the door and find the person who had mentioned on their conversation - Kurumi was standing outside their room, wearing that bright smile of hers.

"Oh, hi, Tsukishima-san." she greeted as she walk inside the room and approach them.

Kou gave her a shy smile and the girl smiled back before turning towards Kuroo.

"What were you two still doing here?" Kurumi asked with her soft tone.

Kou attempted tk speak up but when she saw Kurumi pouting at Kuroo, she shrugged.

Not hearing a response, she turns her head and see Kuroo staring at him. She make an eye movement to tell him he should be the one to respond since the girl was obviously just focused on him.

Kuroo rolled his eyes on Kurumi and mumbled. "Why don't you ask yourself?"

"The fuck is that." Kou told to herself as she watches Kuroo past on Kurumi and sat back to his chair.

Kurumi giggles and steps towards him. "I went to the gym and you weren't there, that's why I-"

Kuroo groans as he looked up to her. "I told you to stop going to -"

"Yes, I know..." the girl cut him off as she nodded, smiling at him. Kuroo clicks his tongue and gaze back to his canvas with furrowed brows. Kurumi chuckles and continue. "Hey, Tetsu-chan, let's go to a party... it's Shun's birthday."

Kou hurriedly look down on her canvas and aimed to finish it so she could leave the two and privately talk.
"Tch." Kuroo hissed at her in irritation. "Kurumi, I'm not interested on those kind of things and I have practice today."

Kurumi raised a brow and smirks. "How about after practice... We could also invite Tsukishima-san if you want."

That made Kuroo snapped his head up to Kurumi and she gave her a playful grin before looking at Kou who seems shock on the sudden mention of her name.

"Huh? Me?" Kou asked her and Kurumi nodded. "Uh.. I..." she stammers, looking between the pair and Kuroo watched her, waiting for her next words. She swallowed thickly, taking the courage to speak up. "I'm.."

"Kou, aren't you done?... Oh!" Hana gasped, witnessing the awkward scene when she came. She look around and narrowed her eyes to her friend. She frowned, noticing Kou's face seems pale.

"Ah, I'm done... I think I could go now." Kou quickly collects her stuffs as she speaks. "Thank you for the invitation but I'm sorry, I have plans today." no one saw her face but her voice seems she was smiling.

But it was a fake one.

She zipped her bagpack closed, not bothered to hang it on her shoulder, she hugs it tight.

Kuroo's lips pressed in thin line as he watched her clumsily moving, she even dropped a pencil awhile ago. Kou clears her throat as she turns towards his direction and bowed on them, without sparing a second to look at him.

Kou hurriedly run towards the door. "Let's go." she whispered as she grabs Hana's hand.

"Oi, wait." Kuroo didn't able to stop her as she already left with Hana.

He looked at her canvas on her table and the corners of his lips twitched up when he saw that she perfectly finished her drawing and she even make his hair more spiky like she wants to mock him.

"You like this one?"

"No, Yuri... this is better for Kou."

"No! This one fits on her."

"Nah, girls, just pick for yourselves." Kou shook her head as she sat down on a chair, watching Hana and Yuri trying some dresses.

"Fine." the two replied then went inside the changing room then after a minute Yuri came out first.

"What do you think, Kou?" Yuri asked, wearing a white dress with collar and pink belt.

"Hn." Kou smiled. "Kotaro is so lucky on you."

"Ahh! Kou! Don't tease me." Yuri blushed.

Kou laughed, "What? I'm just saying the truth. You're too pretty for that horned owl."

"Kou, look." Hana pose, putting one hand on her waist. With her long legs, the black short skirt looks good on her as she wore a light blue long sleeves.

"Nice." Kou gave her a thumbs up. "You have a date too?"

"Yah, next Saturday." Hana smiled. "I'm still dating Keita."

"He seems fine, Hana. Aki told me that Keita might be quiet at first but he's a good guy."

"I don't know. I want him being a gentleman but I want him to be a little, you know... uh... manlier. Believe it or not, we'd been dating for the a month and he didn't even try to kiss me." Hana frowns. "Being too kind is a pain in the ass sometimes."

Yuri heartly giggles and that made Kou and Hana look curiously at her.

"Woah! Someone got a kiss on her first date." Hana said and Yuri nodded with blush on her face.

"Wow!" Kou gasped, thinking how quick Bokuto was.

"Hn." Hana scoffed then turns to Kou. "See Kou, even Yuri is having some fun with her boyfriend... Now, it's your turn."

Kou rolled her eyes and muttered. "It's not that easy."

"It's easy." Hana raised a brow at her. "I heard from Yakkun the story of you and Kuroo... So you two have some 'past' huh?"

Kou's eyes widened. "Wha-" she make a face then groans. "That big mouth, Morisuke."

"Now, is it still the same?"

At that question, she turned on the other side and sighed. "Still the same, huh..." the thought made her shook her head and smirks. "Maybe." she shrugged her shoulders, turning back to her friend. "We're talking now and like before we were fighting again but we're good so I could say we're still friends... same as we were before."

"'Friends'. I won't buy that." Hana rolled her eyes.

"Hn." she gave her an assuring smile as she stood on her seat. "Past is past."

"It's still the same as before, I'm totally out of his league." she told to herself.

The girls were on the cash register's counter to pay the clothes they chose when someone called their attention.


"Hmph." Kou look around and saw Kurumi waving a hand above her. "Kurumi-san." she smiled and looking at her she noticed something. "So Kuroo didn't come with her."

"Hi." Kurumi approached her and noticed her company. "Oh! You're with your friends." she look at them and smiled, offering her hand. "Hi, guys. I'm Kurumi.."

Hana raised a brow and nod at her, remembering she'd already met her awhile ago.

"Kurumi Ai!" Yuri excitedly took her hand shake. "I'm Yuri Haruno."

"Oh... It's nice to meet you." Kurumi stated and look at Hana, who seems no plans on introducing herself.

"Ah..." Kou felt the ice building between the two, knowing Hana- she always based her attitude to someone on her first impression. "Kurumi-san... ah... this is Hana Mikoshiba."

"Hi." Kurumi just smiled at her and Hana did the same too.

"Hmph!" Lev widened his eyes.

"Who are these bastards?" Tora scowled.

"Yeah! Yeah! How dare them!" Inuoka whines.

"What's wrong?" Yaku asked when he enters the club room with Kai and saw the first years and second years in group, having commotion.

"Yaku-san, Kai-san... look." Lev approached him and show a photo from instagram.

The instagram account belongs to KurumiAi and there was a photo of her with familiar faces and some are not. Those familiar ones were Kou, Hana and Yuri.

"Oi, Kei!" Yaku calls on Kei who just got out of the shower room and show him the picture.

"It's fine. Hana-senpai and Yuri-senpai were there and Aki-nii chan said she called him." he said. "But I'm wondering who were those guys with them... They were third years too, right?"

"Yeah." Yaku nodded.

"Oh, I know this one." Tora points on a blonde guy with pierced on left ear. "If I'm not mistaken his from Class 3-2."

"Yah... This guy too." Inuoka points on the other guy.

"What's that?"

"Oi, boss!" Tora welcomed as Kuroo came with Kenma.

"Kuroo." Yaku throws the phone on him.

He flips the phone as he caught it and his eyes widened when he saw Kou with some people he knows.

"Why is she with them?"

"Who's she? My sister or your Kurumi?" Kei asked, sarcastically.

"Of course, I'm talking about Kou. These were Kurumi's friends."

"Why are you so mad? I could see Mikoshiba-san and Haruno-san on the picture, so I think it's fine even for Aki." Kenma said.

"Kenma is right, Kuroo. There's nothing to worry." Kai patted his back. "Incase you have other reason to react negatively on that."

The boys just left Kuroo as they continue to pack up while he stare on the phone screen, imagining what happen during and after that moment.

"Shit." he muttered with clenched jaws.

"By the way Tsukishima-san... oh yeah Kou-san... I can call you that right?" Kurumi asked as she look on her reflection in the mirror of the restaurant's comfort room.

Kou nodded, turning at her after she washed her hands while Kurumi retouched her makeup and put some lipstick.

"I'm just wondering.... um..." Kurumi's expression suddenly becomes serious like it was the total opposite of what she always be. "What's with you and Tetsurou?"

"Huh?" Kou can't help to be surprised on her sudden question and she felt nervous as her tone went cold.

"I just want to know, since I like Kuroo and I want to be friends with you, I want to be sure that you are really a friend and not a rival, not like my old friends." she smiled.

Kou just stared at her with straight face. "I-"

"Some people says he likes me too but I'm not yet sure." she continued. "He wasn't saying anything. I guess he's too busy to date. For now I want to be friends with people around him... so what's with you two? I kinda notice you're close to him."

"Ahh." she looked down as she dried her hands with her handkerchief then gazed back at her. "Don't worry... Kuroo and I we're just friends... we happened to be old classmates and he's close to my brothers too. You don't have to worry, he doesn't like girls like me." she replied in a rush.

"Oh, That's good." Kurumi smiles as she stares at Kou. "Since you're close to him, maybe you can share me what he thinks about me."

"Ah, a little but we're not really that close."

"Kou, have you..." Hana paused as she enters the room and saw Kou's face that seems nervous. "Oops, sorry."

"I'll be going." Kurumi then walk out and leave the two.

"She likes him..."

"He likes her... too"

"She likes him..."

That was what Kou keeps thinking since last night and now as she kept her eyes on her notebook while her teacher was discussing in front of them.

"Ughh! What am I thinking!" she knocked herself, running crosses on her paper with her pen then crampled it, feeling so annoyed and uncomfortable at the same time.

She doesn't know why but she feels pain on her stomach. She tried to go to the toilet earlier for the third time but nothing came out.

"She's so cute and..."

She leaned her chin on her palm as she look up and her head unintentionally moves to her left.

She sighs as she absentmindedly stares at this bedhead classmate of her, sitting comfortably on his desk with stretched feet on the floor while playing his pen on bis long fingers.

Kuroo seems not interested into the class, he wasn't even writing anything on his notebook but it wasn't really necessary for him since he still could pick up things just by listening.

His eyes were focused in front as his teacher discusses when he felt someone was staring at him.

"What's wrong with her?" he mumbled, looking at Kou who seems not realising that he already noticed her. She still stares at him with sleepy eyes.

"If she's the mystery volleyball girl, so what?... Tch. Like I fucking care."

When the bell rings, Kou stood up and hurried out of their room as she felt the urge to cool down again and the pain of her stomach is getting worse.

She hurriedly runs on the comfort room and stayed inside a cubicle for immeasurable time doing nothing. She tried to focus on some other things yet she ended up thinking the view of Kurumi and Kuroo together, again and again.

The silence if the room breaks when someone kicks the door.

"So they'd get back together? Urgh!" some groans, obviously frustrated. "I thought I have the chance to make a move on Kuroo when she went to America and now she's back. What the hell."

Kou heard the sound of shoes which seems that a group of three girls had entered.

"Kurumi is Kurumi. We all know she can have all the boys if she wanted too."

"And as it seems... Kuroo was into her, you know you'll lose even without trying to flirt with him."

"Tch. I can't accept that he had slept with her... For Pete's sakes, it was just on their first date." another irritated groan echoed the room. "Damn it."

The girls had left after minutes and Kou was still inside a cubicle, staring blankly on the door.

She heard it.

Every word.

Every damn word the girl just said.

She slowlyopened the door then decided to get back on their classroom. She was walking on the hallway not bothered by the other students as she mumbled words, feeling her stomach had twisted.

She shake herself but the conversation she heard keeps playing on her head.

"Kuroo was into her."

It was the words on her head but the image she's imagining was different. Now she wants to slam her head on the wall, hoping the picture of Kuroo's shirtless body flew out of her head. It was causing her to think about that silly rumor she heard. Knowing Kuroo, he won't do that but he's a man... As impossible as it sounds like, it still feasible - Kuroo with Kurumi, in intimate position, barely clothed.

"Damn it." she shut her eyes as her head faces down.

She walks, hugging her stomach when the pain came back.

"Oh, sorry." she apologised when she bumped into someone.

She take a step to the other side then without glancing or saying another word, she passed through this someone but she was pulled back.

"What's wrong?"


Kou was shock when her eyes snapped open wide and she saw the hand that held her wrist. She blinks, recognising the voice that had spoke.

"Are you sick?" Kuroo held her shoulders, helping her to stand straight, noticing that she almost lost her balance when she stepped back.

She look up on him, unblinking for some seconds.

Kuroo frowns at her. Being impatient for her answer, he put the back of his hand over her forehead. Feeling the warmth on her skin, Kou flinched, having her senses back.

"Tch." Kou hissed as she slapped his hand off of her. "I'm not sick."

"If not... Then why is your face so pale and you're acting so weird too?"

"It's nothing." Kou shook her head, looking away from him. She raised her hand to cup her cheek and she couldn't help to wince on the feeling of her cold fingertips. She glanced down and bit her lower lip to calm herself, holding the growing pain of her stomach then she look back at him. "What are you talking about weird? You're the one who's weird here."

She pressed her lips together, feeling that even talking makes her a bit nauseous.

"What happen last night when you're with Kurumi and her friends?" Kuroo lowered himself to level his face on Kou.

Kou bit her lower lip to suppress her irritation.

"Nothing." she answered curtly, glancing for a second on him then look away again.

"Tch." Kuroo clicked his tongue and crossed his arms.

Just by watching her expression he got the answer. That simple moves of her means the opposite.

"I thought you've changed but it seems when it comes on lying... you still sucks.' he scoffed.

"Hn?" she quirked her brow on him.

"Kurumi and I were just old classmates. Nothing more, nothing less."

Kou held his stare at him and huffed. "So? No one ask--"


Kou was cut off when a familiar voice called Kuroo from his behind.

"Ow. Hi, Kou." Kurumi greeted her.

Kou look at the blonde girl then to Kuroo and the previous image of the couple inside her head flashes back. She snapped her head down as her eyes clamped shut.

Kuroo was about to ask her but Kurumi had it first.

Something wrong, Kou?" she asked.

The brunette look up to them again. She avoided to make an eye contact to anyone of them as she replied. "I... have to go."

Kou smiled at Kurumi and bowed on them before she turn.

Kuroo just watch Kou walking away,running his fingers on his hair, feeling irritated on what just happen.

"Oh! Hana-senpai! Yuri-senpai!"

Hana and Yuri look on the tall guy who called them.


Lev with Tora, Shohei and Inuoka walk towards them.

"Hm, where's Kou-senpai?" Taketora asked.

Hana pointed and they turned, peeking inside the locker room and there was Kou with someone.

"Who's that?" Inuoka leered on this guy having a conversation with their brunette senpai.

Tora scowled, attempting to march towards them. "Who the hell is that-"

"Jeez..." Hana stops him by grabbing his jacket. "That's just Sousuke Yamato."

"What are you guys looking at?"

"Hn?" Lev turns and saw their captain and Kenma approaching them. "Ah... we're just looking at Kou-senpai."

Kuroo smirked on the mentioned name. He tilt his head to look at where Lev had pointed and his expression quickly shifted as his brows furrowed, not liking the view of Kou with Mr. Charming President.

The two walks out of the room, next to each other and saw Hana and Yuri with Nekoma Volleyball boys.

Kou smiled as the boys waves at her which gives energetic vibes on her.


"Hello, children." she greeted with a smile then a sudden dryness of throat caused her to cough. She was quick enough to turn to the other side as she covered her mouth. She cleared her throat before facing them. "Oh God, I'm sorry." she apologised, still have her handkerchief over her lips.

"Are you okay, senpai?" Tora asked, noticing that aside from that dry cough, Kou's voice was low.

"Huh?" she blinked thoroughly and cleared her throat again. "Oh yah." she nodded, trying to smile wider.

Lev, Tora, Shohei and Inuoka smiled at her, relieved on her answer then their expression changed as their gaze moves on the guy next to her.

Sousuke felt their sharp stares at him but he kept a friendly smile them. "Hi, guys." he greeted then he caught another gaze at him which was shaper and intense. It was from the guy with raiven bedhead hair.

Noticing Sousuke was also looking at him, Kuroo crossed his arms and greet him with a quick nod. Sousuke did the same but unlike his unfriendly greeting, he smiles at Kuroo which makes the bedhead more pissed.

Kou was busy on being attentive to listen on the others especially to Lev who was telling her his new skills yet she still felt the pain of her stomach but she tried not to be noticed.


"Hmph!" they all turn their heads on the same direction and saw Kurumi running towards them

"Woah! This is great. You're all here. Are you free today?" Kurumi speak up with enthusiasm. "Do you want to have dinner together? It's on me."

"Where?" Lev asked. "We have our off today!"

"Ah, my family just open a restaurant, it wasn't that far from my apartment."

"Are we invited on that or we should go now? She seems just talking with the guys." Hana whispered on Kou yet she seems not focused on what was happening as she felt she's not on good condition to speak anymore.

Kou felt a sudden sweats on her forehead so she hurried to get a handkerchief on her bag to wipe it.

"Hey, Kou-san." Kurumi called, looking at them.

"Oi." she momentarily lift her head up to look at her.

"You're going too right? and you too guys." Kurumi pointed on Hana, Yuri and Sousuke.

"Ah..." Kou breathed deeply and look on the three, waiting to reply but she can't help to bit her dry lips as she felt the pain on her stomach came back.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sousuke bent down to look at Kou's face clearly when he noticed her pale face.

"Yeah, don't mind me." she nodded, smiling at him then wipes her sweats again. "Do you want to go, guys?"

"I want to but how about you? You said you need to go home early." Yuri said. "I don't want to leave you."

Kou can't help to smile, seeing Yuri cutely pout.

"I'll be fine, sweetie." she said as she pinched Yuri's cheeks then she faced Kurumi. "Ah, I'm sorry Kurumi-san but I have to be home early today but these guys are going with you."

"You're not going with us, huh? Kou-senpai?" Lev runs towards her.

"Ah, I'm sorry but I can't, maybe next time. I'm-"

"Urghhh! Kou-senpai!" Inuoka stomps his feet like a kid throwing some tantrums.

"Are you just trying to escape, huh, senpai?" Tora scowled at her.

"No! no." Kou waves her hands. "Try to ask Kei tomorrow. I can prove you that i'm saying the truth."

"Eyyy! Fine... Fine... just be sure about that 'next time' okay?"

"Yeah. I will." she scratch a finger on her cheek. "I'm sorry again, Kurumi-san." she bowed.

"Ah, it's okay. I understand." Kurumi just smiled at her.

"Kou, I can walk you home." Sousuke whispered on her. "It's getting late."

"Or me, senpai." Lev added when he heard Sousuke.

"Me too." Inuoka raised his hand.

"No, you guys can't do that. She invited the team." she whispered as she look at Kurumi talking to Kuroo and Kenma. "And you need to walk these two safely home after the dinner. You, Lev and Shohei be with Hana and Lev, Tora and Sousuke with Yuri." she commanded. "I'll kill you if something happens on them."

"Oss!" the volleyball boys saluted.

Sousuke look at Yuri and Hana and they nodded at him.

"Believe me, she's not joking."Yuri said.

"Fine. But are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Of course, Sousuke. That's Tsukishima Kou, not a normal highschool girl you know." Hana stated.

"Guys, can we go now?" Kurumi said with excitement as she suddenly grabs Kuroo's arms.

He tried to remove it yet she tightly held him instead.

Kenma moves aside and look at Lev and Inuoka who seems not happy to go anymore.

"Bye, Kou." Yuri hugs her.

"See you tomorrow." Hana did the same.

"We're going." Sousuke waves at her and she just salute on him.

Kuroo look back at Kou yet kurumi pulled him as the others followed yet not all did.

"Guys, come on. There will be next time."

Kou look at Lev and Inuoka who are still standing next to her with crossed arms in their stomach and pursed lips.

"Don't be such a baby." she said.

Lev and Inuoka don't even flinch and still not making any step forward.

"Let's go!" Tora held Lev on his shirt as Shohei on Inuoka and they walk away. "Bye, senpai."

"Bye." Kenma said, waving at her.

"Bye bye." she smile and waves on them as they all leave.

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