By harrycherrystyles

250K 4.4K 8.3K

One simple nickname was all it took for the two broken souls to start something they didn't know they could f... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Nine•
•Forty One•
•Forty Two•
•Forty Three•
*EXTRA* •Alternate Ending•

•Thirty Eight•

2.4K 54 107
By harrycherrystyles

Harry's Pov

I can't believe I forgot to pack Zayn a pair of boxers.

Going commando is never comfortable in a pair of jeans, I feel bad for the poor guy.

I'd be scared for him if he had to go to the bathroom right now, that zipper could do some SERIOUS damage.

I actually want to see what his kids would look like with the right girl that makes his heart swell like Natalia does for mine.

I shivered as I immediately thought of that one movie, There's Something About Mary, Ben Stiller still gives my dîck nightmares.

After I apologized for the twentieth time, we decided to finally meet up with the agents who would be helping my men and I with Thomas and his gang.

There were surprisingly a lot of them, six in total, two in each of the SUVs that pulled up with such an entrance.

I will admit that this group of people looks like they know their shît and I wouldn't be surprised if they were to take an interest to Spencer when they meet him.

He is way too good to just be working for my station, of course I'd be upset to see him go but I want what's best for him.

I shook my thoughts away as I approached the closest agent to me who wasn't busy with Liam and Henry.

"Hello, I'm Chief Harry Edward Styles of the NYPD and this is a close friend of mine, Zayn Malik"

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Agent Dan Solsen"

He reached out to shake mine and Zayn's hand then he started introducing me to the five other agents that would be working with us.

This is one of my best men, Agent Sam Nolan"

We shook hands with him and he just gave a slanted smile as he was one of the agents keeping an eye on the two fûcks.

"Here to Sam's left is the beautiful Agent Arlene Holmes"

"It's so nice to meet you both. Forgive Sam, he's always been a sourpuss. He won't even smile for me and I've gotten him out of trouble one too many times"

"And you know how appreciative I am Arlene, just because I don't smile doesn't mean I'm not happy"

"Whoa! Sam is happy?! Could've fooled me lad"

"This goofball here is Louis Tomlinson, it's never a dull time in any city with him around"

"Why thank you Dan, that is so sweet of you! I know you can't stand me though. Angela is the only one who can tolerate me out of all of you and she's married to Dave"

After that statement, a man holding the hand of a woman came up to us with polite smiles, hers being more inviting than his.

"Hi there Chief Styles, I'm Agent Angela Jackson"

We shook hands then I looked over to the man who was standing next to her and he kind of creeped me out with how calm he looks right now, like he's got a kink for this line of work when everything runs smoothly.

"Name's Dave Jackson, her husband, welcome to our small family"

I nodded over at him, thanking him then looked over at Sam who was whispering something to Arlene who then nodded.

"If everything is alright Dan, I think it's time we brought these two in for questioning at the station. Is there somewhere we can set up there Chief Styles?"

"There is Agent Holmes, I would be happy to lead you all to the station but afterwards I need to visit someone in the hospital"

"Would that happen to be a Ms. Natalia Jones?"

I looked over at Louis with a serious expression as he spoke about her like he was a close relative.

"Calm down there big fella, it's just a question"

Louis put his hands up in defense as I continued to glare at him.

"That's my personal business. Please, follow me agents"

With a last nod I motioned for Zayn to follow me and I felt all the eyes of the agents doing so as well.

Maybe I was overreacting a tiny bit but I can't be too careful with anyone anymore when it comes to my girl.

Look at what happened with Henry, he was the closest to her in her own place of work.

She thought he would protect her with his life when he was the one who almost caused her to lose her own.

That building has the worst security system ever, I have a lot of work to do in this damn city.

That pisses me the bloody hell off and I need to punch something.

Maybe I'll pay a visit to the gym Natalia dragged Reid and I to that one time.

Ah, the good old days.

That's when I fought Reid in the ring, I was definitely showing off for Natalia but apparently so was he.

I managed to to catch a glimpse of her after I had landed a good one on Spencer and she was more than entertained, she looked very turned on and from that moment on I knew that one of my purposes in this life was to please her in every possible way that I could.

I miss the feel of her, her smell, the warmth her body gave me during these cold winter nights.

I just want her to hold onto me as I listen to that heartbeat race in that gorgeous chest of hers.

Zayn pulled me out of my thoughts and I almost wanted to kick him.

"That wasn't awkward at all..."

"Shut it Zayn, you know Natalia is a sensitive topic"

"I know. It's just, by acting that way they might start thinking of you as a suspect and a part of that gang"

"Well if that's really what they're thinking then they are getting too much praise for being one of the best teams in the FBI"

We made it to my car and then we all made our way to the station.

I felt like I was the shît as I noticed people staring at us, me being in front of the agents' cars.

By the time we pulled into the lot, I watched as Sam and Arlene dragged the two pieces of shît out of the car then Dan intervened which made Arlene cross her arms over her chest.

I watched as Sam and Dan dragged them in and I led them over to the interrogation rooms.

Sam went in with Liam in one room while Dan went in with Henry in the other.

Henry looked absolutely terrified, like he was about to piss himself.

Liam on the other hand was expressionless, like he knew nothing could happen to him.

Well Liam, we'll just have to wait and see about that.

I left the agents to do their thing and met Arlene outside where she was setting up a board and the first group of pictures were of Natalia and her family.

They were smack in the middle of the board as Arlene started drawing arrows out only to put up more pictures of people involved.

I shook my head as I continued heading out of the station, waving bye to Angela and Dave, then over to my car where Zayn was still in the passenger seat.

The drive to the hospital was peaceful with the radio on as background noise.

I could tell that Zayn wanted to say something to me but couldn't find the words.

I remained silent, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable as we approached the hospital parking lot.

We climbed out of the car and head inside only for the lovely doctor to nod at us and we head straight back.

When I reached the door and opened it, Natalia was laughing with the boys as Jordan had his arms crossed over his chest nodding his head with his lips pushed out while Reid and Crawford were cheering down at what looked like a board game.

She looked so much better, the color was returning to her beautiful brown skin and she looked more lively.

"Well if it isn't my favorite bunch of people in one room"

Everyone's head turned to me and Zayn and I smiled as I looked right into my girl's eyes.

"I've missed you baby. Are you here to take a turn with me and let these boys get some fresh air?"

"I guess I can do that, I've missed you Sweetheart"

I smiled and winked at her then faced the boys who looked like they were waiting for an update.

"The FBI is setting things up at the station and they are interrogating Liam Payne and Henry Cavill"

"I remember... Henry led me to a car and then someone in the backseat held a cloth to my mouth and nose.. I think he's being blackmailed. He looked guilty and upset the entire time we were heading out to the car"

"Yet you still left with him?"

"I thought it was due to the fact that we were going to get lunch and he knew I was your girlfriend! I can't predict whenever I'm going to get kidnapped Harry!"

I took a deep breath in then out and turned to the boys.

"Go introduce yourselves, see what they have down so far, try to come up with a plan on how we can take down those fûckers once and for all. I'm tired of seeing people getting hurt and dying. I also want Sanders' body found and given a proper burial. It's the least he deserves"

The boys all nodded and started heading out, Zayn quickly saying hi to my girl before he left with the rest saying he wanted to 'keep an eye' on the agents.

That is, after he finally puts on some protecting boxers.

He has a suspicion that one of them might be working with Thomas and in all honestly I wouldn't discard that theory.

Anyone could be out to hurt Natalia and her family right now.

I looked back over at my girl who had her arms crossed over her chest with a squint to her eyes.

"Sweetheart.. I'm sorry"

"You better be"

I smirked and shook my head as I approached her side and took the chair that Reid was sitting at and grabbed her hands.

Our fingers immediately entwined and I brought them both up to my lips and kissed each sweetly and slowly.

"I've missed you so much"

Tears were forming in my eyes as I thought back to the fear and suffering I went through not knowing where she was.

I had hope to never feel that way again but here we are.

"Oh Harry, baby, look at me please"

I looked into her eyes and she smiled lightly as she pulled one of her hands from mine to the side of my face, rubbing her thumb lightly across my cheek back and forth.

"Don't cry anymore, I'm okay now. I'll get better and as soon as I'm out of here, we're moving from my crappy apartment, okay?"

"You got it love, I'll start packing now if that what you want?"

"Definitely, my lease is pretty much up anyways. We still have your place for now incase we can't find anything right away"

"True, but once we find something, I'm leaving that place for good. Too much pain is connected to it. I can't think of living there anymore"

She nodded her head at me and started to scoot over so that I could lay in that tiny uncomfortable bed with her.

She wrapped her arms around me as I carefully did the same to her and I almost started to sob as I was surrounded by her smell.

Even though she's been away wherever Thomas held her and now here in the hospital, she still smells like herself and I smiled.

"God I've missed you"

She pulled me closer to her and I tightened my hold slightly being careful not to hurt her and I felt her lips kiss the top of my head then my forehead and finally, my lips.

I moaned against her mouth as she shoved her tongue inside of my own, licking the roof of my mouth as I let out a sigh from how hard I was starting to get.

"Don't start something you can't finish Natalia. We can't do this right now, I don't want to hurt you"

"I know, but I've missed you so damn much. This ache I feel between my legs is only getting stronger. Can't you just... I don't know... taste me at least?"

I pulled back away from her face and saw the pleading glint in her eye.

How could I say no to her?

She's so goddamn kinky I love it, it's going to get us both in trouble one day.

I started having flashbacks of that time we shared right outside the interrogation rooms and the fear of getting caught by anyone in the station only increased the pleasure I felt.

I shook my head at her playfully and smirked.

"Alright, let me close the blinds and block the door then"

I pulled down all the blinds that could reveal the sinful act we were about to perform and placed three chairs in front of the door.

By the time I was finished hiding us from the rest of the hospital, she was already waiting, her legs spread wide and making me salivate at the sight of her.

Jesus Christ it's been way too long since I've heard her cries of pleasure, her begging always hardening my dîck.

"I wish I could reciprocate what you're going to do to me but..."

"Don't even worry about it Sweetheart, I'll think of this moment in the shower when I get home to our dog"

"Awh, Bruno... my baby. I miss him so much"

Her mouth formed a pout and I immediately walked over to catch those lips on mine.

I leaned down as I stood there next to that damn puny bed, making out with the woman who has my entire heart and soul.

She moaned out and brought her hands up to my chest, rubbing them up and down which made me feel emotional on the inside.

I carefully wrapped my arms around her small body, bringing her up and closer to me as I was filled with joy that she was still alive and as safe as we could get her.

I traced my lips down to her jaw and peppered kisses on her there then moved down to her neck as I slowed down to make sure that they were those wet kisses that she loved.

"If it weren't for Sean, I could be fûcking you right now, I need to be the one who takes him down. Watching him suffer would make me so..."

She finished that sentence with a whine as she tightened her thighs together while I bit down lightly on her neck.

"That's kind of scary to hear you say that but it's understandable.. come here"

I pulled her in for another kiss then finally I climbed onto the bed straddling her so I could stare down at her.

"After I pleasure you Sweetheart, would you mind answering a few questions that I need answered?"

"Anything for you Harry. I love you"

I smiled as I felt my heart flutter with butterflies.

"I love you too Natalia. I always will"

I kissed her sweetly which earned me a cute smile and giggle then I slid down to finally position myself in between her thighs.

"Don't worry, I've showered"

I rolled my eyes as she laughed out loud but that was immediately silenced with a gasp as I licked her inner thighs, painfully close to where she wants me the most.

"Mm.. you're such a tease. I've missed you"

I kissed exactly where I licked them I finally tasted her.

"Bloody hell, so good"

I licked numerous stripes along her soaking slit, teasing her so bad she was basically dripping right into my mouth.

Her moans and cries made me so hard in my dress pants, I don't know how I'll get out of here and unnoticed by the entire world.

I shoved my tongue into her tight walls, my tongue being squeezed harshly as I began moving my head back and forth as I fûcked her with it.

Her hands immediately reached for my long curls, yanking hard on the roots that I groaned against her, sending vibrations that surely made her shiver.

She placed her feet along my back and curled her toes, grasping the smooth material in them.

"I'm close Harry, oh god, please! Let me cûm"

She was gasping for air as I swirled my thumb on her clît, my tongue still thrusting.

I really don't want her to hurt herself but bloody fûck does my dîck hurt from how hard it is...

"I'm cûmming!"

Her cries increased in volume as her thighs tensed up and her feet flattened against my back, her back arched as I felt her explode right into my mouth.

I hummed as I cleaned her up, licking my lips as I stared up at her as she collapsed back into the thin mattress.

"I can't wait until I can ride you, you look like you're suffering baby. You sure you don't at least want a handjob?"

"I'm okay sweetheart, I'll think of something. You need to rest now. I don't even know if you were allowed to do that, what if I caused you to rupture something?"

"Well if that were to happen Harry, I am in a hospital. The doctors and nurses will take care of me"

I smiled lightly and gave her one last kiss then fixed the room back up as she slept.

The questions I want to ask her about what happened can definitely wait, she deserves so much rest and peace.

It really isn't fair at all that she's had a target on her back basically the moment she was born, her father already paid the price so going after Natalia at this point is just heartless.

I took a seat back into the chair right next to her and just watched her after I put the room back to what it was before the lads left.

She looked so much better, less paranoid and tense.

I'm glad I could help Natalia out, even if it is performing acts that the devil himself loves to commit in such a public place, she's worth it always.

I placed my hand on top of hers and softly stroked my thumb across it.

She's so damn beautiful.

After a while I ended up falling asleep, still holding onto her hand.

By the time I woke up, the boys were back and Natalia was up but still holding onto my hand and all I could do was smile.

My bôner wasn't as bad now that I was relaxed but I still needed to take care of it, I hope no one notices it.

"What time is it? I need to feed Bruno and give him his well deserved dose of love. Then I have to meet back with the agents"

"It's about 7. Have any... special dreams?"

Reid roles his lips into his mouth as Jordan tried to hold in his laughter as Crawford asked me the question while hiding his smile.

Dammit, they can see it... at least they don't know how I originally got it.

"Alright, just let it out. This is the only freebie you lads ge-"

Before I could even get the statement fully out in the open, the three of them busted out in a fit of harsh laughter.

Reid leaned against Crawford as Jordan fell to the floor basically rolling underneath the bed.

I just nodded with a smirk at the boys as I then looked over at Natalia who was trying her hardest not to laugh at me or the boys.

After they finally calmed down I asked them what they managed to figure out but so far it wasn't anything that I hadn't already known so I wasn't going to try and rush back to the station.

I was about to leave after I gave the boys hugs and my girl a kiss when she spoke up.

"You wanted to ask me some questions right baby?"

"They can wait sweetheart. I'll give Bruno your love okay?"

She nodded and blew a kiss at me which I gladly caught then head out.

I had managed to fix myself in a way that it looked decent enough at first glance, stare at it too long and you'll know I'm suffering.

I checked my phone to see if I have any messages and one surprised the shît out of me that I had to stop in my tracks and raise my eyebrows at it.


I need you. Please come over.

She has got to be kidding, I really don't need another Nina situation where a girl is going to chase me around until I give her what she wants.

It's just not going to happen this time, I refuse to let this go on.


Delete this number. We had our fun, I'm happily in a relationship now. I'll see you around.. maybe.

I sent the text then deleted her number from my contacts and the messages.

If she's smart, she won't message back.

I climbed in my car and head out to Natalia's place.

The drive was painful as my erection really wanted to burst out of these pants but I remained strong until I finally reached the inside of Natalia's apartment.

This place was always clean no matter how long the two of us have been away, I wonder if she has someone come clean it regularly... I'll have to ask her about that.

Bruno was laying in his bed, back facing me and I immediately grew hot and cold.

Something doesn't feel right.

I dropped my belongings on the counter table and approached Bruno.

When I got full sight of him I saw that he was asleep, he was still breathing.

I went to touch him but he didn't even flinch.

What happened to my dog?

I stood up and turned around to see Austin walking out of Natalia's bedroom with some sort of bathroom robe on and the most serious expression I've ever seen.

I'm going to kill this bastard.

How dare he come to my girlfriends place and act like he lives here.

He must have given something to Bruno that causes him to sleep, that is crossing over the bloody fûcking line.

"If it isn't the big bad police officer. I finally get to meet the man who fûcks my sloppy seconds. How is she in bed? She was very inexperienced when I took her in that very bed like the slut she was. How's her head game? Christ she was bad at it, until I taught her of course"

It took everything in me not to grab my gun and just shoot the pissant, I need him to answer my questions...

Right here, right NOW.

No matter how bad my boner hurts right now...




But hello my lovely Whoreos :) life is so crazy for me right now... I WANT PEACE DAMMIT

Anywhore, did we like the chapter?

Like I said, as we reach closer to the ending the chapters will slowly get longer

How do we feel about the agents? Any favorites so far?

Do you think Zayn might be onto something that there may be a possibility that one of the agents might be working for Thomas or do you think he's on crack just wanting to start unnecessary drama?

Ooooooh we're slowly getting back to our Harry and Natalia smut ;) I know it's been a while for them... THEY DESERVED TO GET FREAKY IN THE HOSPITAL. I AIN'T JUDGING THEM, GO OFF.

I absolutely LOVED how the boys just laughed at Harry's misery HAHAHAH poor Harold :,)


AUSTIN DRUGGED BRUNO AND IS BAD MOUTHING NATALIA..... he's so dead, angry Harry is going to enter the damn chat OOP

Any predictions for the next chapter?

Vote and comment please and thank you! You know how much I adore you and your feedback! It motivates me to continue writing for you all!

I love you Whoreos 💘

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