Twists Of Our Life [Jikook]

By parkmochimm

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Jimin and Jungkook are the happily married ideal couple. To the world they are the best made for each other... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Flashback 1)
Chapter 42 (Flashback 2)
Chapter 43 (Flashback 3)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 38

1.1K 101 9
By parkmochimm

Author's POV

Jungkook laid beside a sleeping Jimin.
With a long and heavy sigh, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Next morning

Jimin scrunched up his face when the golden rays of sun hit his face. He brought his hand to cover his face from the bright sun. Jimin with his eyes still closed, reached his hand out to close the curtains of the window.

Jimin then lazily opened his eyes, blinking few times to get the sleep off of his eyes. He pushed himself to sit, yawning in process. Jimin reached his hand to remove the blanket off of him but he stopped when he realized where he was.

When did I come up here? I was sleeping on the couch last night Jimin thought and then looked to his side to see Jungkook still sleeping soundly.

A smile crept on his face when he realized what had happened.

Jungkook must have brought me Jimin thought smiling to himself. He removed the few strands of hair covering Jungkook's forehead.

Jimin stood up on his feet and started doing his daily morning routine.

Sometime later, Jungkook woke up lazily stretching and yawning audibly. He looked over his side to see if Jimin was there but as he didn't see Jimin, he thought Jimin might have woken up.

After showering, Jungkook climbed downstairs to go to kitchen. He knew as Jimin had woken up before him, he might have already prepared the breakfast.

As expected Jimin was waiting for him with breakfast in the dining room. Jungkook didn't spare him any glance and sat down to serve food for himself.

But, Jimin stopped him and insisted on serving the food. Jungkook didn't say him anything just let him do whatever he wanted. Jungkook unconsciously clenched his jaw when he heard what Jimin asked him next.

"Where is Jiwoon? He didn't come out for breakfast today" Jimin asked wondering where he was.
"He's not here" Jungkook said trying to sound unbothered.
"What? What do you mean he's not here?" Jimin asked not understanding what Jungkook meant.
"He left" Jungkook replied.
"What? How come he left so suddenly" Jimin couldn't help but ask.
"Why? You have any problem with that?" Jungkook asked through gritted teeth instead of answering Jimin's question.

Jimin frowned upon hearing Jungkook's question. "Why would I have any problem? I am just asking because he suddenly left without informing"

"Well he informed me so that's enough" Jungkook curtly replied. He had lost his appetite to eat but since Jimin woke up and made breakfast for him, he unwillingly ate it. Also he knew if he didn't eat breakfast, Jimin would refuse to have it too.

After Jungkook was done eating breakfast, he got ready and went to his work place without even saying a good bye to Jimin like he always does.

And so, finally it was confirmed that something was not right.

What went wrong?

Why is Jungkook behaving like this?

Is it me?

Did I do something wrong?

Doesn't he... Doesn't he love me anymore?

Is he getting tired of me?

Tons of questions flooded Jimin's mind which started to give him headache.

He doesn't know what to think anymore? What is the actual reason?
Jimin needs to know and he will find out. He was determined.

Jimin then took his phone and texted someone.


Jungkook was in his new cabin staring at nothing particularly. He didn't even tell Jimin about his promotion. Jimin would have been very happy.... right?

What went wrong though?

Why was he in another man's arms in my absence?

Did he do that often?

Did he even love me ever in the first place?

But who am I to blame anyone. I cheated on him too. Jungkook chuckled bitterly.

Jungkook can't talk to Jimin. Hell! he couldn't even meet eyes with him because his guilt was eating him alive. And on top of all, Mina didn't come to office today. Ofcourse she won't! How dumb of Jungkook.

Jungkook wanted to apologize to her, even though he didn't know how, he was going to do that. This time he didn't do something which is forgivable and he knew that better than anyone else.


Now it was evening already and Jimin was sitting on the couch waiting for Jungkook with a book in his hand to distract himself. He was watching TV for a while but soon he got bored with it.

Soon, he heard noises of parking of a car outside his house indicating that Jungkook was here.

Jimin placed his book down and stood right in front of the door. Jungkook came in, ignoring Jimin and walked right past him but Jimin caught his wrist stopping him.

Jungkook turned around to face Jimin with an angry expression. He really didn't want to do anything to Jimin that he would regret later but Jimin wasn't helping at all!

"Kookie? What is wrong?" Jimin's voice was laced with nothing but love, tenderness and concern.

"Nothing. I'm tired, I just want to go and sleep" said Jungkook trying to pull his hand away but Jimin's grip only tightened.

"You think I would believe that? Jungkook I know you more than I know myself. I'm not buying that lame excuse of your's" Jimin didn't seem a bit irritated with Jungkook's lies. He was keeping his calm all the time.

Jungkook let out a sigh of irritation. "What do you want?!" he asked, voice laced with harshness and coldness.

"Since when did you start using that tone on me Jungkook?" Jimin asked with a barely audible voice. He was hurt.

Jungkook's gaze softened upon seeing it. He looked down not daring to meet Jimin's eyes.

Since the day I got to know that I wasn't enough for you Jungkook thought bitterly.

When Jimin saw Jungkook wasn't responding he let go of his hand and cupped Jungkook's face.

"Please... Tell me what's wrong? Is it me? Did I do something that hurt you?" Jimin asked desperately.

Jungkook closed his eye hearing Jimin's words. It hit him right in his heart, breaking it apart.

How could you say that Jimin.... Just how could you?

Jungkook stepped backwards the moment he knew he couldn't stand in front of Jimin anymore. Jungkook sprinted towards his room and shut the door. If he stays there a second long, either he'll burst out in tears or he'll burst out with anger.

Jimin followed him and knocked on the closed door constantly calling his name. But after sometime, Jimin gave up as Jungkook didn't seem to open the door any time soon.

Inside the room, Jungkook started punching the wall out of frustration. He brushed his hair back with his hand while biting his lip to not burst out in tears.

Eventually when he noticed Jimin had stopped knocking, Jungkook fell on his knees crying. He wanted to scream out everything he had been keeping inside him. He wanted to ask Jimin a lot of questions. He wanted to turn back the time were he made a big mistake being drunk.

When it was time for dinner, Jimin came to see if by any chance the door was open and indeed it was. Jimin carefully went inside but found that Jungkook was sleeping soundly.

Jimin felt a pang in his chest. Jungkook never went to sleep without him. They always cuddle each other while sleeping. But now, Jungkook doesn't really care it seems.

Jungkook slept again without eating dinner. Jimin wanted to wake him up so that he could eat something but Jungkook probably won't like it. Jimin just closed the door and put everything he made in the fridge before he went back to his room to sleep beside Jungkook.

It was the same next morning where Jimin again with all his might and love prepared breakfast for Jungkook. Even though Jungkook ate it, he didn't compliment him or even talk to Jimin like how he used to. That night Jungkook came home very late......being drunk. Jimin tried to ask him what happened but Jungkook was looking down the whole time as if he was ashamed of something mumbling 'sorrys' all time. Jimin was seriously worried about him. Jungkook's odd behavior had started to hurt him badly.

And just like that, days passed by and Jungkook was still behaving strangely. He just nods or hums to Jimin or sometimes he just ignores the latter. Jungkook skips food often and so does Jimin..

Now Jimin was tired of Jungkook's bullshit. Whenever he would look at Jungkook, his own eyes showed how hurt he was. He was always running behind Jungkook to know what was the reason behind Jungkook's odd behavior, but he would always end up getting ignored or getting shouted.

In Jimin's eyes it seemed like Jungkook was annoyed by Jimin's presence.


He stopped...

He stopped annoying Jungkook...

He stopped talking to Jungkook just like how he did to him..

Just some exchange of words with each other if it was very necessary.

They often used to have fights and arguments over everything under the sky. Either they don't talk and ignore each other or they talk and start a fight.

Their marital life was surely not going well and they both were aware of it.

Jimin used to spend his time mostly either in front of the TV or reading books.

And Jungkook, he just comes home and goes straight to his room.

And if they end up sitting together, they'll just be busy in their phones.

Lately, Jimin was being distant with Jungkook and the latter knows exactly why Jimin is being like that.

It's all his fault.

Jimin must have been tired of everything.

Jimin's hand has been almost recovered so soon he'll start going back to office.


It was just like every other morning. Jimin had made breakfast for him and Jungkook.

Jungkook and Jimin as usual served for themselves and started eating not exchanging any words just going along with the complete silence. Jungkook being guilty would try to start some conversations but as soon as he would look into Jimin's eyes, Jungkook would just swallow the words he was supposed to say.

But he knew he can't.

He can't say it.

So after finishing breakfast, Jungkook got ready and went to office. As usual after Jungkook was gone Jimin would either read a book or take a nap or sometimes he would watch something in the TV.

Not long after Jungkook was gone, Jimin heard the ringing of the door bell.

Jimin stood up and opened the door to see a delivery guy standing in front of him with a parcel.

The guy seemed familiar...

Anyway, he took the parcel and signed where it was necessary.

Once the guy was gone Jimin took the parcel and sat on the couch to open it.

After Jimin saw what was inside, he was fuming with rage

-to be continued

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