The Student of A Raven (Male...

By VinylScratch7

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Follow the story of Y/N on how he became the student of Raven Branwed and how he became the world known Hunt... More

Chapter 1: The Student of the Black Raven
Chapter 2: Black And Red
Chapter 3: Beacon I
Chapter 4: Beacon II
First ever Story art for The Student of a Raven
Art scene from Chapter 4
A Fan art by Me Before and After
Chapter 5: Beacon III
Chapter 6: Beacon IV
Chapter 7:Beacon V
Chapter 8: New Start
Chapter 9: First Day
Chapter 10: Jaune Arc
Chapter 11: Fall Part 1
Chapter 12: Fall part 2
New Art and Chapter 13 will be up soon
Chapter 13: Change
Chapter 14: A New Semester
Chapter 15: In Thought
Chapter 16: Arrival
Chapter 17: Group
Chapter 18: The Plan
Chapter 19: Investigation
Chapter 20: Round One
Chapter 22: Journey Part II
Chapter 23: Journey Part III
Chapter 24: Journey IV
Merry Christmas!!
Chapter 25: Journey V
Chapter 26: Journey VI
Merry Christmas to my Readers!

Chapter 21: Journey Part I

3.1K 60 6
By VinylScratch7

Chapter 21: Journey Part I
Written by: VinylScratch7

There you were inside your room, packing your items for the mission you assign too and was getting ready to leave in the morning, while your team was behind you looking at you. They were jealous that you were given your first huntsmen mission with Team CFVY.

"Well, i should ask Ozpin and let me in on this mission too," Yang said while watching you pack.You lightly laugh "Yang, is only an escort mission. there's nothing exciting going to happen." You said zipping your backpack.

"How would you know. there's always crazy thing happening. Have you forgotten the time in the bridge" Ruby said while she grabs you by the back and taking it as a piggyback ride "Ohhhh I'm sooo freaking jealous."

"Ruby control yourself" Weiss scolded her team leader and then looks at you "Ruby has a point Y/N you might think this mission will be just a cakewalk but remember there are dangerous Grimm out there."

"Yeah, i know.." You said revealing a soft smile towards Weiss getting her to blush and turn away from you.

"Anyways wheres Blake?" You said looking around your room, getting your team to look at each other "What's the matter?" You said.

"She has been acting off lately," Yang said crossing her arms.

"How so?" You question

"Well i think the Whole Torchwick working with the white fang got to her and now she is none stop finding a lead on where they might strike next," Weiss explained.

You look out the window and you thought for a moment, you might need to check up on her see how she's holding up. Turning to Weiss you ask where she located at the moment, she said she was in the library. So the first thing you do was to get up from where you were sitting and exit from your room, telling the team that you will be back.==================================================================================Arriving in the library you spotted Blake from afar working on something in the computer. You notice she hasn't slept for a bit and there was a lot of paper surrounding her. Walking inside and approaching her you took notice while getting close to her that this whole white fang thing is eating her up.

You stood beside her and took a seat, she slowly took notice of you and got back to her investigation.

"How are you doing?" You said getting her to stop for a moment.

"Im fine..I'm been trying to find some leads towards the white fang and I haven't found anything, even that roman torchwick hasn't appeared anywhere since that incident of the bridge." She said.

"Yeah, i heard. Listen you need to take a breather and take it easy, remember your not alone." You said.

"I cant Y/N, if I stop now who knows what the hell this man is going to do next. Y/N i grew up with the White fang and we wanted nothing but to be equal, build a place were Faunus and Human can live in peace." She said bolding her hands into a fist.

"I understand Blake but you need to rest." You said placing your hands in her shoulder getting her to calmly look at you.

"...fine, ill take a few hours of sleep, and then ill get back doing my search." She said looking away from you.

You smile "That's all I ask for."

Getting up from your chair and were headed towards the exit, you stop for a moment and look towards blake was she was in thought for a moment.

"Hey Blake just remembers your not alone in this, you got Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Me if you ever need help on anything." You said getting her to smile and nod.

With that, you got out of the library and went back towards your room.=============================================================

Entering your room you spotted Ruby looking at your weapon with a smile on her face wondering where you got this beautiful peace from, as you close your door behind you. she quickly took notice of your arrival and smile widely.

"Oh y/n just the guy I'm looking for," Ruby said.

"Whats up Ruby?" You said while walking towards her and took your sword and place it next to your backpack.

"Well, you said you were escorting a little girl towards Atlas and that you were informed that she might be shy and scared during the journey ahead," Ruby said.

You nodded and notice a small bag behind ruby, getting her to reveal it to you "Ta-da" Ruby shouts getting you to spook for bit.

"What's this?" You said while holding the bag.

"It's my old red cape when I was mom gave it to me." She said while looking around your room.

"Oh, and why give it to me?" You ask.

She smiles "Cause that girl might be scared when you confront a Grimm and she might need an encouraging cape to proctect her."

"..." You notice something odd in Ruby, she feeling a little gloom while telling you about the cape your holding "You okay Rubes?"

"Huh oh just.." She took a seat in your bed and smile "My mom gave me that cape when I was little and she told me whenever you wear this cape, you have nothing to worry about." You sat next to her and continue hearing her story "And I'm like, but mom why? a cape cant keep the monster away"

"She then said, it will when you put it on the evil monster will vanish and someone courageous will be by your side no matter what ."

You laugh "That's kinda silly"

"I know that's what I said." She laughs "But then one day a Grimm showed up in our backyard and Yang quickly was screaming for help. The Grimm was in front of me and I was so scared and the first thing I did was to put on the cape and then close my eyes hopefully what my mom said was true and you know what it was."

You were now focused on the story she was giving "My mom stood in front of me with her scythe planted in the ground and the Grimm suddenly vanish, I look at her and the only thing I saw was her smile."

"Its okay Ruby, everything is going to be okay" Ruby repeats what her mother told her when she was rescued

Ruby smiles and was staring at her old cape, she slowly got up and look at you "Well I better let you get some sleep for tomorrow, I'm still jealous I wish I could join you" She said while going towards the exit.

"Maybe next time." You said getting up and following her.

Ruby smiles widely "Its a promise then, well night Y/N" With that she leaves, getting to look at her and walking towards her room and disappearing when walking in.

"Her mom pass away..when she was little." You notice yang next to your door. "Man you should have met her, she was like real-life super hero..that day I was soo afraid that ruby was about to get killed but then white blur came across and I saw her standing tall and smiling at her, she was soo badass."

"Yang.." You said

"I Decided upon that day that nothing horrible came to her, but anyways, you better rest up big day tomorrow," Yang said while walking towards her room and closing the door behind you leaving you with no words to say to her.

You look at the cape and notice the scar and dirt in it, you place it in your bag and called it a night and wait for new tomorrow and hopefully nothing bad going to happen during this mission.

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