
By fl0wersniffinwh0re

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Chakra chak·ra ˈCHäkrə/ noun (in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, us... More



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By fl0wersniffinwh0re

A Chakra is the center of spiritual power in the human body, said to be broken up into three parts- this was said by Native Americans and was taught in many religions.

However long ago before civilization.... Gods and Goddesses roamed the Earth, each holding one Chakra.

Muladhara- resided in Europe

Common Name: Root Chakra
Located: Base of spine, the sacral plexus
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body's organs of excretion and the adrenals, it also influences the sense of smell. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat survival, and rules the primal instinct. Its element is earth, its color is red, and it's mantra is lam.

Swadhisthana- resided in South America
Common Name: Sacram/Sacral Chakra
Located: Genitals
Details and Governance: The sacral chakra governs the body's reproductive organs and gonads, it also influences the sense of taste. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-acceptance, raw emotion and sexual energy. Its element is water, its color is orange, and it's mantra is vam. Connect with this chakra to access your creativity.

Manipura- Resided in Asia
Common Name: Solar Plexus Chakra
Located: Navel
Details and Governance: The solar plexus chakra governs the pancreas and abdominal organs, it also influences the sense of sight. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-will, mental acuity and sense of identity. Its element is fire, its color is yellow, and it's mantra is ram. Connect with this chakra to access your subconscious emotion, ego and will power.

Anahata- resided in Australia
Common Name: Heart Chakra
Located: Heart Area
Details and Governance: The heart chakra governs the body's lungs and thymus, it also influences the sense of touch. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat compassion, love and healing. Its element is air, its color is green, and it's mantra is yam. Connect with this chakra to access love.

Vishudha- Resided in North America
Common Name: Throat Chakra
Located: Laryngeal Plexus
Details and Governance: The throat chakra governs the body's thyroid, it also influences the sense of hearing. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-expression, and speech. Its element is ether, its color is blue, and it's mantra is ham. Connect with this chakra to access creative expression and communication.

Ajna- resided in Africa
Common Name: Third-Eye Chakra
Located: Between the eyebrows, forhead
Details and Governance: The third-eye chakra governs the body's pituitary gland, it also influences the sixth sense - the higher mind. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat intuition, and extra-sensory perception. Its element is time, its color is indigo, and it's mantra is Aum. Connect with this chakra to access your primordial, super-natural power.

Sahasrara- resided in Antarctica
Common Name: Crown Chakra
Located: Top/crown of head, brain
Details and Governance: The crown chakra governs the body's pineal gland, and its influence is beyond the sensory realm. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat divinity, peace and enlightenment. Its element is space, its color is violet, and it's mantra is silence. Connect with this chakra to access all-knowing, eternal bliss and liberation from all things corporeal/material.

Every 100 years, each God from their homeland continent would battle and whoever would win...would get all 7 Chakras' for aother century....

But Vishudha- from North America was angry and wanted power. He had complained that Muladhara in Europe had power far too long and had cheated by invading his homeland and killing his people- so out of anger and hatred, Vishudha stole the other 6 Chakras and fled.

Centuries have passed and the world has been out of order ever since and The Gods search for Vishudha- but time is running out. But little do the other 6 Gods know is that Vishudha has transformed himself into a teenager in high school and his ultimate goal is far to drastic for anyone to speak of....that is....until he falls in love with a mortal....

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