instagram ; lmk ✔️

By mhptll

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in which he accepts her dm request. instagram!au COMPLETE More

the end


1.1K 35 9
By mhptll

mark lay in bed, the restless tick of the clock keeping pace with the echo of her name in his mind, each syllable reverberating like a plea



a l i c e . 

the weight of her memory was a heavy quilt draped over his thoughts, suffocating sleep's embrace. In the silent expanse of the night, mark slipped from his bed with the grace of a shadow, mindful not to rouse the slumbering figures scattered in the overcrowded basement.

with the entire house asleep at 2am, mark found solace only in the pool area, drawn to its tranquil embrace. the full moon cast an ethereal glow, painting the familiar tiles with a silvery luminescence. seating himself at the pool's edge, he dipped his feet into the cool water, a balm to the fevered restlessness that plagued him.

the moment his toes met the refreshing caress of the pool's surface, a vivid scene etched itself across his mind's eye. he became an unwilling spectator in a haunting memory, an agonizing playback of alice flailing in the water, his own hands desperately ineffectual. third-person anguish gripped him, trapping him within the cruel spectacle.

interrupting the haunting reverie, a gentle touch graced his shoulder, jolting him from the vivid torment. startled, he whirled around to face the apparition of his thoughts. there she stood, Alice, ethereal and real, a cup of water cradled in her hands like an offering from the night itself.

"mark, are you okay?" alice's voice, soft and concerned, cut through the night's hush, tinged with worry.

he struggled to find his words, his throat tightening with the weight of memories and unspoken emotions. "i... i couldn't sleep," he finally managed, his voice a hushed rasp in the moonlit stillness.

alice's gaze softened, understanding flickering in her eyes as she settled beside him. "me neither. thought I'd get some water," she explained, offering him the cup in a wordless gesture.

mark's voice cracked, heavy with sorrow. "alice, I'm really sorry," he sobbed, the weight of remorse palpable in his words. "i'm really sorry about what happened, and i can never forgive myself."

alice settled beside him, mirroring his stance with legs dipped into the tranquil pool waters. "it's okay," she whispered, her touch a gentle reassurance as her hand cupped his cheek, tenderly brushing away his tears. "it's okay. you didn't know. you didn't do it on purpose."

"but if i just didn't drink at all, it wouldn't have happened," mark lamented, the burden of guilt heavy in his voice. "if i wasn't so irresponsible, then maybe lizzie wouldn't be so pissed at me. if you're mad, then i get it, because honestly—"

before mark could finish his self-reproach, alice silenced his words with a tender gesture, her lips meeting his in a soft, unexpected embrace. for a moment, time halted, leaving only the weight of shared emotions lingering between them. mark, momentarily stunned, eventually responded, a quiet acceptance carried in the touch of their lips.

mid-kiss, alice's smile whispered against his mouth. "do you believe that i'm not mad at you?" she whispered, her eyes holding a reassuring glimmer as they parted. "we should get some sleep."

"sleep with me!" mark blurted, instant regret etching his face. "wait, I didn't mean it like that. i meant it the normal, pg way."

alice giggled, a melodious sound in the night, intertwining her fingers with his. "i know what you meant. come on, the guest room should be empty."


johnny's eyes flickered open with the sun's first tentative rays, his body naturally attuned to the early hours. a habitual routine guided him, but as he scanned the rooms, a notable absence gnawed at his senses. mark, usually a morning presence, was conspicuously missing.

his instinct led him to the kitchen, an assumed sanctuary for his friend's early hours. yet, disappointment greeted him; mark's absence lingered palpably, shattering the expectation of finding him engrossed in a morning ritual.

a trail of laughter, like breadcrumbs through the house, guided johnny's pursuit. a smirk danced across his lips as he muttered, "detective johnny suh is on the move," the playful moniker fueling his search.

ascending the stairs, the source of laughter remained a mystery. expecting the girls to be the source, he paused outside the guest room, perplexed by the infectious laughter emanating from within.

peeking through the ajar door, johnny beheld a heartwarming tableau: mark reclined on the floor, alice nestled against him, her head cradled on his stomach. their shared giggles reverberated, a melody of genuine joy that filled the room.

"okay okay, how's this one?" mark's voice carried amusement as he played along. "i'm nike, you're mcdonald's. i'm doing it, you're lovin' it."

a grin split johnny's face as he watched alice dissolve into tiny fits of laughter. in that moment of shared camaraderie, he captured the scene with his phone, a silent testament to friendship's cherished moments.

retreating quietly, Johnny's heart swelled with the warmth of witnessing such unguarded happiness. the click of the camera shutter echoed his silent gratitude for the cherished snapshot of their bond.

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