Hyssopus - Malleus x Reader (...

By PennameN

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What happens when a commoner girl living in the kingdom of Astrius, piques the interest of the kingdom's crow... More

Author's Note
Guide to y/n, h/c, etc
Chapter One - The Prophecy and the Girl
Chapter Two - The Girl and the Peasant Boy
Chapter Three - The Disappearing Prince
Chapter Five - A new Royal Friend
Chapter Six - A Home In the Moors
Chapter Seven - Prince of The Moors
Chapter Eight - A Hopeful Wish
My Sincerest Apologies
My dear Readers

Chapter Four - A Stranger in Town

1.3K 40 0
By PennameN

"Diaval please don't steal again."

A deep voice resounded from underneath the black hood.

Taking a glance back at the large body of water, he waves his right hand in its direction, the large ripples slowly dissapearing as if they were never there in the first place.

The tall pale figure lets out a sigh, glancing at the raven by his feet now known as Diaval, the raven gives the hooded figure a look, as if saying "But I did it for you!"

He lets out another sigh, shaking his head at his little friend, "Let's go, we're returning this." the pale stranger speaks up, lifting the bag of gold and and tucking it into their robe, making sure that it will stay safe and secure until they find the young boy they had ran into a few moments ago.

They make their way down the same path the young prince had taken.

His raven friend flies next to him at eye level and he swiftly take a look around before turning to his little friend, "Into a man." The words leave his lips quietly, waving his hand in the direction of the bird slightly.

Just as he drops his hand back to his side, black smoke starts to surround his little raven friend before enveloping the raven fully, his little friend growing in size, it's wings turning into arms as it's beautiful black feathers starts to disappear, the raven's beak morphs into a human's nose and it's tiny body turns into that of a grown man's.

The smoke clears, revealing a grown man in about his thirties, a little over one seventy centimetres tall, he also had black slicked back hair, dark brown eyes and a fair complextion.

Adorning all black clothing, with an open shirt, a black belt and matching black pants, a pair of black leather boots and lastly a matching black coat.

"But you might need it later on." Diaval argues, his accent quite evident, walking besides the taller young man.

Another sigh is heard as Diaval voices his thoughts.

"Stealing is wrong Diaval." the young man reasons with what was once a raven, turning his head in Diaval's direction, giving the now, bird turned human a reminder of basic etiquette.

Diaval only sighs, giving the young man a nod "Fine but how do you expect to find that young man in that huge kingdom?" Diaval questions him, gazing at the huge kingdom ahead of the pair as they continue down the dirty path leading to the kingdom of Astrius.

The tall young man, turning back towards the path ahead and spotting the walls surrounding the kingdom, speaks up "We'll just have to roam around the kingdom until we find him." He gives Diaval an answer.

"Guess that'll work." Diaval shrugs.

As the pale figure and Diaval continues on their journey to find the poor boy Diaval had robbed, the boy himself was currently humming to himself blissfully unaware of his missing gold pouch.

He makes his way through the town of Astrius.

The boy couldn't hide his excitement to visit his new friend.

Finally arriving at the bakery he had just visited yesterday, he swings open the door, causing the familiar bell to chime, signaling that a customer has arrived.

Hearing the chime of the bell, the all too familiar h/c haired girl comes running out from the kitchen and to her usual post.

A small smile forming on her face almost instantly as the young man removes his hooded cloak from his shoulders, hanging up the dark garment on the rack besides the door.

"Could I have the blueberry muffin like last time?" The young prince requests.

The girl nods in response, "Of course! And lucky for you, my aunt just baked a new batch." Informing her customer of the lovely news, she gives him a warm smile.

Swiftly heading into the kitchen to fetch a freshly baked blueberry muffin, the girl hums to herself softly.

"I see someone's in a good mood~" hearing her aunt's tease, she quickly grabs the muffin and heads for the kitchen door, before stepping out of the door, the girl glances over her shoulder, spotting her aunt grinning at her like a maniac.

"Whatever do you mean aunt alice? I'm always in a good mood~" she retorts playfully, returning her aunt's grin.

Leaving the kitchen, she makes her way towards the table the boy was seated at, the same table he was seated at yesterday.

Reaching into his cloak's pocket, hanging on the rack besides the door, he quickly moves his hand around, trying to find his gold filled pouch.

Noticing that his hand had found nothing, he stands up, peering into the pockets of his cloak, searching every inch of the cloak for his precious pouch.

His eyes widen, realising that his pouch was missing, he turns to the girl, muffin now on the table.

Scratching the back of his head sheepishly, he starts "Um, actually, you see..." the girl chuckles a little, seeing how tense the boy was, she realised that something must have been wrong.

"I see, well it's not a problem, it's on the house." She smiles, sliding the plate closer to him and reassuring the flustered boy at the same time.

"Huh? Oh no! I couldn't possibly ask that of you!" The boy exclaims, waving his hands in front of his face.

"Oh, no really, it really isn't a problem at all! So please, take it, besides it's just a muffin." The girl waves her hand in front of her face a little also, reassuring the boy once again that it was not a problem in the slightest.

Usually the girl wouldn't do this, especially since he's only been here once before, but..

The boy gave off this feeling, a feeling that told her she could trust him and that he was a good person, besides, she didn't have a problem with doing a good deed every once in a while.

And though she would love to help people as much as she could, certain things prevented her from doing so.

The boy smiles graciously, bowing his head a little in thanks to the girl's kindness.

She returns the boy's gesture, smiling softly and returning to her post, tending to her other customers.

The boy smiles, watching the girl in her environment, she seemed so happy that he couldn't stop smiling even if he tried.

Fifteen minutes later

After having bid the girl farewell and thanking her once more for the free muffin, he makes his way through town once again, retracing his steps in order to retrieve his missing pouch, be it stolen or fallen into a ditch somewhere, he had to get it back.

Just as he lets out a sigh of defeat, he once again, bumps into something.

Or once again more accurately, someone.

Looking up whilst waving his hands frantically, "I'm so terribly sor-" he pauses, noticing that the person he had bumped into was the exact same person he had bumped into earlier today, only this time, he seemed to have a raven haired companion with him now.

The pale figure shakes his head from side to side.

"It's ok" his companion gives the boy a response, giving the boy a sheepish smile, answering for the tall young man.

"Actually, we came here to return this to you." His raven haired companion spoke up as the man reaches into his robe, fetching out the boy's pouch.

The boy's eyes widen, "My pouch!" He exclaims, taking the pouch back as the man hands it to the boy.

The hooded young man nods, "Sorry about that." The raven haired man spoke once again, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

The boy only shook his head in response, "No! Thank you for finding it and returning it to me!" He exclaims gleefully.

"Truth be told, I actually stole it from you when you weren't looking." Confessing to the young man, the raven haired man looks away as the pale figure merely nods.

"But you see, my young master kept pestering me about returning it to ya, so here we are."  Giving the blond a small tilt of his head in apology but the youth simply smiles.

"Oh..well! It's ok! At least you returned it to me!" The boy exclaims, patting the man on his shoulder, "I'm Diaval, it's nice to meet ya." Diaval introduces himself, stretching out his hand as he gives the boy a small smile.

The boy returns the gesture, nodding his head.

"Likewise Diaval! I'm Vincent!"

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