Montgomery De La Cruz imagines

By Hyunjins_little_muse

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imagines of why Monty is the way he is, about his past and find some truth behind the so called Monster of Li... More

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You destroyed my life

230 3 1
By Hyunjins_little_muse

TW: guns, blood, rape, abuse

What if Monty never raped Tyler? What if Tyler never brought the gun to school but it was a popular jock? 

Montgomery was tired. He was tired of the abuse and assault from his father and his best friend. He had struggled with anger issues and depression since he was a kid but recent events had pushed him over the edge. 

Bryce Walker had left him and violated him along with his father knowing the both of them could beat the teen until he couldn't move.  They knew Montgomery wouldn't tell on them so they made his life miserable. What they never thought was what if Monty had changed the game at the end of sophomore year at the spring fling dance. 

Friday morning 

Monty woke up and showered just like any other morning. He was in the bathroom brushing his teeth when the morning took a turn. His father burst through the door pissed and grabbed Monty by the throat. 

" You need to hurry the fuck up. If your late again the that fucking officer will be back and you don't want that do you?" He said and Monty shook his head no. 

" Fucking answer me asshole!" He screamed and slammed Monty's head into the mirror shattering it and making Monty wince. 

" Yes sir..." he said and his father smirked. 

" Good boy" he said walking out of the bathroom mumbling something in Spanish to himself.

Monty touched his forehead wincing and pulled his hand away to reveal some blood. Monty got dressed an took care of the wound on his head. He went back to his room pulling a trunk out from his closet and putting a knife in his pocket and went to get his shoes. After putting his black converse on he grabbed his keys and his bag and walked out the door to his jeep. He started the jeep and drove to school hoping the day would improve.

He got to school during first so he was 5 minutes late and he laid his head down going to sleep. He went to his classes and by the time lunch came he was starving and got pizza and some fries before sitting at the jock table waiting for his friends. Soon the table began to fill up with jocks. 

"Hey, has anyone seen Bryce today?" He asked and they answered something about him being in the restroom. 

Monty nods and goes to back to eating figuring that he would see Bryce at practice. He ate and went back to class skipping his last class which was math. He went to the boys locker room to make sure he had everything for the game that night. The boys had there practice and Monty smiled as it ended. He was excited for the game and the dance. He was the last to enter the locker room but was the first to get dressed. He smiled seeing a note his boyfriend of one year wrote him but made sure not to leave a hint that it was a boy writing to Monty.  

" So your a fag like Ryan Shaver and Tony Padilla?" he heard behind him and turned to see Bryce and some of the other players. 

" Hell no, you know I'm not like that" He said laughing it off. 

" #85 really? The way you and Zach are so close? Do you think I'm an idiot Montgomery?" Bryce said getting angrier.

Monty looked back at Bryce. He knew he was caught. Zach had recognizable handwriting so when Bryce looked over Monty's shoulder he could tell that it was Zach who wrote the love note. 

" I..." Monty started to say and the note was snatched from his friends and read. 

" Get him in the showers" Bryce said putting the note in Monty's locker as Kenneth, Taylor and Michael drug Monty to the showers. 

Monty was fighting back against them only to get his head slammed against the shower wall sending him on his knees with the others chuckling. Monty's vision was going in and out but he knew what was going to happen. He pushed them off until he was held down and Bryce was undoing Monty's jeans. 

" No, No, please. Don't do this" Monty said and was able to kick Bryce off of him trying to get up and run. 

" hold his legs Mike!" Bryce yelled as Monty tried to get away again and started to cry out of fear pain. 

Michael held Monty's legs after Bryce had removed Monty's jeans and boxers. Bryce smirked as Monty begged them to stop. Bryce went to the to grab a mop. He came back to see Monty's eyes widen. 

" HELP! STOP! BRYCE DON'T!" Monty screamed and saw Bryce's smirk get bigger. 

" Cover his mouth, we don't want the cheerleaders to hear him while they're practicing. " Bryce said knowing all the players and even Kerba were gone for the day.  

Bryce watched as Kenneth wadded one of the pair of socks and stuffed it in Monty's mouth and held the younger boys hands down.  Michael, Taylor and Kenneth all looked away as Bryce pushed the mop handle into Monty's hole hearing the boy scream through the gag at the top of his lungs before pulling it out and pushing it in again hearing Monty's muffled screams.  Bryce through the mop away from them one he was satisfied.

Bryce had the others get up and turned the hot water on drowning out Monty's cries and washing the blood away. " Let's go boys. Our job here is done" He said and they left laughing. 

Monty coughed after taking the sock out of his mouth. He didn't move. He looked at the clock seeing it was 4:00pm. The pain was getting stronger and he ended up passing out. 

Two hours later he woke up in unbearable pain. He turned the hot water off and looked at his body which was red and his shoulder had second degree burns on it. He grabbed a towel slowly crawling out of the shower and dried off. He was able to get dressed and slowly made it to his feet seeing his face in one of the mirrors. His eyes were red and puffy, a few bruises on his head. He walked out seeing his car was in the parking lot. 

He got in his jeep trying not to scream as he sat down. He drove home and made it to his room and to his bed. Monty silently cried himself to sleep. 

He woke up again and his clock said 9:00pm. The dance just started...The dance. He knew all the kids who hurt him would be there. Monty sat up and got dressed in his all black suit he wore to spring fling. He opened closet seeing his weapon trunk and grew more angry at Bryce, his father and his so called friends.  He opened the trunk pulling out an assault rifle, two hand guns and lots of ammo. He grabbed a notebook and wrote a note to Zach ripping it out. He put everything in his duffle bag and going out to his car. 

Monty's father walked out following his son. " Where the fuck do you think you're going faggot?" He said. 

" Putting an end to this game." Monty said pulling out one of his knives making his father step back laughing. 

" You won't do it. You don't have the guts to kill anyone. You're just a coward little faggot Montgomery. That's why your mother left. It's why Estela wrecked her car that night with her friends and died. She couldn't stand having you as a brother" His father said which set Monty off and he sliced his father's neck watching the older De La Cruz fall to the ground choking on his own blood. 

" Game over gillipallos" he said.

Monty left his father there and drove to the school parking behind the school and going the locker room. Monty placed the letter to Zach in the boys locker and pulling out his phone to text Zach.

Leave the dance. Get somewhere safe. Just remember that I will always love you Zachy. I'll miss you.

He sent the text.

( Zach's POV)

After the game I was waiting for Monty at the dance. He'd missed the game which was weird. I was at the punch bowl and got a drink before anyone spikes it.

I kept waiting until I got a text.

Leave the dance. Get somewhere safe. Just remember that I love you Zachy. I'll miss you. 

I saw it and immediately started texted back.


What's going on?

What are you going to do?

( Third person's POV)

Monty saw the texts but ignored them putting his phone in his pocket. He heard the music playing knowing no one would see him.  As he walked to the gym he stood in front of the trophy case and smashed the glass shooting into it. He continued to walk to the gym as more rage piled up inside of him.  

He walked in the gym seeing everyone dancing and happy. He looked around not seeing Zach and figured that he had listened and left. He saw Tony Padilla with Ryan Shaver at the dj booth. He aimed his rifle seeing Taylor and his date laughing and having fun. Without a second thought he pulled the trigger watching the boy fall and others screamed and ran as Monty walked forward. He saw everyone trying to hide as he walked in and saw Kenneth shooting the boy as he tried to run away. 

He looked around for the last two kids he was wanting to hurt. Two more shots rang through the gym. One landing in the leg of Marcus Cole and the other hit the back wall.  

" Montgomery...What have you done?" A voice he recognized said behind him. He turned around seeing Bryce. 

" I'm ending this fucking game. You're the last one I need to eliminate and then it's over." he said. 

He took two steps closer to Bryce aiming the gun at Bryce's chest. He didn't see Jessica, Justin, Tony and Zach behind him. 

" You don't have the guts to kill me. we've been brother's since we were 6. I know you better than anyone Montgomery." Bryce said. 

" You're not my brother anymore, look around if you thing I'm a fucking coward. "

" Monty...You don't have to kill him. " Justin said but the older boy didn't move as they circled him and Bryce. 

" Yes I do...He destroyed my life " Monty said. 

Zach walked in between the gun and Bryce making it aim to his chest. Zach looked at Monty seeing rage, hurt and sadness in the boy he loved eyes. 

" No one else needs to die Monty...We can just go like we used to." He said trying to plead with Monty. 

" No, not until he's dead. Not until the king who is a rapist is dead" He said and the others looked around at each other. 

" Monty...Did Bryce do something to you?" Zach who hadn't moved asked. 

"None of you would understand, He.....He and the others r..." he said as tears filled his eyes. 

" He raped you" Justin asked. 

" Yes" Monty said. 

" You don't have to do this Monty" He said and heard the sirens and looked around. 

" Come on babe, please...I don't want you to die" Zach said putting his hand on the barrel of the gun lowering it as Monty nodded. 

Zach had gotten the assualt rifle from around Monty's shoulder and put the safety on and went to hug Monty who backed away terrified. The police came in and saw what had happened and tackled Monty to the ground. They found the two hand guns along with the pocket knife with dried blood on it. Monty was put in cuffs and taken out of the school. Zach followed saying he'd meet Monty there. 

10 years later 

Monty was served 10 years in prison due to the murders of his father, Taylor, Kenneth, injury to Marcus Cole's leg and school shooting charge. In those 10 years Monty has had 3 visitors, Zach, Justin and Jessica. The three of them helped Monty get his GED, helped him with therapy. 

Once Monty was let out he was now 26 and he moved in with Zach who was still with him. Monty looked for work and got a job as a tattoo artist. Monty and Zach are rebuilding their relationship and after two years Monty could finally sleep in the same bed as Zach and shower with him. Monty still suffers from nightmares. 

He has been diagnosed with PTSD, IED, depression and anxiety. He's still going to therapy and anger management groups. He hadn't seen Bryce since that night when he was 

But if you ask Monty. The game Bryce and his father had over him it was 100%...

Game Over 


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I had a bit of writers block writing it. Let me know you have any requests or if I need to add anymore trigger on this chapter-- Montyxoxo

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