Her Second Husband [On hold]

By Yukuoli

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In a society where the girl is looked upon if anything happens, can Mita really be happy to finally tie knot... More



62 5 2
By Yukuoli

Both Sumita and Renuka stood nervously at approximately, a feet away from Prof Sekhawat's desk.The whole staffroom was empty due to the upcoming exam vacations. Many of the professors have already left for outstations and rest had managed a half day.

Keeping the book and attendance register in it's place, he found both the women with different expressions. While Sumita looked afraid as a small deer, Renuka's eyes were furrowed in curiosity .

"Now, Sumita do sit ups holding your ears ! " Rohit Sekhawat instructed calmly. He busied himself into checking assignments for a distraction. 

That stupid lie was a low blow to his ego. Do they find his classes that insignificant to use excuses in gossiping during the duration ? His hard work was just futile then ? Did he appear like a personality to play with easily ? When did he gave that imoression to his students ?


He didn't ever ! It was them who thought him just like some other professors , only  waiting for the class to be over and enjoy tea and snacks the next second. Those classes are bunked. Or attended only for the sake. Not for the purpose to learn! 

Now, he will make them learn to distinguish people like him from. A lesson they won't dare to forget.

Sumita's eyes widened like saucers while Renuka grew angry at this. 

"What ?!" Both the ladies were visibly shocked. But only Renuka asked. 

This man is nothing but a bad bully !! How could he even think of asking Sumita to do such an obnoxious act ? Where are they ? Inside a damn reputed  University!! 

 She clasped Sumita's hand in her tightly to refrain from even thinking of obeying his order. She shook her head in disagreement towards Sumita while Sumita had tears brimming in her eyes.

Rohit's eyes quicky assessed the story before him, of both the girl's body language. Sumita seemed alright to sit down after a while as she struggled against the hold, Renuka had secured. 

Renuka's eyes were shooting off her anger at this ridiculously thought punishment. But did she had the power to over rule his ? 

Naah.. No one has !! THEY have to abide by his words.

"Now Now !! I don't possess a lot of time waiting for you Miss Sumita. You rather sit down with  holding your ears or I take a stricter action against both of you . Choice is yours ! Take it within 5 seconds . " He  sternly explained with his pen pointing them. 

His face was a blank canvas but inside he was enjoying their weak position and relishing the fury Renuka directed him with. His mind was having a gala time smirking back at Renuka.

Sumita removed her hands from Renuka's grip with a strong pull and squatted  down,pulling her ears and then stood up. She closed her eyes in shame for she never remembered to have performed this during even in her school life. And here in University , while studying Masters, she was getting humiliated like this. 

Sumita chanted inside, " this is for Renuka. Otherwise he wouldn't spare Renuka. Just for Renuka." And kept on going. 

Renuka looked flabbergasted and totally helpless . Her best friend was being punished only for her stupid interruption in his class.  Her negligence in listening to Sumita's words of advice led them both here. Her hands held nothing. Absolutely no power to stop this from happening. And that thought led to the angry fat tears rolling down her cheeks.

Rohit understood, when after forty sit ups, Sumita didn't stop, that Sumita may go on doing this without even a word for a while. He watched Renuka's face getting red with the sobs interrupting any moment now and to avoid such dramas, he halted Sumita by barking a sudden, "STOP!!" 

Sumita stopped but Renuka's eyes didn't and her hot fat tears rolled down her cheeks burning it in it's way intensely. 

Positioning him by resting his back on the edge of his table, he warned in a slow yet frosty tone, " Next time, I may not be this forgiveable Miss Sumita. So better not make a mistake to lead a next time. Understood !!?" 

Sumita has stood up with her pained knees and weak limbs, and lost her voice in this process somewhere. She couldn't meet his eyes. And ended up gazing at his desk. She answered him with a good nod in understanding.

He gestured her to leave with his hands towards the exit. Renuka was there by her side the next second and silently walked with her to say something or anything to calm Sumita's pain and humiliation for her. 

His call paused them near the door of the staffroom. " Well I don't remember giving Miss Renuka the permission to leave. Do you ?" This was like a  cold bucket full of water was poured in her and Renuka looked back at this hesitantly. She urged Sumita with her eyes to go without her . 

Sumita had to leave  alone unwillingly and was extremely worried for her good friend inside the Lion's den.  She sought a bench near the door in the corridor and sat down massaging her knees. 

He crossed his arms over his chest and watched her trembling and fidgeting nervously for the possible punishment. His devil side goaded and he enjoyed watching her at that very  weak moment. 

This submissive posture of her thrilled him. Her face all pink with the silent sobs. Her eyes trained down in fear. His mouth has invariably curved in a sadistic smile at this dominant power in his hand.

The afternoon sunlight from the huge glasses out of the  corner most big and old  British era windows,had illuminated the staffroom and had provided a subtle glow on Renuka's demure figure. Her baby pink chikankari Salwar Kameez and that sunlight enhanced her milky white skin.  He gulped when a small tear drop rolled down her cheeks and trailed towards her neck and went hidden behind her Dupatta covered chest. He subconsciously wondered  whether it was a punishment for her or him at this point of time. 

What the heck was wrong with him ?

For Renuka, this ! THIS was punishment itself. Standing here with him , alone in this  room was a punishment enough. She remembered their ride together and shivered again of the aftermath . She was conscious of being watched over by him and wanted nothing but to run away from his dark brown eyes and hide in her father's loving arms. Her legs were now paining to simply stand and she backed away slowly to seek relief from the wall nearby. Her fever was over. But her body was still recovering its effects. 

His eyes stared her taking those baby steps back like a hawk to it's prey. The white washed wall emphasised her features more if possible. 

Unbelievable !!

" Sir, I need to attend the next class as well. " Enough was enough !! For how many more minutes would she continue to stand here alone with him ? If he needed to say something, he should have till now. This suspense was killing her internally.

Her voice made him recall of the Punishment and gliding his hands in between his short hair, he cleared his throat. " Yes, you need to ! " He remarked without giving much details and she thought of it as her dismissal. 

She walked towards the door. Holding the door knob, she stilled when  he spoke up. "The University has arranged for special extra classes for students who have unfortunately missed the regular ones, as this is an important time for a student. You have to attend as well, Miss Renuka." She heard him coming behind her and her hands went clamny over the door knob.

"Al-Alright, Sir ! Are the-theeese classes for all the sub-subjects ?" She didn't want to attend his and that's why this question. This closeness made her stutter like a hen. She gave him her back, frightened to face him now.

Her lavender fragrance empowered his senses and that's why he was forced to inhale coming down at her ear level. She smelled so exquisite and subtle. He wanted to slide her open hair away from her back and place his chin on her shoulders. Put his nose near her neck and just inhale some more.

His musk and timber fragrance surrounded her,  when he came near her ears and answered in a deep husky voice, " I can say about mine. You are having one with me, surely Miss Renuka. " 

This is so very wrong!! Her Baba would be so so ashamed if come to knew of this. Professor Sekhawat is neither a family member nor a friend. In fact, he is her professor. And he better remember their relationship. Wasn't her parents seeking a prospective groom for her ?

"Si-Sir !!! This is not app-appropriate !!" Though her voice came out shaken , still her tone was confidently loud. 

For, Rohit this was a wake up call. He already had a tough time distancing himself from her body and that fragrance didn't help either in this case. He distanced himself immediately after her proclaimation and was surprised to find him maintaining so less of a space between them.

Finding her que, she clutched the door knob and then ran out of the room, without even bothering to wait for his permission. The door shut loudly at his face.

What the f**k just happened with him ? 

Most importantly WHY did it happen ?

This was the second time they have been together and near. The last time he had punished her like that, which he regretted invariably. And this time too, his usual composure just slipped out of his hold, and he ended up with her almost throwing propriety out of the window. 


Three days later......

Renuka remained silent despite being asked innumberable times for the third day straight by Sumita. Sumita got one word, 'Nothing at all!' from that day. Prof Sekhawat had just informed Renuka of her upcoming classes and that's it ?? Now a days they seldom got to walk back together due to Renuka's extra classes but it was an off, and Sumita enjoyed this walk with her friend. Needless to add, Sumita had warned Renuka of apologising again for what seemed to be like the 50th time, before walking towards Ghosh Bari.

Sumita's exhausted body slumped on the first sofa her eyes caught. Groaning in pain of the overall day's activities, she saw Rupali slowly coming with a glass of Aam Panna. 

"Thank you Ma !!" And finished the glass in one go. She wasn't conscious of her thirst till she drank the whole of it. 

Smiling Rupali kept the glass on the centre table and too sat down beside her. " You look mighty tired, Sumita.  Wash up your hands, I will get you something to eat. " 

" Ma, I don't have energy left for doing that much too. Can you feed me today ?" Sumita's request caught Rupali off guard. Rupali had fed up on several days after Saurabh's untimely death. Today, however Rupali felt may be this was the last time she would fed Sumita up.

"Alright !" Her motherly caress on Sumita's hair and forehead soothed the hurricane of a headache she was suffering from. Her mind just couldn't let her forget the horrified look on Renuka's face from that day. What exactly happened after her that day ? Asking this seemed to make Renuka put a mask  before her expressions to hide from something big.

After a light meal, she ended up laying her head on Rupali's lap. She was in need of this warmth Rupali emitted for her. Her migraine had calmed nut still didn't leave her alone. When her eyes were beginning to close up after receiving the peace and quietness of the atmosphere, she heard Rupali murmur silently. 

" She is so so tired. No another time ..." 

Groggily, Sumita asked with her eyes still closed, " Ma ?? What is troubling you ?" Her Ma was steased with something involving Sumita. 

"Nothing for now Sumita. Lay down for a while. I should now leave you." Saying this, she begun transferring Sumita's head in to a near by pillow. Next she tried climbing down the old Mahogany king sized bed. 

At this point, Sumita held Rupali's hand, and complained narrowing her eyes, " It is something Ma. I know. First this Renuka and now you ! What is it ? And don't repeat that word called NOTHING. Because ,I very well can sense that there is SOMETHING. "

Very well. If the Almighty God has planned to let her know now, then be done with this today only. 

" It's about your remarriage, Sumita." Rupali didn't know how to sugarcoat this thing, so she took the straight approach. 

Sumita was up from her pillow with a violent jerk and faced Rupali with frowning eyebrows.

" Ma, It's pointless to even think of giving Saurabh's place in my life." She disagreed the very moment on spot making a straight face.

I knew it well, Rupali thought.

"Who asked you to give Saurabh's place ? Create one for another man, Sumita ." Though it pained her to utter these words, Rupali let them out as plainly as she could.

" How can I create a place for another man, Ma ? When Saurabh resides taking the whole space?" Sumita's voice soon turned into loud sobs. 

" My child, you have to ! We can't just leave you like this. Please I beg of you to do this for us. For me. For your baba. For....Saurabh.   He would be so disappointed when we meet him to see us leaving his best friend for life like that . Alone in this dangerous planet, dear." Rupali was smart to not use his WIFE, his LOVE etc. 

Sumita just couldn't listen more and broke down. That same pain of loss washed over again. For the next three days, she didn't go to the University. Her appetite was low. She had to be forced fed. She stayed inside her room the whole day. She refrained from even looking at her in law's. Rupali grew worried of her mental health. Was that a mistake ?  The atmosphere of Ghosh Bari too changed with her gloomy soul. Rupali was highly tensed with Sumita's behaviour.

On the fourth day, on the breakfast table she sat. The old couple's happiness and peace knew no bounds to find her there joining them . Their smiles were short lived when Sumita exclaimed looking at the empty plate before her which soon was being filled up, " I'm ready Ma. Provided...."


Hi !

So, how did you like this chapter for Rohit and Renuka ? This one is for them who liked these two. 

What's your take on Prof Sekhawat ? 

Thank you for liking and voting on the previous chapters. I hope you are having a good time reading this story so far. 

Let me know your suggestions if any , down the comment box. Hit the 🌟, if you liked this update. 

And again, thanks for reading this chapter with your patience and giving it time. I know this may look a little slow. But I think I already gave you an insight of Sumita's grief and to consider something like  Second Marriage , she would need time.  

Hopefully, all will be well with her conditions. And we get to see both Rounak and Sumita meeting together really soon 🤞🏼.

Till next time , bye bye !!🤗

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