Who's Gonna Love You Like Me...

By sumsflowers

20.2K 442 155

Josie Hemmings didn't have the best track record for relationships. Calum Hood wasn't one for relationships... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 4

1.7K 41 28
By sumsflowers

When Josie pulled up to the driveway of the house during her hour long lunch break, she pursed her lips at the sight of the black Range Rover parked behind Luke's car. Josie sighed, shutting the door of her car and jingling her keys in her hand as she walked through the threshold of the house, confused gaze immediately landing on a suitcase that was settled on the ground next to the couch.

"Luke?" Josie called, her voice traveling through the house as she wandered into the kitchen. She was in dire need of some leftover spaghetti—so much so that she made the trip back home just to eat some for her lunch break. "Oh, brother of mine—where you at?"

"Why are you yelling?" She heard Luke huff as she crouched down slightly to pull out the dish of spaghetti, straightening and shutting the door with her foot. Her brother stood at the entrance of the kitchen, blonde hair pulled back in a bun, looking unfairly comfortable in his lounge wear. Someone decided to skip work. "And what're you doing home?"

Josie lifted the bowl to show him before settling it on the counter. As she moved around to grab a bowl and fork, she answered, "Needed sustenance. What're you doing home?"

Luke crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow as he asked, "Didn't you check my text?"

Scoffing dramatically as she shut the microwave to heat up her bowl, Josie faced her brother and returned, "I don't check my texts at work or while I'm driving, Luke. I'm a responsible adult." Sure, she remembered her phone buzzing with a text or two from him, but that didn't necessarily mean she stopped what she was doing to check them.

He rolled his eyes, used to the playful sarcasm she'd become an expert on perfecting over the years. Fixing her with a pointed look, he said, "Calum's moving in."


The air ceased from circulating in her lungs, prompting Josie to remain still where she stood as the smile she wore froze on her face. The beat of silence that passed between the two felt like an eternity in Josie's ringing head, her grip on the counter behind her tightening as she forced herself to process Luke's words quicker. Less time to make him feel suspicious as to why she was internally losing her goddamn mind. Her heart had picked up its pace, fast in the way it lodged itself in her throat as she blinked quickly.

"I—uh, why?" She hoped the smile on her face wasn't as nervous as her voice sounded in her ears. "And where's he gonna sleep? You don't have another extra room." The only spare bedroom was now hers.

Luke scratched his beard as he pushed himself off the wall, walking over to the bowl of fruit on the center counter he'd been eyeing earlier. He picked up a red apple as he informed Josie, "Something about a burst pipe? I don't know, I told him he could stay with us. The couch's a pull-out. It's only temporary—he should be fine."

Josie desperately wanted to ask why Ashton or Michael couldn't house their friend, biting her tongue when she remembered Ashton only lived in a one bedroom apartment and Michael and Crystal were currently going through a very stressful move from their own apartment to a new house. Despite the lack of bed, Calum moving into Luke's place was the most logical decision. Even if it had Josie's heart racing out of pure guilt and nerves. How the hell was she supposed to keep her mind off of him when he would be sleeping down the fucking stairs? Josie had known moving to L.A. would significantly increase her chances of running into Calum—but in the living room? Fuck.

"Wait, shit—I should've asked you first, right? I mean, this is your place now too and, like, if you don't want—"

Luke's rambling broke Josie out of her guilt ridden thoughts—as did the sudden beeping of the microwave—and she blinked her wide eyes before interrupting her brother. "No, no, it's fine," Josie assured him with a gentle laugh, almost forced, as she quickly turned to take the bowl out of the microwave. Her nerves didn't even allow her to acknowledge the hotness of the bowl burning her fingers before she set it down. She felt a pang ricochet through her chest at her brother's sudden worry of not clearing with her if his friend could move in to his own home. As an attempt of covering up her guilt, nerves, whatever the fuck it may be, Josie added with a gentle laugh, "I thought I wouldn't be caught in another sleepover with you and your boys after you moved out."

Apparently that was enough to have Luke break out into a short bout of laughter, grinning around the red apple as he bit into it with a sharp crunch. Her brother winked at her, moving to leave the kitchen as he said, "You can't escape us that easily, Jos."

She could wish, though.

Rather than retreating to the living room or to the dining table, Josie hopped up on the couch, placing a small tray in her lap so the bottom of the hot bowl didn't burn her lap as she twirled the pasta around her fork. Josie ate her lunch absently, able to vaguely hear the music playing upstairs and the two pairs of footsteps, not at all making a move to go up and see her brother and new temporary roommate.

Luke was only being a good friend by having Calum move in with them, but of course he wasn't aware of the complication that tensed Josie's muscles at the thought of Calum living with them. That being said, Calum knew. He knew first hand how awkward it could potentially get with the two of them being under the same roof—the last time they were, they'd crossed the line that had disappeared since. They were already around each other more than it was helpful; this temporary living arrangement wouldn't be doing them any favors.

Letting out a sharp breath through her nose as she chewed, Josie's shoulders slumped, disenchanted gaze casted down to her bowl. Was she overreacting? She couldn't clearly tell and couldn't bring it in herself to care. Looking her brother in the eye had become hard enough—now the reason for that was living with them. The universe seemed to be against her.

So lost in her thoughts, Josie hadn't even been aware of the footsteps that were approaching until there was another person in the room, looking up to see the man who had consumed her thoughts lingering by the entrance. She looked up, sensing him before she even saw him, slowly swallowing the mouthful of pasta as her eyes met his dark ones. Calum didn't say anything, didn't try to. She recognized, wryly, the reluctance he wore on his face, lips pursed as they silently stared at one another.

Josie lifted her chin, raising an eyebrow as she repeated the same words he'd said to her on one of her first days in L.A., right here in this kitchen. "You could've given me a heads up."

"Thought I'd return the favor of giving you a surprise," Calum returned smoothly, moving further into the kitchen. He went to the fridge, which happened to be on Josie's immediate left, given that she was sitting on the counter right by it. Josie's expression dropped into a deadpan, and Calum scoffed as he opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. As he uncapped it, he looked at her, letting out a sigh as a meaningful expression flashed across his face. "It's only temporary. It's not a big deal, Josie."

She narrowed her eyes, tilting her head. "Do you seriously believe that?" she challenged, not entirely satisfied by his statement. He didn't even sound like he believed it, so how was he going to try and convince her otherwise?

Calum sighed sharply once more, facing the ceiling briefly—Josie fought the urge to eye at the expanse of his neck, at the way her lips had once felt on it—before looking down at her with a tired, almost bored expression. Calum spoke quickly, an irritated rasp in his voice as he retorted, "No, Jos, I don't; but I can't stay at Ash or Mike's and I couldn't give Luke a legit reason to deny his offer other than the fact that I fucked his sister."

Her eyes grew wide, absently glad she didn't have a mouthful of spaghetti she would've definitely choked on upon hearing Calum's words. With her free hand, she smacked his arm, gaze darting towards both entrances of the kitchen, looking into the living room and towards the hall leading to the stairs in case Luke was anywhere near. Her heart had jumped in her throat, feeling a fire spark in the pit of her belly as Calum's words resonated in her head.

"Are you serious?" she hissed, incredulous gaze on him as Calum rolled his dark eyes, taking a sip of the beer. No longer did he look as reluctant as he had when he first came into the kitchen, now adopting a demeanor too casual than the situation called for. He looked like he could care less about the situation, meanwhile Josie felt her heart pick up its pace. Whether it was at Calum so casually flinging around his words or at the reminder of a night she would never forget, Josie wasn't sure. Most likely both. She shook her head at him. "Shut up—Luke might hear you."

"He went to take a shower," Calum informed, unfazed by the tension in Josie's voice. She hated how calmly he stood there, and it only made her believe that she truly was overreacting over the whole situation. But she knew Calum—or, well, liked to think that she did—and she remembered the way he had looked so tense on the night of her welcoming party. If her being in the same city as him had his teeth grinding, Josie believed it was fair for her stomach to be in constant knots because of him staying in her house.

"Look, just—" Calum sighed once again, running a hand through his growing hair, resting it at the back of his neck as he looked at Josie. He dropped his hand to the side, offering a shrug. "Just relax, okay? It'll be fine. You work during the day and I work at night so I doubt we'll be seeing much of each other, okay? It's only temporary."

It's only temporary. It was only that one time. The latter were words that echoed in the back of Josie's head every time Calum came into view. She had a feeling the former would come back to bite her in the ass someday, somehow.

Her eyes met his once more, her lips pursed, and Calum did his best by offering a small smile before turning to leave the kitchen once more. Josie watched him, took in the delicious expanse of his back under the soft material of his red shirt, the tattoos on his arms feeling as though they were only there to make her want to trace them with her fingers. The black ink looked so pretty against his skin, art on art, and Josie hadn't realized she'd been chewing on her lips until she parted them to speak up without much thought.

"You're telling me you're not the least bit worried?"

About this? About us? About Luke finding out and about everything falling apart all over again even though it was barely put back together?

Calum stopped, shoulders lifting briefly before he looked at her over his shoulder. He shook his head with a proper shrug of his shoulders, raising his eyebrows as he asked, "What's there to be worried about? So long as we keep our mouths shut, we're fine."

Josie wanted to laugh at his words, giving an unconvinced tilt of her head and an almost sad raise of her own eyebrows. In that moment, Calum had become too good at masking his emotions, his thoughts, and she found the frustration gnawing at her when she couldn't get a good read on what he truly thought. "You seriously don't believe that, do you?" she still tried by asking.

Calum's gaze averted, looking towards the wall to his right. With the view she had of his profile, Josie picked up on the way he clenched his jaw, the muscle jumping, sexy and tense and complicated. There was a heavy silence for a minute, the tension of their situation weighing them both down as Calum finally sighed. He shook his head, turning away from her as he continued his way out of the kitchen, not before answering, "I'm trying to."

The three word answer Calum had given Josie sat with her for the rest of the day when she went back to work to finish her shift. She moved mechanically, an interested facade put up to please the clients she met with despite her head begging her to focus on something else—to focus on Calum and what he had said.

In the midst of washing and drying and cutting hair, Josie couldn't shake it off. I'm trying to. He was trying to what? Believe that they would be fine? That everything would be okay? Did he think that things between the two of them would never be the same after what happened? The thought of it, the thought of her friendship with Calum getting knocked down several pegs, left an ache in Josie's chest she couldn't quite voice. Of course things would be different after the night they spent together in her dorm. You can't just look at someone, much less a person who was your good, close friend, the same way after they gave your five mind blowing orgasms in one night.

Shit. Fuck, that was besides the point. Even if she couldn't stop imagining the way he kissed her every time she caught him biting his lower lip, or feel her knees quiver as she remembered the way he carried her to her bed in the dorm...

God. Of course things wouldn't be the same between them after that night. She wondered if Calum had to fight similar thoughts from infiltrating his mind, if he had to remind himself that he couldn't be thinking about her the way she thought about him. At this point, though, what was the use? They'd already overstepped physically. Thoughts couldn't hurt anyone.

Though they were torturous. And as Josie continued with her shift, they only settled heavily on her heart. Both of them knew sleeping together would fuck things up, but they went through with it anyway—because they were selfish. Because they'd only been thinking about themselves and their needs, not about their friends or her brother. They had just been chalked up as consequences they would have to deal with later, and later was now and Josie had no idea what to do. Maybe Calum had the right idea, to just try and pretend it was fine. Fake it til you make it, that sort of thing. They'd come this far, right?

Yet each step forward seemed to be harder than the last.

When she'd returned home from work, Josie was quick to rid herself of her makeup and change into her pajamas before collapsing on the bed, the softness of the mattress and pillows and cool blankets inviting. She didn't quite remember when she fell asleep, but she did remember being pulled out of it in the middle of the night, hours later with a dry throat and desperate need for water.

Sleepily, she got up from her bed, bare feet padding towards the door as she pushed her blonde hair out of her face. As Josie made her way down the hallway towards the stairs, her eyebrows furrowed as a sound greeted her, distant but still in the house. Slowly, she made her way downstairs, and with each step she descended, the more distinct the sound became, recognizing it as uncomfortable grunts and huffs.

She walked into the kitchen, flipping on the stove light which was the dullest, and as she filled up a glass of water, her gaze wandered to the kitchen where the sounds kept coming from. Glass in hand, Josie stepped over to the entrance of the kitchen that opened into the living room, and with the dull light on the stove, she could make out Calum's figure tossing and turning on the pullout mattress of the couch.

The grunts were coming from him, annoyed and uncomfortable, and Josie realized that as nice as the couch was to sit on, the mattress was probably not the same. She rolled her lips into her mouth, eyebrows drawing together at his clear discomfort. Aware of his schedule, Josie knew he probably got home from work about an hour or so ago, probably battling for a comfortable position since then, and before she had the chance to truly think about it, she was making her way into the living room and where he lay.

"Calum," she spoke, her voice quiet as to not startle him, standing by the makeshift bed. "Hey."

He stopped before sitting up, dark eyes meeting hers as he blinked in mild confusion at the sight of her. The blanket pooled at his lap, hands brace against the mattress and providing Josie with the sight of his biceps, in full view thanks to his muscle tee. She pushed back the image of when her nails had dug right into the muscle, of the feeling of his arms wrapped around her in something more intimate than a hug.

"Josie," he frowned, tired and a bit puzzled. "You good?"

She fought the smile that threatened to upturn her lips. "I should be asking you that." She eyed the mattress, raising an eyebrow. "Is it that uncomfortable?"

"Uh," Calum paused with a slight chuckle, looking at what he was laying on as if he was seeing it for the first time. "Prison beds might be more comfortable."

Josie pursed her lips. For all his money, Luke should invest in a better pullout. She gave herself a moment to consider her thoughts, knowing the danger of even thinking them, but she couldn't just let Calum suffer through a night of terrible sleep. Things between them were weird, both of them trying to navigate through uncharted waters, but she couldn't use that as an excuse to allow him to sleep on an uncomfortable bed.

"Come on—" she ticked her head towards the stairs before she psyched herself out of her decision. "My bed's a lot comfier."

Calum's gaze met hers, saw something unknown settle in his features as he asked her, "You sure that's a good idea?"

There was a burning in her cheeks, grip on her glass tightening as she forced her expression to remain neutral, not effected. "We're just sleeping," she told him, hating that she felt her voice waver as if she was trying to convince herself of the truth. That's all they would be doing. Sleeping.

He hesitated for a moment, eyeing her from where he sat, and Josie merely looked back at him with an expectant raise of her eyebrows. Her head kept telling her it was a bad idea, but she told it to shut up. The worst thing she could've done had already taken place—she couldn't let him sleep so uncomfortably after being behind a bar all night. Besides, it'd only be for tonight; tomorrow, she'd tell Calum to hint at Luke in getting a new couch, and if Luke found out his best friend had a shit night on his own couch, no doubt the blonde would buy another one.

When Calum finally let out a breath and got up, Josie took a step back, glancing down at herself as she rolled her lower lip into her mouth at the sight of her clothes. Her pajamas consisted of sleep shorts and an old softball shirt cut to be a crop top, and under the sudden weight of Calum's gaze, Josie felt a bit too exposed in front of him.

As he stood before her, tall figure easily looming over hers and dark eyes traveling from her blue painted toes all the way to her eyes, Josie's skin flushed as she told herself she was being ridiculous. He'd fucking seen her naked; she couldn't get more exposed to that.

Breaking their gaze because the fluttering of her heart was becoming too much, Josie silently turned to head back up the stairs, Calum's presence behind her one she couldn't hope to ignore as they silently moved through the dark house. Their footsteps were light as they approached Josie's room, though it wasn't needed—Luke could sleep through an earth quake.

Her bedroom was dark, which Josie was grateful for as she went to the right side of the bed, setting her glass down as she sat on the edge and was all too aware of Calum moving around to the other side. Josie's back was still to him as she felt the mattress shift underneath her because of his weight, and she played with the blanket as she eyed the wall ahead of her. The room was suffocatingly silent, one she really wanted to get rid of. She didn't want to be weird in front of Calum—too late for that, the voice in her head mocked—but she couldn't help it. And not for the first time, while Josie didn't regret what they'd done, she did hate the tense aftermath of it all.

As if she was trying to somehow reassure herself, Josie didn't look back at Calum as she asked, "This isn't gonna be weird, is it?"

He was silent for only a second. "No. It's fine if, y'know, you don't think about what happened the last time we were in bed together."

The casualness in which he spoke in had Josie huffing with a drop of her shoulders, bringing her legs up so she could lay on the bed, though she paused as she shot Calum a look. Even in the dark of her room, she saw the smirk curling at his lips as he copied her position. She had nothing substantial to say other than, "Literally, shut up," through flushed cheeks as she dug her legs under the blanket. Calum merely snickered, feeling a lot more at ease than she was, and she narrowed her eyes when she caught him just staring at her. The amused playfulness danced in his eyes, shamelessly raking his gaze on her as he sat with his back agains the headboard, an easiness in his features Josie felt overwhelmed by. With a heat in her cheeks, she subtly wrestled with the blanket and told him, "Stop looking at me like that."

Her words prompted a laugh from Calum, raising his eyebrows as he tilted his head almost challengingly. "Really?" he hummed, picking up his phone. His face lit up with the screen, shadowing the sharp features of his face as she watched him set up an alarm for half an hour before Luke's went off. Eyes meeting hers once more with a smirk, he finished, "You didn't seem to care when I was literally in you, like, three month ago."

Josie's jaw slackened, an incredulous squeak getting caught in her throat as she stared at him in a mixture of disbelief, feeling the entirety of her skin flush at the blatant reminder of a night she couldn't ever forget. "Stop," she stated through gritted teeth, no real annoyance or anger in her tone as she huffed and laid down, turning her back to him as she added pointedly, "Goodnight, Calum."

Assuming sleep would come easy when there was an achingly familiar warm body next to hers would be foolish on Josie's part, the blanket brought up to her chin as she stared at the digital clock on her bedside table. The green numbers read 2:56 A.M. and Josie suppressed a sigh. Her shift wasn't until ten, so not getting enough sleep wasn't a concern. It was just the act of falling asleep itself, with Calum in the same bed as hers, that kept her brain kicking and muscles tense.

It was silent only for a few moments until Calum's voice spoke up. "So... How've you been?"

Josie's eyebrows raised where she lay, unsure of what he was playing at or why he was trying to start a conversation right now. He was fucking with her, wasn't he? "Calum, it's three in the morning and the only reason why I suggested sleeping in my room is because I'm a good person and you were being too loud."

She could hear the damned smirk in his voice as he didn't miss a beat and instantly retorted, "You think that's what your neighbors were saying when you were screaming my name that night?"

Josie's eyes squeezed shut as she brought her hands up to cover her face, preventing herself from screaming into her palms as she felt Calum's body shake subtly with the deep chuckles that were escaping him. She hated that despite the memories his words brought up, she felt the tension in her muscles surprisingly ease, no longer feeling suffocated in her own room. "Calum, I swear to God I will kick you off my bed."

"I'm just playin', Josie."

Despite the sound of his laugh making her heart thrum, Josie felt her jaw tighten as she remembered their conversation earlier in the afternoon. So she turned to face him, propping herself up on her elbow as she peered down at his laying figure. Calum's dark eyes instantly met her blue, and she saw the way his expression faltered when he noted the mild hardness in hers. "You're completely going against what you said earlier today, remember?" she demanded with a challenging quirk of her eyebrow. "Trying to pretend that we're fine isn't gonna happen if you keep bringing up what happened."

"I was wrong." Calum propped himself up on his elbow as well and Josie didn't pull back despite the sudden proximity. She could smell his familiar cologne that still stuck to his skin, tickling her nose. With this new closeness, she saw the way his eyes flickered down to her lips, sending her heart to her throat as his low voice spoke, "You and I—we're fine. No pretending necessary."

Josie was having a hard time ignoring her racing heart, her own gaze on his kissable mouth, feeling the familiar pull tugging her towards him and doing her best to fight it. "Unless we're with everyone else, right?"

His lips curled upwards in a small smirk. "We've made it this long," Calum responded with an agreeing tone. Josie's heart stilled when Calum's hand reached up, fingers pushing back a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear, her teeth pressing together when his fingers just barely grazed her cheek, igniting a fire in their wake. He still had that effect on her. "We got this, pretty girl."

Her lungs were robbed of air as he spoke, and Josie subtly raised her eyebrows as she shot him a look. Her voice was quiet in the dark of her room, teeth lightly grazing her lower lip as she told him softly, "We won't if you keep calling me that."

Calum had been watching her bite her lower lip and Josie wondered if it was just as difficult for him to not lean in and close the gap between them as it was for her. Calum half-smiled, dropping his hand from her as he finally said, "G'night, Jos."

He settled back down, back towards her, and Josie tilted her head back to look up at the ceiling. She could feel the heat of his body next to hers despite the space between the two of them, and Josie rolled her lips into her mouth as she settled down as well, her back towards his. Yet another bad idea for the books.

At this point, she might as well become the poster child for stupid relationship decisions. Sooner or later, it would come to bite her in the ass.

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