Let the Games Begin!

By ya_multifandom

716 51 16

A multifandom fanfiction. This story contains characters from Divergent, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Har... More

Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 16-18
Chapters 19-21
Chapters 22-24
Chapters 25-27
Chapters 28-30

Chapters 13-15

53 3 0
By ya_multifandom

Chapter 13

“Well I didn’t know that I was coming myself. That’s why I don’t have my belongings. Do you have any spare clothes for me?”

“Yeah. Come with me, Annabeth’s been so excited that she’s bought you almost a wardrobe-full of them.”

He gestures for me to follow and I do. We walk along a narrow pathway on the side of the road. The path looks upon a river that looks like the River Brunneis back in Panem (Brunneis is Latin for brown).

“Listen. I thought that you would need to hear this.” Percy states solemnly. “You know Greek mythology, the gods and everything?”


“Well, my friends and I, we’re demigods. You know demigods, when a god has a child with a mortal and-” he is cut off by me.

“Yeah, I don’t need a lesson in reproduction.” I say.

“Sorry. Anyway, I thought that you would be screaming and cowering in fright.”

“Well, I have to tell you something. I have magical powers and attend a school for witches and wizards called Hogwarts, and no, I’m not joking. I’m pretty sure that demigods aren’t that much of a surprise for me.”

“Well, that explains your lack of shock. Your lot must be descended from Hecate, the goddess of magic. I’m a son of Poseidon. I can control water.” a wave appears out of nowhere from the River Brunneis.

“Stop, the muggles will see!” I say hastily.

“The mortals can’t see a thing. The Mist prevents them from finding out about us demigods. Did you know that there are Roman and Egyptian demigods too?”

“That’s fascinating.”

He stops abruptly. He sticks his nose up into the air, as if the smell something.

“I smell evil. No monsters have dared to show their face in the mortal world since Gaia was defeated.”

We turn around a corner and stop the second we see it. It’s not a monster, but worse.

“You ain’t no muggle. You’re a witch.” he says to me. “But you, young man, ain’t either.”

“Barty Crouch Junior.” I say through gritted teeth. 

Chapter 14

During the Voldemort Days, Barty Crouch Jr was a faithful supporter. When Voldemort died, he became a recluse. I forgot that in this time, the Battle of Hogwarts wasn’t too long ago.

“Is he magical?” Percy whispers in my ear.

“He is. But he is also evil itself. Evil with a capital letter.” I reply quietly.

Percy raises his arm. Water spurts out of the River Brunneis and lands on Barty’s face. He swallows the dirty brown water and gags. His hands go to her throat, and for a second I think he’s going to strangle himself. Unfortunately, he doesn’t. He cackles loudly.

“Your water can’t stop me!” he yells.

Percy shapes the water into a sharp point, and holds it to Barty’s throat. “Seriously. A son of Poseidon and a witch against an old recluse whose magical powers are downgraded to McBites size? You couldn’t beat us, even if you had an army of evil zombie rats!” Percy shouts enthusiastically. Who knew that insulting people could be such fun.

“Lucky for you I do have an army of evil zombie rats!” he retorts.

“You do?”

“Of course I don’t, you stupid children!” he yells, his eyes glowing with malice.

I pull my wand (Unicorn hair and core of phoenix feather, thirteen inches) out of my pocket and point it at Barty’s heart.

“One move, and you’re gone.” I say threateningly.

His greying dark brown hair falls in front of his face, showing his eyes to be the same colour.

“Fine, children. I’ll make a deal. Let me go back to my life, and I’ll let you free without a scratch.”

“What’s the catch?” I inquire.

“Your wand.”

“No.” I reply determinedly. 

“Give me your wand, Miss Everdeen.”

“SHE SAID NO!” Percy yells. His sea green eyes radiate fury.

“It’s simple, give up your wand, and live a muggle life, or die. I know what I’d choose.” Barty sneers.

“Yeah. You’d choose death. Lucky you, that’s what you’ll get.” Percy retorts nastily.

I signal to him that this is a bad idea. His eyes flash at me. They tell me that he has a plan.

That’s when I feel it slip. My wand is gone. Barty holds it. I see a flash, I see an explosion of water, and Percy falls to the ground.

Chapter 15

“Percy!” I scream, my voice shaking wildly.

Percy lies motionless on the hard, stone ground, his body splayed across the pavement.

I gesture to Barty. “Give me my wand.” I say calmly.

He chuckles. “And why would I ever listen to a child such as yourself?”

I stand on the spot, puzzled. Why would he listen to me?

“Because…well…ummm, you see…” I stutter, unable to think of anything to say.

He smirks, his eyebrows raised as if they were attached to a piece of string.

I grow desperate, unsure what my life would be like without a wand. My hand shoots out, reaching Barty’s face before his expression does. Blood drips out of his nose like it’s connected to a tap. He cringes, then retaliates, his leg narrowly missing my knee.

“Why spill so much pure blood?” he asks, his face displaying his will to be kept unharmed.. “I could just as easily spill your blood, the blood of a blood traitor. It would mean a lot less loss.”

I pause, pretending to consider his offer, but respond by snatching my wand from his loose grasp.

Percy’s sea green eyes flutter open, just as I stupefy Barty. Barty falls to the ground, his bulky body making a loud thumping sound as it hits the littered pavement.

I reach for Percy’s hand to pull him up. He takes it and returns to a normal standing position. 

“What happened?” He asks inquisitively.

“I just kind of knocked him out while you were playing dead fish.” I tease.

“Yeah, well if I was there, I probably would have kicked the McNuggets out of him.” He retorts.

We trudge down the street in silence, our feet making thudding sounds against the pavement.

Percy stops at a cherry-red car, and he waves to a girl with wavy blonde hair inside. He opens the backseat door and gestures for me to come in. I drop my body on to the seat, my long journey tiring me greatly

“You must be Helena!” the girl says excitedly. “I’ve heard about all of your escapes and hardships, you are one tough person.”

“Thanks. You must be the famous Annabeth. I’m pleased to meet you.” I shake her hand.

“Hey Annabeth, can I have a word?” Percy interjects.

“Sure.” Annabeth replies.

They disappear out of my sight.

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