The Profiler and Hunter (CM x...

By mimi_suju

46.3K 985 73

(Criminal Minds / Supernatural Crossover) You've been on a hunting trip, and you haven't been home in a few d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Final)

Chapter 6

5K 109 3
By mimi_suju

Nothing. That's all you felt. Weak and numb to the point where you wondered if your heart was still beating. After getting rid of Alex's body, the nest has been feeding off of you, but slower than their previous victims. 'She's special. We have to make her last,' they said. 

You don't know how long you were in here, but every day you felt your strength slipping. A few days ago, you could've lit the whole barn on fire, but now you can't even light a match; specially bound like this. You knew your family was coming or you, you just hoped they wouldn't be too late.

All you've been doing since your capture was reliving memories in your head; your last birthday, when you joined the BAU, your first hunt, when John found you as a child. All fond memories that helped you escape. All things to keep fighting for.

You were pulled out of another memory when some of the vamps busted into the barn, giggling madly without a care in the world after they probably slaughtered someone else in the next town over. They started doing that when they heard about you. Bastards...

"Oh blood bank~ We're back~" Heather giggled, "Time for a midnight snack."

If you had enough energy to snap back, you would, but all you could do was steady your breathing as she approached you with her usual hungry eyes.

"Wait, Heather." Jared held her back, surprising everyone, "She's weak. If we want her to last, we need to give her some time."

Heather thought for a moment before she had a eureka moment.

"Wait, I know how to make her last for A LOT longer, "She grinned. Uh oh.

"Do you mean..."

"Think about it! Sure feeding on a Winchester is delicious, but a Winchester doing the feeding with us?" She almost moaned at her idea, and the nest laughed like a pack of hyenas. You may not have as much time as you thought.

You tried your magic, knowing it wouldn't work but you had to try. Wriggling, you even tried to scream at her as she came closer, but that was even more useless as she grabbed one of your blades, slicing her palm and letting the blood flow.

"Say ah~"


"We should be there in a few minutes," Jodie relayed over the phone to Sam and Dean. They split up into two cars; the brothers following Jody's car.

"Ok, when we get there we need to be on high alert. (Y/N) is a damn good hunter, but she's probably been their personal juice box for a while. She'll be weak." Dean explained, knowing it took a lot to take you out.

Meanwhile, not too far behind them were two SUVs with their lights off, trailing them at every turn.

"We're lucky they kept their lights on, or we'd be lost," Rossi said as he drove.

"Garcia, have you found out what's back here?" JJ asked into the phone.

"Yes mon ami, and although it took me a while, there appears to be an abandoned farmhouse at the end of the road. It's been abandoned for so long, it only appears on satellite photos and local maps, which these perfectly manicured hands scoured through."

"You're the best, babygirl," Morgan said.

"Wait!" Garcia said before JJ could hang up, "I also ran the faces of those very handsome men through facial recognition from the police station's security footage, and ho boy those pretty faces became not so pretty. Their names are Sam and Dean Winchester; brothers, with the taller one being Sam. They were wanted a while ago for murder, grave robbing, you name it and they've done it. But get this, all my resources say that they died a few years ago. Caput. Sleeping with the fishes."

An uncomfortable silence loomed in the cars before JJ finally hung up. With every new piece of evidence they got, the further they fell down a rabbit hole. These supposed dead guys show up very much alive looking for their missing agent and friend all with police help? This did not bode well and sent horrible thoughts through Hotch's mind.

What if they took you and are now going to finish the job?

Maybe you were already dead.

No. He couldn't think like that anymore. As soon as they caught up at the barn, questions were being answered whether the brothers wanted to or not.

It took a few more minutes, but the Winchesters came up to the barn, parking beside the fence as to not be caught prematurely. Of course this hunt is nothing new, but your life was on the line. They took no chances.

"Ok, Sam and I will go through the front. There's probably a back entrance, so Jody and Jack will take that. Cas, you'll-" Dean was interrupted by the two SUVs flanking their cars. Balls.

"FBI! Put your hands over your head!" Morgan said, aiming his gun at the hunters for the second time tonight as the team followed. Jack's eyes flashed gold, ready to protect his own family and catching the team off guard.

"Jack, no. They're just trying to save (Y/N) like us." Sam warned, putting his hands up and signaling the others to do the same.

"Where is she?" Hotch asked, his patience clearly running thin and completely ignoring the nephilim.

"We think she's in there, but we're going to get her back."

"And we're supposed to trust the words of dead murderers? No thanks," Prentiss gritted. Their jaws visibly clenched, obviously busted.

"Look, we're (Y/N)'s friends, ok? Her journal led us here. You can read it yourself, but you gotta trust us. We want her back alive just as badly as you do, just put the guns away and keep your voices down." Jody pleaded, knowing if the profilers didn't keep it in check they'd have bloodthirsty visitors to deal with, but it was too late. They were at a standstill as Dean noticed movement in the corner of his eye.

"Son of a bitch..." he whispered, slowly reaching for his blade.

"What did you say?" Reid chimed, noticing how fidgety the hunters became. Before Dean could explain, the vampires had come out to play. Now there were seven vampires ready to attack.

"Well well well. Looks like we're having quite the buffet tonight," One of them chuckled. While the hunters were in a defensive stance, the profilers didn't know who to aim their guns at. Where did they come from? Although, from the 'buffet', they figured these people were responsible for the murders across town, "Just in time, too. We have a new member dying for some fresh blood."

The hunters tried their best to stay optimistic, but they had a good idea of what he meant. They quickly held their blades up to the vamps.

"Listen, we know you jerk-offs have (Y/N), so why don't you just hand her over, and we won't send a needle of deadman's blood right through your eye." Dean threatened.

"We can work a deal," Hotch reasoned, completely ignoring Dean's threat and desperate to get you back, "Just give us (Y/N)."

The hunters knew that wouldn't work, nor would Dean's attempt. If by some miracle of God they did get arrested, they'd kill their way out. This caused the vamp to laugh.

"You must be Dean, and you must be Hotch. She's told us about you; well, more like mumbled. Especially after a feeding, when she was too weak to even cry," He laughed, making Hotch red in anger, "But unfortunately, I'm growing bored, and she's growing hungry."

In a flash, they revealed their fangs, showing their true forms and almost freezing the profilers. They began to shoot as the vampires converged, but it didn't work. Instead, they were taken to the ground, some knocked to the ground and others held down. Meanwhile, the hunters made quick work of the ones that attacked them as they did so many times before, only getting a few bruises.

Now Reid, Prentiss, and Hotch were face to face with sharp teeth aiming for their necks as they struggled to get them off, but they were stronger. Inhumanly strong.

"You should be her first drink. Killing her own lover is so poetic," the vampire on Hotch laughed, right before Sam knocked her head clean off, leaving blood splatter on his face. Hotch has hardly ever been left shaking before, but this was an exception. The Winchesters went on to save the others, eventually helping up the agents that felt they were in way over their heads.

"W-What were they?" Reid stuttered, obviously trembling. Could you blame him?

"Those were vampires. Real ones, not that new-age sparkle crap. You're welcome, by the way." Dean said, wiping the blood off his face. The BAU just stared at them, almost too scared to speak.

"Impossible. Vampires aren't real," Prentiss said, sounding obviously unconvinced by her own words.

"Listen, those were vampires and they are real," The agents now seemed like lost children so Sam continued, "Vampires, werewolves, demons-"

"Demons?" Reid interrupted, to which Sam just made a face, gave a curt nod and continued.

"All of those things are real, and we hunt them."

"The kid's eyes, they really glowed. What is he?" Morgan asked, now wary of the Winchester's youngest companion.

"He is a nephilim. A half-angel and half-human creature. I am an angel, although I fail to see the relevance of this." Cas spoke up, leaving the team spinning, but Dean became annoyed.

"Look, we can talk about each other's day jobs all night long, but (Y/N) is in there, and if they did what I think they did, then she needs our help. She's either dying or wishing she was." Dean commanded.

For a second, the BAU team felt like they couldn't move. All the things that go bump in the night, all the things their parent told them weren't real were suddenly very real and very dangerous, and they were about to go toe to toe with more? Did you know about this? Of course you did; the setup at the hotel, the weapons, the symbol. It finally made sense, and you probably knew the risk of coming here, too. But Dean's words brought Hotch back out of his mind. You were in there. You were hurt. You you you.

Monsters be damned. He loved you.

"You're obviously the experts. How do we do this?" Hotch stepped up, bidding the rest to follow. Sam's mouth twitched up in approval as he held up his blade.

"Stakes to the heart, a crucifix; those don't really work. The only way to deal with vampires is to cut off their heads," Sam explained, leading them to the trunk of the impala and opening it. He took out a syringe, "This is full of deadman's blood. It's like poison, but it'll only slow them down."

Dean started passing out weapons to the agents, the reality of the situation weighing heavier than the blades. This is real, and they were really about to fight more, but you were in danger. That's all they needed to know.

"Alright, now they should be outnumbered. This should be quick and we'll walk out with some bumps and bruises, just follow our lead." Sam explained and the team agreed, readying themselves.

He was right. If anything, this fight was one of the easier ones for the Winchesters, especially with the extra help. The brothers came in first, taking on the first two vamps together while Jody, Cas, and Jack took on the next couple. This left three vamps for the profilers, who were still shaky. The Winchesters knew they would be, but they needed the vamps distracted so they could be spread thin and it worked. Reid even injected one and Prentiss beheaded another, looking to each other afterward in bewilderment, but before they knew it, it was over. Heather was the last one to go.

"Too bad. A Winchester with us would have made us legends," She chuckled bitterly as the poison took over. Dean took pleasure in swiping his blade, watching her head roll a few feet away.

"Sam... Dean..." came a weak voice from a hidden corner of the barn. They instantly ran over, finding you now chained against the wall with blood around your mouth and your eyes bloodshot to hell.

"(Y/N), thank god," Sam released you, hugging you once you fell into his arms. Dean joined the hug, pressing his lips to your forehead. Although you could totally make a joke about chick flick moments, you tried pushing them away.

"No... No. I can hear it. Your blood. I need the cure... The blonde chick...," Despite your weak words, they understood, running to collect her blood after letting you sit and rest against the wall.

"I'm so glad you're ok, sweetheart," Jody said, sitting next to you and not caring whether you thought her neck was the most appetizing thing on the planet.

"Define ok, Jody," You laughed weakly. You nddedtowards Castiel and Jack who were directly in front of you.

"(Y/N)..." The familiar voice grabbed your attention, and once you laid your eyes on your other family you felt what little color you had leave. Hotch had a look in his eye that you couldn't even place. Disappointment? Pity? You wanted to jump up, run to him, grab him and tell him this isn't what it looks like, but judging by the blood on his clothes - on all their clothes - it was too late for that. All you could do was hang your head in shame while your brothers came back with some of Heather's blood.

"We got the bitch's blood. All we need is some garlic and sage." Dean said.

"I have those in my car." You replied, not bothering to look up.

"Ok. Cas, take us back to the motel. The rest of you can meet us there." He said before Cas grabbed a hold of them and vanished. Very little more could startle the agents, but vanishing would do it.

"What's going on? And why do you need her blood?" Morgan demanded.

"(Y/N)... Ingested a vampire's blood. Instead of a bite, ingesting blood is what turns you into a vampire, but only if you drink human blood after. She hasn't, so there's a cure that requires the blood of the vampire who turned her along with garlic and sage, but..."

"But?" Rossi pushed, prompting Jody to take over.

"The process isn't pretty. I've seen it first hand with my kid," She grimaced, remembering how sick Alex was, "but she'll pull through with our support."

"Look, follow us or don't, but (Y/N) is family. She needs us." Sam said, preparing to walk out.

"She's our family, too," Hotch said, his voice just above a whisper.

"Then let's go."

A/N: Sorry for the wait! I just finished the series last week and AHHHH


Now I'm just rewatching Leverage and The Librarians (they are SO GOOD).

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