Reincarnated in The Royal Tut...

By OrangeChild

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He died a normal death at the young age of seventeen and that was it. However, it seems that fate has other p... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 14

3.3K 152 41
By OrangeChild


I grumbled as I walked inside my aunt's house, dead tired. Removing my shoes and backpack seems like a chore and it took all I have to drag myself over to the nearest couch before unceremoniously dropping down like actual bird droppings.

"Oh, you are early today." From the kitchen, Oliver brought out two cans of cola and a basket of leftover caramel popcorn from the theater; I accidentally broke the shaved ice maker last week so I guess that will be all we're having today.....chewing is annoying though, "Ready for 76?"

I was so tired I didn't even bother looking up when he placed the two cans on the table and began eating without me, "Where are your parents today?"


"Uh...are they..." Using all the strength I could muster, I turned my head to the side to face him and make a circle with my left thumb and index before poking my right middle finger through, " know..."

"Of course not!!" Oliver screeched, spitting out bits of popcorn at the same time. "Get your mind out of the goddamn gutter!!"

"Okay, then." I yawned without covering my mouth, "I quit my job at the store today."

"Ah, so you finally got fired." Oliver nodded in understanding.

"No, I walked out of my own free will!" I snapped playfully, "There's a difference!"

"Whatever. So what happened?"

I turned over onto my back and thought about what happened in the last hour, "Well, you know how I never got along with my manager and all that stuff?"

"What of it?"

"Shit hit a boiling point today—"

"It's spring."

I snorted, "Don't take it literally. Anyway, the reason we never got along with each other in the first place is that he's Catholic and I'm an atheist. Pretty sure the only reason why he hired me is because of my name."

"That's true." 

"Hey! You are supposed to disagree with me—" 

"For someone with such an angelic name you aren't that interested in religion."

"Anime is my religion." I proclaimed proudly, "Our place of worship is the internet, and the holy land is Japan, we pray to the anime god every day for our OTPs to be canon, and mangas are our Bible. What more do you need?"

" acceptance?"

"Whatever. He nags on me all the time on how I should just get on board with the rest of them already—my coworkers are also Catholics." I ignored Oliver's sarcastic comment, "I tried to keep calm for the past few months but when he insulted both me and anime, I felt something snapped and I just up and left. I'll go insane sooner or later if I keep working there—the pay's not even that good anyway."

Out of breath from speaking so much at once, I paused and took a can of cola on the table, " Why is it a little warm?"

"Oh, that?" Oliver chewed, "I just took it out from dad."

"Did you shove it up his ass or something?" My cousin shook his head, and I skeptically smelled the can, "...where then?"

"I put it in his armpits."

"EWWW!!" I dropped the can on the floor immediately and it rolled all the way under the sofa, "Why on earth would you do that?!"

"It's funny how his face scrunches up when his armpit got cold but he didn't wake up." Oliver replied in perfect deadpan, "Just drink it normally. It hasn't been there for that long. What happened next?"

Against my will, I groggily stood up and bent down to get the can, which rolled all the way to the wall, I continued, "I probably need to come back later to gather my belongings—if there's any left—but overall I think it's a good decision. He acts like he's better than everyone else all the time and got off of quoting literally every Catholics ever existed."


"Yeah, he quotes a lot of them every time I get there," my finger reached the (slightly warm! ewww) can and pulled it out from underneath the couch, "Today he quoted....mother Teresa I think? 'Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.'"

"No shit, that's how prostitution started."

I couldn't fully suppress a bark of laughter, "Are you implying I'm a whore?"

"Of course not, you'll drive them out of business. More like mattress replacer."

"You," I declared, "officially have the shittiest mouth in this family. How do you even come up with these kinds of things?!"

"I tried." He smirked, still eating before he stopped.

"Gimme some, too. You've been eating ever since I arrived."

Oliver handed me the empty basket, "Sure."

I spluttered, "What the fuck?! How did you eat it all that quickly?! Are you Luffy?"

"Thank you for the compliment."

"It's not supposed to be!!"

"Don't take it literally," he used my words against me with a playful poke, "Don't worry—mom knew you'd be coming over so she already packs BLTs for us two. I'll get it now."

"Oh really? Gotta thanks her when she wakes up, then." I sighed in content as I sat upright, trying to open the can of cola—


"Wuh?!" I spat out the sugary drink drenched on my face, clothes, and everything in shock as Oliver laughed his ass off.

"LOL I knew you are not the brightest but opening a can of coke right after you drop it?!" He paused to wipe away mirthful tears, "I sure wouldn't have the guts to do that!!"

"Why you—?!" I quickly make a beeline to Oliver, shake the remaining coke onto him, and messes his hair up.

"Wait—you'll dirty the carpet!! And this is my favorite shirt, ya asshole!!"

We playfully wrestled on the floor for a while before Oliver's mom came down and kicked us both to the bathroom. After we were dry and clean, Oliver and I purchased chapter 76 of the Royal Tutor and started reading.

It was fun.


"WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! BAKA!!" Viktor the parrot bellowed at dawn.


I woke up to a familiar ceiling. It's been a while since I dreamt of the past.

After all the partying we did last week, things have been great in the palace for a while. Heine fit in as well as he could've been, and things started to look up. Kai is Kai, Bruno is admittedly not himself, Leonhard is less afraid of royal tutors in general, and Licht is still his ordinary self.

Hm? Why was Leonhard afraid of tutors again—oh right. 

Damn, my brain really doesn't work properly in the morning.

The reason why Leonhard is scared of the royal tutors was because of the very first one. I was quite grumpy then because Eins had left for the military academy a year earlier than he was supposed to be and taking Ernst with him, so the problem with the first royal tutor sort of slipped my mind right up until the bastard decided to show his true color. However, I did not allow it to fester as it did in canon. When that man decided that yelling at Leonhard won't make him listen, he used his pointer to slap his palm. I immediately brought it up to Father, and he was forced to resign. Same old outcome.

The thing is, Leonhard's hatred of studying is the driving force of his relationship with Heine, and without these four being so difficult about the tutor preference, Heine would never have made it to the palace, so even though Leonhard sobbed for two days straight and didn't develop properly, I think that the correct decision is for the events to stay the same. On the bright side, at least Leonhard only has him for about a week or so.

After cleaning my face in my private bathroom, I quickly put on the clothes Sebastian had prepared for me the night before leaving for breakfast. Eins the cat drowsily circled my legs as I pick him up so we can go to the dining hall; I would've brought Viktor the parrot along for the ride but since he makes pooping sounds every time someone eats, it's not a wise idea—unless it was an informal gathering, of course.

"Your Highness," Sebastian greeted curtly and opened the door to the dining hall for me. Grandmother, Adele, and Kai were already there waiting with the servants already started their long-ass plating ceremony. No one really cares whether you use your left or right hand to pick up food, dumbass.

"Good morning, Edward." Grandmother smiled kindly and Adele waved her hand at me.

I smiled back, "Good morning, grandmother, Adele, and Kai. How are you all doing?"

"I'm fine..." Kai eagerly stretched his hands out for Eins to climb on top and began stroking away with Eins the cat humming pleased sounds. Ever since I first brought the little rascal to the palace, breakfasts with him on a specially made menu are a must at my insistence. It was both to irritate Eins and for my own amusement at everyone else's bewildered expression. Kai saw an opportunity and vouched for Shadow to join us too shortly after that.

Speaking of which...

"Where's Shadow?

"Shadow fell into the mud!" Adele quickly explained, "The maids are giving him a bath, so he won't be joining us this morning."

"Oh, okay, where's the small three, then?"

"Bruno...getting them...," Kai softly nuzzled Eins the cat. "Leonhard's tired from studying...."

Sebastian quietly knocked twice on the door. Ah, it seems they are here.

Not even a minute later, my high steward opened the door and the small three—as I had dubbed it years ago—came in with various degrees of enthusiasm. Bruno was ramrod straight as always, Leonhard was sleepy and had to be bodily-dragged to the table by Licht, who is as cheerful as ever.

Bruno inclined his head shortly, "Good morning to you, Grandmother, Edward, Kai, Adele. I hope you slept well last night."

"'morning, everyone!" Licht promptly dump Leonhard on his chair and went to his seat next to Kai.

"I'm tiredddddd...." Leonhard mumbled, his cheeks smoosh against the table as his head turned to the side, "I wanna sleepppp..."

"You are drooling Leonie!"

"Glad to see everyone is as energetic as ever." I sighed fondly.

"Good morning, your Highnesses," Theodore lead about a dozen maid and chef into the room as always, "we will be having freshly baked semmeln for breakfast accompanied by the finest high-grade butter from the kingdom of Fonsein and our own Granzreich strawberry jam. There is also the chef's special of the morning; muesli with three kinds of toppings, toasted almonds, ripe blueberries, and fresh cream. As per his highness prince Edward requested, today we have western-style scrambled eggs with bacon. We have a special import of robusta beans for our coffee and dessert will be plain financiers."

"Yum!" I exclaimed. "Maybe we should have hashbrowns tomorrow. I think it will go well with semmeln."

"Hashbrown?" Bruno rose an eyebrow as the maids began to lay out the food platters on the table.

"You shred the potatoes and then pan-fry it until golden brown." I nodded to the head chef who is mentally taking notes.

"Will do, your Highness." He nodded with a smile, "You always come up with the most interesting ideas!"

'More like I stole the future (past?) existing recipes.' I snorted awkwardly, "Haha, not really."

One of the maids set down a plate for Eins the cat, and I leaned over to check it out. Pan-seared salmon with chopped up spinach? Royal cats really do have the best luck.

As we began eating, my younger siblings began to occupy themselves with lively chatter. Leonhard finally woke up and started eating properly without Kai spoonfeeding him and Bruno scold Licht about proper royal behavior again. The Queen Mother used this opportunity to corner me on the issues of my royal duties.

"Edward, dear," she began, "don't you think it's the perfect time to take up some of your royal duties? Your father can use a hand in the affairs with the kingdom of Romano and a lot of our officials really want to talk to you. It is vital if you want to compete against your brothers for the throne."

I never intended to run for the throne, and with my new job as the Boss of the Crimson Spider, I have a lot of work to do. It is customary for princes and princesses to partake in gatherings and talks as the guest of the hour, but I've only been doing the barest of the bare minimum required. All I've been focusing on this past year is expanding the Crimson Spider's influence, so I've been intentionally neglecting my job.

I let out a bark of laughter. "No way, grandmother. I already have enough problems with my own business, there's no way I'm gonna take more onto my plates." 

The business, officially known as the Isekai Company, was started by yours truly about two years ago as a cover-up for the Crimson Spider's activities and my absence from the palace. Father had objected to my leaving the palace to start up my own business, but after much persistence (and blackmail) from me, he'd let it go under the condition that I try to keep my identity as a prince to a need-to-know basis only. 

"Would you rather me be more like Mother? She hasn't been around for quite some time now and I think they are getting lonely." I gestured to the others.

"But you are taking some time off for us now, aren't you?" She insisted, "Surely you can arrange for a tea party or two? Currently, the attention of the masses are on you and Eins, and taking on some diplomatic duties will do wonders for your qualifications to the throne. Eins dear is currently on a trip to visit all the countries we have ties with—you should do something to level off the playing field, too."

"I know. The kingdom of Contrera like him a lot, last I heard." I took a bite out of the scrambled eggs and bacon before taking a sip of coffee, "I'm not going out of my way to expand my repertoires; let Eins do whatever he wants. Anyhow, what you really want is for everyone else to take their eyes off of my younger brothers, right?"

Surprise briefly flickered across her eyes before grandmother let out a soft chuckle, "As expected...nothing gets past you, Edward. The working classes' impressions of your brothers are fine, though they are a little wary of Kai." I nodded in understanding before she continues, "but it is different for the nobles and middle-class; they view Kai as a mentally challenged threat unfit for the throne. Bruno's reputation as a genius certainly helped, but his inexperience and rigidness also follow his fame. Leonhard is renowned for his difficulties with the past royal tutors and Licht is a frequent guest at many party gatherings."

"It also doesn't help that they are so far down the line of succession," I added, "and a lot of officials already regard Eins as the next king." Even though I don't plan to be in the running anyway, being put to the side like that irks a little. What am I, chopped liver?

"That's right, so I thought a heartfelt declaration from his rival will spark heated debate and bring the masses' attention away from your brother long enough so Professor Heine can work with them." She clapped her hands together in delight. "That's my plan. It's nice, no?"

"I guess. But there's no way I'm doing that, either. Eins declared me as a rival long ago, sure, but..." I trailed off. There's no need for my interference, right? Everything had been going mostly fine in canon without my meddlings, so there's no need for me to up my games—I'm not even interested in the damn throne. I'm a commoner through and through. "I just want to go at my own pace. And you don't have to worry about them. These four are no longer children; they can stand up on their own two feet if they really want a shot at the throne."

"I suppose I can't force you on that," she sighed, but finally let it off. "On a different note, Professor Heine came to my study early this morning requesting leave for Kai, Bruno, Leonhard, and Licht out of the palace to go into Wienner. Do you have any objections to that?"

"Not really," I suppose it's about time for chapter 8 if the timeline isn't skewered, "What about security measures?"

"We will have guards tail them, of course. The best guard we currently have is young Maximilian, I believe." She winked at me several times, smile still in place, and expect me to answer.

"Fine," I sulkily conceded, "I'll come along as an additional chaperone. Finn will like the change of scenery, I bet. And I'll just fork everything else off to Sebastian."

"How wonderful!" Grandmother smiled eagerly, pouring me another cup of coffee herself because she's super nice, "Professor Heine is still a little new to the area, so I am a little worried. If you are there with them then I can rest easy."

Well, I wasn't planning on tagging along, but I guess that's that.


"Good morning, Professor Heine." Finn, who is not in his uniform for once, smiled confidently with Ludwig and Maximilian standing behind him while the Queen Mother is handing out pocket money in the background, "My name is Finn Schneider and I am prince Edward's former personal coachman slash bodyguard. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, I am Heine Wittgenstein, the younger princes' royal tutor." Heine greeted professionally, then turn to Edward, "The Queen Mother already filled me in earlier; thank you for joining us today, your Highness."

"Drop the formality, Professor Heine. We'll be working together a lot in the near future, so you don't have to be all stiffy with me. I hang out with commoners a lot so you can say I'm more comfortable in their skin." The second prince shrugged lightly, then he jerked his head to the other group. "I wonder when we can leave." 

"I will do that, then. And yes, the Queen Mother is truly a caring person." Heine deadpanned.

After many tearful goodbyes, Finn guided the palace coachman to drive the group off the palace ground, and the royal guards' carriage follows shortly after for protection. The princes filled the silence with mindless chatters about all sorts of things until Finn told the driver to stop. Everyone got off safely, and with a curt nod from the coachman, he drove away swiftly to avoid suspicion.

"Whoo-hoo! It's the city!!" Licht excitedly exclaimed, drawing a few eyes to the group full of good-looking men. Leonhard flinched at the attentions and tried to move closer to Kai. 

Bruno meanwhile pulled out a map and commented, "It looks quite lively."

"It's been a while since I get to stroll around Wienner like this," Edward hummed, "I should come back more often—I wonder if that eintopf place is still open."

"Prince Edward, I heard from prince Kai that you do not live in the palace," Heine inquired suggestively, leaving the rest of the story for him to tell.

"Yeah, I moved out two years ago to my own place in the southern suburban part of Wienner. It's about three hours worth of carriage ride from here. Eins also moved out, by the way, that's why you never see him around."

"I heard that the Crown Prince is on a trip to visit all of Granzreich's allies."

"That, too." Edward nodded in confirmation, "I'm taking a temporary break from my work to go back for a while to rest and because Father's gonna be back soon."

'His manner of speech...I suppose he wasn't lying when he said he hangs out with commoners a lot.' Heine thought inwardly. "And by the way, what is that?"

"Oh, this?" Edward looked at the long bag on Finn's shoulder, "It's a camera. Interesting, but quite bulky to carry around. I have a hunch that we'll encounter something amazing today."

"Hmm..." Bruno squinted at the map as the group continued to walk along the road, "walking through town is indeed a different experience compared to reading a map. One could get lost, venturing out alone."

"Oh yeah! You've never been into town before, right?" Edward exclaimed, 'I totally forgot—well not really, I knew but it just sorta sits on the back of my mind.'

"I have," Bruno insisted, "I just never left my carriage! It's fine; I'll just start by memorizing the map, and then compare it to our actual surrounding..."

"That's the same thing, though." He pointed out.

Heine added on, "And there's no need for that."

"As expected of an amateur," Licht smirked, "All right, big brothers, I'll just have to take you around to all of my favorite shops, then. Follow me!"

They started walking behind Licht, who was confidently marching forward on the brick pavement. But Licht suddenly slowed down and the group came to a stop.

"Now that I think about it, I was always following my lady friends around, so I haven't the foggiest idea where anything is!" Licht chuckled awkwardly.

Bruno deadpanned in annoyance, "Why do you even bother going to town, then?!" 

"G-Good god!!" Leonhard backtracked in surprise at the sheer amount of people on the street, "Why are there so many people here?!"

"Because The Ring has a lot of principal public buildings, so there are more people here." Edward jerked his head at a building, "That over there is the National Opera House, and that over there is the City Hall. I think Licht has been there once with one of his girls."

"This is Ringstrasse, the Ring Road, commonly known as 'The Ring'." Heine pointed at a remnant of the wall and explained, "Years ago, Ramparts stood here. Following their demolition and a massive construction effort completed twenty years before, it became the main road."

"So that's why there are so many people." Licht complained, "Now that I think about it, I think I came here with Fiona once."

"Wienner now boasts a population of 1.3 million and is considered a world center." Heine continued, "Do take care not to stray from the group. Particularly you, prince Leonhard. Are you listening?"

Edward raised an eyebrow at the shaking figure of his younger brother, "What's gotten into him?"

"Master told him about how princess Marie was killed by a guillotine." Bruno whispered, "He's now commoner-phobic."

"Oh, that's why!" Edward put an arm over Leonhard's shoulder, "You know what, Leonie; princess Marie is also an avid fan of sweets, too. She love her chocolates as much as you love your torte!"

"She does?!"

"Brother, please don't scare him further." Bruno pushes up his glasses in exasperation as Leonhard inquired more about the queen and his similarity.

"You'll be fine as long as no one finds out you are a prince." Heine pulled his student along since it doesn't look like Leonhard knows where he's going.

"" Kai mumbled as he look around.

Licht exclaimed excitedly, "It's the shopping district!!"

"Yes, we've entered the shopping district. How would you like to shop to your heart's content?" Heine suggested, "The Queen Mother did give you pocket money."

"Don't worry about not having enough; I brought more than enough to cover for everyone today," Edward added on at the hesitant looks he received. "If you shop for more than we can carry around, I'll have my men bring them back to the castle." Finn waved his hand.

"I see," Bruno nodded in appreciation, "I shall see myself to a bookstore, then."

Kai also left in the opposite direction, leaving the four of them in the middle of the center.

"Prince Edward," Heine began, "Is that a good idea?"

"What is?"

"The princes should learn about budgeting and management," Heine pointed out, "this will be a good lesson for them not to overspend the money that they have, and how to take responsibility for their belongings."

"It's fine. There will be plenty of opportunities for them to do so at a later date," Edward waved it off, "Also, you are underestimating them a little, Professor. My brothers aren't that spoiled and sheltered."

"Shopping...?" Leonhard fingered the coin, "I've never done this 'shopping'."

"Really, Leonie?!"


"...well, maybe a little."

Heine pointed to a shop, "Then we shall rectify that. How does this general shop look to you?"

"Uh...sure..." Leonhard hesitantly nodded.

The fifth prince slowly opened the door to the establishment. The clerk smiled, "Welcome!"

"Hello." The prince looked around and marched to the toys section as opposed to tablewares.

"Pick out whatever you like and hand it to the clerk."

"Whatever I like, you say...?"

Finn also took a look around, "This is so nostalgic. Just a little over a decade ago I was accompanying your Highness on your first trip to town."

"That's right, I got you a book, didn't I?" Edward snickered, "It's probably outdated now. Maybe I should look around and get a new one called 'How to keep your in-laws from murdering you'."

"That's not funny, your Highness." Finn blushed and grumbled lightly, "Father and I are getting along fine. He's a little intimidating but we are on speaking terms."

"What a low bar."

Heine spoke up, "Herr Finn, have you been serving the royal family for long?"

"I suppose you could say that I'm one of the senior staff around the palace," Finn rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I was just a new trainee like Maximilian when his Highness was born and got roped into being his coachman after that. Even though he'd relieved me of the duty officially when our son was born, I usually accompany him around as his bodyguard."

"His wife is Theodore Karner's daughter." Edward added, "He's the Head of the Butlers in the palace and have been working with Father for years."

'He said 'with', not 'for',' Heine noted, "Is it the gentleman with long hair over one eye?"

"No, that guy is Father's High Steward. He helps Father with paperwork and the likes and technically has a higher position in the palace, but even he comes to Theodore for guidance."

"This!!" Leonhard exclaimed, which drew our attention away, "It's ever so cute! I want it!!"

'Lord have mercy. 'Cute'?' 

'That stupid doll look even more ridiculous in real life.'

'S-Should I speak up? Is that rude?'

Ignoring the group's stupefied expressions, Leonhard handed the doll to the clerk, "That will be fifty-five kreuzer."

The prince immediately panicked, "W-What?! I don't have fifty-five!!"

"Wait, wait," Heine immediately stepped in, "these are twenty kreuzer coins. Therefore, three coins are worth sixty kreuzers. If that is too complicated for you, give her one florin coin. One florin is worth one hundred kreuzers. You'll receive forty-five kreuzer as the difference."

Edward snorted, "He just complicates it more."

Leonhard struggled to comprehend before giving up and push handfuls of coins to the clerk, "H-Here! Take whatever you will!!"

"Eh?!" The clerk was startled but quickly composed herself, "I'll take as much as the doll is worth, then."

'I fear this child could not survive if he hadn't been born royal...'

 Edward replied mentally, 'Not really since he would've had a commoner's sense of money.'

"One, two...there. Sixty kreuzers. Five kreuzers are your change."

Leonhard stared at the coins in his hands before turning around to face Heine, "Look, I've done it! Shopping! Aren't you impressed?!"

"How wonderful for you..." Heine finished mentally, '...that the clerk was so kind.'

Licht was waiting outside the door, "Oh, you are back."

Leonhard immediately grabbed his younger brother's hand and pulled him along, "Come, Licht! More! Let's go over there!!"


Edward stared on in amusement, "I wonder how Bruno is faring."

"His Highness is in that bookstore," Finn pointed to the bookstore across, "I don't think he'd left yet."

Indeed, Bruno was still browsing away, "Bookstores are wondrous places, are they not? I've always asked servants to retrieve the books I require, but being at a bookstore in person rouses one's interest in all manner of other books."

"So it does. With that said, do you mean to buy all this?" Heine pointed to the three stacks of books behind him.

"I could not divert my interest..." Bruno coughed awkwardly, "I am well aware that I cannot carry all of them, and furthermore, have gone over my budget. But I must have both of these...and I've been searching for this book for ages...and this one is also..."

"I told you that it's fine, is it not?" Edward remarked as Bruno frantically look through the books to pick, "In fact, I've already predicted it to be the case and brought extras."

"And I appreciate your efforts, Edward, but if something is simply not possible, the manly thing to do is to accept it...!"

"But it's possible, though."

Ignoring his brother's words, Bruno slammed the three volumes on the desk, "These three volumes only, please!!"

Heine was pleasantly surprised by his resolve, 'My word...!'

"Ahem..." The old man working at the store nervously cut in, "We can hold items for you as well, sir."

"Well, there you go. I suggest you to just buy them all now; Finn can call the carriage over, and I have the cash—I mean coins." Edward suggested.

"Please," Bruno mumbled in defeat. Finn gave the camera bag to Edward and ran to find the hidden palace guards.

"Now, how much are these all worth?"

"Let me see...." The clerk took a look at all of the books and noted the price down on a piece of paper before twisting it over to the other side, "The total will be seventy-four florins but since you are buying so many, we can round it down to seventy florin total."

"That's great." Edward pulled out his coin pouch and paid the appropriate amount, "Once the other gentleman—his name is Finn—comes back, please give these to him. Thank you very much."

They quickly left the bookstore to find Kai. "You seem as though you could make your way even if you had not been born as a royal." Heine commented, 'Compared to prince Leonhard, that is.'

'Master, he's...he's praising me!' Bruno was taken aback and furiously wiped away his tears, "Oh, Master!"

"It was not meant to be taken as such high praise," Heine deadpanned. "Would you know where might I find prince Kai?"

Calming down (somewhat), Bruno quickly looks around, "I believe I saw him somewhere around here earlier..."

Edward suddenly laughed while pointing at the small fountain and put down his camera bag at the same time, "Oh, there he is!"

They turned to that direction and froze. Kai was used as a perching branch for at least twenty pigeons.



" that you, prince Kai?"

When the third prince nodded, most of the pigeons immediately flew away. "...bought...bird" 

He pointed to the salesman nearby. Edward began to unpack the content of his bag and put down the camera support.

" could have bought something for yourself." Bruno facepalmed.

Kai nuzzled in close with one of the pigeons that didn't flew away, "Fluff...wanted to feel...teacher...left-overs...want to feed them?"

"Thank you, I will." Heine took the small pouch and began to feed the pigeons, "My my...they gather in the blink of an eye."

Edward finally arranged all the parts to the camera and bend down to eye level.

More pigeons began to gather with some of them flocking onto Heine. Four of them pick his small frame up and flew into the sky.

The loud click from the camera startles the nearby bird into flying away as Bruno struggled to pull his Master down from his way to heaven.

"Tsk, that's so slow." Edward complained, "But I think I got it that time."

"Master...thank the lord I reached you in time...." Bruno breathe heavily, "I thought I had lost you forever..."

"There's no need to worry," Heine then turned to the second prince in accusation, "and one could've thought that you knew this was going to happen with how prepared you are, prince Edward."

"I predicted it," Edward cheekily replied as he packs his equipment away, "Since you are so small and all."

"Heyyy! Over here!" Licht yelled excitedly, "Look, look! A sausage stand! I'm famished. Let's all try one!"

"Oh, Käsekrainer, huh?" Edward commented, "It's been a while since I had one."

"Hm?" Bruno rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Where are the restaurant's seats?"

"Looks like you eat standing up! Isn't that novel?!"

"Standing up?!" Leonhard exclaimed in alarm, "How would you use your fork and knife?!"

Heine sighed and walk up to the stand, "As a representative of the common people, I shall demonstrate. Six käsekrainers, good sir."

"You got it!"

Edward blinked and turned to his younger brother, "That's right; you didn't have any reservation about eating with your hands when I gave you the meat bun in the forest. Why's that?"

"Oh, well..." Leonhard blushed a little, "I was really hungry and since you were eating with your hand, dearest brother, I just copied you."

"Right, here ya are!!" The shop owner gave them a käsekrainer each.

Heine took his and demonstrated, "First, you hold the sausage by the bread bun and open your mouth wide. Then, you take a bite. Simple, no?"

"It seems so...vulgar." Leonhard skeptically remarked.

"Such disrespect."

Edward tried to hold back a snort but failed, "You are a century too early for that gag, Leonhard."

"Why do I get the sense that you are making a dirty joke no one knows about, you pervert?" Licht accused.

"Master lowered himself to this so as to demonstrate for us..." Bruno struggled with the bun, "I have to..."

"N-No! Dearest brother Bruno!!"

"It's just a fucking bun with sausage, get on with it," Edward spoke around a mouthful of käsekrainer. Heine was taken aback at the display of...commoner phrase, 'I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. His first word was that, after all.'

Licht commented, "I personally like it. It's good and simple."

'They had a surprising number of firsts today. This was a good experience for them. Bringing everyone to town was quite worthwhile.' Heine thought to himself as the princes enjoyed eating, 'In any case, I'm most pleased that the day ended without incident. It will be dark soon; we should return—'

"Ah!! Thief!!" The alarmed voice quickly pulled the tutor out of his musings, "Granny! Granny!"


The princes rushed over to the fallen lady while Kai quickly followed after the thief. "Are you all right?!"

"I'm fine, thank you," Licht helped the lady up, but she focused on the running figure of the man, "Oh no. He's already too far. Our money is in that bag..."

Bruno gritted his teeth, "That coward—! Preying on the old and frail...!"

"We should call a watchman for the time being."

Bruno nodded, "Yes, Master. Licht, see to her."

"Got it!"

The young boy who was with his grandmother burst into tears, "Granny, are you gonna be okay?"

"I'll be just fine, sweetheart. Thank the lord he laid hand on me and not you..." She hugged her grandson, "Nothing could make me happier than knowing you are safe and sound."

The kid was still crying. "Granny..."

"Hm? Leonhard?" 

Leonhard threw his hat away and exclaimed, "I won't let that thief get away with this! Wait here! I shall retrieve your bag!"

The old lady worriedly look at him, "B-But he's already out of sight—"

"That distance is nothing. I've taken home the top prize in junior track-and-field fifth division three years in a row." Leonhard dashes off, "You'd be a fool to underestimate me!"

Heine tried to stop him, "No! You must not draw attention to yourself—!"

"Kai and Finn's already—"

Leonhard came to a screeching halt as Kai suddenly appeared in front of him carrying the old lady's bag with Finn dragging the unconscious thief behind. "Thief. While everyone...talked...I back..."

Kai clenched his fist proudly.

Everyone except Edward who'd already seen the whole thing unfold mentally exclaimed, 'Whaaaat?!!'

"Ah...I was looking for everyone after loading all the books onto the carriage." Finn explained himself. "I saw him trying to catch up to some guy who was running away so I intercepted the thief."

"Good job. Did you call the watchman also?" Edward inquired.

"I think some of the bystanders already did that." Finn nodded and on cue, two watchmen push through the crowd and arrest the fainted thief.

Leonhard pick his hat up and covered his face in shame. Licht and Edward bent down to his level and mimicked,

"'I won't let that thief get away with this! I shall retrieve your bag!'"

"'That distance is nothing. I've taken home the top prize in junior track-and-field fifth division three years in a row.'"

Heine cut in at the childish display, "Now, now, stop that."

Leonhard put his hat on, "I-I had no idea dearest brother had already chased after him..."

"We were lucky to avoid a scene. It would have been unfortunate if your identity were to be exposed." Heine muttered, 'Truth to be told, I was fully aware that prince Kai had taken off after the thief, but I was so startled by his unexpected rise to action that I merely watched.'

"E-Excuse me," The old lady walked up to the group and gave them some candy, "I'd like to thank you, but this is all I have to offer..."

Kai's exposed eye widened, "Never seen this kind before...thank you!"

"Ah...that's a teatime treat you'd find in any home. Still, I'm glad you like it. Would you boys like some as well?" She offered.

"W-We couldn't possibly. We did nothing..."

"I insist." She placed the treat onto Bruno's palm, "This is my thanks. I was pleased as pudding that you would stop to help a complete stranger like me. Thank you, boys. Truly."

With that, the group waved goodbye to the old lady and her grandchild before meeting up with Maximilian and Ludwig. "Thank you for guarding us today."

"Huh?! They were with us?!"

"That goes without saying," Heine answered. "We will take the long route back to the palace so your Highnesses can take a look at the city from afar."

"Oh! Look!" Licht exclaimed, "It's gorgeous!"

It was dark outside, and most of the buildings are lit up beautifully. Bruno couldn't help himself, "There's the bookstore I dropped by this afternoon!"

"Then across from it is the general store where I bought this doll?" Leonhard put his hand to the window, "Someone lives at each and every one of those lights...there were both the good...and the bad."

"Correct. 1.3 million people, each with their own unique viewpoint and personality. A place where 1.3 million people carry on their lives." Heine looked out of the window, "That is Wienner, the capital of your royal highnesses' kingdom. If you felt the gravity of that, even for a moment, then today's excursion was a success."

"True." Edward commented, "Just over a decade a ago it wasn't this grand."

"Walking through Wienner on foot has given me a new point of view." Bruno wrote it down in his notebook, "When we make it home, I shall revisit my theses and consider how best to build this nation's future!"

"Mm, if I become king..." Licht daydreamed, "I'd want all of my subjects to be young ladies, and they'd dress in swimwear, and..."

"Be serious!!" Bruno scolded.

"He's right, Licht!" Edward added on, "Swimwears are so outdated! Sexy lingeries are a much better option!"


Kai murmured, "I want...a country where everyone feels best..."

"Yes. I don't know what complications there may be, but..." Leonhard took down his hat, "I wanna beat up all the bad guys and have a kingdom full of good people!"

Everyone in the carriage stared at him incredulously, "Huh, what?"

"That's what we call a dictatorship." Edward jokingly commented.

Licht burst out laughing first, "Ahahaha! Leonie, you are simple! Don't change!"

" are a good boy..." Kai patted his younger brother's head while Bruno facepalmed.

"W-What are you laughing at?! I-If I said something strange, then tell me to my face!!"

While the princes are jokingly bantering with one another, Heine questioned the young man in front of him, "What about you, prince Edward? What kind of kingdom do you want to build should you become king?"

"" Edward pointed to himself thoughtfully. "Who knows? Maybe one where I can do whatever I want?"

"That so."

Edward sighed inwardly, 'Well, it's not like I want the throne anyway, so it's a moot point.'


This was too long. Probably the longest chapter by far; not the longest chapter I've written, but the longest in this story. Edward's past is slowly being revealed; can anyone try and guess what his name used to be?

Fun fact: when I was writing this, semmeln autocorrected to semen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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