Danganronpa: The Ultimate Eni...

By xdRemix

11.6K 335 502

If you're expecting Makoto Naegi, I'll ask that you turn back now, partna' ... I'm kidding, but please give t... More

Welcome to Despair High School
Kill and Live [2]
Weekly Shounen Despair Magazine [1]
Weekly Shounen Despair Magazine [2]
I Can't Translate The Weeb Shit [1]
I Can't Translate The Weeb Shit [2]
All All Apologies [1]
All All Apologies [2]
The End Draws Near, and So does- [1]
It's All Coming Back To Me [S1 Cliffhanger]
Mem. 1 - This Class Sucks... [Teaser]
Mem. 2 - Pestering Desire

Kill and Live [1]

1.1K 39 23
By xdRemix

I stood in my room, observing my surroundings. I glanced at the surveillance camera for bit before looking at the door to my bathroom.

"Attention students, please be advised. As per the notices posted on your respective doors, while all dorm rooms are equipped with fully functioning showers, the water will be shut off at curfew. No exceptions." Monokuma announced over a PA.

"There goes my long night showers..." I said reading the note on said door.

"Additionally, bare in mind, only the showers located in the girls rooms have locks installed. Oh. And you'll find a small token of welcome for each and every one of you." Monokuma said as I opened a drawer, a tool kit as its contents. Not sure when I'll use them. "I encourage you to let your imaginations run wild." Monokuma added. Oh... Well now I know what their intended use was...

I took off the note on bathroom door. Not for a real reason. It just looks unsightly to see. I threw it in a bin near the replica sword from earlier. I looked at a clock on the wall next to me and saw it was about 9:45.

"I'm gonna get cleaned up before bed." I stated out loud. I walked to the bathroom door again and attempted to open it but couldn't. "Huh?" I tried again to find out it was jammed. "Where I suppose to release my bladder..." I said giving up.

"What a question!" Monokuma said behind me. "Oh, hey. Got any help with this?" I asked. "Yep! On the subject of locks, some friendly advice, I really wouldn't leave my bedroom door unsecured if I were you." He said as I looked at my opened bedroom door. "Oh. Thanks. But about the bathroom door..." I started attempting the knob again. "Apologies for the wonky door knob there. I'll put in a work order first chance I get. Embarrassing I know." Monokuma said rubbing the back of his head. "Alright." I responded.

"Mean time, the trick is to lift and turn simultaneously. Takes a little left brain, right brain coordination." Monokuma said as I followed orders, and got the door open. "But, I'm surprised you got the one bathroom door that plays hard-to-get!" Monokuma said holding his paw his mouth. "Why's that?" I asked. "Because you're the Ul— WOAH! You almost made leak important information! I don't know what it is with you but your eyes are just so persuasive~." Monokuma said making me cringe a bit. "Well, that's it from me. A thankless job, but at the end of the day, it's all about the kids. And remember what I said. Lock this door. Better safe than sorry." Monokuma said at my door. He left and closed the door behind him. I did what he told me and locked the door. I went to turn around but heard a doorbell? We have doorbells? I opened the door and saw Sayaka.

"Hey." I greeted. "M-Mind if I come in?" Sayaka asked. I nodded and moved out of her way. She walked in and sat on my bed as I stood in front of her. "It's kinda late. Something bothering you?" I asked. "I have a bad feeling about my room. While I was getting ready for bed, my door knob started to rattle. Softly. Somebody wanted in and they were trying to be stealthy about it." Sayaka explained. "Could've been Monokuma." I commented. "When I flung the door open, there was no one in the hallway. He must of moved quickly." Sayaka continued. He? "It could've been someone else. You know, the others." I added.

"Look, we don't have to go there I just... I'm just kinda freaked out." Sayaka responded. "It's fine. We did all agree not to leave our rooms after dark." I stated. "Yeah, but, it wasn't a hard-and-fast rule. Sure we all promised but what if someone lied?" Sayaka asked. "You wanna swap rooms?" I asked as a solution. "The rules don't say who has to be in which room, only that it's smart to be in one after curfew. Just a loophole." I informed. "Alright." She said with a smile.

"Before I go, the shower door has a mind of its own." I said pointing to said door. "I'm sure I'll figure it out." Sayaka said with a chuckle.

Suddenly, a 'Ding... Ding... Ding... Dong!' sound went off and Monokuma appeared on a monitor on the wall.

"Evening, rugrats! Announcement time!" He started.

"Whatever you do, don't open the door." I told Sayaka as she gave me her key. "Got it?" I asked. "Got it. That doors staying locked even in if it's you on the other side. Would sort of defeat the purpose of swapping rooms otherwise, right?" She responded. I nodded and left the room.

I walked into the hall and found her room. I entered the room and looked around.

"This looks almost identical." I said looking around. I took off my coat and sweater before flopping down on the bed. "Sleep sleep time." I said before soon falling asleep.


Next Morning...

"Rise and shine, chickadees! 7 am and all is well! So let's see some hustle." Monokuma said on the PA, regrettably waking me up.

Oh yeah. Not my room.

I rolled out of bed and onto the floor before standing up. I grabbed my sweater and coat before leaving the room. I walked through the halls and down to the cafeteria.

Upon entering, I only saw four other people awake.

"Ah, hey... you!" Asahina said awkwardly. "I forgot I didn't have a name. Funny." I said walking over to my usual wall. "Hello. A very fine morning to you." Ishimaru greeted.

So these guys are the early risers/morning people.

"Ladies." Mondo said entering the cafeteria. "Morning." Hifumi said following behind. "Sorry, I'm late." Junko said shortly after. "Excuse me for gawking," Sakura started. "What's the hass?" Junko asked. "Well, you look so different. In person that is. Forgive me." Sakura stated making Junko laugh. "Yeah they sort of gas me up for the magazine shoots. That's the magic of touching up for ya'." Junko responded. "You don't say." Sakura replied. "Aww come on. How different can I really look. You're gonna hurt my feelings." Junko joked.

"Good morning." Kirigiri said entering the cafeteria. Leon arrived shortly after, then Celestia, and then Toko, and then Hagakure, or Sea Urchin.

"This still isn't everyone though." Ishimaru said standing up. "Yeah, where are Togami and Maizono?" Asahina asked. "Well, okay, here's one of them." Asahina added seeing Byakuya enter the cafeteria.

"Dude, Maizono behind you or what? I'm starving." Mondo asked. "Do I look like her keeper? I came here directly from my room thank you very much." Byakuya answered. "Little out of character for her to be late, she's usually before I am." Hifumi said with a hand to his chin. "Oh? Think maybe she's sick?" Asahina asked.

"Aw, Fuck." I said pushing off the wall. "Fuck." I said again, starting to walk to the exit. "Something wrong, bruh?" Hagakure asked me. "I'm going to check on her." I said starting to sprint away.

I ran from the cafeteria to the dorms and reached for the door. I knocked and attempted the knob but it was unlocked. Oh, fuck. I threw the door open and looked around. There were gashes in the floors and walls, the room was ransacked and messy, the sword was unsheathed, and my key was on the floor.

So much for trying my best, am I right?

I looked at the bathroom door and saw the knob was damaged and broken. I opened the door and jumped slightly in shock.

I saw the corpse of Sayaka Maizono, blood all over the wall and the floor, a knife in her stomach.

Oh shit...

She dead.

I thought before passing out.


"OH FUCK!" I said lifting my body up. I looked around with blurry sight. "Am I in a morgue? Are you all the mafia?!" I asked looking at the blurry figures.

"No, dumbass! It's us!" Mondo shouted. "Gimme a sec." I said before wiping my eyes. "Oh. It's you guys. So, she is dead?" I asked.

"I'm afraid she's deceased. Homicide." Byakuya answered. "Damn." I said shaking my head. "Well then, I've got a job to do." I said cracking my neck and standing up. I noticed I was only in my sweater so I grabbed my coat, which I was placed on, and put it on. I went to leave but Ishimaru grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going?" Ishimaru asked. "To find out who did it, duh." I said shaking my arm out of his grip. "One of you, is her killer. And I intend to find out who." I added throwing my hands in my pockets. "You all sure as hell can stand around with your thumbs up your asses, but I need to find out who did it." I continued.

"Understand, Null, it isn't as though we chose to stand around." Kirigiri informed. "So then what? And who the hell is Null?" I asked. "It was the damn bear. The Principal. He ordered us to meet in the gym. Something about a pep rally." Toko said answering my first question. "Believe me, man— We are all against the idea! How on earth can you be so disrespectful, we said. But then," Ishimaru started. "Because they took my suggestion and complied, it's best we just do as the bear says for now. We're his prisoners, plain and simple. Nothing good can come of us defying him on impulse. Unless we want more casualties we have to play by his rules." Kirigiri finished. "Also, Null, is the nickname I came up with since you don't have an actual name." She added.

"Well, Null, you'll be happy to know you were on the right track!" Monokuma announced standing on his podium. We all walked down to the stage with me leading them. "And that means?" I asked. "First, I'll drop the bomb! One of you did it!" Monokuma  informed making everyone start looking at each other suspiciously. I kept my gaze  on Agent Oso. "Big whoop, buddy. I know that. Get to the point." I said back.

"I demand that whoever did it come forward immediately!" Ishimaru shouted. "Heh, sure, that'll work like a charm. Do you ever listen to yourself?" Toko said sarcastically. "Look, whoever it is, I won't judge." Celestia said. "It wasn't me! I swear!" Hifumi declared. "Nah Ah! I know you're not looking at me!"
Leon shouted.

"Silence! All of you! Right then. Let us assume the perpetrator is in fact, one of us. By your own rules, shouldn't they've graduated by now?" Byakuya asked Monokuma. Monokuma cackled hysterically making me give a bored stare. "Well aren't we a glass-half-full kinda guy! I like your reckless optimism. Having said that though, the main attraction is still to come." Monokuma stated. "You finally getting to the point, Po?" I asked Monokuma.

"Listen up, me droogs! Freedom isn't straight forward! There are a few supplemental rules." Monokuma started. "Ah, the article in our digital handbooks states, whoever kills a classmate may graduate but he or she must not get caught by the other students." Celestia informed. "Exacta-mundo! Someone studied...  Murder alone won't cut the mustard. The killer has to get away with it." Monokuma replied. "In other words, to go free, we must commit the perfect crime." Celestia said. "After each homicide, you'll have time to investigate before convening to debate the guilt or innocent of those who remain. We call these debates, wait for it... TRAILS!" Monokuma shouted.

Basically, it's name...

"The trial format is loosely modeled on parliamentary procedure. There's back in forth being, the order of the day. If the guilty party is correctly identified, they will be summarily punished, and the rest of you allowed to carry on under normal school conditions! Accuse someone wrongly however, and the defendant goes free, while the rest of you are punished. So point the finger at your own peril." Monokuma explained. "There you have it. High stakes trial by Jury. Beautiful system, really." Monokuma added.

"Um, sir. Those punishments? What do those consists of?" Hifumi asked. "Ah! I suppose another name for them would be executions." Monokuma answered. "But surely you... you don't mean that..." Chihiro said tearful. "Oho! I mean exactly that, sweetheart." Monokuma said menacingly. "Chair of electrocution! Gas Chamber! And death by Hurricane! Which, yes, we can make happen." Monokuma listed making some gasp.

"Wait! I want to be sure I understand. Decide incorrectly and the jury gets killed?!" Ishimaru asked. "Well no one says you aren't the smartest chimp in the tree! Oh, and way to imply you're not the culprit in this case, by the by. Well done." Monokuma said giving a thumbs up. "You all get to play Judge, Jury, and Executioner! Quite possibly on yourselves, so proceed with caution!" Monokuma warned.

"Nah ah! You're a not job— and I refuse to be part of this crap!" Junko shouted. "Pardon?"
Monokuma asked. "You heard me you psycho hairball! Far as I'm concerned, the whole trial thing can get bit!" Junko answered. "But why?!" Monokuma asked. "Is that even a question?! I'm not playing jury if it means risking my damn life, and that's facts!" Junko shouted. "Oh, be reasonable!" Monokuma retorted. "Don't even try to talk to me about being reasonable, you sadistic freak-a-zoid! I'm out of the game!" Junko said putting her hands on her hips. "Ohoho! The presence of evil before me is so overpowering, what ever shall I do? I shan't succumb, perish the thought— No, ma'am, I'm stronger than that. When Monokuma fights, he fights to the last breath." He jumped down from the podium. "I will not be defeated! I'll nip this spudding rebellion and reign vict—" He was cut off by Junko stepping on his face.

"I'm sorry, you were trying to say something?" Junko said sarcastically. "Big mistake~." Monokuma said lowly. "Huh?"

"Manhandling the Principal in any way, shape, or form is strictly forbidden! The rules, remember. I know I warned ya'! You're breaking them— Activating summoning magic! Save me Gungnir Spears!" Monokuma shouted as beeping rung out.

Suddenly, Junko was impaled by dozens of spears.

"Not gonna lie, kinda weird... It's, uh, I dunno really..." She said before blood gushed from her wounds, and her body fell to the floor. Toko passed out immediately, as others jumped back in fear.

"Well, I'm at a lost." I said rubbing my head.

"Honestly, I wanted to avoid messy situations like that as much as humanly possible." Monokuma started jumping back onto the stage with a little struggle. "But, when an example is begging to be made, you can't let a bad attitude slide." He said clumping the podium. "Let's hope the gravity of your situation is beginning to sink in. High stakes are high." Monokuma said as his red eye glowed, well, red-er? "Best of luck playing junior detectives. The trial will be getting underway soon. So put on those thinking caps, and start-a case cracking!" Monokuma said before falling through the podium, and out of sight.

"Welp. I'm gonna go ahead get started. If someone with a heart could please cover Junko's body. I'm in a rush." I said taking my leave, some saying how I was heartless, others agreeing with my decision.

To be honest, I just didn't like dead bodies. But that's a bit odd since I don't seem frightened by them.

As I walked away, I got a buzz from my handbook. I opened it and began reading.


Victim: Sayaka Maizono

Time of death: Roughly 1:30 am. Found in [Redacted]'s private room in the shower room.

Notes: On top of a stab wound to the gut, it looks like her right wrist is broken.


"Redacted? That's me right? So does that mean I had a name?" I thought before shaking my head.

"That doesn't matter. My name is Null, now I guess..." I said with a shrug. Suddenly, I was yanked by my hood. I didn't bother to check who it was as I was being dragged away.

I was brought back to gym and thrown to the floor.

"Ouch. 1 star." I said rubbing my ass.

"Care to explain why Maizono's death was in your room?" Byakuya asked as Mondo grabbed me by my collar. "She came to me and I offered to switch rooms because she was scared. Keywords, she came to me." I added just staring into space. "Oh sure, we'll believe that lie." Mondo said sarcastically. "Stinks if you ask me." Leon added.

"Your opinions are invalid. We have no facts. We have no evidence. Now if you'll be so kind as to let me go. I can get started on the investigation." I said with a loud sigh. "What makes you think I did it anyway?" I asked.

"Null, put yourself in our shoes. What would you think?" Byakuya asked. "Well, me and my apparently superior brain, would actually look for clues before declaring the killer." I said giving him a bored stare.

"I'm sorry but if you are innocent, the burden of proof is on you." Byakuya said. "Dude. You literally just told me to do what I'm already trying to do." I said before kicking Mondo off of me. "Now, if you'll excuse me, Togami. I'll do what I've been trying to do for the past 20 minutes." I said leaving but noticed the others following me.


• Commence the Investigation •


I was standing in my room, observing my surroundings as Kirigiri scoped around and analyzed things.

I don't know. She just licked something from the floor, and I'm scared.

I looked in the bathroom and at Sayaka's corpse. Cause of death seems to be the knife.


Truth Bullet Acquired!


She also has a broken right wrist—

The hell is that gold stuff?

[|Gold Leaf Decorative Sword])
Truth Bullet Acquired!


Its kinda obvious that Sayaka struggled against her assailant.

I thought looking at the slashes and gashes— lol— on the floor and walls.

Hifumi had opened the gate to the disposal room, as I requested.

I walked in noticed, quite a few pieces of evidence... Geez was this killer lazy, or just plain stupid...


[|Scorched Remains of a Y-Shirt])
Truth Bullet Acquired!


[|Fragments of a Glass Ball])
Truth Bullet Acquired!


I was now in the wash room with a coat-less Mondo since he covered Junko with his jacket.

What gentleman...

Nothing here, by the by.

I walked back into my bathroom. Never mind, I'm not sleeping in here again— but then again I can't sleep in her room...

What a dilemma.

I began looking at Sayaka again with a frown.

"I'm sorry." I said lowering my head, but something caught my eye. "11037... is that sauce— wait, it can't be. It's missing a number. Damnit..." I said before looking at the numbers again. "Oh..."


"OOOOOOOOH! ha! Case closed..." I said smirking.


[|Dying Message])
Truth Bullet Acquired!


Kirigiri, who was also in the room, noticed something on the desk before leaving. She closed the door and saw that the name plate said Maizono.

She opened her handbook and checked the map. She saw that it was actually Null's room.

"If this is supposed to be Null's room, why is Maizono's name plate on the door?" Kirigiri asked aloud.

I was now in Sayaka's actual room. I sighed before seeing something the corner of my eye.

In a trash bin was Sayaka's DVD from yesterday. The one that made her freak out.

I'm debating if I'll watch it...

And so I did.

It basically just gave a cliffhanger to a horror story and said she had to 'graduate', or kill, to find out the answer.

Well, that's fucked up.

Suddenly, a bell rung on the PA system.

"Alright, Kiddos, your Principal is bored out of his chords. So, what do you say we get this show on the road? Time for the highly anticipated trial phase! Kindly march your butts to the red door located on the first floor at the end of the academics wing and mōzie on through!"


I made my way there and saw the door had opened to a small waiting room, with everyone already in.

Goodness, this atmosphere is tense...

I thought stepping on. Literally Everyone is staring at me. The doors closed and I leaned against the wall.

"Nice one. Don't you know how to tell time? We've been waiting I'll have you know." Ishimaru said. "Heh, I suppose you can hardly blame him. Right? He knows it's only a matter of time before he's executed." Toko responded. I glared at her making her squeal. "We haven't proved anything yet! I'll remind you, the man's on a fair trial." Ishimaru said, defending me. "Whatever, man, look at him— he's totally guilty!" Leon exclaimed. I slowly turned my head his way with a blank stare.

I gave him a smug smirk making him raise an eyebrow in confusion. I turned away and shook my head calmly.

"Is everybody in?" Monokuma asked with laugh. "Hope aboard and be conveyed by magic, to the student court room. Otherwise known as the moment of truth room for all of you." Monokuma said as the others entered an elevator on the other side of the room.

"Nervous?" Kirigiri asked to my left. "You have two options here. Bring Maizono's killer to light... or collectively, suffer the fate rightfully theirs." Kirigiri said before walking ahead. "The choice is up to you." She added.

I sighed before shaking my head. I entered the elevator with a blank face.

The elevator began descending as I collected my thoughts.

The curtain rises...

The cast is ready...

The stage is set...

A life and death performance... awaits...

The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

Well then...

Time for the first Class Trial to begin.

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