No Time To Die - Clone Wars

By PrincessAura273

95 3 0

Linora Kraken graduates from Padawan to Jedi Knight, and is brought to Kamino by Master Kenobi to form and co... More

Chapter 2 - Waiting
Chapter 3 - Introductions
Chapter 4 - First Impressions

Chapter 1 - Trust

37 1 0
By PrincessAura273

"I know this will generate some debate, but I suggest that Padawan Linora Kraken be promoted to the rank ofJedi Knight,"

The Jedi Council was gathered in their oval chairs of the meeting room at the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi speaking his turn of debate with the rest of the council. He looked on to the familiar faces he'd come to know over the years. Companions, friends, fellow Jedi Knights.

His lightsaber clanking against his side quietly as he crossed his legs. Folding his hands together, his gaze steered towards Masters Yoda and Mace Windu, nodding towards them as he silently pleaded their approval. "I believe she's ready,"

"I think not!" A council member interjected, brushing his long white beard with his fingers. "After the accident on Agamar, I'm uncertain she's ready for that responsibility. She needs more time,"

"Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, I understand your concern, but it's been 2 years now since then," Kenobi explained. "Linora has shown great improvements since the attack. She made a difficult decision, requested by her Master and Teacher,"

"I've read the reports. Kenobi, can you confirm that it was Kraken's doing in demolishing a Seperatist droid factory?" Mace Windu looked over to the ginger haired Jedi.

"Indeed," He nodded his head.

"That proves my point! The girl acts with such recklessness that it costs us precious lives of our fellow Jedi and Clone Troopers," Mundi spoke.

"If she hadn't followed his orders, our entire army of Clone soldiers and local planet warriors would have been wiped out clean with the new tank droids the Separatists were building in there," Shaak Ti quickly pointed out. "She, a child then, was tasked with choosing to sacrifice a quarter of our forces or all life on that planet,"

"She was finishing what her Master had started," Kenobi stated. "Reckless or not, Linora has gone through much and as of recently has proven herself in the trails,"

"But there was still one trial she had failed to complete," Agen Kolar added. "The Trial of The Spirit,"

"Once again my point exactly!" Mundi stood up to his feet frustratingly. "To walk the path of the Jedi, one must require discipline. For her to hesitate in moments like that can be catastrophic,"

"I understand your concern, Master Mundi, but I have noticed the improvements Master Kenobi refers to," Eth Koth reminisced as he reached out to calmly grasp the man's arm. "Especially so when helping Master Kenobi and Skywalker deal with the Seperatist Assassin on Concord Dawn,"

Mace Windu hummed at the memory before looking over to the small green gremlin like creature that sat cross legged at his chair, holding a wooden cane. "What say you, Master Yoda?"

Muttering a growl under his breath, he opened his eyes to glance over at the two standing Jedi. "Did you not disobey me from time to time, Master Mundi, in your youth?"

The old Jedi Master grew silent as he glanced to the floor, his cheeks a small shade of pink from the accusation.

"Master Kenobi," Yoda motioned for the Jedi to take his seat before speaking. "Understand your plea, I do. You took young Kraken under your wing after the death of Master Jena Thraezsh, I know. Helped her further her Jedi training, you did, as you had done with Skywalker,"

He looked over the circular crowd and sighed, shaking his small head.

"Desperate times, these are. Numbers are falling, and we must act quickly to ensure victory against the Separatists. We need all the Knights we can. Trust in the force,"


She paced nervously from one end of the hall to the other. Standing around wasn't doing her any good, much less sitting. Linora got tired of hearing the concessive tapping of her heel.

Glancing up, she looked out the giant glass window that overlooked part of the city. She watched as busy traffic corralled the lanes, the vehicles flying fast as a blur. Glancing over at her reflection, she took note of the tired look in her eyes. She hadn't been able to get a lot of sleep recently, not since Obi-Wan informed her of his proposition.

Now she awaited his return outside the Jedi Council room. Her tired expression she may not be able to fix, her clothes and hair however was another story. Her padawan braid dangled on the right side of her face, part of her long brown hair tied back in a ponytail with the rest hanging out below her shoulders. A black choker covered nearly the entirety of her neck, embedded with the Republic insignia. A black strapless tank top covered her torso with a beige crop top vest overtop that opened up partially at the front. Black sleeves covered her arms along with red forearm bracers. A utility belt wrapped around her waist secured her black leggings and matching beige caped skirt nearly covering her black knee high boots. All the whilst a dark cloak covered her form, the hood hanging over her head.

She bit her bottom lip in anticipation just as the doors to the Council Room opened. Her body reacted instantly as she turned almost violently, seeing her Master proceed through the doorway. As Linora drew closer to him, she watched as one by one, the council members left the room and proceeded down another hallway. Shaak Ti offered her a reassuring smile while Ki-Adi-Mundi gave her a strange yet intimated stare, as if she was starting to regret coming here.

"What did they say?" She asked as she removed the hood of her cloak from her hair.

". . . There were mixed reactions," Obi-Wan answered honestly after a slight hesitation.

"I'm not surprised," Linora sighed whilst crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm assuming Master Mundi still has it out for me?"

"Mundi doesn't have it out for you, Linora," Master Kenobi assured, "He was just concerned is all,"

"All do respect, Master, I don't exactly blame him," Linora shook her head in disarray. "Among those who were killed were some of his Troopers, not to mention his Padawan almost died because of my actions,"

"It wasn't your fault," The Jedi Master insisted as he reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You were following orders, as we all were. It's in the past now, you have grown much from then on,"

"I just. . . "Her head hung low, parts of her hair falling from her shoulders and dangled near her face. She sucked in a breath before looking up at the man. "I wished I could have handled it differently, you know? I could have tried to evacuate everyone first,"

"That's the reality of war, unfortunately," Obi-Wan grimaced as he brought her over to the window, the pair looking out into the city. "We try to save as many lives as we can, but we can't save everyone. What matters is we try,"

A stiff silence filled the room as she looked out at nothing in particular. Linora felt like a dark rain cloud was hovering over her and threatened to drench her at any moment. It's how she's always felt whenever she thought about the attack, or her.

"I miss her," Linora spoke softly. "A lot. . ."

"I miss Jena, as well, young one,"

Linora glanced at the Jedi Council doors once more, her gaze lingering at the giant circular doorway before returning her gaze at Obi-Wan. "What happens now?"

"Now, it's time," The Jedi Master stated.

Linora looked over to see the doors to the Jedi Council room open. The room inside was pitch black. The woman rose a brow, confused. I thought all the council members had left?

"You really think I'm ready for this?" She asked him, gripping the sides of her Jedi cloak.

"I believe in you, Linora, and not a day goes by where I don't look to her for guidance in raising you, or think that Master Thraezsh would be so proud of how far you've come, as am I," Obi-Wan offered a small smile as both hands now comforted her shoulders. "All I ask is that you believe in yourself,"

Linora let his hopeful gaze, surprised at the level of compassion he was showing. "I . . . appreciate that, truly, Master Kenobi,"

Pulling away, Linora stepped back from her Master as she turned her body completely to face the doorway. Staring into the dark emptiness made her stomach do summersaults. She felt as if she couldn't move, no-- shouldn't. Did she really deserve to do this after everything that happened?

"I've done all I can to pass the last of her teachings to you, and now it's time to put them to the ultimate test. Trust in the force,"

She thought back to her training, special moments with her old master, her smile. Growing up Jena had always told her she'd be there for her, that she knew exactly what to do to keep her and everyone she cared for safe. Linora could see it in her smile. I'll always be with you, trust in the force, she had once said.

"Trust in the force," Linora mumbled quietly.

She took a steady breath before taking a shaking step forward, and then another, followed by another as Linora slowly made her way down the hall and entered the Council Room. The shut itself behind her as darkness consumed the room in its entirety. She didn't dare speak, standing in silence until she saw light.

A green lightsaber ignited as Master Yoda stood in his chair. A second one was ignited behind her. Obi-Wan stood behind her, his hood and cloak masking his body, the light from his blue lightsaber shined on his face as he smiled proudly at the Padawan. The orange floral like pattern on the floor glowed with the light as she focused her attention fully on the Jedi Master before her.

"Step forward, Padawan," Yoda commanded.

Linora walked towards the small creature before dropping to one knee, bowing her head in respect whilst brushing her hair back. Yoda raised his lightsaber as Obi-Wan lowered his own, the light shifting in the room.

"Linora Kraken, by the right of the Council, by the Will of the Force," Yoda used his saber to hover-tap her shoulders, as if granting a knighthood. "I dub the, Jedi Knight of the Republic,"

With a flick of his wrist, he used his saber to swiftly cut off her Padawan braid. She watched as the piece of hair fluttered to the floor, the end burnt in black as a tiny trail of smoke. Linora glanced up at the Master as she slowly stood to her feet, smiling gratefully as she bowed her head once more.

"Thank you, Master Yoda,"

"One last thing," Yoda advised. He signaled Obi-Wan to come forward. Linora watched as her Mentor walked towards the pair, revealing something from his cloak as he handed the object over to Yoda who then extended it towards her. "Gift this to you, we felt we should,"

Linora reached out and grasped the metal object in her hand. She froze, her eyes scanning the metal and mechanisms of the device. "Jena's lightsaber--!"

"Jena would want you to have it," Obi-Wan nodding knowingly.

Turning the saber to hold it vertically, she grasped it tightly in her trembling fingers and with a shaky breath, she pressed her thumb against the button and activated the saber, as a purple light sparked into a line, illuminating along her face. "I won't let her down,"


"Rise and shine, graduates!"

A commanding voice rang through the dorm as five masculine bodies pulled themselves out of bed. When it came to their facial features, they all looked the same. You might mistake them for quintuplets, but then again, so did every single soldier in this facility look exactly the same. They were brothers, all of them. 

Clones created to serve the Republic and fight in the Clone Wars. 

One Clone sat up sluggishly, staring off into a nearby mirror. His fingers combed through his nearly bid-length black hair as he tied it back into a bun like tail. Any other brother he knew would have gotten it cut or shaved clean off. This one liked his hair long, made him feel unique, aside from his blue tiger strip like war pained on the side of his face. 

"Alright brothers, you heard him, let's get ready!" 

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