Forever and Always (Sequel to...

De Demixxdevonne

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Watch Max and Demi plan their wedding while taking care of two little ones. How will they deal with the stres... Mais



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De Demixxdevonne

Demi's POV

The next day, Max and I woke up around 10:30 am and we made breakfast before getting ready to go out on the lake. After we were done getting ready we quickly called the kids while Lyndan got the boat ready at the dock. After we said bye to the kids, we went downstairs so I can pack us something to all eat later while Max puts on his shoes.

"Baby!" Max shouts.

"What's up?" I ask as he walks in the kitchen holding fishing poles and I raise my brows.

"We're going fishing on the lake." He says and I chuckle.

"That was pretty demanding." I say walking around the counter and towards him.

"Cause I know you're going to put up a fight and say 'no baby, I don't know how. I'm gonna look ridiculous.' So I'm not giving you an option." He says mocking me and finishing off with a smile as I roll my eyes.

"I don't sound like that." I say crossing my arms and he chuckles.

"That's still what you were going to say. Wasn't it?" He asks and I go to say something snarky, but realize that he was right. "Exactly." He says after a minute or so and I roll my eyes.

"Ugh.. I haven't been fishing since I was like five and I sucked then, so I still probably do." I say pouting and he chuckles and leans the poles against the wall before placing his one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist as he pulls me closer to him.

"I'll teach you." He says kissing my forehead.

"Says the one who peed their pants when they first caught a fish." I say referencing to the story Matt told me when I first met his family in person and was looking through all his baby pictures.

"Ha ha. Real funny." He says sarcastically and I giggle and lean up to peck his lips.

"Fine. We can do whatever you want." I say and he smiles in victory and I chuckle at his excitement.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get everything out to the boat." He says and I smile and caress his cheek before kissing him once more as he leaves the kitchen with the poles while I finish packing food. About twenty minutes later, I finish packing everything in a small lunch box cooler and I make sure I have everything before I walk out of the cabin and walk all the way down to the lake and to the dock. Once I get close enough, Max notices me and he reaches a hand out for me to grab as he helps me on the boat.

"You ready baby?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yup, did you guys get everything ready?" I ask and Max nods.

"Yeah, we're all set." He says sitting down on the seat on the boat and bringing me down on his lap by my waist. I smile and drape one arm around his shoulders while his arms are both securely wrapped around my waist. Lyndan soon starts driving the boat, but luckily the steering wheel is on the opposite side of where Max and I are sitting and is blocked by an entrance that leads inside the boat.

"We need to come back here with the kids. They would love it." I say looking out at the water and I feel Max nod against me.

"Agreed. Maybe we can make it a traditional thing. Instead of just renting a cabin every time, why don't we buy one and come up here a couple times a year. I want a place where we can all get away with no distractions." Max says and I smile big loving that idea.

"I love that, lets do it!" I say excitedly and turning to face Max and he smiles and leans up to kiss me. I run my fingers through his hair as we continue to kiss slowly but passionately.

"You know, if Lyndan wasn't here.. I would totally be making love to you right now." Max says after a few minutes of kissing and we finally pull away. I smile and moan slightly as he starts kissing down my jaw and my neck.

"And I would totally love that." I reply breathlessly as he grips my ass and I moan once again. I readjust so I'm now straddling his lap and I bring him in for another kiss and grind down slightly on his lap causing him to moan himself. "But we can't." I say abruptly pulling away and he groans and throws his head back as I giggle and run my fingers under his jaw.

"You're such a tease." He says after a couple minutes of me continuing to trace patterns on his jaw and neck.

"You knew nothing was gonna happen with Lyndan literally ten feet away." I say and he shrugs.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy you on my lap right now kissing me and then you abruptly stop." He says grabbing my hand off his neck and lifting it up to his lips so he can kiss my knuckles and I smile.

"I enjoy it probably just as much." I mumble before leaning in to kiss him again. I know we should stop and I should probably get off his lap, but I don't want to and it doesn't seem like Max wants to either. So, we both continue kissing passionately, this time just kissing. I don't know how long we sat there with me straddled on his lap, but eventually we pull away long enough for us to realize that the boat has stopped moving and we're in the middle of the lake.

"Time to fish." Max says caressing my hips and I smile.

"I would much rather continue what we were doing." I say and Max laughs out loud and leans in to peck my lips.

"Me too." He says when we pull away. "Come on baby." He says patting my thigh for me to get up and I eventually do as he stands up. He grabs two fishing poles and starts getting them set up as I sit there admiring him with a big smile on my face. "Come here, you're going to learn how to do this." He says nodding his head over for me to get up and walk over to him.

"Why do I have to learn? Can't you do all the hard stuff and I just hold it when it goes in the water?" I ask as I stand up and walk over to him.

"We could. But that isn't fun. Come on baby." He says pulling me to stand in between his legs as I rest my back against his chest. He holds the pole out in front of me and teaches me how to get the fishing line all wrapped up and how to get the fishing hook attached. "See, that wasn't so bad. Was it?" Max asks me when we finish and I shrug.

"I guess not." I reply turning my head to kiss his cheek lightly.

"I love you baby." He says causing my smile to grow wider.

"I love you too." I reply pecking his lips.

"Okay, now we need to put the bait on and then we can put it in the water." He says and I shake my head.

"Nope. I can deal with wrapping a fishing line around the pole and securing a hook, but I'm not touching that nasty ass bait." I say and Max laughs out loud and eventually nods.

"Alright, fine. I'll do the bait." He says kissing my cheek as I move away from him so he can put the bait on. It smelled like shit, but it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was going to be. While Max finished putting the bait on I walked around the door that leads to the inside part of the boat and see Lyndan sitting at the chair by the wheel.

"You guys finally pull yourselves away from each other?" He asks sarcastically and I blush and look down.

"Whatever." I mumble as he laughs. "Umm.. we have another pole if you would rather fish with us then sit here for however long." I say and he smiles.

"I'll be okay." He says and I shake my head.

"Come on! I already feel bad enough about dragging you along as a third wheel when you can be home with your family. Just agree and come fishing with us. Maybe then, Max won't force me to do it if you're there." I say and he laughs.

"You're fishing baby." I hear Max and I turn to see he's looking over at me with raised brows and I groan. "But you are more than welcome to join Lyndan. Enjoy yourself while you can." Max continues looking over at Lyndan now and he eventually nods.

"Alright fine. I don't mind being the third wheel, but just try and limit the make out sessions." He says and I giggle and nod. 

"Deal." I say walking back towards Max when he stands up.

"Ready baby?" Max asks me when I get close enough.

"Nope." I say and he chuckles and hands me a pole anyways then Lyndan grabs one and wraps the fishing line and hook on his.

"You want me to throw it out to the water so you don't hurt anyone with the hook?" Max asks me and I immediately nod and hand him the pole back. He chuckles and quickly throws the line out then hands it back to me. "Okay, you see that bobber out in the water?" He asks me and I nod as he points. "If it starts going underwater then tug up slightly and then start reeling in. But only do that if it's consistently staying underwater cause if it's not then it's probably just going under cause of wind." He says and I nod.

"Sounds easy enough. What are you gonna give me if I catch a fish?" I ask him with raised brows and he chuckles.

"Whatever you want." He says and I smile.

"Okay then. I'll figure out what I want after I catch a fish." I say and he laughs.

"You're pretty confident in yourself right now, aren't you?" He asks and I smile and shrug.

"You doubting me?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Nope." He replies kissing my cheek then throwing his line out to the water while Lyndan soon does the same. After about ten minutes I am now sitting down near Max while Lyndan is standing when I notice the bobber starts to go under water. I kept an eye on it just in case it was the wind like Max said, but after a couple times it went back under water and stayed there so I tugged slightly like Max said and started reeling in.

"Did you get one?" Max asks and I shrug.

"I think so?" I say more as a question and Max chuckles before slightly pulling on my line as I continue to reel.

"You actually got something baby! Keep going." Max says once he feels pressure on the line and I smile and stand up to keep reeling. Soon, the fish gets close to the boat so I keep going for a couple more minutes when it finally gets pulled out of the water. "Damn baby, I'm impressed!" Max says grabbing the quite large fish and taking the hook out and I smile.

"Told you I was gonna catch one." I say and he laughs.

"Beginners luck. Good job though, baby." He says unhooking the fish then setting it back in the water. Turns out, it wasn't just beginners luck because the next couple hours I caught three more while Max and Lyndan only caught one each. I most definitely did not stop rubbing it in their faces either.

"I can't believe you caught four fish." Max says shaking his head with a chuckle as he grabs our poles while Lyndan starts the boat up again.

"Guess I'm just a good fisher." I say shrugging with a smirk and he laughs.

"Whatever." He says shaking his head more and I laugh and kiss his cheek as he sits down next to me.

"I miss our babies." I say after a couple minutes as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Me too. I love spending time with you and this was an amazing weekend, but I miss them also." Max replies kissing the top of my head.

"I know we were supposed to start heading home later tonight, but what if we go early? That way you can spend the rest of the day with the kids before you have to leave tomorrow." I ask and I feel Max nod against me.

"That sounds good. I hate having to leave you guys though." Max says and I nod agreeing.

"Me too. We're gonna miss you baby." I say and he smiles down at me.

"At least it's only ten days and not like a month or anything." Max says and that's when I remember over hearing Lizzie say that she was gonna keep Max in Europe longer and send him to Australia. I sigh quietly and look back out to the water. "What's wrong?" Max asks me.

"Nothing." I say shaking my head and mustering up a small smile, but he gives me a look and I know he can see right through me. "Okay, I also overheard Lizzie say that she was gonna keep you in London longer and then send you to Australia." I say and I see him roll his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? When was she planning on telling me that? The day I'm supposed to go home." He says pissed off and I grab his hand.

"Just talk to her baby, but if she wants you to stay then stay. It'll be important for you career." I say and he shakes his head.

"She can't do that shit though and tell me these things so last minute." He says and I sigh and rub his back.

"That's part of being in the industry baby. You get told things last minute and plans are made last minute. It just happens." I say and he lays his head back.

"But this wasn't a last minute thing though. She had this planned the whole time to keep me away from my family longer. I understand my career is important, but you and the kids are more important and if she can't understand that then I'm firing her. She clearly only cares about the money and not me so I don't want that in my life any more." He says and I nod understanding. "She even tried to break us up which caused you to go into early labor and that could've ended badly. If those screenshots were never sent that day then we wouldn't of fought and you would've been there for Zara's birthday and you wouldn't have had any issues with Ezra that day." He says and I nod agreeing with him.

"I didn't think about it like that." I say now looking back to that time. The reason for my placenta rupturing again that day was because of the immense amount of stress and pressure I was going through. "But it already happened baby. Yes, it was scary and yes it sucked not being with Zara on her birthday, but we can't change it now. Let's just be grateful that Ezra is healthy and a happy little boy and Zara won't remember her birthday. We will have many more amazing birthdays to come." I say and he nods.

"I know." He says running his hands over his face and into his hair. "I'll go do the promo in New York and London and if she tries to keep me longer I'll confront her and ask her why she didn't tell me sooner. I need to have a serious sit down meeting with her and get out what her true intentions are because they don't seem like good ones." He says and I nod.

"Okay, that sounds good. Just keep me updated, okay baby?" I say and he nods looking over at me. "I hate seeing you being used by her. You don't deserve that." I say caressing his cheek and he lets out a small smile.

"I wish I wasn't so oblivious to it before. I can see all the signs now that I've missed." He says and I smile.

"I didn't know any better either when I was with Phil. I wish someone would've warned me then and told me something, so that's all I'm trying to do for you. Is be there for you." I say and he smiles and leans over to peck my lips.

"And I love you for that. You're so amazing and if it wasn't for you seeing these things then I still probably would've been oblivious to everything she was doing. Who knows what would've happened." He says shrugging and I nod.

"I think you would've figured it out sooner or later." I say and he shrugs.

"Maybe. I still appreciate you though. You're my absolute rock and you're always there for me. I love you." He says and I smile.

"I love you too baby." I reply leaning over to kiss him. Soon, we arrive back at the docks and we tell Lyndan about leaving earlier today before we all go back to the cabin. Max and I decide to take a quick shower and then we quickly pack everything back up when we get out. We didn't really take much of our stuff out of the suitcases since we were only staying for a couple days so it didn't take long. By the time we're ready and the bags are packed back up it's around two pm. Lyndan and Max get our bags in the car while I do a final sweep of the cabin to make sure we have everything then I go outside myself.

"You guys ready to go home?" Lyndan asks and we both nod.

"Yeah. Thanks for coming this weekend. I know you would've preferred being home with your wife and kids instead of being a third wheel." I say laughing and he laughs as well.

"I kind of didn't have a choice. I am your security guard so I have to go with you everywhere." He says and I smile.

"True. Thank you though." I say and he nods then gets into the drivers seat. Max then opens the back seat door and I get in followed by him and we start driving. About halfway into the drive, I ended up falling asleep against Max and I didn't wake up again until I feel Max kissing my cheek.

"Hey baby, you want something to eat?" He asks me and I look out the window to see we're at a small cafe and I nod, realizing how hungry I am.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry." I say and he smiles and then we all get out of the car and head inside. We find a table towards the back and Max and I sit next to each other while Lyndan sits across from us. The waiter soon comes over and hands us menus and takes our drink orders.

"What are you gonna get baby?" I ask Max after a few minutes as I lay my head on his shoulder since I'm still pretty tired.

"I think the chicken BLT. What about you?" He asks me.

"The grilled chicken sandwich." I reply and he nods and closes his menu followed by me and Lyndan.

"You tired baby?" Max asks me and I nod against him. "You can sleep when we get back in the car." He says kissing my forehead and I smile and nod. Soon the waiter comes over and takes all our orders before taking our menus and leaving. After a couple minutes Max's phone starts ringing and he pulls his phone out and we both look down to see Lizzie calling him. I look up to see him rolling his eyes as he presses decline.

"Why'd you decline it?" I ask and he shrugs and places his phone on the table in front of him.

"I told her not to call me this weekend cause I was going to be with you and I didn't want to worry about work." He says and I nod, but his phone starts ringing again and it's Lizzie.

"Just answer baby." I say pulling away from his shoulder and he sighs and picks up his phone and accepts the call.

"Hey, what's up?" Max asks as he pulls his phone to his ear. He drapes his arm around me and pulls me back into him and I smile lightly and lay my head on his chest. I close my eyes and I can lightly hear Lizzie on the other end of the phone call so I listen closely.

"We need you to leave tonight Max. We scheduled a meeting for you in New York for a new roll to play in an upcoming movie." I hear her and I furrow my brows.

"Lizzie, you can't just spring this stuff on me. I told you I didn't want to be acting for awhile either. My priority right now is not that." He says and I sigh and rub the top of his leg in an attempt to calm him down since he seems pretty tense.

"This is the industry Max. I already scheduled the meeting, so you can't cancel now. We're leaving tonight and I need you to be at the airport at ten pm." She says and I look up to see Max rolling his eyes.

"You know what, whatever. I'll go to the meeting, but I'm not accepting any acting rolls right now." He says.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the airport then." Lizzie says then hangs up before Max can say goodbye.

"Ridiculous." Max mumbles.

"I know, I heard her. At least you'll still get to see the kids for a little while." I say rubbing his thigh and he sighs.

"I just don't understand why she would schedule me a meeting for a movie when I specifically told her only last week that I wasn't interested in any acting roles." He says.

"I'm sorry baby. Let's just try not to think about it though and spend the rest of the day with our babies, okay?" I ask and he nods. Soon, our food arrives and we all eat before getting back into the car and continuing driving home. About thirty minutes later we arrive at our house and Lyndan helps us get our luggage inside before he leaves and we soon leave also and drive to Max's moms house to get the kids. We haven't told her we're coming home early yet, so hopefully they're at the house and didn't decide to go anywhere. Max holds my hand the whole way to his Mom's house and at one point I decided to take a picture and post it as I anticipate seeing my babies.

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ddlovato: You still give me butterflies☺️🦋💘
maddelagarza: Cutest!!😭
maxehrich: That's my goal😉❤️
ddlovato: @maxehrich Then your grade is an A+🥰
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