I'm Lucky To Have You (Cherik...

By lokiismyvillain

21K 918 347

Charles is unhappy with his life, one day he decides to replace his incomplete chess set and meets Erik. Erik... More

I'm Lucky To Have You (Cherik- Charles Xavier & Erik Lehsherr (AU)
Not An Update And I'm Incredibly Sorry


1.1K 55 9
By lokiismyvillain


"Don't you realise what we're doing is illegal Erik? It's against the law to be together. We are not allowed to have any kind of relationship apart from friendship." Charles cried, tears spilling from his pure blue eyes and splashing loudly onto the hard oak flooring.

"Look Charles, that shouldn't be a problem at all! I don't care about what the law thinks of us! I bet this won't be a problem in a few years." I said back, trying my best to calm down the telepath.

Every attempt was failing, seeing as Charles wouldn't listen to a thing I said. That lead to an argument, which lead to me getting my tracksuit trousers and sleeping in Hank's room for the night.

"Erik." I heard him whispering to me at around three. I didn't answer seeing as I was still annoyed with him. "Erik please, I'm sorry. I just got a bit annoyed earlier. Please come back to bed."

"No. It's your fault I'm sleeping here anyway. You should learn to think about what you say before you start an argument." I whispered back, turning on my side, facing the wall.

"Erik, I genuinely mean it. I didn't mean what I was saying before. It was just something that came to mind." He sounded like he was crying, which made me feel incredibly guilty, but I still wouldn't give in.

"Maybe if you don't call me a massive Nazi fucker tomorrow, I'll come back to bed. Just remember that I was only trying to help you." I grumbled, getting up and shutting the door so I couldn't hear him anymore.

I buried my face in my pillow, gradually making my pillowcase a puffy tear bank over the next two hours before I got up again and pulled on a jumper and trainers before going out to the garden for a run in the cool air.

I closed the door quietly then started jogging slowly. The quicker I went, the more I blocked out the world around me, which lead to me running straight into someone else.

"I'm sorry, I'll help you up." I said offering my hand.

"Thanks, I'm surprised I haven't got concussion, the pace you were running at." the other person said, grasping my hand and slowly heaving themselves up.

"Are you hurt?" I asked, looking at who I was talking to. A blonde woman with bluish eyes.

"No, I'm good. Is Charles home? I need to see him kinda urgently." She replied, dusting off her skirt and cardigan.

"Yes, he's probably awake. However we had an argument yesterday evening so he's probably not in the best state."

"Great. I'm Raven by the way, has he ever mentioned me?"

"Yes. Many times, probably at least twice a day. He has a picture of you at his bedside. Although, not in this uh, form."

Raven laughed and hugged me.

"I like you. Charles' friend, I presume?"

"Not at the moment, that's for sure." I said, rolling up my sleeves and opening the door for my guest. She smiled at me then walked in gracefully, straight to the stairs and hopped up them. She knew this place like the back of her hand, she knew where Charles was.

"Good morning Charles. I see your friend isn't very pleased with you." Raven told him, the sound of the bed creaking as she probably sat on the end of it. I longed for the feeling of having a best friend for life, that's what Charles said having a sister felt like. I wanted a sister, but my mother decided I was best on my own.

"You're back. Oh, Raven, you've come back to me. I'm sorry for what's going on at the moment. Word is spreading fast about mutantkind. We must protect ourselves." Charles said hurriedly, breathing heavily.

"Or we could defend ourselves and each and every one of the mutants worldwide suffering from the pain humans are inflicting on us." I said, walking into the bedroom with a serious purpose.

"Erik, are you saying you want to start a war over a few words? That isn't necessary or possible at a time like this. We simply need to help these mutants find their feet and learn to keep themselves out of trouble. I highly suggest that you rethink the situation."

"I said nothing about war. I'm talking about reasoning, but protecting the other mutants of the world while we do so. Maybe if you listened to me for once, you would have known what I was talking about."

"Just because you didn't say it, doesn't mean you weren't thinking it Erik. I can read minds don't forget."

"Charles please. I came here to say hi, not to listen to you two arguing. You haven't even introduced me to your friend. We talked for like, two minutes in the garden. Also, he's right. It'll be selfish if we only looked after ourselves Charles. What about the other people like us? Do want them to have a shitty life?" Raven interrupted, leaning in to look her brother right in the eyes. Charles turned his face away from her and glared at me. It was a look that could kill someone.

"I am ashamed to know that I said I loved you, Erik. No more talk. Both of you leave the room. Occupy yourselves with something to do. I need to think about this." He said, hurt and anger evident in his expression.

I had never seen Charles so upset before. When I met him, he seemed relaxed, quiet and the type of person who didn't care about normal people problems.

"Don't worry Erik. He'll get over it soon. I am curious about what he said. What does he mean by what he said? Did he actually say he loved you? As in real love?" The blonde questioned, linking her arm in mine as we walked through the archway to the pond.

I took in the beauty of this hidden place, the cherry blossom tree leaning over the clear water, which was laced with the petals of the pink and white flowers. The candles needed to be lit, seeing as it would make the flowers more vibrant and visible to those who can't see pretty things even if they tried.

"Yes. He meant real love. Although, I regret ever saying it to him. All he ever does is complain nowadays. I don't get what his problem is." I sighed, sitting down on the end of the bridge and leaning back, causing the cherry blossom to tickle my nose slightly.

"You know it's illegal for you to be together right?" I nodded, closing my eyes and clearing all thoughts of him from my head. Raven was laying next to me, her head against my chest. It felt better than it ever did with Charles.

We just lay there in peace until about noon. It was winter, so it was bound to get dark in about four hours.

"I'm gonna go check on him. He's probably calmer now. We've given him at least six hours to think about this." The blonde said, gently getting up so she didn't have to put so much pressure on me while doing so.

"Okay. I'll be here if he wants to talk." I told her, getting up myself because I wanted to make sure they left before getting out the things that I'd stashed here while Charles was sleeping.

I felt happier with Raven, I knew I could be someone important to her, but had made a commitment to Charles. I didn't want to choose between them both, because if I did, I'd only lose my best friend.

I climbed the large oak tree, right up the sturdiest branch. I lay there quietly on it, thinking about my life and how it went from bad to good to fantastic back to bad again. I didn't need this anymore.

It was time.

Hi guys. Just so you know, I'm almost drowning in my tears because of what's going on. Sorry it may be shorter than usual. If you've gathered from the information, what I plan to do, then please wait until the next update to throw your curses and whatever at me. Don't ruin it for those who haven't got it.
Also, no dedication today because I can't think of who to dedicate it to. Such laze.
Til next time Troops! ~@lokiismyvillain

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