𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐄 |short story (Mj)βœ”οΈŽ

By sellibeau

18.3K 653 5.3K

|won best short story 2020| Michael is the CEO of a successful business organization who earns millions annua... More

1| One Time
2| Rings
7|Sweet Wine

10| Arias Co.-the end

900 31 282
By sellibeau

Nᴇᴠᴇʀ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ʙᴀᴄᴋ

A/n: p.s this might suck


It's been weeks since everything has happened. Geneva's fame rose quickly and soon the whole state knew about her new position. Soon it would be the whole country.

Some were happy for her, others..

"I ain't sure if I need my glasses cleaned or my ears cleaned—maybe both. But I'm sure as hell not hearing that you've been replaced, Michael." Joseph sat in the white leather chair of his mansion in the living room, followed by Michael, Janet and Katherine and some other siblings.

Things were tense. The atmosphere was so thick, it could be cut with a knife.

Michael ran his hands down his face as he had a glass of red wine in his hand, sipping at it occasionally while angrily glaring off into the distance. It's the first time he's left his house in weeks. He had no desire to meet the outside air or associate with anyone. He had everything, and suddenly he's down to almost nothing—work-wise

"I don't wanna talk about it." Michael muttered, looking away from everyone. "In fact, I'm not even sure why I was called here. I woulda liked staying in my house way better."

"You've been in that house for days. Get some fresh air." Janet rolled her eyes as he scoffed. "Easy for you to say. You didn't lose something you built."

"I built this empire!" Joseph's voice became a bit louder, making it echo across the house. "Now I'm hearin' you let some girl take over? We're better than this."

"Blame Nixon, Joseph." Michael rolled his eyes again, crossing his arms. "He's the damn chairman. It's his call from the beginning. This damn "empire" was never our's to begin with."

"If I was still in position this woulda never happened." Jospeh continued on as Katherine shook her head. "It happens all the time. CEOs get replaced all the time." She said, wearing a rich red gown followed by sequins on it, complimenting her entire outfit.

The family came from rags to riches all by themselves. Although all Michael could remember was riches growing up, his family certainly hasn't always been this wealthy. They love their money, and so does he.

"Even though we're supposed to be competition," Janet started, holding up a finger as she has her work clothes on, ready to start the day at her building. "I still think this is all bullshit."

Michael shrugged. "I've been saying it from the start. They favored her over me who's been there way longer."

"Embarrassing." Joseph gritted. "To let someone take over so easily. Embarrassing."

Michael was visibly growing more irritated by the second to the point where he thought to crush the glass in his hand. "I didn't let her do shit!" He exclaimed. "She stole it from me."

"This is a family owned business." Katherine calmly interjected, sophisticatedly taking a sip of her own wine. "Last I checked, Geneva does not share our last name."

Michael's eyes squinted. "This family shit is over played." He shook his head. "Anybody could own a business these days. That's the messed up side of it all. I coulda created this whole empire yet I'd still be played dirty."

Joseph could only shake his head. Upon hearing the news of Michael's replacement, the whole family was caught off guard. They had been working in the business industry for decades. Joseph had given up his spot as CEO and granted it to Michael some years back. Michael handled the business almost better than his father did.

Their empire grew, allowing Janet, Rebbie etc. to have their own places to build on, and the downfall is only destined to come for each of them. Michael first.

"Distractions." Jospeh shook his head. "You must've been distracted to make my empire look like a damn fool. I taught you everything there is to know about being a good businessman and this is how you repay me?"

Michael had no energy to fight back but hearing the false things coming from his father's mouth did not sit well with him. "Taught me?" He scoffed. "Only thing you did was mold me into you! Shit, maybe I had no desire to become a damn businessman. With you in my ear, coaxing me to become just like you growin' up, I was destined to be you."

Janet shook her head. "Michael you loved that job."

"What job do I have to love now?" He questioned.

"I shaped all of you to become great businessmen and women to succeed in life. Ain't no damn way I'll go back to havin' nothin'. Look at us, son." Jospeh turned his head, referring to the mansion they stood in at the very moment.

Each family member owns a mansion all thanks to their "empire" over the years. "You should be thanking me." He continued. "You were distracted and you let an amateur surpass you."

"I don't know what you've been up to boy," Katherine warned. "but slipping up comes with consequences."

"I didn't-" he paused as the many memories of Geneva Arias flashed into his mind. Her seduction, her words, her charm. He always denied it, but he only began to slip up once he hired her.

He wouldn't dare mention his infidelity with Naomi and his many months of messing with women, furthering his distraction and downfall. "There's nothing to discuss." He concluded.

"It's that wife of yours." Joseph gritted. "That no good woman you married. I'm sure she's the reason."

"Naomi's not a part of this." He waved it off. "Don't start naming names." He exhaled and took a seat. "Please. I'm about ready to go home."

"You've been wanting to divorce her for months!" Katherine complained. They did not get along with Naomi's side of the family. Their families often clashed. "You really should've done just that. This wouldn't have happened if you did."

It was just as he expected. Blaming his downfall on Naomi who simply wished to have a happy marriage. "Our marriage needed to be fixed."

"Oh quit the act." Janet waved him off. "You don't like that woman."

He gritted at her, voiceless, to stay quiet but she spoke too soon. "You don't like her?" Katherine turned her head. "So why are we still worried about that woman? Why let her screw things up?"

"She didn't screw anything up!" Michael exclaimed and ultimately sighed, moving from his spot, towards the door. "This isn't the place for me right now. I enjoyed staying isolated in my own house."

"Pitiful." Joseph shook his head. "I had high hopes for you boy!"

"Hey, there's still me." Janet waved and smiled but was ignored-

The only thing left was both Joseph and Katherine begging Michael to stay to talk things out but things were too far under the drain. There was no motivation to steal back what was stolen...

"Ms. Arias, you have an interview with Hilary later on today, around 4 I believe."

Destiny stood at the door, her head subtly peeking into Geneva's office with her iPad clutched under her armpit along with some Manila folders in her left hand.

Geneva lowered the phone in her hand and pursed her lipstick stained lips and spun her chair around with a grin. "Got it, I understand, Des." She replied. Destiny smiled back and fully entered, placing the folders onto the desk.

The building was undergoing some changes. Michael once had a black, sleek theme to it but now that Geneva has taken over, she has added her own brightened touch to it.

She had the curtains drawn open, revealing the bright view of California on the 1st floor. She wore a satisfied smirk on her face day to day and enjoyed the attention she received daily.

"Wow. The office is almost finished." Destiny smiled lightly, looking around. Everything that was once Michael's was replaced with Geneva's things. Picture frames, plastic decor etc.

"It's been Genevafied." She sighed blissfully. "It's mine now after all." She shrugged. "Isn't that right, Des?"

Destiny nodded quickly. "Mmh." She hummed. "Are you sure you don't want any coffee to start the day?" She asked.

Geneva shook her head. "No...but I'd like some sugar cookies. Will you make that happen, Des?"

"Of course, Ms. Arias." She replied and turned her back, exiting the room to do as she was told. She often felt guilty for working for Geneva instead of Michael, as she was personally hand picked from him. She felt as if she was backstabbing him—but it's her job. Her job is to assist. She has no commitment as to who she assists.

As Destiny was halfway down the hallway, some footsteps and voices stopped her. "Hey, Des!" She turned back and saw Ysenia, Rocky, Lucas and Linda walking side by side in their usual attire-

"Yes?" Destiny furrowed her brows. "You know where we could find Arias? She has like 10 different offices in this building now that it's her's." Rocky rolled his eyes.

Destiny smiled. "Right there." She pointed to the room and they gasped and turned towards her like they were surprised. "Mr. Jackson's ultimate office? She took this over too? I thought she just owned a portion-"

"The joke took over his entire job, idiot." Ysenia sneered. "She owns everything and it makes me sick."

"Is there something you need?" Destiny asked, interrupting their conversation and Linda nodded. "We received an email saying we should meet with her. I tried to ignore it but honestly I have no choice."

"I should really give her a piece of my damn mind when I see her. Like I'll work here under her nose and call her boss." Ysenia scoffed and uncrossed her arms, "Let's go see her."

"I-I don't think that's-"

"Thanks Destiny." They said and entered her office, shutting the door behind them.

They hadn't noticed it before, but mostly everything has certainly changed. They just didn't know to what extent.

Geneva looked up from scanning her eyes over paperwork and was flustered at first but soon a smile rose to her lips. "Nice to see you all again. Glad you decided to come."

"Yeah, we were just contemplating whether to quit or not. Once Jackson got scrapped we decided to too." Rocky scoffed. He likes Geneva but not the idea of suddenly working for her company. It was an honor being hired by Michael and for it to be passed around didn't sit right with him.

"Same here." Lucas spoke up. "You're getting all the attention, what are we? Plus, I didn't know you were CEO until I saw it all over television. I just thought you were promoted again. Shit, things really have changed."

"I know you all may be hostile right now," Geneva started, but was unable to finish as she heard Ysenia's fuming voice over her own-

"The nerve. Damn right we're hostile. This is all unrealistic as hell. You suddenly become CEO having no experience at all whatsoever-"

"That you know of." Geneva interrupted. "But continue."

"And now you took over his office, redesigned his building- what haven't you done?"

"Ysenia, chill." Lucas muttered but she had no intention of doing so. "Nah, this bitch got me messed up. Lemme at her!" She jolted forward and attempted to throw punches but was held back by them immediately.

"Look, Geneva, as much as we'd like to stay and hear you brag about your life right now, we're gonna leave before things get ugly." Linda said with a fake smile plastered on her face-

"The email was to let you know that I'm taking you guys under my wing. Like a promotion. You'll be paid more, you'll have anything you desire." She suddenly said and they paused—their eyes widened

"Say what now?" Ysenia lowered her head. "This bitch serious?"

Geneva nodded. "I'm the boss now aren't I?" She inquired. "Michael had you guys working step by step. I consider you all—most of you—my equals. I give you permission to move up. Think of it as a game. You've leveled up."

"Shit..." Rocky suddenly smiled and their faces lit up with desire and relief. They were probably the only workers in the building to have this treatment and it would soon feel good.

Ysenia settled down and narrowed her eyes towards Geneva who stood casually by her desk. She looked around and scoffed, lazily dropping her arms to her sides. "Oh come on. She's obviously just trying to buy our love or some shit. You just want us to like you."

Geneva's smirk never left her face, but she did not answer. She didn't need to. "So be it." Lucas suddenly said. "Deal."

Once he said it, the others around him began to say the same, all except for Ysenia.

At that moment, Destiny came into the room, cowering as always after hearing the commotion from outside. She held 3 sugar cookies wrapped in a napkin in her hand and gave it to Geneva before standing by the wall, with her hands behind her

"Hm." Ysenia hummed, eyeing Geneva up and down. "Why should I work for someone I don't like?" She questioned. "Ysenia come on. This is a good deal she's offering." Linda pointed out

"The deal doesn't apply to you anyway." Geneva suddenly said and Ysenia nearly broke her neck whipping her head towards her. "What?!"

"Wait...you're not promoting Ysenia?" Lucas clarified and Geneva just grinned in return.

"And why the fuck not?" She argued, suddenly becoming angry again, causing Destiny to cower in the corner again. "U-um let's try to avoid fighting p-please-"

"You wouldn't have gotten this job if it weren't for Jackson anyway. This ain't even all under your control!" Ysenia proceeded to fume and fume. "See? She thinks she's all high and mighty!"

Her fuming suddenly stopped as soon as they heard Geneva's voice again. "I was joking." She said, making them face her again. "I can tell just how desperate you are to have a job here just by your reaction even if it means working for me. Am I right?"

Ysenia pursed her lips and eyed her up and down again before scoffing. "Please. I don't need this."

"In or out. If not, I can fire you. I'm fine either way."

She turned back and exhaled, taking a seemingly long time to answer before settling on one answer. "Fine. Deal, bitch."

Geneva grinned.

Meanwhile, Michael sat in a leather of an office signing papers. Papers of which he never saw himself having to deal with. The room was silent and the only thing heard was the sound of his pen moving across the paper. Naomi sat across from him, never taking her eyes off of him.

"Naomi," Michael sighed slowly lifting his eyes to meet her's. "Sign the papers."

"I'm not signing shit." She muttered. "This is what it's come to?" She asked. "You didn't even talk things out with me first? Went ahead and declared a divorce-"

"You wanted it too, Naomi." His words were tight, like it took everything out of him to say it. "You said it."

"You've been planning this for weeks. Months maybe! You told me you wanted to work things out."

"Now I don't." Michael shrugged. His attitude seemed nonchalant but his words had far more emotion. He truly loved Naomi, but things are complicated.

"You're just saying that." She sneered. "You don't want this."

"You were the one telling me to do this, so here it is, Naomi. You dared me and I did it. You thought I wouldn't oblige." He paused and scoffed. "Things aren't working out."

"You've changed." She bitterly said, tossing the pen she shakily held in her hand onto the table ahead of her. "It's like you're a different person."

"I am." He emphasized. "I've lost my position as the most powerful-" he paused and rolled his eyes. "I'm not even gonna discuss this with you."

"And you blame me!" She exclaimed. "You blame me for your downfall!" She sat back and shook her head. "We've been over this, Michael. I didn't do shit. It was bastard Geneva."

"My family agrees, Naomi." He sighed. "They want you gone too."

"Too?" She questioned. "You'd be a fool to think I'd believe that you want me gone too."

She was right. Part of him wanted her around. He used to enjoy being in her presence vice versa. Ever since their work lives interfered, things have gone downhill.

"Face it." Her voice rung again. "Things began to fall between us far before your CEO downfall. It was because of that job."

"And there you go. Blaming our fallen marriage on my job again. This isn't about that."

"Then what is it about? You have no reason to divorce me. And I won't sign these papers."

He stared at her for a little while longer and tried to shrug nonchalantly. "Fine. A one sided divorce can still pass."

"Won't pass for shit. You're hopeless and you know it. Blaming your own problems on me and our marriage is the most absurd thing I've ever heard!"

"Or it's that you haven't realized that maybe we don't mix." He blankly said. "That I just don't like you anymore. You ever thought of that Naomi?"

His words didn't hurt her. She knew they stemmed from somewhere else and he was pushing her away purposely. He viewed his life as being in shambles and found no other solution than to just blame others for his downfall

"Bullshit." She denied. "You can sign all you want. I'm doing no such thing." She turned her head and crossed her arms.

He proceeded to stare, almost in a cold way.

He has changed over the course of weeks. Even the weeks leading up to his downfall. She noticed almost right away. He's become colder.

"Naomi." He gritted in frustration

"You can't act like we had nothing." She shook her head.

Her words made him think back to their wedding day a few years back. They were both happy and proud. They rarely got into arguments and were truly satisfied with each other.

Their ceremony was fancy and sophisticated, as if they were king and queen in a castle. Both had families that were rich, both well known and stable. Their wedding was a dream. Bought from wealth and love.

"For it all to come crashing down because you got fired is pitiful." Naomi bluntly said and he ran his hands down his face, finding her words to be similar to Joseph's. He's heard that word many times but never was it so target towards him.

"Sign the papers, Naomi."

"No."  She turned her head again

The room was not tense, as both parties had hesitations to sign it in the first place—although he already did.

He didn't seem to mean a word he said, which built up her confidence even more. But they were both stubborn, so it meant staying until someone makes the first move.

They were going to be in this room for a long time.


The next day

A day passed and not much has changed. Michael did what he had been doing for weeks: staying in his house all day

He was simply too lazy to go out again.

He still has wealth. He is still close to that billionaire status—minus CEO

He pitied himself greatly.

He opened his fridge that was surprisingly stocked and just brought out a yogurt, planning to eat it while watching a bit of TV for the morning. It was a typical yet monotonous day. Each day carried out like the last.

Before he could even sit down, someone rang the bell, causing him to look up at the ceiling and sigh. "Shit." He muttered and walked seemingly slow to it before he recognized who is was before even having to open it.

"What do you want, Janet?"

"Hi to you too." She said in her usual jolly voice and entered without being invited in. "Came to drop off mail that was delivered to my house on accident...." she found excuses to visit him often

"If that's all, I'd like to sulk alone."

"Stop being such a Debbie Downer." She rolled her eyes and followed him back to the living room. "I came to propose something."

"Whatever it is-" he paused once they heard familiar voices on the TV along with cheering people-

"And we are back with Geneva Arias! The new CEO of the so called Arias Corp!" Hilary's voice blared through the screen as the crowd cheered.

Geneva sat across from her, her hair pulled back into a professional bun, skin vibrant, grin wide.

"How does it feel to have all this fame all of a sudden?" Hilary asked her as the camera flashed towards her. "It feels almost unreal." She started

"I never woulda thought this could happen to someone like me." She wiped fake tears from her eyes.

Michael found himself becoming more angry the more he watched. It was almost painful to do so.

"Things are going well so far. Sales gave skyrocketed so far. Shooting for the stars." She proceeded

Hilary laughed and nodded back. "Yes I'm sure it has. Pretty soon you'll be near billionaire status huh?"

"Haha yeah...pretty soon." Geneva winked and the crowd laughed. The camera flashed to Destiny who noticed and suddenly hid behind someone else

"Maybe I should change the channel." Janet muttered, noticing the change in attitude from Michael.

"She ruined my damn life." He fumed, standing to his feet. "And there she is, taking my fame."

"That's what I came to discuss." Janet said, causing him to pause and look towards her with his brows knitted. "Discuss what?"

Janet muted the TV and crossed her arms, standing straight. "This obviously isn't the end of your career, big bro. There's always my building." She blissfully said, holding her hands to her chest

He scoffed. "Please."

"We could always be co-CEOs." Her brows raised menacingly and he froze again. He had already heard of that offer—but with working with Geneva— which he truly did not want to do.

But doing it with Janet wouldn't be too bad since they're siblings.

"Embarrassing." He grunted and shook his head, staring at the floor for some time as her smile never left. "Embarrassing but worth it." She wiggled her brows playfully

He suddenly looked up. "We've been against each other for years. We're competition. Why are you suddenly teaming up?"

She scoffed. "To knock that bitch Geneva off the wall of course." She replied. "We may be competition but I'd rather compete with family than some outsider. You in or out?"

He stared at her and thought for a second. Janet's business has been thriving lately and it's been that way for a while. He'll still get a chance to be in charge—although he has to share his spot—he was willing.

He sighed as his eyes focused on her's again. "....Alright."

"You will?" Janet suddenly squealed. "Look at us! Working side by side."

"Yeah nevermind."

"Nah you can't take shit back no more." She denied. "It's a deal then? Shake on it?"

He nodded slowly. "...deal." He said it as if it was poison

She held out her hand and before he could shave it, she pulled it back. "But first you gotta say that I'm better than you and will always be above you—oh and that I'm a bad bitch."

"I'm not saying any of that."

"Then I guess we don't have a deal." She shrugged and nonchalantly looked away, causing him to roll his eyes and curse to himself. "Alright, shit."

"I'm waiting."

"You're better than me and you'll always be above me."

"And? Get it together."

"And you're a bad bitch." He said this all while looking at the ceiling with vengeance.

Janet smiled and shook his hand. "See? That wasn't so hard. Soon you'll get your building back. But for now we're gonna have to work together." She said and paused. "You divorced Naomi..right?"

He didn't answer right away. "You could say that.

Hours later

Michael has Naomi on all fours, thrusting into her like the end of the world was nearing.

Their skin was moist with desire as her hair began to stick to her skin as well as his. His lip was tucked under his teeth and he grunted with each thrust, listening to the sound of her satisfied voice.

They were near divorce but didn't act like it

"Faster!" Her whiny voice rang out through the room as he gave into her wishes and moved faster. "Fuck." He cursed, lifting his head towards the ceiling once he felt her tighten around him. The feeling was immensely overwhelming

He felt buzzed. Buzzed to be in charge again—even if it meant of a business that wasn't originally his.

"Naomi," his voice was breathless and nearly drained, as they went at it for hours in various rooms of the big house.

He leaned down and connected his lips to her's something he absentmindedly did during sex—sometimes no matter the woman. She hasn't felt his lips on her's in ages and it felt good to her.

His lips neared down her neck as he left slow thrusts into her. Her sighs were blissful.

Although he was Naomi, someone else was still on his mind. Someone of whom was almost a goddess in bed. Someone he couldn't resist...

"I bet you're wondering who I am, and who this building belonged to before me." Her heels clicked against the sleek floors beneath her as she stepped up to the window with her back turned to her newly hired workers. They were "newbies" and amateurs.

"I know you've heard of Michael Jackson and his legacy." She paused and turned around to face them with her lips curved upwards. "But this here is a new legacy." She continued

"This is something you've never experienced before. Same with me." She laughed unamused. "Questions?"

One girl raised up her pointer finger. "Yeah, how did you get where you are?" She asked

And Geneva grinned again

"Let's just say that I'm a bad bitch."

Iᴍ ᴀ ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴄᴇᴏ sᴜɢᴇ

A/n: chile I told y'all this might suck💀

but I needed to end this so I could update my other books🤡🤡

Geneva got wut she wanted sjsksjsk

lemme know, do y'all like her or not 👀 lmfao I saw a split. some of y'all like her and some don't👀👀

this was fun and I hope y'all enjoyed this shit🧍🏽‍♀️

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