The Past Comes Back to Bite

By LunarPlayer16

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Fifteen millennium since the great calamity, the world has moved on. Link is Zelda's, the soon to be queens... More

Elementary school
16 Years Later
Guard Duty
Warm Welcome
Blending In
High Fliers
The Reawakening
Breakfast Date
Dragon Watching
Dark Magic
Archery Range
Nightmares or Echoes of the Past
Early Mornings
Ready for Battle?
Time for Blights
Epilogue: One Year Later


11 0 0
By LunarPlayer16

Medoh swerved around the guardian as it swung a claw out trying to catch the bird. Revali gripped the crimson feathers tighter as he ordered the loftwing higher as Mipha tore into the nearby guardian's wiring. Her guardian sputtered, trying desperately to reach the Zora as it swung out, the trident catching the claw before Mipha pushed it away from her. Her attention snapped to the opening she was standing in, as she hooked the prongs of the weapon into the wires ripping them out as she went.

Teba flew between another's large legs as it slammed a claw down where the loftwing was moments ago. Pulling back on the string, he sends a glowing blue arrow towards it's eye only for the machine to move to the side dodging the attack. Urbosa was on the ground cutting away at her own guardian's legs as it stammered on the two legs it had left, before crashing to the pavement. Grabbing an arrow from his quiver, Revali let the projectile soar as it struck his opponent's eye as sparks escaped the machine.

"Heads up!" Teba yelled as he spun after Revali as his guardian toppled over, the lights flickering off as it crashed into a nearby building.

"You good?" Revali asked as he pulled another arrow on the string and sent it sailing at Teba's guardian. The machine sputtered as the arrow hit it along the gap of its body and head, as it tried to reach out a strike.

"Nice shot." Teba laughed as he sent an arrow into it's eye effectively killing it. Revali pulled on Medoh's feathers as he watched Mipha's guardian fall to the ground, the magic leaving its body. Urbosa quickly ushered a few people away from her downed machine as she rushed over to Mipha to help her out of the hole she made. Swooping down, Revali pulled on the strap forcing Medoh into a hover as he floated a few feet above the two women on the ground.

"I thin-" Mipha held up a hand as Teba landed beside them.

"Go help them. We have it covered here." Mipha said as she wiped some of the oil off her hands on her uniform. "Go!" She yelled as Revali gave the three of them a nod before ordering Medoh into the air as they headed towards the castle. Diving under a burst of magic, the two continued forward their speed increasing with each beat of wings. A clatter of electricity caught his attention as he noticed Daruk fighting off a blight. Revali turned Medoh in the direction, preparing to fly over before a roar came from the castle. The black and pink magic soared upwards as tendrils tried to lash out at the loftwing and rider as they swooped around the incoming attack.

"Come one let's find-" Revali cut himself off as a piece of the castle toppled and a monstrous creature ripped from the stone. Pink flames rushed along its back as two black tusks tore into the remains of the castle wall in front of the beast. A hoof slammed onto the ground as the monster threw back it's head in a roar, the flames on its back rising with anger. Magic surged off the beast as it swung its head to the right, breaking down another wall in the way, as it ripped its way through Hyrule castle. "Oh...." Revali mumbled as he forced Medoh to dive, before pulling an arrow from his quiver. The arrow sang from the string as it struck the beast in the head, but the creature didn't even blink as it started forward, its eyes focused on the city. Another blast of magic threatened to knock them from the air as Medoh dodged the attack, before righting himself.

A familiar hum caught Revali's attention as he spied Link's bike come flying out from the garage it was stored in. The knight rushed after the beast as Zelda held tight to him, hoping not to fall off. Swooping low, Revali soared above them as the princess blinked up at him before raising her hand. The Rito leaned down, hooking his hand with hers before pulling her up behind him.

"How are we stopping this thing?" Revali asked as he cast the monstrous boar over.

"I need you to take me back to the castle." Zelda ordered as Revali glanced at her before pulling back on Medoh's feathers forcing the bird up and back. The princess's arms wrapped around the man's stomach as he soared into the giant hole the creature made. "My wing, hurry." Revali nodded guiding the loftwing up the stairs and towards the princess's room. "Second door on the right." They landed a door away from the princess's room as she leapt off the back of the bird, before rushing in the unknown door. Revali could hear the roaring of the beast as it started its rampage on the city. He should be out there, but he knew that Zelda would never take him away from the battle unless it was needed.

The princess pulled herself up behind him before thrusting a gold and silver bow into his hands as Medoh chirped. No words were spoken as a beat of the bird's wings sent them back in the air as Revali ordered the loftwing out of the castle. They soared after the monster as it reached the first buildings of the city, as the Rito tightened his grip on the belt in his grasp.

"Get under it!"

"Under it, are you insane?" Revali asked as Zelda sent a glare to him. The beast roared his tusks striking the closest building before it leapt back a bit, holding it's front left leg off the ground. Teba swooped above the creature firing off a bomb arrow into the trail of fire that rushed along it's back.

"Now, Revali." Zelda orders as she grabs the bow from his grip and spins so her back is pressed against his.

"We are so dead." Revali mutters before forcing Medoh to dive. The loftwing is resistant at first, but does obey after a few moments, his wings folding in. The wind pulls at his hair as his grip on the bird's feathers tighten and he opens his wings catching the air and gliding under the storming monster. The hum of the bike sounds as Link skids around one of the beast's legs the sword slicing into the black and pink flesh. Another cry rips from the monster as Zelda pulls back on the string, and aims towards the creature's stomach. The arrow hits it's mark as Medoh swerves around the raised leg, heading back up into the air. A blast of magic soars out, striking the loftwing as it screams and the three start careening towards the ground. Zelda wraps her arms around Revali's stomach as he tries to get the bird to slow or at least not crash into the ground.

Teba and his loftwing dive after them as Zelda releases her grip on the Rito, before throwing herself off the bird's back. The knight grabs her as his bird opens his wings, stopping their fall as the white loftwing comes to a halt.

"Come on, come on..." Revali whispered as the ground was coming up fast. Releasing his grip with his right hand, he calls forth the updraft as it blasts into the bird and the rider slows them enough to not fully crash to the ground. Medoh stumbles before he falls, throwing his rider from his back as they both hit the ground and roll. Revali staggered to his feet, he could feel the bruises as they formed, but his attention was on his partner. Medoh cried from where he lay on the ground, as his rider rushed over to him.

"Medoh! No, hey you're okay. You're okay." Revali mutters as he looks at the bird's broken wing. Footsteps rush up to him, as Mipha falls to her knees beside him.

"We can't stay here." Mipha says as she looks at the beast that is starting to make its way into the city. He knows they are in danger, but he can't leave his bird.

"I'm not leaving him." Mipha stares at the Rito for a moment before her eyes move to the wing.

"I can help, but we have to be fast." Mipha mutters as she moves to the wing, her hands starting to glow. Revali quickly goes to soothe the bird as Mipha starts to slowly move the broken bone into place, her magic working to heal the injury as best she can. After a minute or two, Medoh is pushing himself to his feet as Revali helps guide the bird back up.

"Now what?" Revali asks as the hum of Link's bike grows closer as the motorcycle rolls up to them and the knight glances between the two of them.

"Get on." Link orders as Revali casts a glance at Mipha who nods.

"We'll get to safety." Mipha states as she puts her hand on the bird's neck getting it to coo at the touch. Revali doesn't need to be told again, before he is climbing behind his boyfriend as they zoom off.

"How many arrows do you have?"

"A few regular, and about three bomb arrows left." Revali states as he runs his fingers against the fletching identifying the projectiles.

"Okay we need to stagger it, and stop it from destroying more of the city. That way Zelda can get a clear shot to it's head." Link answered as Revali nodded, as he felt the tenseness that his boyfriend was giving off. He wanted to say something, anything to comfort the knight, but he knew there wasn't much to say. His father was causing this, and right now their job was to protect the city. Right now, they need to focus. The monster swung its head, trying to hit the loftwing that was flying in front of it's face as Urbosa swung out with her own blade cutting into one of the beasts back legs. Link drove them close as Revali knocked his third bomb arrow on the string and sent it soaring into the monster's front right leg. The beast roared as a golden arrow struck it's neck, Teba flew his loftwing up and away from a wave of magic.

"There has to be a better way to do this." Revali mumbled as Link guided the bike in between the monster's legs. Another bomb arrow sailed into it's left leg, as it cried and it slammed it's hooves on the ground. The shock wave that came threw the bike into the air as Revali grabbed at Link as he got control of the cycle. Driving the bike out from under the beast, Revali snagged his last bomb arrow as he fired it into the left leg again, but a burst of magic seared out breaking the arrow before contact. Wisps of the magic swarmed as they rushed after the loftwing and the motorcycle. Link swerved around the tendrils of magic as it tried to knock the bike over.

"Grab the sword." Link yelled as Revali obeyed without question. He gripped the sword as it burned at his skin, before the pain subsided and he yanked it free from its sheath. The magic recoiled for a moment before lashing out again, as the blade started to glow. A scream echoed as Link's and Revali's attention turned to the sky as the loftwing sailed downwards, its wings unable to catch the unconscious creature. Panic ripped through Revali as he tossed the sword to his left hand and called on the gale, as it rushed up meeting the loftwing in the air and gently depositing them on the ground. Link steered the bike over to the two fliers as they huffed and puffed their fear evident on their faces. Urbosa leapt off the motorcycle she had stolen before sprinting over to her companions. Link and Revali dismounted their bike as the Rito handed the knight his sword back.

"You guys okay?" Link asked as Zelda nodded and her attention turned to the beast as it roared charging towards them.

"We can't beat this thing." Teba muttered as Zelda pushed herself to her feet.

"We have too."

"How?" Urbosa asked as Mipha and Daruk rushed up to the group.

"I.... I don't know..." Zelda admitted. "But we can't lose. I-" Link pushed Zelda down as a blast of magic aimed from above, and he blocked the attack. Another bolt of black and pink magic shot forward throwing the knight off his feet and to the ground.

"Link!" Revali yelled as more magic started to rush forward wrapping around the group. Teba yelled as he was dragged to the ground, the magic encompassing him like a blanket. Mipha screamed as it slithered around her chest and stomach pinning her arms to her side, as it crept along her body trying to cover her. Urbosa yelped as the magic surged around her legs, forcing her still and unable to fight back as it crawled up her arms. Daruk hollered as the magic made for his arms and neck, forcing the Goron to his knees. Revali shouted as he was thrown into the air, the magic tangling around him as he tried to fight it off. A familiar feeling sinking into his bones, as his death in the past pulled at him, the magic attempted to suffocate him. Magic swarmed around Link as he tried to get to the goddesses blade, but with a pull the power took him away from his only chance to win. Zelda couldn't fight the magic that forced her to her knees pressing her arms behind her back as the mass started to cover her body.

They struggled against the magic as it started to encompass them, each breath becoming harder and harder to take. A faint glow resonated from Zelda the Triforce glowing on her hand, as her power fought against the darkness that was trying to consume them.

Revali gasped for breath as the magic stung his nostrils and forced its way inside of him, taking his life away. He blinked the world around him shifting. A Rito landed, it's blue feathers shimmering in the light as emerald eyes met his. The bird cocked its head, watching him for a few moments, before it suddenly rushed forward, wings extending. "We will not die today." The Rito whispered as a white glow surrounded him before it flew into Revali. A figure cloaked in white and gold appeared before his eyes, her eyes like stars as she stared at him. Golden hair fell around her face, and a white cloak was wrapped around her shoulders.

"Fight." She whispered as she raised her right hand. His lungs burned as the light fought against the dark, and his eyes glowed. The mountain air filled his lungs, and light wrapped around his arms as they started to work again at his command. A gust of wind sailed towards him, ripping him free from the dark magic. Flames burned away at Daruk's body, searing the pink and black power away his eyes smoldered a dark red like the embers. Electricity rips away at the magic on Urbosa, her blue eyes glowing like ice as a low growl came from the Gerudo. Water rushed around Mipha as it pushed away the power that threatened to take her life, her eyes glowing a deep yellow. Wind bent around Teba yanking the magic away as he gasped for breath, his eyes shimmering a wild green. White light tore at Link and Zelda freeing them from their restraints as the knight dove for his sword and pushed himself to his feet. Revali landed on the ground, as he took a gasping breath before his attention along with everyone else's landed on the beast in front of them.

"This will be fun." Revali stated as he folded his arms, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Finally a chance." Daruk muttered as he slung his blade on his shoulder.

"Don't get too cocky Revali." Urbosa responded, "We all remember what happened last time."

"Don't kill the mood, chieftain." Revali hissed.

"At the princess's command." Mipha whispered, her voice barely audible.

"We'll this will be interesting." Teba laughed as he flexed his hands, surprised not to see wings. A whirl filled the air as a helicopter flew overhead, capturing the action with a camera crew.

"Where is?" Zelda whispered noticing the Bow of Light had landed in front of the beast. "Get that bow!" A gust of wind threw Revali into the air as he fired off an arrow striking the monster's legs as it roared, its cries echoing in the city. Link sprinted forward as he sliced through a bolt of magic as it tried to stop him, grabbing the bow, he spun his fingers finding the string with ease as a golden arrow appeared. The arrow hissed as it struck the monster in the neck, getting a growl from the creature as a burst of magic threw Link off his feet before wrapping around his ankles.

"Mipha!" Link yelled as he threw the bow backwards, and the Zora scooped up the weapon black magic at her heels. She jumped, turning in the air as she pulled back on the string and sending the arrow sailing into the side of the monster's face. A loud roar echoed as the magic caught up to her, and tangled itself around her midsection.

"Teba!" Mipha shouted as the Rito sprinted forward, and grabbed the bow as she threw it. A burst of wind threw the white haired man into the air as he took aim at the beast's eye. The arrow sang as it flew, and the beast moved just in time for it to strike just above it's left eye. Magic charged forward, catching the bowman's ankle as it pulled him upside down.

"Daruk!" He called, as the Goron snatched the bow, his hand finding the string as an arrow took shape. The arrow hit its mark in the beast snout as it cried and magic surged forward as the man's shield formed around him.

"Revali!" Daruk yelled as the archer leapt over the Goron as he dropped the shield, tossing the bow up to Revali's waiting hands. The magic threw the Goron \ off his feet as Revali soared upwards with a gust of wind, the tendrils of the black magic following after. The arrow sliced through the air as it hit the monster's right eye and a scream echoed from the beast. Magic swarmed around Revali as he struggled to keep hold of the bow.

"Urbosa!" Revali shouted as the Gerudo sprinted forward as the weapon fell from the Rito's hand. Magic started to rush around the bow as it careened to the ground. Seizing the weapon, Urbosa let her electricity sear away the power that tried to capture it. Pulling back on the string, she let the arrow fly as it struck the beast in the neck. Magic spun around her as her electricity tried to force it away.

"Zelda!" Urbosa yelled as she tried to fight the power as it latched onto her, her struggles became weaker as did everyone else's. Zelda sprinted forward as she tried to cross the distance before a burst of magic knocked her backwards, as it wrapped around the weapon. Fear warped over the princess's features as she watched the power taking her friends and her only source of power from her. Tears threatened to escape her eyes as her right hand started to burn, the light pooling around her.

"No!" She shouts her right hand raising into the air as the magic rushes forward burning away the tendrils of darkness. Her companions fall, as the magic retreats from them and the beast snarls. "You will not win." She calls as the glow intensifies as streams of the white powers start forward. The beast rears a cry escaping it's throat, as the magic breaks through its defenses. The white power encasing the monster in a gold glow as it shines bright, the dark magic breaking apart. Another push breaks the black and pink cloak apart as the beast roars, it's body disintegrating before it all disappears. Silence falls over the champions as they get to their feet, and Zelda tries to calm her racing breath.

"Did we just win?" Teba asks as his glowing eyes cease and his hands go to his head. Daruk flexes his hands as the fire disperses from his body and Mipha stares down at her fingers as the power flees her. Urbosa shakes the electricity from her arms as her eyes stop their shining and Revali rubs at his eyes the glimmer no longer present. Link stared at the space where the creature had disappeared, as he stepped towards the ruins and rubble that it had left.

"Link?" Revali whispered as he followed after his boyfriend, and the others watched on from behind. The archer scanned the rubble for a few moments as Link returned the blade to his back. Revali quickened his pace getting to Link's side in a few steps as he saw the knight scanning the destruction.

"He... he can't be gone...right?" Link whimpered as Revali felt his chest constrict. What could he say? He slipped his right hand into Link's left, as he felt the younger's grip tighten, tears trying to break from his eyes. A soft trill sounded catching the group's attention as the white loftwing hovered above them before turning and flying back towards the castle for about two blocks before it came to a halt. Another cry escaped it, before a shimmer of crimson came from the ground and Medoh threw his head back in a loud call. Revali released Link's hand as they both rushed forward with the others on their heels. They clambered over the rubble as quickly as they could, getting covered in more dirt and debris.

"Mipha!" Link yelled as he fell to his knees at his father's side. The Zora was to them immediately as she set to work, her hands glowing softly as she assessed the advisor. Medoh strutted over to Revali, a soft coo rolling off the bird's tongue as it approached.

"Thank you." Revali whispered as the bird dug it's head into his side. 

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