I Found A Robot Hiding In My...

By TransformersChick

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After Abigail saw her mother get killed in front of her by her abusive and drug addict father who also abused... More

The Day You Left was The Day I Changed
Hanging Out with Crosshairs and Friends
We Battle For Good! Not Evil! Unlike Him!
The Battle Between Good and Evil!
Gaining New Friends and Old
The Final Fight Between Autobots and Neutral
Relaxing with the Autobots
Hanging out with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker
The Day We Played Together
Getting sick
Girls day! with Chromia, Arcee, and Delilah
Singing a Disney song with someone part 1
First day of school
Bullies part one
Enyo's Fun Day
Secrets kept. A New Journey and Enemies
Truth part one
How Prowl and Harley met (Bonus chapter)
Family Reunion
How Ariella and Joltstrike met eons ago (Bonus chapter)
Abby's trip to South Korea
Welcome back. Night Scares
Kim Family Temple
Halloween Party (Halloween special)
Thanksgiving day
Christmas in Korea
Hi guys.
New Year's Celebration
Teenage girl?! (Bonus chapter)
Abby's recovery and beach trip
Abby and Friends in High School

Rescue Mission part one

983 21 15
By TransformersChick

Third person pov

Enyo followed Abby outside, not sure now since she doesn't know who's driving her to school. Almost everyone is busy, Prowl and Mirage can't drive still.

Arcee and Brett were waiting in the Camero for Abby to hop in. Hound was cleaning his military truck and was growling some incoherent words under his breath as he found some of his guns painted pink.

She carefully wheeled herself down the slope, using her one arm. Enyo looked back, waving bye to Prowl and Mirage. She went over to where the alts are parked, watching as Hound said some words she did not understand.

Hound glared playfully at Abigail, who was smiling sheepishly before she ran away to Brett's Camero. Hound huffed out a laugh, before he put the gun away and continued cleaning his alt.

She sighed in her spot, not sure what to do anymore. Her cast made it harder for her to move the wheelchair a lot more than she thought. Maybe she should've kept the device, but with what happened yesterday, it's a no.

Hound finally got done cleaning his alt, and was about to head inside the house but stopped short when he saw Enyo.

Enyo scratched at the cast, finding it irritating her even more. She touched where the stitches were, sighing a bit as she forgot to put the band-aid on top of it. She felt more relaxed without going to school with her dad's jacket now thanks to Abby.

Hound cleared his throat. "You need a ride to school, kid?" He asked, wondering why he couldn't be in the weapons space when he and Ron use it all the time.

"Yes." Enyo answered, looking at him. Her wheelchair creaked a bit, she thought it was something with the weight on it, since the school did give her a laptop, that she shares with Abby if they work on a project.

Hound nods and helps her in his car, putting her wheelchair in the backseat before he started the car and drove after Brett's Camero. Abby was feeling scared about Karen and her friends.

Bumblebee looked back at her. "You're worried. You could tell us what is troubling you, Abby." Bumblebee told her. Enyo looked at Hound for a minute. "What was Cybertron like? I've asked Mirage and Prowl this question, they told me from their perspective. What was it like for you, before the war?" She asked, wanting to start a conversation.

"I've been seeing weird things lately. Before we left, I saw a person standing near Mirage's alt mode. She looked really pretty. I wanted to ask her name, but she looked at me and smiled before she faded away." Abby told her two older siblings as she remembered the woman but didn't get her name. Hound was quiet, not wanting to talk about his home planet.

"I remember my dad mentioned some weapon specialists. He said one was at base already and the other two were far away. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, I understand." Enyo said, waving her good arm around, before placing it in her lap, tracing where the old scars were when the accident happened. She remembered people calling her ugly when they saw the scar. She looked down sadly, wondering why it happened. Bumblebee looked at Abby surprised. "You can see ghosts?" He asked, shock evident in his voice.

Abby nodded her head, shaking because she was scared. She thought she did something wrong in her life when she couldn't remember doing anything bad at all to anyone. Hound sighed as he drove. "I would rather not speak of anything that has to do with Cybertron. The war is still fresh in my mind. I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay. Was the war that bad? Mirage told me it destroyed Cybertron. It seems like you guys miss home a lot. I miss my life back then. I was made fun of, after I was dispatched from the hospital. I was called ugly because of my old scars. I thought the same. I almost killed myself from all the threats and bullies." She never told anyone else this, not even otou-san or momma now, except Prowl, Mirage and Asiana.

Hound hummed as he continued driving. Abby was looking outside the window of Brett's Camero as she thought back to the woman near Mirage's alt mode. She looked like she had known the Autobots her whole life, but Abby wasn't sure yet.

"Please don't tell anyone else. It was my problem back then." Enyo bowed her head down, actually making a good view of the scar she has near her neck. She doesn't want Abby or anyone to worry about it. Bumblebee looked back at Abby for a minute, before turning on the comm so she could talk to Enyo. "Hey Abby. I connected the comm to Hound, you could talk to Enyo." He told her, wanting to cheer her up a bit. It was a bad time, cause they heard the words I almost killed myself. They heard the rest.

Hound looked at his radio. "I don't think I'll have to tell anyone. Bumblebee, Arcee and Abby heard everything." He told her. Abby was horrified that Enyo almost killed herself and was upset about that. She didn't speak a word after that. Arcee was holding Abby close to her while she looked at the radio with wide eyes.

Enyo just broke down crying. Too scared to even talk. Abby might think differently of her then, she had suicidal thoughts since that age, she had to go through therapy to help her.

Abby snuggled into Arcee's warmth as the older woman hugged her, rocking her back and forth as she combed her fingers through Abby's thick black hair. Hound wasn't sure how to calm down a crying child while driving.

They finally arrived, the bell didn't ring yet. Enyo scooted the seats to the door, picking her bag up from the floor. Bumblebee opened the door for Abby and Arcee, a small smile on his face.

Arcee held Abby as she stepped out of the car, she could tell Abby was wanting to go home and stay in her bedroom and dance or something. Hound had gotten Enyo's wheelchair from the trunk and helped her sit in it.

"Thanks." She whispered quietly. She slowly wheeled herself, stopping a bit to cover her scar. She sat her bag on her lap, as she went to sit near one of the trees.

Arcee gently set Abby down. "Alright sweetie. I bought you a lunch. It's a Subway sandwich. It's got Italian bread, ham, Mexican shredded cheese, lettuce and ranch on it. There should be a bag of Lay's potato chips inside with three chocolate chip cookies for you." Arcee said as she handed the bought foods to her little sister. Abby took the bag and smiled in thanks to Arcee. She also had a bottle of Coca-cola in the bag. Hound sighed as he watched Arcee fuss over Abby's hair before he walked over. "Arcee, she'll be fine. I know she's six years old, but Abby can fix her own hair. Primus! And here I thought Delilah was bad." He said as he stood near Bumblebee.

Enyo quietly worked on a project. She asked otou-san to call someone named Cade to help her work on something. She looked the camera over twice, making sure it worked properly. Bumblebee looked at Hound. :How do we tell Mia and Ron that their own daughter a long time ago almost killed herself?:. He sent to him. Bumblebee bent down to Abby's height. "Why don't you go see what Enyo's up to?" He suggested, noticing Enyo was under a tree.

Hound could only shrug his shoulders before he watched as Abby walked over to Enyo, but didn't know what to say. Karen was talking to her mother when she saw the two cars that drove Abby and Enyo to school and just about glared at Abby.

Enyo looked up from the camera she was working on, hiding it behind her back as Abby walked over. She didn't want to show anyone it. "Hi Abby...." She smiled at her a bit, stains of tears could be seen on Enyo's cheeks.

"Hey.... why are you hiding a camera behind your back?" She asked Enyo. She could see a ghostly image of a person standing behind Enyo's wheelchair and it looked familiar to her. Black hair, green eyes.

"Something I was working on." She brought the camera slowly forward. Bumblebee looked at the two. "We have to tell everyone this. It seems like she's been going through this alone. I've heard of this, but this just seems worse with her in a wheelchair." Bumblebee said, looking at the two.

Arcee and Hound looked at Bumblebee and nodded their heads in agreement. Hound noticed four girls were watching his favorite femme, Abby, and her friend. Arcee could tell Hound was itching to kill someone.

The bell soon rang, causing Enyo to put the camera back in the bag. Bumblebee gave Abby a hug, waving bye to Enyo. Enyo waved bye back.

Hound got inside his alt after waving bye to the two girls before he drove off. Arcee waved by to Abby and got inside Bumblebee's car. Abby tilted her head before the ghostly figure was gone.

Meanwhile with the Bots

Bumblebee contacted the others, telling them there's going to be a meeting in the living room.

:Bumblebee, what is the meeting about? Is someone hurting my daughter?:. Delilah asked, worried about her baby girl.

They made it home, everyone already waiting in the living room, each with a concerned look on their faceplates. Prowl looked up as the three entered the room, looking worried along with Mirage.

"Bumblebee, what is this meeting about? And why does it have to do with the two children?" Delilah and Chromia asked at the same time, worried for their own kids.

"Arcee why don't we start with Abby. Hound you tell them about what Enyo told you. We only heard a bit." He told the two, going to sit on the floor. Drift was leaning on the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Abby recently told Bumblebee and I something on the way to drop her off at school. She told us she could see ghosts. She recently saw one near your alt, Mirage." Arcee told everyone. Both Delilah and Chromia were shocked to hear their daughter/sister could see ghosts. Ratchet was shocked that his granddaughter had an ability such as that. HighFlash had wide eyes at that news.

Wreckage looked up at that. "I've heard people being able to do that. Some even able to talk to them." Wreckage said. All were surprised. Cris was wondering how his own daughter had that. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker gave a side glance to each other, talking about something over their bond. "What about Enyo? You said it was about both of them?" Prowl asked, staring at Hound.

Hound sighed and looked at Ron and Mia before speaking. "Enyo said she had scars that made people call her ugly because of the scars she got from the accident. She thought she was ugly too. She tried to kill herself back then." Hound said, mostly to the two people who took Enyo in as their own daughter. Chromia was horrified that Enyo tried killing herself because of the scars she got from the accident.

Prowl sighed, knowing she would reveal it one day. Prowl brought up different pictures with a hologram, showing the different scars that littered her body after the accident. There was one that went from her knee to her foot. One showing the scar on her neck, from where she cut.

Chromia was horrified at the scar on her daughter's neck. :I am taking her knives and locking them up:. She sent to the two femmes. Delilah and Arcee agreed with her on that. Ratchet looked to SunnySide, who was quiet during this meeting.

He just stared quietly, not sure what to think right now. "The scar on her neck was when she was getting a lot of threats from her classmates and some of her old friends." Prowl explained. "I remember she couldn't stop crying from all the threats to kill her, torture even." Mirage sighed at that, shaking his head.

Ratchet, Delilah and Arcee looked at Chromia to see she was close to crying. She felt like she failed as a mother to understand her daughter more. Hound sighed as he realized Abby would be too upset to say anything ever again if she learned about this.

"She never liked talking about things like this. It just brings bad memories and flashbacks. The doctor knew something was wrong, but couldn't even diagnose it. She was having so many problems in life. Isolated herself from her family after her father disappeared. Almost starved herself. There's too many things happening to her in life that she wishes never happened." Prowl hid his face in his hands, just talking about it makes him remember.

Delilah and Arcee hugged Chromia, trying to make sure she doesn't burst into tears after hearing about that. Ratchet looks at the ground as he listened to Prowl talk about this. Hound stayed silent, wondering how Abigail would take the news of this.

"The day she cut her neck, I remember running into her room, just as she did it, tackling her out of the wheelchair, while grabbing the knife from her hands. She broke down crying as I held her there, showing me the texts she got." Mirage said, walking over to Chromia, he put a hand on her shoulder. "I won't be able to tell you guys anything else. It's her decision whether or not she wants to tell you." He continued.

Chromia nodded her head, as Delilah noticed SunnySide and Drift had been silent during the entire conversation. She didn't blame them. She was still shocked that her daughter could see ghosts. Ratchet was trying to process everything he had learned. Arcee was trying to calm down her sister.

Prowl and Mirage left the room later on. Giving a warning to them. "She can hide her emotions pretty well. Sometimes we can't even tell if she's happy or not. Sad or angry." After that, the meeting was over. As Enyo predicted, the mission was today, as 12 signals started appearing. "So she was right..." Wreckage whispered to no one as he looked the signals over.

Mia was in the kitchen, thinking about her daughter as Delilah and Arcee were calming her down. Arcee was comforting her sister through the sibling bond, as Delilah was making lunch for everyone. Ratchet went back to the med bay, as he had some things to fix. Hound went to the weapons space to clean some guns.

:Hey Delilah... 12 signals just came online...:. Wreckage sent to her, as SunnySide went to find something to do, still a little shocked, but wouldn't be able to show it.

Delilah hummed, before she nodded at the two women in the kitchen and they left. Delilah sent the message to Cris, before she went to where Wreckage was. "Alright, let's see where they will be going." She said.

"Looks to be an old abandoned place..." Drift said, walking over. "Don't that mean Enyo was right? It could be Optimus and the knights she mentioned?" Cris asked, looking the signals over with crossed arms.

"It could be. Only one way to find out. We need a few bots to go there and check it out." Delilah said, Arcee and Chromia were looking over the signals.

"Name the bots. Not too many though." Drift said pointedly. They did not know one was at the school too, coming from Enyo's camera.

"We'll send Ironhide, Hound, HighFlash, Arcee and Drift will go." Bumblebee stopped his sentence, noticing a different signal but far from this one. "Is that signal happening at Abby and Enyo's school?" He asked, pointing towards where there's a lone signal.

Delilah looked at the signal, noticing it was directly coming from her daughter's school. "Did Enyo bring anything with her to school at all?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of the signal.

"It seemed like she was looking at something. I'm not sure what it was." Bumblebee answered, remembering he saw a glint of something in her hand.

"She took a device to school? Devices are not allowed anywhere at the school." Delilah said, as she tore her eyes away from the signals.

"I think she told me, about the teacher needing the students to bring something special to them. I asked Enyo the same question. She said the camera was special to her because it had all her memories with her family." SunnySide said, walking in. "She must've asked for permission to bring it." SunnySide continued.

Chromia was wondering what Abby brought to the school, if Enyo brought a camera with her. Abby didn't look like she brought anything with her before she left the house.

"Well let's hurry up and go to the signals. Mia, Ron, you will have a talk about the thing Enyo brought." Bumblebee ordered, telling the others that were going to check it out. The ones named went to their alts, heading to the location.

They arrived. Each transforming, pointing their cannons around. Ironhide took the lead, going closer to the crashed ship. Twelve bots stood surrounding it, each bigger than the other. What shocked them the most, was there, standing in the middle... "Optimus!!" Hound shouted at the sight.

Arcee was smiling at the sight of the Autobot leader. She knew Abby would be ecstatic that Optimus was back. She knew how much Abby had admired him, she even called him Uncle Optimus one time.

Optimus chuckled as he stepped forward. "It is good to see you old friend." He tapped Ironhide's shoulder.

Arcee chuckled as she crossed her arms. "We've all missed you. Abigail more specifically." She said, a smirk on her faceplate.

"How is Abigail? I haven't been here in a long time. Also, these are my friends." He said, motioning to the knights standing in a circle. "Chit chat later. We should head back. You knights can have second alts right?" They nodded their heads at Drift's question. They each transformed into different vehicles, some old, but still good. They made their way back, surprising some of the others at the sight. They entered the house, the knights going to the med bay to get a holoform for today's era. "Now all we have to do is deal with the other signal that's at Abby's and Enyo's school." Bumblebee said, looking at the signal. "Who is this Enyo?" Optimus asked.

"Chromia and Ironhide's adopted daughter. She knows about us. Her dad found Mirage injured and Prowl was found stuck in mud." Arcee said, Delilah chuckles as she walked up.

Mirage and Prowl came back from the med bay, both deep in a conversation, not noticing Optimus Prime there, but Optimus did notice them.

Back to the girls

Ms. Jones smiled as Janice told everyone about her special object. No one knew that Karen put her mom's heirloom necklace in Enyo's locker to frame it on her that she stole it. "Karen you're next." She said. Karen started searching her bag but couldn't find it. "Miss? Is it okay if I look around and find it?" She asked, sweetly. Ms. Jones gave her the hall pass and it was now Abby's turn to present, Enyo the last person, since Karen went to find it.

"Abby you can present now since Karen went to find her special object." Ms. Jones said, smiling at her.

Enyo sat quietly, holding the camera close to her.

Abby stood in front of the class, holding something in her hands. "This special object was from someone who I met in the past. He was someone I looked up to as a family member, he was my uncle, but I sometimes call him dad by accident. My special object is this necklace he gave me." She showed everyone an expensive necklace with a beautiful bright blue crystal on it.

Enyo looked up, noticing it was almost the same one Mirage gave to her once too. "Wow. Ms. Kim. That person must've been really special to you. Why don't you go sit down." Ms. Jones smiled at her.

Abby smiled as she went back to her seat, putting her necklace on and putting it under her shirt.

Ms. Jones was about to call Enyo up when Karen came running in with the vice principal. She ran to Ms. Jones crying. "Ms. Jones. Enyo stole my family heirloom." She cried, making Enyo look shocked as she did no such thing. The Vice Principal came over. "This was found on Ms. Nakamura's bag." He said. Enyo was about to cry at that. "Enyo!! I'm sorry but with this I'll have to give a 56%. This is not tolerated in our school." Ms. Jones said, already writing it down without an explanation. She gave the paper to her as the bell rang, signaling that school was over. Enyo sat there in her wheelchair, wanting to just cry.

Enyo put the camera and the paper with her mark on it in her bag, knowing she was going to get scolded for it. "Abby can you help me move this time?" She asked quietly, hiding her emotions from her friend. Delilah sat in her alt, waiting for the two to come out, SunnySide and Conway with her.

Abby pushed Enyo's wheelchair outside, heading to her mother's alt mode. She had her hood on since she didn't want to even look at Karen and see her smug look after what happened. She reached her mother's car and opened the door for Enyo.

Enyo carefully got out of her wheelchair, scooting a bit to the right side door, putting her bag on the floor while taking out the camera. Delilah left as soon as both girls were in. Not one talked about their day as they arrived to the house. Delilah got out and helped Enyo into her wheelchair as both her parents were outside. "Abby there's a special guest waiting for you in the living room." She whispered to her daughter.

Abby nods as she walked away, not bothering to look up as she walked inside the house, taking off her shoes and backpack near the front door. She walked inside the living room and stood in the doorway.

Optimus was talking to Hound about something. Looking to be deep in their conversation. Enyo was about to follow Abby until she felt a hand on her wheelchair. She looked to see who it was and saw it was momma.

Abby looked up and her eyes widened. Optimus was back, and she was so happy about him being back. "Optimus. Welcome back!" She said, smiling happily.

Optimus looked back and smiled. "It's good to be back, Abigail." He said, going up to her, ruffling her hair.

Abby giggled and hugged his leg, she was too short to properly hug him.

Enyo looked down, wanting to hide what happened today at school. She almost scratched at her old scar.

Mia looked at Enyo, wanting to know what happened and why she kept secrets from her and Ron. "Enyo let's go upstairs and talk about this." She said, handing Enyo the device.

Enyo put on the device and went inside, both parents following behind her. She stopped in her tracks at the sight of Optimus. "So I was right about the mission." She whispered, as Opimus looked her way.

Optimus picked up Abigail and hugged her, the girl was giggling with happiness and Optimus chuckled before he turned his gaze to Enyo.

"Um... hi." She waved cautiously at him. Hound smiled a bit. "Optimus. This is Enyo. I know we told you she was in a wheelchair, but Wreckage and HighFlash made something to help her walk." He explained. Mia and Ron were behind her.

Optimus nods his head to Hound, before turning his attention to Enyo, holding Abby in his arms as she giggled. "It is nice to meet you, Enyo. My name is Optimus Prime. I hope my Autobots were being kind to you while I was away for so long." He said, before turning his gaze to Abby, smiling down at her.

Ironhide directed Enyo away, bringing her up the stairs to her room. Enyo put her bag down on the bed, putting her camera on her desk. She sat down, looking confused at both her parents, as she tried to hide the scar on her neck, as her hair started to go everywhere a bit.

Mia sighed as she put crossed her arms, she was upset that Enyo didn't talk to her or Ron about things that she told Hound. "Enyo why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell us that you were going a hard time?" She asked.

"You heard..." she looked down sadly. It was something she wanted to hide, she trusted Hound, but for the others to hear, makes it worse. Ironhide sighed at the look. They thought everything was fine, but from a kid like this, they weren't expecting it.

Mia nodded her head. She wanted to know why Enyo didn't tell them about this.

"It's not something I can just share!! I already had to go see a therapist about it! I never like talking about my past!!" She shouted. "You guys might have known what happened to Abby!! But I never like talking about it!! My whole life changed because of the stupid accident!!" She screamed, grabbing her camera and knife, before running out the door, dodging the bots who tried to grab her or stop her.

Mia's holoform fizzled out of existence and her alt mode followed Enyo, before she transformed and grabbed her, taking the camera and knife away from her.

Optimus followed outside as he saw Enyo run outside, Abby was confused as to what is happening. "Don't break it!!" Enyo screamed, scared that she would break it.

Chromia handed Enyo to Ironhide before she went inside the house, taking the knife with her so she can hide it somewhere Enyo won't be able to find it.

Enyo scrambled in his servo, looking for the wire Mirage told her to hit. She hit it and Ironhide released her. She picked up her camera, before going off to find somewhere to hide and cry. She hid far from them, tightening up into a ball as she cried, the camera secured in her hands.

Abby could only watch as Enyo ran, she was being held by Crosshairs as Chromia gathered all of Enyo's knives from her bags and hid them all somewhere. Abby looked at Mirage's alt mode and realized there was someone floating near it. She realized it was the same person from this morning, only more clearer so she can see the person was a woman.

The woman motioned her over, wanting to talk to her, as Chromia came back outside, noticing Enyo was gone. The signal of a Cybertronian started up and they realized it was nearby.

Abby climbed out of her father's servo and went over to where the form of the woman was, near the front of Mirage's alt. "You look familiar, like I saw you from somewhere before." Abby said, looking at the ghostly form of the woman.

Ratchet looked over and gasped. "Avery?" He asked, walking over. The ghost smiled. "Yes..." she was about to cry. She looked at Abby. "You visited me in the hospital, when cancer hit me again. I passed away during the night." She explained, Optimus walked over, looking like he was about to cry. Hound returned with Enyo in his servo, but she was hiding her face, a tiny Cybertronian next to her. Bumblebee gasped as he saw Avery, tapping Arcee's shoulder to look.

"Avery...." Arcee had tears in her eyes as she noticed her ghostly figure. Chromia was in her holoform again and noticed Avery and gasped, her hands covering her mouth as she tried to hold back a sob. Abby's eyes glistened with tears as she remembered her mother was sobbing for weeks after her death. "I remember that. I also remember you came over to our house, when my mom was busy with work." A tear slipped down her cheek.

"Hey everyone..." She whispered, dancing around them. Ironhide couldn't even believe it. Mirage stood there as she moved towards him. Enyo hopped out of Hound's hand, Rewind transforming back into his camera, as she went back upstairs, taking out the device as she sat down on the bed, moving her mask down, and moving her hair out of the way. "I missed you..." He whispered, as she rubbed his face. "And I missed you too. I missed all of you. I tried to fight cancer to see you guys again." She answered, floating back to Mirage's alt mode. "Take care of Enyo, Mirage. She reminds me a lot of myself back then." She continued.

"I have to go soon. Make sure Enyo doesn't try to kill herself again. And Mia. Don't force the child to answer. Enyo was right about you guys knowing about Abby. But for some children it's hard. She lost her father already, lost the people who she thought were her friends, her mother almost killing the people close to her." Avery explained. Her ghost figure started to slowly disappear. "I guess my time's up. I'll see you guys again soon." She waved bye to everyone, a few tears escaping.

Abby's tears fell as she watched her older sister figure slowly disappear. She had so many questions, but it seemed like life had other plans for her.

Mirage left, seemingly wanting to go check on Enyo. He found her curled up in the covers, looking to be that she cried herself to sleep. He slowly sat on the bed, rubbing her back as he saw a twitch come from her.

Abby was sniffling as she tried to stop her tears, Arcee went over and scooped her up in her arms. Abby held the golden necklace she had gotten from Avery long before she passed.

Optimus looked away, wondering about something as Wreckage had made supper as this happened. "The food's ready everyone." He called, as he opened the door. Mirage closed the door to Enyo's room, heading down the stairs. He glared a bit at Mia, not liking what she did. Ironhide noticed it, looking away as they all sat at the table.

"I'll bring her the food later. She had cried herself to sleep." Mirage said, as he sat down next to Prowl, his arms crossed as he stared at Mia and Ron.

Abigail was outside, not really hungry at the moment, and went to the woods to clear her mind after what happened today. Everything had gotten worse and worse for her. Avery was dead, she can see ghosts, she hears whispers in the wind and it's making her freak out.

Another ghost appeared but it wasn't one. It looked like Griffin but a lot older. "Aebi!! It's me Griffin. I may look like a ghost but I'm not. I'm still alive, but locked away somewhere." He exclaimed, using the nickname he called her every time.

"Griffey? Where are you locked up? Is anybody else with you? Are you getting enough to eat?" Abby asked, the questions she asked sounded a lot like Harley had asked the questions herself out of worry.

"I don't know. I was blinded by something. All I see is darkness around me. I can only feel the auras around me. I don't have much time, just tell everyone that some of us are still alive." He exclaimed, his eyes looked foggy, but you could still see the amber in his eyes.

"I will cousin Griffey. How many auras do you feel? Are they good or bad?" She asked, wanting to cry yet again. She missed her big cousin and Avery.

"Good and bad. Some a mix of both. Now go back. Seems like an argument started between them about what Enyo did to herself." Griffin's form disappeared, a small smile on his face.

Prowl shook his head as Ironhide and Mirage argued about Enyo's well being. He gave Mia a side glance. :How do we even deal with these two?:. He sent to her.

:Primus knows:. She sent back. Abby came inside and saw the two arguing about something, she wanted to stop the two from arguing, but didn't know how to.

:Want to help me bring food to her room? I know she shouted at you. But first, you really have to gain her trust, before she tells anything else:. He asked her. He knew she might want to apologize to her.

Mia nodded her head. Abby shook her head before she debated about telling them what Griffin told her. "I saw another ghost outside." She said.

"Who was it this time?" Ironhide asked, turning to look at her, as Mirage sat back down, digging into his food, since he wanted to get away as much as possible.

"It was my cousin. Griffin." Abby said, she missed her older cousin already.

Prowl almost choked on his food at that. Griffin's alive? But how? He thought. Ironhide practically dropped his fork at that. Prowl decided to finish his food quick, since Enyo might be awake. He grabbed some food and started for the stairs, sending Mia a text saying he'd wait for her in Enyo's room.

"He said that the others are alive. But he said it was too dark to see where he is. He's in a building, but he doesn't know where it is." Abby said, telling them what Griffin told her.

Ironhide listened to her explain, feeling a bit bad for the boy since he can't see. Prowl entered Enyo's room, watching as she was getting dressed without realizing he was there. He grimaced once he saw the scar on her back before he entered. He put her food on the desk as she turned around, he realized she wasn't wearing the mask on her neck, giving half the view of her scar.

Abby finishes explaining what her cousin told her and yawned. All that crying she did today made her tired. She went upstairs to go to her bedroom and sat on the floor. Mia walked had followed Prowl upstairs to Enyo's room, standing outside the door.

Prowl was telling Enyo one of Cybertron's old stories of the primes. He gave her every detail of which one. "Which one's your favorite?" He asked Enyo, smiling a bit. "Onyx Prime. He sounds interesting." She answered.

Abby could tell someone was in her bedroom, but it wasn't SunnySide since he was out doing something. She looked around her bedroom until she found the strange person standing near her window, looking outside at the sky. Her long black hair with white streaks in it that spilled onto the floor, her emerald green eyes dimmed in sadness, her height was close to Prowl's height.

She looked at Abby, walking over. "My name is Ariella. I am your half sister. Prowl is my father. It is so nice to meet you Abby. I met Griffin already, thanks to the place we are at." She explained. Enyo looked up, seeing her mother standing in the doorway. After Prowl's story, they decided to play some old memories that were on the camera. The one playing was when she first started to walk, her mother videotaping it.

"Where are you? Is Griffey okay? Who else is with you? Why haven't we met before?" Abigail asked one question after another. She wanted to know why she hadn't met her half sister before.

"I do not know where we are. Griffin is okay, but he's blind. My father does not know I'm alive. This is all I could tell you now, as I'm in a room with Griffin separated from the others." She answered. "Momma?" Enyo asked, her hands tightening around the camera, as the video paused on her laughing at Asiana's face since she threw frosting at her face.

Abby nods, looking at the ground. She felt useless since she couldn't help her cousin and half sister wherever they are. "I came here to apologize for what Ron and I have done. We're sorry Enyo." Mia said, looking at Enyo with an apologetic look.

Enyo smiled. "Come sit." She tapped the spot next to her, wanting her to join her. Ariella smiled at her, knowing she was feeling useless. "It's okay. We'll meet each other again one day." Ariella said, her form started to disappear. "I can't keep it for long. I have to go." Her form disappeard, giving a bit of a glimpse in the background.

Abby looked at the background, trying to find out where she's seen that background from before. Mia smiled as she joined her daughter on the bed.

Some videos showed her birthdays. One with her dad as they went to the park, Enyo cheering as she was on his shoulders. One showed her with her old friend Suzy, both smiling as the picture was taken on their first day of school. Another showed one of her in the hospital, looking asleep, as the scar on her back. From the picture, she looked pale.

'Don't ask me. Enyo is the one who might know, because of her dreams. She is having a new dream tonight. I think it's linking up with you seeing Griffin and Ariella.' Solus told her.

Abby only nodded as she went to the window. She'll ask Enyo later, she really wanted to know why her mother never told her about Ariella being half related to her. Mia's eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at the picture of Enyo in the hospital.

:Sweetspark? I can tell something's wrong. What are you seeing?:. Ironhide sent over the bond, a bit concerned. :She was in worse condition when we arrived to the hospital. The doctor was saying she might not survive from where she was hit:. Prowl explained, Enyo already asleep in between them, the picture on pause, just as Abby's parents came in, trying to see where their daughter went.

Mia looked up at the two of them. "Delilah? Cris? Is something wrong?" She asked the two, wondering what they were doing. Abby looked at the sky, ignoring her hunger as she was too upset to eat anything. "I have a half sister that I never knew I had. Was my life a lie?" She asked herself.

"We were looking for Abby. What's with the picture?" Cris asked, coming over to see what they're looking at. He gasped at the sight, motioning Delilah to come see this.

Delilah went over to see what he was shocked about and her eyes went wide seeing the picture. She blinked several times before she looked at the scar on Enyo's back in the photo.

Prowl got up as he went to check on Abby. Sending the two a text. :By the time we arrived. I remember clearly, right before her surgery, they said she might not survive, as it had done more damage then we thought that time:. he entered Abby's room, confused at seeing where she is. "Abby? You okay?" He asked.

"I saw another person. She had long black hair with white streaks in it. But she wasn't a ghost though." Abby said, turning to her samchon as she said that.

Prowl looked away, realizing she met his daughter. "How is she? What was her name?" He asked, trying to fake that he didn't know her.

"You know who she is, samchon. She's your daughter. Her name is Ariella." Abby exclaimed, crossing her arms.

He sighed, sitting down on her bed. He motioned for her to sit with him so he can explain.

She sat down on her bed next to him, wondering what he wanted to tell her.

"She is my daughter. But we were separated because of the Decepticons, she was dragged away as a sparkling while her carrier was killed. I was helpless as they held me down." He explained, using a hologram to show her his sparkmate before he came to Earth and met Harley. She was beautiful from the way her frame was built, her optics a turquoise color, her armor dark blue.

"How does that make her my half sister? Why didn't I know about her until now?" Abby asked, confused about why Ariella wasn't introduced in her life until now.

"I never saw her until you mentioned her. The only time I saw her was her as a sparkling." He said, turning the hologram off.

Abby looked away, wondering how Ariella is her half sister if they're not related at all.

"She thinks of you as one. She always wanted a little sister." He chuckled.

Abby smiled at that. "I always wanted an older sister, besides Arcee and Mia." She giggled.

Prowl smiled at her giggle, she sounded like Harley sometimes when she giggled.

She smiled that same exact smile Harley showed him.

Enyo looked around in darkness. She knew it was one of her dreams, as one of the Primes appeared. She followed him as the scenery changed, showing something she's never seen before. The house being burnt down, everyone separated into different countries. One bot, one human. She watched as she was with Mirage as they were separated, Abby with Sunstreaker, as Sideswipe was told to take Tessa. She squirmed in her covers at all was showing, one showing where some other bots were, she watched helplessly as they each were tortured.

"Hey Ironshift!! What's it like being an Autoscum?" He was grabbed by his arms, forcing him to the bars of the cage. "My name's Joltstrike." He spat, trying to wiggle away from the arms gripping him.

"Hey! Get your hands off of him! Now!" A woman, possibly in her early twenties, with long black hair with white streaks in it and emerald green eyes shouted. Her height was close to Prowl's height when he's in his holoform. Her body was skinny, but not too skinny and her clothes were mixed with a black tshirt, blue ripped skinny jeans hugged her legs and a pair of pitch black combat heeled boots covered her feet. She held a sword that was glowing an energon blue color.

Purple eyes looked at her, before he was thrown at the wall, opposite of the cage, his back hitting the wall, making him transform. The wolf hit the ground, growling as he stood up. "Come get me puppy!!" He taunted, making Joltstrike run at the cage, biting onto the bars, pushing back to see if he could break them.

The woman was watching as her friend bit at the bars, before she tried attacking her own prison that kept her from her precious friend. A male stood behind her, oblivious to the sight as he stood there, looking around.

He stepped back, barring his teeth as a scientist came in, walking over to the woman and male, who started to whimper at the scientist's aura.

The woman stepped back in front of the male with her sword in front of her, as if to protect him from any attacks that might get thrown at him.

"I just came here to give you two food. It's lunch, so I brought you some." She placed the two trays inside, handing something over so the man can have something to play with for now. She soon left, leaving a stunned Griffin. "Her aura seemed calm. She felt nice." He explained to the woman.

The woman hummed as she handed Griffin his tray of food before grabbing hers. She looked over at Joltstrike with sad eyes as she glared at the bot who was taunting her best friend.

"We might as well put a shock collar on you boy... you'd make a great pet to Lord Galavatron." He said, just as other mechs came in, one holding a shock collar, the other a leash. He thrashed as they put it on, his form shaking as there was a click of the shock collar.

"Son of a bitch! Leave him alone!" The woman shouted as she banged her sword against the bars that held her and the man in their prison.

His optics turned a different color. They were white, showing no soul of Joltstrike in there. He followed the other one out, not looking back one bit, listening to the orders that were given he stood guard outside their cage. Not listening to the woman as she cried out to him.

The woman was breathing heavily as she clenched her fists. "Joltstrike..." she whispered quietly and sadly. "Please... I need you."

He laid down, staring into nothing as he was on high alert, his tail swishing around behind him. The woman's cage door opened, leaving Griffin confused. The collar was digging into his armor, some energon leaking onto the floor.

The woman's eyes flicked back and forth as she tried to find whoever opened her and Griffin's cage door, but found no one standing around. She was confused at that part.

His optics were purple, making him thrash as he got up, struggling with the collar on him, scratching at it, as it forced him to stay as a Cyberwolf. It wasn't helping as more energon leaked onto the floor, as he moved around.

"Joltstrike, stop! If you keep moving, it will only get worse from there." The woman shouted, moving to help her best friend. She had one of her swords in her hand and motioned him to come close to her.

He moved closer, leaning down closer to her. Griffin walked out as he heard the commotion. He held onto the woman, a little scared. His optics shined as he looked at her, showing pain as he tried not to black out again.

The woman used her sword to cut the collar off of her best friend, freeing him from the collar's uncomfortable grip on his neck.

Joltstrike looked in front of him, knowing there is a figure standing there. He transformed, growling. "Who are you?!" He roared, taking out his blaster, pointing it at her.

The woman sighed, looking in his eyes before she sang the song that would help him remember her as she started singing the song 'Last night, good night'. It's a Japanese song, but it was her favorite song to sing to him.

He calmed down a bit, still growling quietly. Enyo walked through the bars, as if she wasn't there.

"Wait. You two can see me?" She asked, shocked, since no one before in her dreams have never seen her. Joltstrike put his servo in front of the two, not trusting her one bit.

"I don't trust her, Ariella." He whispered to his partner, leaning down a bit.

The woman, now known as Ariella, climbed on Joltstrike's servo, helping the man up. "I know you don't. I don't either." She whispered back.

"Would you trust me if I said I know the Autobots?" She asked, crossing her arms. Joltstrike stood up, keeping the two close to him. She sighed. "My name's Enyo Nakamura. I am friends with Abigail Kim. We go to school together. I am able to see things that happen to us or others by the dreams I have. No one's ever been able to see me before." She explained.

"That last name sounds familiar. Wait a minute. You're Asiana Nakamura's daughter?! Aren't you?! Why should I trust you?! Because of her, we're stuck here! She made Griffin the way he is! It's her fault! Hers and David's!!!" Ariella blew up at Enyo. She hated Asiana for what she's done to Griffin, to her best friend Joltstrike, to her family, the remaining Autobots that are locked up in different cages.

"Was..." she whispered quietly at the mention of her previous mother. Her head drooped, feeling bad that this was happening.

Ariella snorted at that. "Still can't trust you. Joltstrike doesn't trust you, so why should I?" She asked, placing a clenched fist on her cocked out hip.

"Okay. I guess I'll go tell Optimus that all of you are dead..." she starts walking away, doing it as a bit of a challenge. She made some of her memories pop up with Prowl in some as his holoform. Another one showed the incident with her mother.

"You do that, my half sister will hate you for lying to her. Forever. I already spoke to my little sister about me and Griffin. My father will hate you for lying to him." She shot back. Turning away to try and heal Joltstrike's injuries, not shooting a glance at the memories.

"If I am Asiana's daughter, wouldn't you be seeing me here instead of helping the bots?" Enyo asked back, turning around, floating over to her up to her perch.

"You have her last name, don't you? You're her daughter. And can't you see I'm a little busy at the moment right now?" Ariella told her, getting done with healing Joltstrike's neck cables. "How does that feel?"

"Good." He mumbled. "How long have you guys been here?" Enyo asked, floating around Joltstrike, causing him to almost fall backwards. Griffin looked around, trying to find her aura. "She's telling the truth about the things she said, Ariella. You two would've already seen her, if she was here." Griffin said, backing Enyo up a bit.

"Just because she said things doesn't always make it true. She could be lying like that one guy who tricked me." Ariella spat.

"You're not the one who can sense auras. I'm always right, but you guys never trusted a boy that was blind." He shot back.

"I trusted you, and look what happened! You're blind and we're stuck here because of something you said when we were walking with Joltstrike." She shot at him.

Enyo looked up. "I gotta go. The dreams don't last long." Her form started to disappear. Enyo woke up with a jolt, she looked around her room for a minute, she checked the time, seeing as it was 5:49 in the morning. She couldn't fall back asleep, so she put the device on and got out of bed, putting on some shorts with a black sleeveless shirt. She grabbed her mask off of the desk, letting it hang on her neck, as she tied her hair into a ponytail.

Abby was still asleep, but she kept squirming in her sleep. The dream was one where she could only watch as Ariella was being tortured by her father. She whimpered out in pain as two people grabbed her arms and pinned her to a table.

Enyo shook Abby, trying to wake her up, since she went to check on her. "Abby! Wake up!! It's just a dream." She whispered/shouted.

Abby showed no signs of waking up, as the nightmare became more realistic. David stood over her, smiling sadistically as he plunged a needle in her arm.

"Sorry about this." She said, before pinching her arm really, really hard.

Abby screamed and whimpered as David laughed, strapping her to the table before he turned some machines on, sending electricity to her squirming body. She screamed out in pain, except it wasn't her body, it was Ariella's. But Abby was going through the pain as Ariella herself.

Enyo grabbed a water bottle on the night stand, knowing she'd regret wetting her for this. She sprayed water on her, before touching her hand to her forehead.

Abby started crying as the shocks got more and more worse by the second, she could hear someone screaming Ariella's name but not a single word came from her throat except for screams.

"Dammit Abby!! Let me into your dream so I can help!!" She screamed quietly, trying to force her way in. Enyo closed her eyes, calming her breathing as she got a small glimpse of her nightmare.

The nightmare kept kicking her out and Abby's screams stopped, not a single movement came from the six year old girl. Not even a single breath was taken in her body.

Abby's parents ran in, once they saw their daughter "dead" and saw Enyo, they were furious. "What did you do?!" Cris screamed as he held her up from the floor.

Delilah noticed her daughter was soaked and had a red mark. "Cris. Let Mia take care of her." She scooped up her daughter and ran to the med bay.

"It wasn't my fault. She was having a nightmare. Along with seeing things, I can enter other people's dreams and force them out of it. It kept kicking me out, so I tried to take it away." She explained as Mia ran in, since Delilah sent her a message. Cris sent what she told him to Delilah over the bond.

Delilah burst into the med bay, too worried about her daughter to care about anything else. She had run past SunnySide as he was laying on the living room floor. She saw both Wreckage and HighFlash in the med bay and wondered where Ratchet is as she placed Abby on a bed.

Wreckage came over doing a scan, sighing as she was okay. "She must've been put in a type of shock from her nightmare. Delilah, she will be fine, I'll just put ointment on the red mark." He started putting ointment on the red spot, as Cris came downstairs.

Delilah nodded her head and sent what Wreckage told her to Cris. She was relieved her baby girl was going to be okay, but that meant she wanted to stay near her daughter so nothing like that happens ever again.

Wreckage sat in the med bay, as he worked on his scanners, before hearing a slight twitch come from Abby. No one knows this, but he is also a Cyberwolf along with his brother HighFlash. He went over to Abby to make sure she is okay.

Abby was twitching as her heart started hurting from the loss of her older sister figure. Her heart was starting to beat way too slow for comfort and it was scaring her too much.

Wreckage tried to calm her down, whispering soothing words to her.

"Abby. You have to wake up. Everyone is waiting for you." His holoform onlined, starting to comb his fingers through her hair.

She didn't wake up, she was in another dream seeing things through someone's eyes.

Wreckage sighed, not sure what to do anymore as SunnySide walked in.

Abby's heartbeat went back to normal as the torture for her older cousin stopped, she was breathing heavily until she two hands grab her arms and lift her off of something.

Wreckage shooed SunnySide out, needing no one in here to concentrate.

Abby whimpered as she felt someone grip her arm too tightly, dragging her away somewhere but she could only see darkness and feel auras that make her scared.

Wreckage worked hard to make sure she's comfortable when she wakes up.

Wreckage sat there, his leg twitching a bit. He knew he had to transform into his Cyberwolf form soon.

Wreckage looked around for a minute, making sure Abby won't wake up in a while, before he transformed into his Cyberwolf form. He did not know Abby would wake up soon. He laid down, putting his helm on his front paws, closing his optics, for a small nap.

Abby's eyes slowly started to open, her mind still fuzzy from the torture her cousin and Ariella both went through. She looked around, noticing she was in the med bay, before she turned to see a Cyberwolf laying down. She tilted her head a little, not sure what to do.

It yawned a bit, before flipping on its side, having the same paint job as Wreckage.

Abby blinked, wondering how Wreckage was a Cyberwolf like her puppy. She looked around for her little fluffy baby, not seeing him anywhere.

Its ears twitched, his tail flicking around behind him. There were differences between him and SunnySide.

Abby yawned and rubbed her eyes, feeling tired, even though she just woke up from her nightmare/torture.

He freaked out as soon as he realized Abby was awake, he transformed out of shock, toppling something over as he stumbled up a bit.

Abby jumped, letting out a little squeak due to her being scared that something fell. She looked up at him, before yawning like a little kitten again.

"You saw, didn't you?" His shoulders sulked, calming down a bit. He stretched, cracking his back struts, along with his neck cables.

Abby nodded her head, her throat hurting from screaming so much. She tried to talk but only whines could be heard from her as she started coughing.

He passed her a glass of water. Helping her a bit so she could drink the water.

She took a sip of water, feeling the cold texture reach her throat and help with the dryness of her mouth. She took another sip, but longer as she tried to say she was hungry.

"I have to explain, huh?" He asked, his holoform had returned with a tray of food as he sat next to her, passing it to her.

"Explain what?" She asked, blowing on the noodles she had taken out of the steaming bowl of soup as she waited for him to tell her what he has to explain to her.

"You saw me as a Cyberwolf. You believed SunnySide was the only one." He answered back, rubbing her back a bit.

"I thought he was. Are there others?" She asked, taking a bite of the noodles she had been blowing on, so as not to burn her mouth.

"There are some that I can name, but we were all experiments controlled by Shockwave, under his command. Some were killed during the war, my brother, I and Joltstrike were the only ones alive, but we hid it." He explained, telling her his story on how there was almost hundreds of them, each one in a different faction.

"How many are there now?" She asked, taking another bite of her soup.

"The three of us, plus SunnySide. I don't know where SunnySide came from." He said, scratching the back of his head. He grumbled, even using his human holoform he has a fragging itch, behind his ear.

"We got SunnySide from an animal shelter, he was so cute!" She smiled. "They weren't really specific on where they found him." She slurped her soup, feeling happy.

???'s pov

I arrived to the spot, looking around, as I scanned the area, I felt like this place was familiar to me. I look to one spot and I feel a memory.

A man sat next to a little girl, the girl giggling as he told her something. "You'll always be my Little Warrior. You'll make a great soldier." The man told her, the girl looked to be 2 years old.

"Hey! Hyousuke! Pay attention. We need to get going." A soldier, by the last name of Frank, said as he clapped a hand on his fellow soldier's shoulder.

He looked back at where he saw it. "I feel like this place was familiar to me." I mentioned, before following the soldier back to my alt, I looked back at where I saw it, feeling like I knew the girl. "Didn't I tell you to call me Crossflare, Frank? Remember what happened last time you called me that?" I continued, giving him a glare.

"And didn't I tell you we weren't supposed to call you that? No one likes the Autobots anymore. You're illegal. Remember? You're lucky I'm covering for you!" He hissed back.

"Yeah. Yeah. Now hurry up before I decide to leave you behind." I said, my holoform disappearing, as my engine started, opening the driver side door to him.

"You're lucky nobody was around to see that." Frank sighed as he got inside the driver's seat.

"You know I'm tempting to throw you out and make you call base to send someone to pick you up." I said back, tilting my tires a bit and slipping the seatbelt off.

"You do that and you're off the team. Did you forget I am your Sergeant? I can kick you off this team if you threaten me again." Frank said with authority.

I growled lowly. "And I hate you for that almost. If you kick me off, then I will be hunted by them. How long have we known each other?" I asked, slipping the seatbelt back on, closing the driver side door.

"Since I took you in almost three years ago." Frank said, thinking of his family back home. He had a newborn daughter that he missed.

"So. How's that sparkling? Do you have any pictures? What's her name?" I asked, since I remembered him telling the news about his newborn sparkling. I was still new, since Frank saved my life. I remembered meeting my Sergeant's wife, she was maybe around 6-8 months pregnant.

"My daughter is alright. She's just like her mother, fiesty but kind. Yes I have pictures but I left them in my tent. Her name is Ariana." Frank said, feeling happy that his daughter was born and healthy.

"She still scared of me, after that one incident when she saw my wounds?" I asked, as I started driving away from the place.

"Not afraid. Just shocked. But yes." Frank chuckled a bit, remembering when his daughter shrieked because she saw the wounds on Crossflare's body.

"Ai. She still calls me Crossflare because I told her by accident. I'm surprised your wife hadn't turned me in yet. I remember she threw something at my alt then at me, thinking I was a danger to the family." I shivered at that, that was not a good time.

"She is a mother. Mother instincts. You must never go against it, unless you have a death wish." Frank stated, shuddering at the fact he went against his wife's mother instinct last time. He almost died that day.

"You tried to protect me from her wrath. I've never seen a femme that scary before. She is worse than Sarah Lennox with Annabelle." My alt rocked at that, woods passing by in a blur.

"I do not know who that is, but don't say that word in front of my wife. You never know what her next move is." Frank said, thinking of his wife forming a plan to punish both men for calling her scary.

"I miss Ariana. Can we do a video call with them when we get back?" I asked, taking a right turn to a gas station, as I needed gas.

"If we are not busy with scouting the area and other things, sure." Frank said, as he thought his wife being shocked at the video call.

"Can you put in some gas, while I grab some food and coffee?" I asked, my holoform appearing next to him in the passenger seat, my arms crossed.

"Sure." He got out of the car, typing in some numbers for the gas price he was paying for.

I tried to hide the emotions on my face as I entered the store, grabbing some water bottles and a pack of cigarettes. I ordered the both of us some coffee and two boxes of donuts for the boys.

Frank added gas in the car, thinking of his wife and daughter, wondering how they are doing right now. Are they healthy? Are they safe? Will they be able to stay out of danger when he's not there? And many other questions are swimming through his mind.

I walked out with the help of one of the employees and we brought the stuff back to my alt. We put the pack of water bottles on the floor of my backseats. I passed Frank the pack of cigarettes, putting the box of donuts in the middle.

I answered a call from one of the soldiers from out set up base. I sighed as I answered, irritated a bit. "What is it? Did we miss anything that we have to pick up? We got donuts." I said, looking away from Frank. "Um. So we had to move the set up base. We moved your guys' stuff along with us. We'll send you the location." One of the other soldiers, Raiden told. I grumbled, looking over to Frank. "Frank. They had to move again. I don't know why, but I think 'those guys' found our camp again. They took our stuff with them." I told him, walking over to stand next to him.

Frank sighed as he got inside the car, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I wonder how they keep finding us. Let's go. We're wasting daylight enough as it is." He said, in a sharp tone.

I looked around for a minute, before allowing my holoform to disappear, not knowing the employee that helped me saw as he was a bit suspicious. I started my engine and left the gas station, the employee already calling someone at the sighting.

"Couldn't you have gotten inside the car first, and then do that?" Frank said, he had noticed the employee had been watching them until the gas station was out of sight.

"I'm sure everything is good. Also your sparkmate has been calling my comm for the past hour." I answer, looking over who has called me, while calling Frank's wife.

"Elizabeth? Why?" Frank asked, confused about why his wife was calling him.

A small voice answered the phone. "Hello?~." Ariana asked, tilting her head a bit as she answered the phone. I chuckled at this, knowing his sparkling answered the phone, as it came out through the radio.

"Ariana. It's daddy. Can you go find mommy for me?" Frank asked, as he tried to withhold a manly squeal at his daughter's cuteness.

"Mommy is on a business trip pappy. Abuela and abuelo are watching over me. She told me it was you that was calling, so I answered." She answered, looking over to where her abuela cooking.

"Did she now? I miss you babygirl." Frank said, smiling to himself.

"I miss you too. I also miss Crossy." She said, using Crossflare's nickname. If his holoform was on, he'd be blushing. "Also, aunt Marley got a pet bird." She continued.

Frank laughs at the nickname that she gave Crossflare. "Crossy misses you too baby. Don't you Crossy?" Frank asked, with a hint of mischief in his tone.

"I miss you too, Ari." I said, before telling her I have to mute myself for a minute. "You're just doing this to annoy me. I am this close to throwing you out." I growled to him, before un muting myself. There was a small giggle, making me smile mentally.

Frank chuckles, hearing his daughter's giggle made him wish he was back home, tickling her and hearing her shrieks of laughter.

"Ariana! The food's ready!!" Her abuela called. "I gotta go pappy. Talk to you later." She said, before hanging up. I look at Frank for a minute.

"That kid's growing up too fast on me. I sure hope she doesn't get a boyfriend by the time she goes to high school." Frank sighed, knowing he was feeling old with his daughter growing up.

"Let's just continue. She is still young." I told him, while we drove off down the road, not knowing a car was following us closely. I hummed a bit, thinking back on what I saw at the mountain.

"Still young? By the time she meets the other Autobots, if there are any, she'll already have a crush on one of them. I swear that girl will be the death of me someday." Frank said, before he looked in the rearview mirror and sees a car following close behind.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my holoform in the passenger seat as he was 'pretending' to drive. I had grabbed a donut at the same time, taking a sip of my coffee.

"We got someone following us. They're way too close to the car." Frank explains as he went over the coordinates of the new set up base is located and drove.

"We have to lose them. Take the controls, I'm gonna try and pop his tire." I grabbed my sniper from the back, loading it with bullets, as I brought the window down, poking half my body out, with sniper in hand, aiming it. I watched as some men started firing at us. "They are not the TRF." I continue, missing the first shot.

"If they're not the TRF, then who the hell are they?" Frank asked, driving as fast as he could to get away from the car that was shooting at them.

I almost groaned in pain when one hit me above the tire, my left leg starting to bleed energon. I started scanning around, as I popped their two tires, letting myself take control again and swerved off the road into the forest, banging into some of the nature, before stopping into a clearing.

Frank sighed as he grabbed the first aid kit and handed it over. He heard the boom of a car exploding and smirked. "I love being explosive." He said, with a mischief glint in his eyes.

I cut some of my pants off, taking a hold of the first aid kit from him. I looked at the wound, not knowing what to do since I was not a medic or doctor.

Frank sighed and opened the first aid kit. He started treating the wound, wrapping gauze around the wound to keep the energon from spilling anymore than it has already.

I leaned back, calming down a bit. I ran the scanners, nothing else seems to be damaged. "Everything's good, Frank. No other wounds." I said, putting the sniper in the back again.

"Good. We should head out while we can." Frank said, starting the car and driving off again.

"One of the guys has to teach me how to treat my own wounds. This is the 5th time you help me with it." I grumbled out, my holoform disappearing.

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