Harry Potter: 19 Years Later

By MeganWritesBooks

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Even though Harry Potter's journey alongside his friends at Hogwarts is over, his story continues with his ch... More

Harry Potter: 19 Years Later
Chapter 1: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 2: Arrival At Hogwarts
Chapter 3: The First Day
Chapter 4: The Reoccuring Dream
Chapter 5: Surprise in the Prophet
Chapter 6: Christmas Eve Sleepover
Chapter 7: A Weasley Christmas (Part 1)
Chapter 8: A Weasley Christmas (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Fireworks?
Chapter 10: Hiding
Chapter 11: Trip to Malfoy Manor
Chapter 12: Scorpius and Rose's Favorite Room
Chapter 13: Albus Learns More About Holly
Chapter 14: Holly's Secret Is Out
Chapter 15: Breakfast Shocker
Chapter 16: The Intruders
Chapter 17: The End?
Chapter 18: Albus Meets Albus
Chapter 19: Life or Death
Chapter 21: Albus "Awakes"
Chapter 22: Scorpius Sees The Light
Chapter 23: Holly's Fate and A Race
Chapter 24: A Much-Needed Reunion
Chapter 25: Scorpius Flees
Chapter 26: Three Worried Friends
Chapter 27: Finally Leaving St. Mungos
Chapter 28: Welcome Home Albus and Rose
Chapter 29: All We Can Do Is Hope
Chapter 30: Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 31: Glad To Be Back
Chapter 32: The 25 Minute Date
Chapter 33: The Not-So-Best Day
Chapter 34: Chaos in The Great Hall
Chapter 35: Evacuation
Chapter 36: The Cause Of The Fire
Chapter 37: Another Strange Occurrence
Chapter 38: Living In The Moment
Chapter 39: Speculations And Uncertainty
Chapter 40: Transformation In Transfiguration
Chapter 41: The Prophecy
Chapter 42: Telling Albus
Chapter 43: Back At The Burrow
Chapter 44: Scorpius Finally Uses His New Powers
Chapter 45: A Quick Summer
Chapter 46: A Visit From Ravenclaw
Chapter 47: A Long-Dreaded Visit
Chapter 48: A Boost Of Bravery
Chapter 49: Prophet News and Fun in Potions
Chapter 50: The Halloween Dance
Chapter 51: Scorpius Hosts Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 52: Therapy Session
Chapter 53: The Quidditch Match
Chapter 54: One Word DRAMA
Chapter 55: Confessing To Rose
Chapter 56: Christmas with Holly and Albus
Chapter 57: A Troublesome Train Ride
Chapter 58: The Butterbeer Malfunction
Chapter 59: Possible Fancying And A Renewed Friendship
Chapter 60: The Boy With The Silver Eyes
Chapter 61: The Return Of A Familiar Map
Chapter 62: Facing What Needs To Be Done
Chapter 63: The Last Trip To Hogwarts
Chapter 64: Finding Hope Again And Another Surprise
Chapter 65: Opening The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 66: That's Not A Rock
Chapter 67: Rose Has An Epiphany
Chapter 68: The Lion Badger Eagle and Snake
Chapter 69: The Mysterious Traitor and Scorpius's Mistake
Chapter 70: Tension On The Rise
Chapter 71: The Eve Of The Prophecy
Chapter 72: It Begins
Chapter 73: Controlling The Basilisk
Chapter 74: The Betrayal Of Slytherin
Chapter 75: Albus's Plan
Chapter 76: Experts At Avoiding Death
Chapter 77: Running Towards Danger
Chapter 78: A Victory and Loss
Chapter 79: Salazar's Defeat
Chapter 80: Aftermath
Farewell to "19 Years Later"
New Story Announcement/"19 Years Later" Extras

Chapter 20: The Choice To Live

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By MeganWritesBooks

Rose could hear voices talking around her, but for some curious reason she couldn't open her eyes. She knew she'd been asleep for a while, only she didn't know exactly how long. Why couldn't she open her eyes, or move her body? Giving up on trying to move, Rose decided to listen to the voices talking to each other. She estimated there were about four people in the room.

"Doctor, it's been over a year," Rose heard her mother say. What was she talking about? What's been over a year? Was Rose in the hospital?

"We know this, Mrs. Weasley. We're doing everything we can," an unfamiliar, male accented voice replied, who Rose assumed was the doctor. She strained her ears to listen to the intense conversation.

Suddenly, Rose's mother burst into tears and began sobbing. Rose was beginning to get really frightened. Whatever was going on wasn't good.

"Will my sister ever wake up?" a small, depressed voice asked. Rose realized it was Hugo. She barely recognized his voice, which was slightly deeper and had a sad tone to it.

That would explain why Rose couldn't open her eyes or move. She'd been asleep for Merlin knows how long. Why hasn't she woken up yet? Was something wrong with her? Rose could feel her heart pounding with fear, causing the heart monitor to beep faster for a second or two. No one else noticed it.

She heard the doctor sigh. It was one of those, 'I've got bad news,' sighs. "It's hard to say. We expected her to be awake and about months ago. Comas affect everyone differently, especially magically-caused comas."

Rose's heart nearly stopped. She was in a coma. And apparently it's lasted for months. Rose tried to remember what happened to her, but the details were fuzzy. All she remembered was a flash of green light.

Green light. Like from a spell. That explained the part of the doctor's last sentence, especially magically-caused comas. If only Rose could remember what happened to her!

Her mother was still sobbing. Then Rose heard her father say, "What should we do now, Doctor?"

There was a long pause. The wait for the doctor's reply was terrifying. It was like he didn't know what exactly to tell Rose's parents. When even the doctor doesn't know, Rose knew that was bad.

"Well," the doctor finally said. "I can only think of two options. You could either leave her here at St. Mungos in our care and let her decide when to wake up, which would be harder for you financially since you already spent thousands of galleons to keep your daughter in this room for a year and four weeks. Or you can take her home with you," The doctor paused again.

"There's also a third option, but you have to think about this. Being in a coma has damaging effects on the body. As you see for Rose, she's lost over 15 pounds and she hasn't moved once in over a year. If she ever decides to wake up, she won't be able to move for a while due to immobilization for so long. She might not be able to talk or do things on her own. Comas can cause serious after-effects that are hard for patients to recover from. It might even be worse since her coma was caused by the killing curse. I'll give her one more week, but if she doesn't wake up then, we might need to consider letting her go."

A year and four weeks in a coma. Hard for her parents financially. A thousand galleons. Home. Damaging effects on the body. After-effects. One more week, or they're letting her go.

These thoughts swirled around Rose's mind, and it was so overwhelming that it was hard for her to breath. The heart monitor beside her was going crazy, making everyone in the room panic. Rose needed to wake up, but what if she couldn't? If she stayed in her coma, her parents could go bankrupt from keeping her here in St. Mungos. She had two options. And letting go seemed to be the easiest one.

"What's happening to her?!" Hermione wailed, sobbing more. They thought Rose was about to die.

Miss Weasley, wake up, Rose heard a familiar voice in her head. She recognized it immediately.

Professor Snape? Rose thought, trying to communicate to Snape.

Miss Weasley, you need to wake up. Your family needs you. Your friends need you, Snape said.

But...I don't know how to wake up, Rose replied.

Believe you can. Remember what I told you before. Think of your reason for being in this world. You're important to this world, Miss Weasley. Even for reasons you don't know yet, Snape told her. Rose felt his presence in her mind leave.

Wait, Professor Snape! Rose realized she had to do this on her own.

She thought of her parents. They'd be devastated if they lost their only daughter. And Hugo. Who would take care of him at school? And Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny, James, Lily, the rest of the Weasley family. And her best friends, Albus, Holly, and Scorpius.

Scorpius. Her first love.

Rose gasped and opened her eyes. Hers eyes were wide and frantic as she looked around the room at her mother, father, Hugo, and the doctor. They all looked like they'd just seen a ghost.

"Rose!" Her mother, father, and Hugo breathed in awe, then ran to her and tackled her in a hug. Rose groaned slightly as they hugged her stiff body, but then she laughed and smiled with tears in her eyes. Slowly, she lifted both her arms and wrapped them around her family, who were all sobbing with relief.

The doctor smiled and laughed, obviously relieved at the scene. Then he ran out of the room calling for more doctors and nurses.

Ron ripped himself from the hug and ran into the hall, yelling with joy, "Harry! Ginny! She's awake! Thank Merlin, she's awake!"

Running footsteps pounded down the hall, and the door burst open. Harry and Ginny Potter looked around the room until they spotted Rose, then ran to her bed and tackled her into a hug also. Rose was starting to get tired of the hugs.

Then Lily, who looked she'd grown a lot in a year, ran into the room, grinning ear to ear when she saw Rose. Hugo ran to her and sobbed into his best friend/cousins arms. Rose had never seen her brother cry like that before. Shortly after, James walked in, holding a baby girl, who was very tiny and looked only a couple of months old.

Rose gazed at the infant curiously. The baby girl had red hair, like Aunt Ginny, that was tied into a tiny ponytail on top of her head, and her eyes were green, like Uncle Harry's. She looked like Albus with Lily's hair color.

Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry smiled as James walked over to them, handing the baby to them. Rose realized the baby was theirs. She remembered Aunt Ginny was pregnant the last time she saw her.

"Rose, this is your cousin, Ariana Hermione Potter. She was born just five months ago on the first of September," Ginny said with pride, holding her baby daughter on her lap. Ariana was playing with her mother's necklace.

"Yeah, we couldn't believe she was born on the day we went back to Hogwarts. Mum's water broke hours before we were supposed to catch the train, so we all had to be Apparated outside of the school the next day!" Lily said. Everyone laughed, obviously reminiscing that day.

"Yes, that was one crazy day," Uncle Harry said incredulously. Rose couldn't believe she missed something so important like the birth of her new cousin.

"We almost didn't have a name for her," Aunt Ginny said, stroking Ariana's hair. "Luckily Harry let me name a kid for once." She joked, punching her husband's arm playfully. "So we named her Ariana after Dumbledore's sister, whose portrait helped us communicate with Aberforth Dumbledore and actually saved our lives by bringing Harry, Ron, and Hermione back to Hogwarts for the battle."

"And her middle name is Hermione because I'm the best aunt in the world," Hermione joked, then leaned down towards Ariana and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Sure, Hermione, sure," Uncle Harry said sarcastically.

Rose enjoyed watching her family get along so comfortably. She was glad she decided to come back.

"I love you so much, darling," Rose's mother said, holding her and crying into her hair. Then she pulled away and grimaced. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but Rose, as soon as we get home, you are washing your hair."

Rose laughed and grimaced also, thinking about how dirty her hair must be. Of course her mother would say something like that. Then she tried to tell her mother she loved her too, but nothing came out. Rose couldn't talk yet.

"Oh, darling, I'm sorry. Here, this will help," Hermione pulled out her wand and pointed it to Rose's throat, then muttered, "Audio Maxima." (Not a real spell, I made it up lol XD)

Rose felt a warm feeling hit her vocal chords, and then she heard her thought out loud in an echoed version of her voice, "Hey, it works!"

Everyone in the room smiled and laughed. Rose didn't even have to move her mouth to speak; the spell voiced what she wanted to say out loud.

"So how are you feeling, Rose?" Aunt Ginny asked her.

"I'm really stiff. But otherwise, I think I'm alright," the spell helped Rose say.

Aunt Ginny smiled and set her hand on top of Rose's. "I'm glad you're okay. We've all been worried sick. Especially Albus."

Rose's eyes widened. "Albus! Is he alright?" She remembered her and her friends all got hit with killing curses, including Albus.

Ginny glanced at Harry nervously. Then Uncle Harry replied, "He...he was in a coma, like you, for a long time also. He woke up three months ago, but he's still recovering here at the hospital. He doesn't have enough strength to even walk yet, but he just started talking recently."

Rose gulped. "I need to go see him." She shifted a bit to try and sit up, but her parents each put an arm on her to stop her.

"Rose, darling, you can't walk yet. You just woke up from a year-long coma five minutes ago," Her father said. Her mother nodded.

Rose knew she didn't have the strength to walk. She slumped back down on the bed and replied, "Then put me in a wheelchair and take me to him."

~ ~ ~

Wow, this is a REALLY long chapter. I hope you liked it though. :)

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