The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

6 She's in Town

6.6K 257 391
By melantha123

POV Anna

Last evening I spoke with Elsa on the phone. She had just visited the famous pasta place and was sharing me every detail of it. It's a really nice restaurant called 'Beauty and Tramp's' which I'm totally going to visit on my next holiday.

Elsa said that she won't come back to Burgess this Christmas because she still has some time to travel. I can't wait to see her again on January! We have so much catching up to do.

Today is time for my first actual performance on stage. We've been just studying some stuff from books, like from the history of acting, singing and other boring stuff. We're practicing for a musical that's going to happen on Valentines day. It's not yet the time for me to practice some comedy making because first we're doing this project in school. After that we can focus into our own genres.

When I got into class I see some older student's setting up the stage already. Then I felt someone bumping into me and I fell down.

"Oh gosh! I'm terribly sorry!" A guy says and pulls me up. He is handsome, he has short auburn hair and dreamy green eyes of his are imprisoning me.

"I-it was nothing," I giggled when I'm still holding his hand. My cheek's are warming up and he chuckles a bit.

"My name is Hans Southisle," he grins and kisses my hand.

"I'm Anna Arendelle," I smile to him. I see him picking up some staging equipment from floor like couple of lights.

"Can I help?" I grinned to him.

"Sure but it's normally older student's job to do it.. I mean I am studying staging," he chuckles and gives me one of the lights.

"That's so awesome," I grinned.

"Sometimes I just wish that," he started.

"Wish that you could full fill your dreams?" I squealed and he nodded his head while we climbed on the stage.

"It's great how we end each others--," he started saying.

"Sandwiches!" I cheered and he laughed.

"Yeah! So want to grab lunch together later?" Hans smiled and I said yes.

POV Punzie

Today is a day off from work which is really great for once in a while. It's the beginning of December. I'm enjoying some quality time baking some cookies and later I'm planning on eating some of them while drinking some hot chocolate. Crawling under a warm blanket and reading a book is also a part of the plan.

The sound of dew drops interrupted my perfect peaceful moment and I lean forward from my couch. My phone started beeping and I knew that sound really well. It's Station 313's Whatsup group that's doing this annoying beeping and ruining my moment.

Jack: "Stop the thing whatever you were doing! Big important announcement coming up!"

Hiccup: "Can't I rinse off the shampoo first? -_-"

Merida: "What the f! Hiccs! Stop taking your phone to shower!"

Hicc: "I have intelligent shower. It has screen. You know."

Merida: "I have no idea of YOUR shower!"

Jack: "HEY! The announcement!"

Hiro: "Whazzup"

Jack: "Shut up."

Hiro: "Srry."

Punzie: "Well? My hot chocolate is soon ice chocolate."

Jack: " Bring it to me, I love cool stuff :P . Speaking of which. THE ICE IS THICK ENOUGH!"

Merida: "...."

Hiro: "We're going skating?"

Jack: "Heck yea! See u in 1hour?"

Hicc: "Fine. I'll finish my shower."

Merida: "Already going. See u all in park!"

Hiro: "What park?"

Jack: "Near my house, there's a pond. Punz, pick up the newbie?"

Punzie: "I'm there in 40 minutes Hiro."

Hiro: "Thanks! J"

I guess that my pajama day ended in short. Ice skating is fun though and I jump up from the couch quickly.

The fact that my closet is a disaster zone isn't a surprise for anyone. Eugene is always teasing me about it. Well, my house is clean but my closet is looking like it's stuffed full. Searching for a pair of pink ice skates sounds easy but actually it isn't.

"Haha! Found you!" I cheered when I saw my skates hanging from the top shelf. I start to climb up and I reach to them. Suddenly I feel how my heart skipped a beat when I lost the shelf from under my foot when I was climbing.

"Eeek!" I screamed when I fall down from my closet. Gladly my ice skates dropped next to me and I managed to crawl from under the pile of things that we're falling down like a tree.

The pile of my stuff, including some already finished books, painting equipment and so on are laying on the floor of my entry hall. "Uh.. Well.. let me just put them back to closet and get on with my getting ready," I laughed nervously as I started to push the items back. The amount of it all was going around me, the diameter as one feet and it was so high that it almost was all the way up to my knees.

"I - really - need - to - put - on.. A YARD SALE!" I shouted as I pushed everything back except the ice skates.

I placed a note to myself about not to open the closet door if I don't want to get squashed. When I looked at the time I still had about 10 minutes to get ready and I go to change quickly.

I hurried so I could get to Hiro's apartment in time since it's quite a long travel from my parent's house to Burgess city centre.

Hiro was carrying his ice skates on his shoulder as he runs out from his apartment building. I open up the passenger door for him and he gets inside. "Welcome to the ride!" I grinned and he chuckles.

"Now you're officially part of us when we go to our first ice skating for this year. You know that's it's our tradition that we go to skate every winter and many times?" I smiled when I started the car.

"No. Why?" Hiro laughs and I chuckled.

"Well, it's because Jack loves it. I remember how he dragged us all to skate on our first year of training to be firemen. That really helped me, him and Hiccup becoming friends. His other choice of career would have been ice hockey player but instead he decided to cool down some flames than being on the cold ice rings," I told to Hiro who listened.

"Whoa, so he is really good?" Hiro gulped.

"Yup. When his little sister was learning to dance, he went to ice hockey practices," I winked my eye.

I parked my car in front of Jack's apartment building and I paid for parking. It had been snowing for whole week and the weather had cooled off a lot. We heard how there were families in the park, there were mostly kids doing snowmen, skating and having snowball fights.

"Punz! Hiro!" I heard Jack calling and I see him running out from his apartment building. We waved our hands and I took my ice skates from my car.

"Hiccup and Merida went ahead while I was sharpening the blades," Jack grinned and showed us his old ice skates. He had used the same ones for years since he thinks that there aren't any better ones existing.

"Have you told GoGo about your feelings yet?" Jack chuckled and looks at Hiro who went red.

"Who is GoGo?" I questioned.

"No one!" Hiro shouted and then he glared at Jack. "Oops," Jack laughed and starts to run at the path leading to the park. Hiro starts chasing him and tries to catch Jack.

"What did you do this time!"Hiccup shouts to Jack who runs behind of him. Jack is just laughing and circling around Hiccup while Hiro is trying to catch him.

"Jack mentioned some GoGo and Hiro went berserk," I grinned as I met everyone. Merida was putting her skates on and Hiccup tried to stand on his ice skates blades while Jack was using him as his human shield against Hiro.

"That explains it," Hiccup chuckled and Hiro groaned. Then I see how Hiro distracted Jack by going first to left and Jack went to the opposite direction. However Hiro was smart and turned himself around quickly. Now he got a hold of Jack.

"Just chill," Jack gasped when Hiro grabbed his hoodie's collar.

"You're the one who is chilling," Hiro grinned and pushed Jack into snow.

"SNOW WASH!" Hiro shouted and started to stuff snow into Jack's face.

"That's how it's done," Merida smirked deviously while she watched the scene. I started to laugh when Jack finally stood up. His clothes were covered in snow and he ruffled his hair so most of the snow would go out from his head.

"Whoa, that sure was cooling," Jack chuckled and Hiro started to laugh after being serious for a while.

I giggled a bit and when Jack went to put on his ice skates on the ice I pulled Hiro to a bench with me. "So, when you're ready I would like to hear more of this GoGo," I grinned to Hiro who blushed.

"Y-yeah, sure," Hiro smiles nervously and starts putting on his skates.

Jack was already skating with Merida and Hiccup when we joined with them. Hiro was struggling a bit and I gave my hand to him. Soon he got the hang of it and he dared to challenge Jack and Hiccup.

"Could Punzie give us the countdown?" Jack smiles and I nodded my head when I skated next to the boys. "You're the judge Mer!" Hiccup laughed and Merida rolled her eyes when she took some distance to us. Now we had a small ice skating competition going on.

"I just warn you, I can figure out the best techniques to skate easily," Hiro said cockily to Hiccup and Jack who started to laugh.

"Yeah yeah, just keep yourself away from the middle of the pond. You see that thin ice sign?" Jack pointed at a sign that was telling people not to skate further. The ice was crowded today and everyone was careful to not go there gladly.

"Yup. I can handle it," Hiro grinned. He seemed happy today which was great.

"Alright boys! On three!" I shouted and I see them getting ready by leaning bit down on their knees.

"One, two," I begun to count. "THREE!" I yelled and then they started to skate towards Merida. At first Hiccup was leading but then Hiro passed him.

"I'm so gonna win!" Hiro cheered on the halfway of the 50 feet distance from starting line to finish. Jack was moving calmly but then I see the fire burning in his eyes. I heard him laughing when he started taking strong kicks from ice, he moved his arms from his side to side as he was gaining speed.

Jack passed them both just before the finish line.

"WHO IS THE SKATING MASTER!" Jack shouted. Hiro and Hiccup came to finish line right behind of Jack and were panting.

"Well judge?" Jack grinned to Merida who sighed.

"And the winner is.. JACK!" Merida shouted and I laughed to the sight where Jack was skating around Hiro and Hiccup who were fallen on the ice. They were tired but Jack looked like it was nothing.

"That was a really good race!" I smiled to the boys when I arrived.

"How about a girls race? We sure would love to watch," Jack smiled slyly and I glance at Merida.

"Yeah, cat fight!" Hiccup panted and I see Merida getting ready to snap at him when I heard a scream.

"MY POOR BABY!" A woman screams and we all turn around to look at the edge of the pond. There's a woman crying, she's dressed on pink winter coat and she has brown hair.

I skate at the edge of the pond with my friends. Then I jump to the snow and carefully walk towards her even though my steps are wobbling. "What's wrong!" I ask from the woman and I look into her sad eyes.

"S-sofia," she whispers and points at the pond. Then I notice a little girl in the middle of the pond.

"J-Jack," I muttered and pointed at the girl with the woman. Jack's eyes widen and he turns around. Now everyone sees it, how the ice is getting wet underneath the girl.

"We will get her out!"Jack tells to the woman who whimpered.

"Yup, don't worry. We're firemen having a day off," Hiccup smiles reassuringly to the woman who nodded her head gratefully.

"MUM!" The girl cries and tries to move. The woman is yelling her that everything is going to be fine soon. I look at the girl with shoulder length auburn colored wavy hair. She is shivering from fear.

"STAY! Don't move!" Jack shouts to the girl and I join with the others quickly.

"I'll go and get the ice saving raft from fire station's truck," Merida says and is about to leave when Jack stops her.

"It's too far, she doesn't have that long. There's only one option," Jack bites his lower lip and looks at us.

"You have some stupid idea again?" Merida sighs and Jack laughs.

Jack turns to look at Hiro, "Here are my house keys. There's a big rope hanging on the entry hall of the building. Go and get it?" Hiro nodded his head and runs out from the ice. He takes his skates off and runs on the cold ground with just his socks on.

"You're not planning what I think you're planning?" I gulped as Jack started to skate on ponds edge. He gets something from the edge and I see him returning with a stick. We hear how the woman is trying to calm down her daughter who is crying, begging for someone to save her.

Viewers are lining up near the edge and gasping when they see the girl in trouble. I'm hearing the small cracking sound as the ice is giving in. Merida went with Hiccup to get people away from the ice.

"I HAVE THE ROPE!" Hiro shouts and runs to me and Jack. He hands the rope to Jack who ties it around his waist.

"I'm getting her out. Can I trust that you get me out?" Jack smiles to us and places his hands on our shoulders.

"W-what?" I ask from him. He just chuckles and turns away, he is skating towards the thin ice area and I see the rope following him. I jump on the ice and I grab the end of the rope.

Hiro goes with me closer to the scene where Jack is slowly closing the girl. He has taken off his ice skates and then he slipped. He cursed a bit and then took off his socks.

"W-why is he doing that?" Hiro asks as Jack is slowly walking towards the girl. He is taking the stick that he accidentally dropped before and I hear him laughing.

The girl is sobbing when Jack got closer. I feel the ice crack underneath me and I take a couple steps back. "We can't go closer. We're the ones who pull him out if.. if," I whispered.

"Hey. Why are you crying?" I heard Jack shouting and the girl stopped her crying. Jack is testing the ice under him before going forward. He is not going straight but he is more of jumping from point to point.

"I'm going to fall," the girl cried and Jack hummed. "No you're not.. uh.. What was your name again? My name is Jackson Overland, but friends call me Jack Frost. Funny huh?" Jack laughs and I heard him gasping when he stepped on ice that gave in under him. He lifts his leg from the icy water which he stared.

"You can do it Jack!" I yelled to him and now Merida and Hiccup turn around. They seem shocked when they noticed what's going on.

"N-name is Sofia. I'm eight," the girl whimpered and tried to move. I see how a crack is spreading underneath her and water is rinsing out from the crack.

"Alright Sof, we're going to play a game while I'm coming to get you. You just stand still and count. Is that fine with you? "Jack said gently.

"How did you know that mum calls me Sof?" The girl asked and Jack laughed.

"You look like a Sof. Now.. let's play some hop scotch.. I'll start.. one," Jack said and he jumped forward.

"Two," Sofia said when Jack jumped again.

"And --," Sofia smiled when Jack laughed and moved once again.

"THREE!" Jack shouted and I see him reaching the g-ended stick towards the girl when he jumped. With one pull he managed to throw the little girl to thick ice. I'm holding the end of the rope since Jack was himself being thrown towards the centre.

"You're safe," Jack smiled to the little girl and he stood up.

At first it sounded like a harmless crack that a nut does when you open up it's shell but soon it got louder and clearer. Now it was reminding me of the sound what a wood does when you throw it on fire, slowly it was reminding me of the sound of burning forest.

"JACK!" I shouted when I see Jack's expression getting fearful. He looks down and I see how the ice gives in under him. He falls into the cold water, yelling that I need to let go from the rope.

The rope is pulling me after him and I feel how the ice gives in slightly under me. Instead of letting go I squeezed the rope tighter. It was like the feeling of hope that the arm around my arm felt, Hiro had managed to dive in behind of me, he was holding me so my whole body wouldn't go under water.

I couldn't see Jack, he had disappeared under the ice. The same current was trying to pull me after him.

"GET THEM!" Merida shouted to Hiccup as they both run to help us. My body felt so cold when they were pulling us up. When they got me out from the water my body was wet from waist down. It was freezing and my body was numb but I kept on pulling the rope.

Then Jack's lifeless body came to surface. He wasn't moving as we pulled him on top of the ice. Some civilians run to help us to pull him up.

"We called for ambulance!" A man tells as he is helping us pull Jack on the edge of the pond.

"Please don't be dead," I whispered as I witnessed the ambulance staff pulling off his hoodie. They're starting to give him CPR. The mother of the girl named Sofia was crying and thanking Jack for what he had done. She was praying that Jack would survive.

The staff from another ambulance come to me, they want to take me to hospital too since I took a dip in the water too. "No! I don't want to go!" I shouted and they backed off.

However when I managed to get free from the insistent paramedics, I noticed that the other ambulance's doors are being shut. They're already taking Jack to hospital.

"You need to go to hospital! They're taking Jack too, trying to save him," Hiro tells me as he runs to me. I nodded my head and we jumped into the other ambulance. Now we were all headed towards hospital. Me and Hiro on the other car. Merida, Hiccup and Jack on the other one.

How could a day of fun turn into something like this? Hiro seems as worried as I am. The paramedics are giving me a blanket on the way, to get me warm again.

POV Elsa

Just a week ago Chief Corona called me. He asked if I could start sooner since one of his crew is unable to do his work for some reason. I agreed to and now I'm here, back in Burgess and ready to put down some fires.

The whole station seems quiet when I entered from the doors. Perhaps because I arrived here early before my shift starts. There's none Christmas decorations to be seen even though it would be in just couple of days.

"So you're the new recruit," someone spoke. I was just looking at the fire truck and I startled. "Y-yes," I said and I look into a guy, he is tall and he has messy brown hair. His green eyes are checking on me and I smile to him but he just hums.

"My name is--," I was about to say when he walked past me.

I turn around and I cross my arms, "That's rude!" I shouted and he turns around.

"Yeah. I don't care about your name," he says bitterly.

I lifted my eyebrow, "I'll speak with the chief about your attitude. Where's he anyway? Chief Corona promised that he would show me the place and --."

The guy started to laugh coldly. "Well, unfortunately you started early because the chief is the one who is gone."

I flinched. "Anyway," he started. "Follow me, I'll show you where you can put that stuff of yours and Chief has a letter for you in the office of his. He said something that you should call him when you arrive," he says and I follow him into dressing room.

The guy throws his stuff into a locker and I read his name. "Nice to meet you Hiccup. I'm Elsa Arendelle," I smiled but he slammed his locker door close and goes out from the dressing room.

I found one locker empty and I put my little amount of things to there. Just some spare clothes. Rest of my things are still in Anna's care because I arrived just this morning here with a bus.

There wasn't anyone except me and Hiccup at the fire station as I went to upstairs. Mr Corona's office was dark when I entered and I put on the lights. I knew his office since I had visited the station before my touring around the USA.

The seal on the letter was easy to open. He had left it on his desk like he said. The envelope felt heavy and I turn it around, I see how a key drops to the desk and then I take the papers out. There's my working contract as well as some address and information of my work place.

I called to Chief Corona right after opening the letter. "Oh, so you've now arrive?" Corona said friendly.

"Yes. What's this key?" I asked as I looked at it.

"Well. You don't have an apartment, do you?" Corona questioned.

"N-no," I replied. I was planning to stay at the fire station until I get an apartment.

"There's an address. The person who used to live there.. well.. he doesn't need it right now," Mr. Corona told me.

"Ms. Arendelle. I must tell you that the employees at that station are not usually so grumpy. Something just happened few days ago," he sighed.

"Hiccup told me that something happened to the chief," I said curiously.

"Yes. H-he is gone now but I hope that you can deal with the rest of the team anyway. There's no chief chosen at the moment and no one has volunteered," he sighed.

"I understand. Thank you Mr. Corona."

When we ended the call I went downstairs. Now there were more people and they all looked at me like I was the enemy. No one wanted to get to know me so I had to figure out their names during the working day.

The one who was always working around the fire truck was Merida. She had wild curls in her fiery red hair. Rapunzel was the one who remained silent, she seemed sad. She had beautiful green eyes and sweet face, her brown hair was cut roughly.

Then there was Hiccup who was most of the time chatting about the best ways to put down the flames with a kid called Hiro. Hiro had dark brown eyes and black messy hair. He was the shortest and skinny but seems smart.

Me? Well I kept on myself and I looked around the station. I was figuring out where we rest and where I get myself a suit. As soon as I got near any of them, they just went to other place or ignored me. Fitting in will be a challenge.

There was no alarm today at work which was actually good since I needed to find out about everything by my own.

It was dark when the working day ended. The weather is quite cold and snowflakes are falling down as I'm walking towards the apartment which Chief Corona let me borrow.

When I'm looking at the map I realize that I can take a short cut through a park and I decided to take it. The street lamps are lighting up the path and I see some couples sitting on park benches and there's some parents watching their kids skating on ice. The park seems popular one.

After opening the door leading inside the apartment building I go inside. The apartment is on upper floor and I start going up the stairs.

The apartment itself was a bit sterile looking to my taste. Most of the decoration seemed like from some magazine with the steel surfaces and colors of black, gray and white.

When I went to living room I saw a note on the table which I took.

'I cleaned the place up a bit with my wife. There's enough room for your clothes. -Chief Corona.'

"Room for my clothes?" I wondered and started checking out the place. In the bedroom I see a double bed, it had been recently done and when I got to the closet in the bedroom I noticed that the shelves were empty.

However a single guitar is resting on a shelf and I reach towards it. It's a really nice one, well maintained. "Odd that your owner left you here," I grinned and then I brought the guitar with me to living room. I placed it onto table and I admired it for a moment.

Tomorrow I'll get my things from Anna's school where she has been keeping them until now. Now I'm just too tired since traveling on a bus for one night and going directly to work after wasn't nice at all.

The kitchen was really nice one and Chief Corona had left the kitchenware in it's place gladly. I poured my takeaway noodles on a bowl and then I started eating while walking around the apartment.

Television was also big and I decided to watch a movie before going to sleep. There was one movie called 'Paranormal Activity' on channel five and I decided to watch it. I had carried the blanket from the bed to cover me as I laid on the couch and watched it.

My eyes shut for a moment and I startled back to awake. I stretched out, "Whoa I'm so tired this evening." I yawned and stayed there, watching the film.

Again my eyes pressed shut and when I opened them I saw something odd. "I-is that a snowflake?" I whispered as something shimmering was floating in the air. Then it landed on my nose and it felt cool for a moment.

More snowflakes are falling down and I gasped. "It can't be snowing in the inside!" I spoke to myself and then I shut my eyes tightly. When I opened them up again the snow had disappeared.

"Okay, Elsa, time to go to get some sleep," I muttered myself as I went towards bed. Seeing things is not paranormal. I'm just tired. Yup. That's it. "I'm just imagining while I'm tired," I reassured myself.


Jack went under water. What do you think that happened afterwards?

Oh.. BTW. What type of online, free messaging systems do you have on your PC/Phone etc? LOL. I had only Skype and Whatsup earlier this year. Now I have Skype, Whatsup, Wechat, Kik, Viber, Snapchat.. Does Instagram count? Facebook and.. umm.. maybe that was it?

You don't have to tell your id's here and.. please don't. I just want to hear which you do use ^^. But you can send me a PM of those. I may give you my id's but.. probably not to Whatsup or Viber because those use my phone number :3. And my FB is a secret. Just a few of you know my name and yeah.. It's weird if I add maaaaany people to my FB from abroad xD.

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