We bare bears

By lucydragon655

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If you have seen we bare bares. I will do each of the characters from we bare bears. More

Grizzly bear

Ice bear

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By lucydragon655

Ice bear is the youngest of the tio, but is, undoubtedly, the strongest and, in some respects, the most mature of them. He was able to rescue his older brothers from certain death without too much hassle and is quick to jump into action if he finds a threat arising. He cares for both of his brothers dearly. He tends to do most of the chores of the house, though he doesn't seem to mind this. Despite his willingness to pitch in where the others don't, he still takes days off to relax and unwind. Not only is he a smart and strong bear, but he's also essential to the Bears' brotherhood.


Ice Bear is characterized as monotone and acerbic.

Ice Bear is almost always distant and emotionless, though not inherently unfriendly. He seems to not be very conversant, as Ice Bear generally speaks in one-liners and very vague sentences and responds through action instead. Despite usually being mute, Ice Bear is notably more observant and has a better keen sense of danger than his brothers. This is most prominently demonstrated in the episode "Nom Nom", when he was the only one who could see through Nom Nom's celebrity personality and thus realize his dark intentions. Ice Bear is also very intellectual, as demonstrated in the episode "My Clique".

When Ice Bear actually speaks, which is not so common, he uses the third-person pronoun instead of "I", "Me", "Myself" etc. For example, if he wants to say "I need some water right now," he will, instead say "Ice Bear needs some water right now," (the habit coming from Yuri himself). Though seen throughout every episode where he has a speaking role, his struggle to use first-person pronouns is most notably seen in "The Audition". It has also been shown Ice Bear's voice is rather monotone, even when he is excited. Despite his stoic nature, he cares deeply for his brothers, taking care of them by doing most of the chores around the cave. In addition, Ice Bear appears to be very concerned with hygiene and cleanliness. Ice Bear has also been shown to be multilingual, as shown in episodes such as "Our Stuff", "My Clique", and "Video Date", to name a few. He is also somewhat interested in physical activity and has a keen interest in the cold; Ice Bear sleeps in the fridge and seems to love being on cold surfaces. He is also very interested in yoga, dancing, karate, and many other similar activities while he also spends a lot of time reading and tinkering with robotics.

As mentioned, Ice Bear does not like to show his emotions and he doesn't smile much. He is seen smiling in the episode Cupcake Job. However, he was forced to smile, not out of willingness. He is also seen smiling in the episode I Am Ice Bear, but that is because he has amnesia after knocking himself into a tree. From the instances listed above, it is obvious that Ice Bear will not take the initiative to smile.

While he is undeniably strong, on several occasions Ice Bear hints that he is not to be crossed. However, under this tough image he is still compassionate and likes to help others, often assuming the role of a protector, as notably demonstrated in "Bear Cleanse". Ice Bear is also mysterious, doing many usual and unusual things with his brothers barely noticing, like building a robot clone of himself, and it is hinted in details (like background art) that there is a bit of action in his life that goes on secretly or off-screen.

Although it's a very rare occurrence, even Ice Bear can get angry. He still keeps his stoic nature, even when furious, which makes these few incidents all the more chilling.

Ice Bear spends a lot of time by himself relaxing or working on personal projects. Typically, he dislikes it when his brothers disturb him when he's in the middle of his moments of solitude. Though he does not like being bothered during his alone time, he dislikes being left out even less. He was unhappy when his brothers wanted to hang out with Nom Nom rather than him, and got angry when he thought they intentionally went to a baseball game without him.

Ice Bear seems to have an affinity for the color white. In "Chloe and Ice Bear" he seems excited to see the albino alligator, in "Fashion Bears" he chose an all-white attire for his clothes, in "Cellie" he is quick to snatch Panda's phone to take a picture of a white dog, and in "Assembly Required" he takes a white stuffed animal stating that he needs it.

While not showing it most of the time, Ice Bear is shown to greatly care about his brothers. As the series goes on, Ice has been shown to be visibly scared about their well being whenever he knows that danger is afoot and that could harm them, or worse. When Grizz sacrificed himself to dispose of the Jean Jacket, he held a crying Panda while he too cried (on the inside). In the Episode "Nom Nom" he is greatly scared when realizing that Nom Nom planned to use his brothers to regain fame and fortune and not care if they are scared for life or even dead. In the VR experience when they thought they were gonna crash into the Sun and Panda locked him and Grizz in the escape pod and launched them back to earth after realizing it could only fit two people, Ice Bear, along with Grizzly, is shown to be very scared for Panda's apparent demise to the point of crying with Grizz. He is relieved upon realizing that it was just a simulation and Panda was alright.

Daniel Chong has stated that the inspiration for Ice Bear's personality comes from Snoopy from Peanuts, Gromit from Wallace & Gromit, Abed from Community, and himself.


Ice Bear is truly a jack of all trades, as he possesses the apparent natural ability to do many skills one would need to practice for years in order to accomplish. Ice Bear is truly no ordinary polar bear.


Though Ice Bear may not speak very much, actions speak louder than words. He has shown to be capable of creating fully functioning machines, such as the Robot Bear in "Panda's Sneeze" or completely destroying and remaking the Roomba in "Everyday Bears". Though he's still a little rusty on machine-making, he demonstrates his quick thinking in several episodes, a prime example being in "Nom Nom". After being stuck in a large hole overnight, the Mailman soon arrives with a package for Grizzly. Knowing full well he'd fall into the hole as well, he positions himself to catch the Mailman. After seeing what he had delivered, he gets the idea to use the item, a Chop-o Choppa Copter, to fly himself out of the hole and rescue his brothers.

Though his speech is limited, Ice Bear is often shown to be a polyglot. Such as in "My Clique" when meeting Mr. and Mrs. Park, Ice Bear began to speak full sentences in Korean. In "Icy Nights" when talking to Yana, Ice Bear reverted his sentences from Russian to English, vice versa. When working at Teppan Yaki, he is heard greeting his customers in Japanese. While he was pretending to be Panda in "Video Date" he spoke to Celine in French. He also seems to be able to communicate with other animals such as birds in "Our Stuff". Though it is unknown how we learned all of these languages, he most likely learned Russian from Yuri.


Strength is one of Ice Bear's strong points. He has been shown to possess incredible amounts of physical strength. This can be shown in "Panda's Date" when he lifts a boulder with relative ease or in "Viral Video" when he's easily able to lift Grizzly and slam him onto the ground. Being on the bottom of the Bears' stack also clearly proves Ice Bear's massive strength to carry his older brothers around for long periods of time without any signs of fatigue. He is the only character strong enough to overpower Ralph and beat him into submission easily.

However, despite being incredibly strong, he never seems to use that strength for fighting. He's seen acting very defensively, especially of his brothers, when faced with physical conflict. This passive nature can be seen in "Brother Up" when, despite there being only two wolves who are much smaller than him, he doesn't fight back. Ice Bear seems to try and avoid physical conflicts as much as possible. However, when facing situations forcing him to go violence, he is shown to be very forceful and fierce as demonstrated when he twists Ralph's hand to make him leave the cave or when he destroys Barry's robot minions with savage power and strength. When facing Barry's robot minions, he is shown to be strong enough to punch through metal.

Grizzly bear

Grizzly and Ice Bear are (adoptive) brothers. Ice Bear is also shown to be close to Grizzly in episodes such as "Jean Jacket", where Grizzly sacrificed himself and Ice Bear cried (on the inside), or in "Viral Video" where he hugged Grizzly upon his return... Then he slammed him onto the ground for ditching him and Panda. Ice Bear was also seen close, literally, to him in "Occupy Bears" and "Hibernation", and also in the cub episodes. In "Emergency", Grizzly knew all Ice Bear needed was alone time after finding him at the skating rink. Grizzly acts much like a leader figure to both Panda and Ice Bear, in which he is the older brother. He seems to hold a degree of respect for Ice Bear, and especially loves his food, to the point where he attempted to make a profit off it in the episode "Food Truck". Although there are times when Ice Bear can disagree with Grizzly, Ice Bear still cares about him and still helps him in times of need. Ice Bear is shown to be very protective of Grizzly in "Nom Nom".

Panda Bear

Panda and Ice Bear enjoying a video of Grizzly they recorded.

Ice Bear and Panda are(adoptive) brothers. They are able to bear stack as a way of traveling faster. They've been shown to be very close, such as in "Jean Jacket", when Ice Bear and Grizzly were extremely upset after Panda got smacked and when he consoled him after Grizzly's sacrifice. He also voluntarily stepped in to assist Panda in "Brother Up" and has shown great emotion after being separated from both of his brothers in the cub episodes. Ice Bear is shown to be very protective of Panda, as shown in "Nom Nom". They are shown working together to stop Grizzly's obsession with the burrito in "Burrito", and in the short, "Bear Cleaning", when they posed and took several selfies with Grizzly's clump of fur before putting it back. In "Hibernation" and "Panda's Sneeze" alike, they were shown bonding with each other. In the former, they were shown reading facts to each other about their respective species, and in the latter, Ice Bear had blushed when Panda asked if he thought his sneeze was cute, and later, at the cute-off, Ice Bear gave him a rose and called him precious.

Chloe Park

Ice Bear protecting Chloe from the Albino Alligator.

First seen breaking into their house for investigation in "Chloe", Ice Bear and his brothers have since befriended her. In "My Clique", he and the other Bears tended to Chloe to help her make friends, with him saying, "Ice Bear will make them love Chloe."[3] The lesson he proceeded to teach her to help her make friends, combined with Panda's and Grizzly's, caused her next attempt at making some friends go away, and she ended up walking home in embarrassment. In "Chloe and Ice Bear", the two spend some quality time together as Chloe tries to find something Ice Bear finds fun. They end up visiting the Natural Science Museum to see the Albino Alligator exhibit, to which, upon arrival at the exhibit, the museum is closed. When the alligator won't come out, Chloe hops down and tries to lure it out with a sandwich, worrying Ice Bear. He hops in after her and shields her from the alligator when it comes out and stares at them. After all, is said and done, the two head home together, tuckered out. He seems to spend the most time with her individually out of all of the bears. "Everyone's Tube" shows that the two like spending time together, indicating that they became closer after the events in "Chloe and Ice Bear" as they shop together and notice a piano. Chloe sings while Ice Bear plays a tune on the piano. She and Ice Bear build a potato launcher in "The Demon" and end up launching her jacket over the fence into her neighbor's yard where his dog (known as The Demon), has taken the jacket into the house. Despite his fear of the rabid dog, Ice Bear was willing to help Chloe get back the jacket knowing how important it was to her. "The Perfect Tree" also shows them getting a tree together while Panda and Grizzly stay behind to decorate the house. In "Hurricane Hal", the two were shown roller skating together and while trying to get away from the rain, they go underground in the sewer tunnels but accidentally ended up in a subway tunnel. When Chloe ends up nearly getting run over by the train, Ice Bear stands in front of her despite knowing his attempt at protecting her is futile but decides to die along with her (luckily the train stopped in time due to a power out and they survived). This proves the two have a strong bond to the point where Ice Bear would rather die than allow any harm to come to her.

Of the three, Ice Bear seems to have the closest bond to her, almost acting as a big brother to her at times.

Nom Nom

Ice Bear and Nom Nom fighting over a bottle of ketchup.

Ice Bear grows a hatred for Nom Nom very quickly after seeing how poorly he treated Grizzly in "Viral Video" and both of his brothers in "Nom Nom". Unlike the other Bears, Ice Bear maintains this attitude towards him consistently throughout the series. Its also been shown his hatred is ever-growing, as in "Nom Nom", his brothers start to look to Nom Nom more as he manipulates them. He even ended up painting Ice Bear in a bad light to his brothers in order to get his way. During the night, when Ice Bear snuck out, suspicious of Nom Nom, he was shocked to find that Nom Nom's plan consisted of potentially murdering Panda and Grizzly. Before Ice Bear could go and stop the plan, however, Nom Nom made him fall into a ditch and covered it up, the other two Bears unaware of what had happened. The next day, when Nom Nom put his plan into action and almost succeeded, he lost control of the sharks he planned to use and ended up almost killed alongside Grizzly and Panda, however, with the help of a helicopter Grizzly had ordered a few days prior, Ice Bear was able to fly over to the event and save his brothers, throwing Nom Nom into a cotton-candy mixer in the process.

Even when Ice Bear has always been the most reluctant of the three bears in trust in Nom Nom, from the third season onwards looks like he's disposed to give him another chance, telling that he's expecting for a redemptive arc for Nom Nom in the episode "The Nom Nom Show", and even acting with him in "Crowbar Jones: Origins". All points that, as long as Nom Nom is redeeming himself and treating Grizz in a better way, Ice Bear is disposed to get along better with him.


Ice Bear letting Lucy ride him on a merry-go-round.

Ice Bear and Lucy are friends. They met in "Panda's Date" when Lucy saved Panda's life after a moderate allergy attack. When the three Bears went to hang out with Lucy, Ice Bear genuinely enjoyed the time they spent, both him and Grizzly unaware of Panda's negative reactions to the whole thing.


Charlie asking Ice Bear to blow his hand for good luck.

Charlie made a bad first impression to Ice Bear, as a majority of what Charlie did in "Charlie" aggravated him; from being overall disgusting and messy to ruining his dinner and making a mess of the cave, it's not surprising Ice Bear didn't like him very much. Both in "Brother Up" and "Charlie and the Snake", Ice Bear doesn't appear to be warming up to him as he still appears to be annoyed with Charlie's antics. In "Charlie Ball", however, it is shown that Ice Bear is starting to warm up to him, as shown when he allows Charlie to substitute for Panda in a game of basketball after he get injured and requests to play with Charlie against Grizzly and Panda since he wants to win.


Ice Bear had met Annie in "Yard Sale" when he could sense her distress from going into labor. He had rushed to her side and coaxed her into doing breathing exercises. He also instructed Panda to stand by her side as a fill-in for her unconscious husband.


While not much was shown, it was clearly obvious that Ice Bear spent his childhood with Yuri. Ice Bear treated him like a father while Yuri treated him like a son. Ice Bear, however, never saw him again when Yuri chopped up a part of where Ice Bear was standing and sent him away from land.


Ice Bear and Yana seem to have a rather complicated relationship. They're implied to have lived a life of action in the past, but due to an incident, they have since broken up. Yana is resentful towards Ice Bear for this and isn't easily trusting of him. However, she still holds feelings for him, even if she doesn't show it. In Icy Nights II, it is shown that Yana is the daughter of Yuri.


Barry is Ice Bear's arch-enemy and the only villain so far that makes Ice Bear resort to extreme violence due to his murderous nature and greediness after his involvement in stealing Roomba's advanced technology by force. Compared to Nom Nom and Ralph, he is the type of villain Ice Bear takes great caution when facing in which making Nom Nom and Ralph looks like an insignificant annoyance.


Isaac is a former competitor to Ice Bear. Both are tall, talented chefs and martial arts as you can see in "Bros In The City" they were fighting each other because the knot that tied up to the oven by Isaac make them lose the rope and making their oven to crash down, the end of the episode they have the same cookbook "Cooking with Martha" then they hugged each other and became friends . In the Episode "The Mall", they participate in the Ice Skating Competition and both won the gold medal. Isaac sleeps in a walk-in closet and Ice Bear sleeps in a fridge. They have the same voice actor.

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